Line holders

It is not the same. If someone just "cuts the line" they are taking a spot on the ride that would have been yours, thus, making you wait longer. If you are meeting your family, however, you are taking a spot in their row of seats. Let me provide an example, since you are having trouble understanding this concept. We sit 2-3 to a seat on the Little Mermaid ride and are a family of 5. Therefore, if my four girls go in front of me, and I am not to go on the ride, they would take up two clam shells. When I meet them in the line, we still take up two clam shells. If someone were to actually cut in front of you, on the same ride, they would take up a shell, that would have not been previous accounted for, and therefore cause you to wait longer (probably about 30 seconds). It's simple math.

It's been fun guys, but I can only explain 2+2=4 so many times, before I just have to give up LOL. When a CM tells me I can't meet my family in line, I will totally give up my practices.... I'm sorry I will be continuing to EXTREMELY inconvenience you and you family by having you move a few inches to the side so I can join my family...I never realized how much this slight movement can throw off your entire vacation.... So unit the next thread, or when you see me trying to reach my family in line...

Peace out!

First off to clarify, you joining your family would not bother me as long as you didn't step on my foot, (it has happened-not by you) but it has happened. From this argument it would depend on the ride, some groups of 5 would delay other people's ride, as an example on Buzz at MK, RNR, TSMM etc.

We have had situations were one person had to go to the bathroom or get a drink, we waited at the entrance to the line.
... I'm sorry I will be continuing to EXTREMELY inconvenience you and you family by having you move a few inches to the side so I can join my family...I never realized how much this slight movement can throw off your entire vacation....

I never realized the extreme accuracy that is needed when parking a stroller.
Learn something new every day I guess.

Quick question, If my family arrives at the stroller parking area just after you, would it be ok if I move your empty stroller back JUST ONE SPOT so I can park my stroller where I want? Or would that "throw off your entire vacation"?

I find it interesting that you make a conscious decision to inconvenience people that have nothing to do with your stroller issues rather than have your family all enter the line at the same time.
I never realized the extreme accuracy that is needed when parking a stroller.
Learn something new every day I guess.

Quick question, If my family arrives at the stroller parking area just after you, would it be ok if I move your empty stroller back JUST ONE SPOT so I can park my stroller where I want? Or would that "throw off your entire vacation"?

I find it interesting that you make a conscious decision to inconvenience people that have nothing to do with your stroller issues rather than have your family all enter the line at the same time.
Not to mention, I've never NOT had my stroller moved to a different place by a CM. Just wow on this special snowflake.....
Does that really happen?? Does one person stand in line and 20 other people come an join them? I have been both solo trips and with my family and I have never seen this. So sure in that case I might get annoyed. But I have only really seen a mom or dad holding a line and the kids join up as they get close. I just don't see it happen much so perhaps that is why is doesn't bother me much.

It does. All the time. I usually do nto let it bother me, but I admit that I never can understand why someone believes their time is more valuable thatn mine. You need the bathroo? Go ahead. You want to shop and have a snack while someone holds your place? I think it is rude.

What about character lines? Is anyone really losing time if they meet/greet a character all at once?

I think that he character lines are the most problematic. You see, the charactes can only stay out a certain amount of time WHen the time is over...they must leave. It matters not if you are next in line, and little Mary joined her family and took the last timeframe. You lose.

Not going to happen.
I have never had an issue and probably never will. I understand when a Mom has to park a stroller and the family is anxious to go on a ride, I would let the Mom meet her party. If it was a group of teenage kids or the boy who was alone and cutting in line that would make me upset and in my opinion (whole other issue).

So I will continue to let my kids go before me.

Of course you will. Becuase you have decided your easing trumps anyone else's and you stroller parking is more important than the boys you disparage. The Ruth is that you have justified your own due behavior, are proud of it, and seem to be angry when most of us think you have one heck of a double standard in play.

You make your own rules up to determine what is disruptive behavior, as do the est of us. But in my lifetime, I have never heard of a stroller that was so important that it deserved teh special consideration yours does.But not so much that Dad and the kids cannot wait for you to park the precious cargo..... is just important to you.

Why would you be upset at the one boy who was cutting in line when you are doing the exact same thing?

Some people like to think that they are more important than others, and that being a Mom with a stroller that needs a special parking spot is more special than a teenaged boy. All I can say is that must be one awesome stroller!
It's odd because I think of myself as a polite and kind person but I never really knew this was a problem before I got on Disboards. I would get in line with my family and if it was hot or someone was cranky/thirsty/needed the bathroom I would say "go grab a bottle of water and meet us back here". Or why don't you "take so and so and go to the bathroom just in case". Never occurred to me it was an issue. We all got in line and lines can be long. So of someone needed a drink, snack, etc. no biggie. Of course, I have traveled by myself or just with my kid and that wasn't an option. I always thought well that's just how it goes when you are alone. I think I once asked a family near me if I could bring my kid to get a bottle of water and be right back and they said sure. It was an outside line though so easy enough to do And I asked if they needed something. Of course, in my mind it's different for one or two to leave a group and return than for one person to hold for a large group. Common courtesy difference IMO. I know that "cutting" is wrong but never realized that stepping out of line and returning got so many people's blood pressure up.
The OP is referring to large groups, when one person holds the line for 5, 10 or 20 people. This happens not infrequently at certain times of year when tour groups are common.
:D I admit it.... am a line cutter.

I am usually the one to park the stroller and I have stroller issues (need to make sure it has a perfect shady spot). My family does not have the same issues I have. :sad2: They go ahead and start waiting on line without me. So I am the one who you usually hear saying,"Excuse me, pardon me my family has gotten inline before me". This usually should not bother anyone because we are a family of 5 and I am not taking an extra seat or the wait for me before they get on because they do not want the Wrath of Mom.
Or you could do what 99.999% of the rest of us with strollers do. Have your family wait to get in the line until you park the stroller. Your way is quite rude.
I feel like I don't really see this much anymore? But I went a lot during the pre-paper fast pass days and I remember it being a nightmare then with tour groups. Like, one or two people don't bug me, especially if one of them is a kid. We waited in line for Kilimanjaro Safaris for hours the summer it opened and our mom wouldn't let us leave to go to the restroom and it was a miserable ride. So I get it. But if I see a large group (generally 4+) then I get annoyed.
Not going to happen.
I have never had an issue and probably never will. I understand when a Mom has to park a stroller and the family is anxious to go on a ride, I would let the Mom meet her party. If it was a group of teenage kids or the boy who was alone and cutting in line that would make me upset and in my opinion (whole other issue).

So I will continue to let my kids go before me.

By your own admission, you visit the park many times a year. Why would your kids be so anxious to get on the ride, they can't wait 30 seconds for you to park the stroller?

My kids get to go once every 2-3 years. In June, we took my elderly mother, who was in a wheelchair. Our first day we were riding something mom could not do. My kids did not adequately wait for me to find a shady place for mom. As a result, they ended up a couple of groups ahead of me. When I got in line, I made them come back to me versus me jumping ahead of the other groups. And, I instructed them not to get ahead like that t again. And, it did not happen the rest of the trip.

Maybe you could try my way next time you go.
We live fairly close to Disney and have APs. My kids go the park on their own often. they get annoyed with me when I bring the younger kids and the stroller. When they bring their siblings they just get on line and do not bother with the strollers. This does not happen often. But when it does I will follow behind them.

So because you have an AP and live close your family's time is more important than mine? Because your older kids get annoyed they get to skip waiting the few minutes to get your stuff situated?
Wow, if that's the case I'm totally going to send my family on ahead and then when I line cut to reach them I'm just going to smile and politely tell the line of people I just ticked off that it's ok, I'm a local AP holder.

I feel like I don't really see this much anymore? But I went a lot during the pre-paper fast pass days and I remember it being a nightmare then with tour groups. Like, one or two people don't bug me, especially if one of them is a kid. We waited in line for Kilimanjaro Safaris for hours the summer it opened and our mom wouldn't let us leave to go to the restroom and it was a miserable ride. So I get it. But if I see a large group (generally 4+) then I get annoyed.

Happened a great deal on our most recent trip (early June). I'd guess at least 1/3 of the attractions where we were in standby and there was a conventional queue.

I've gotten to where I don't let it get to me much anymore--largely because I see it happening so much, it would take a lot of my joy away if I did.
Not going to happen.
I have never had an issue and probably never will. I understand when a Mom has to park a stroller and the family is anxious to go on a ride, I would let the Mom meet her party. If it was a group of teenage kids or the boy who was alone and cutting in line that would make me upset and in my opinion (whole other issue).

So I will continue to let my kids go before me.
You want to park the stroller and your family is anxious to get on the ride. I want to have a glass of wine but my husband is anxious to get on the ride. Can I send him ahead while I sit and enjoy for a few moments and then join him in line? Boy what a time save for us!
I know that this has been brought up about a billion times or so, but once again, I'll just say, Whatever:confused3...It's Disney...& I don't mind. The only time it really gets annoying is w/ BTG's....Then I'll politely/or not so politely say some things*(in Portuguese).... The look on some of their faces----> PRICELESS:rolleyes1
Until you start wearing a Disney Police uniform you have no right to tell me what I can and can not do. Unlike you I am polite and excuse myself nicely among people. And I have never encountered a tight line.
Disney rules, regardless of if they enforce it well, is no line cutting.

I don't like when people line cut, it's unfair to those who actually wait in line. The only time it doesn't bother me is when it's a parent taking a small child to the restroom.


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