Kids CS Credits & Menus FAQ & Q&A

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Personally, at that age I would not upgrade them. Of if you do, only upgrade one child, not both. Your other alternative is to supplement any meals where your son is hungry either with a snack credit, OOP side order purchase, or some of your food. There is nothing stopping them from ordering off the kids menu on adult credits. It will still cost you an adult credit though so remember to take the proper beverage and dessert with you if you do this. Did you get free dining?

Yes, we did get free dining, which is why we are entertaining the idea. They will not eat it all, but it's for the options. I feel that they eat too many nuggets some times. Im not saying there aren't kids options, but while Im eating ribs, my kids are eating the same old same old... I will discuss it with them, ask them what they'd want off a menu, and go from there.
I get where you are coming from, it really isn't WORTH upgrading them at this age, but to have the options...again I will check with them on what they'd want. Another thing, desserts. Kids menu(again) doesn't offer much for options.
As for doing one and not the other. That's just asking for trouble. :laughing:
That is an interesting idea. In our situation, we have a 4 and 5 year old. Now, they could never eat a whole adult meal, but our son is a big eater (beacuse he is always go go go) and once in a while can pack down a pretty hefty meal.
So this being said, plus the advantages of having more options, upgrading them could be a good idea.
So based on the $35.15 for 10 days, a 6 day visit would average about $21.09 then?
Also, can they still chose from the kids meal if they wanted to?

Um, the ticket prices at Disney don't follow the "on average" form, because the major expense is loaded onto the front-end of the tickets (first 3 days are very expensive per day, then adding additional days is just a few $ per day.)

So, the diff between a child & adult on a 10 day ticket is about $35...the diff between a child and an adult 6 day ticket is about $33. It'd cost you about $66 to upgrade both kids to Disney adults. Keep in mind they'll then have your kids in the system that way, so should you choose at some point in the next couple of years to pay for the dining plan, you'd have to pay adult prices on the dining you'd have to get them to "correct" the kids' ages should you want to only pay for the child's plan in the future. Can be done, just would require a correction by them.

That's magical Disney math, lol.

And yes, most places would still let them order the kids meals...but will charge the adult credit for them.

personally, having done the dining plan many, many times and being a mom of 4 grown kids (as well as having done child care for 20 years) I really could not see a 4 or 5 year old eating the adult dining plan's a LOT of food. Maybe the two would split an adult meal. Think instead of upgrading them to adults, I'd just use that same $66, or $10 a day, and use it to buy the occasional extra food item when the kids are hungry after finishing a meal.
Personally, at that age I would not upgrade them. Of if you do, only upgrade one child, not both. Your other alternative is to supplement any meals where your son is hungry either with a snack credit, OOP side order purchase, or some of your food. There is nothing stopping them from ordering off the kids menu on adult credits. It will still cost you an adult credit though so remember to take the proper beverage and dessert with you if you do this. Did you get free dining?

Um, the ticket prices at Disney don't follow the "on average" form, because the major expense is loaded onto the front-end of the tickets (first 3 days are very expensive per day, then adding additional days is just a few $ per day.)

So, the diff between a child & adult on a 10 day ticket is about $35...the diff between a child and an adult 6 day ticket is about $33. It'd cost you about $66 to upgrade both kids to Disney adults. Keep in mind they'll then have your kids in the system that way, so should you choose at some point in the next couple of years to pay for the dining plan, you'd have to pay adult prices on the dining you'd have to get them to "correct" the kids' ages should you want to only pay for the child's plan in the future. Can be done, just would require a correction by them.

That's magical Disney math, lol.

And yes, most places would still let them order the kids meals...but will charge the adult credit for them.

personally, having done the dining plan many, many times and being a mom of 4 grown kids (as well as having done child care for 20 years) I really could not see a 4 or 5 year old eating the adult dining plan's a LOT of food. Maybe the two would split an adult meal. Think instead of upgrading them to adults, I'd just use that same $66, or $10 a day, and use it to buy the occasional extra food item when the kids are hungry after finishing a meal.

Well, after talking to them and the differences, which they do understand, they want the kids meals. Which, frankly, I don't care that much. I know DD will be fine, it's DS and him saying he's hungry. But you are right, we can just go buy him something OOP on those times. Especially his carrot cake. He talks about the carrot cake non stop since last year when we had free dining. I don't dare tell him we can get them here, and ruin his DW magic. :rolleyes1
And that is strange about Dis not changing the kids back to kids in the future for the dp. Def don't want that if we have to pay for the dp next time around.
Another thing, desserts. Kids menu(again) doesn't offer much for options.

No, it is far more limited than the adult plan. But then that also depends on how you and your DH eat. Will you both eat dessert twice a day, or would your kids be happy to share one that you pass on once a day? Some people really like to have plenty dessert because that is one of their vacations treats. I can't do that. It makes me thirsty (and lazy :rolleyes1) so I have no problem giving mine to my DD. Of course you have two children and I only have one so all is not equal. If your children are likely to prefer the entree options on the kids menus, then I suspect you may be better off just using that extra money to supplement their meals. It is likely that you will do less supplementing than you expect to since there is plenty of food. If you were planning to use snack credits for some breakfast items, you could save these up by bringing your own cereal. A large box of Cheerios at your supermarket will probably not cost much more than the individual ones at the food court. ;) for example.

As for doing one and not the other. That's just asking for trouble. :laughing:

:lmao: I get the point. ;)
Well, after talking to them and the differences, which they do understand, ...
And that is strange about Dis not changing the kids back to kids in the future for the dp. Def don't want that if we have to pay for the dp next time around.

Oh, they WILL change them back to the correct ages later, it's just not automatic. You have to tell them the info in their system is incorrect next time you make a reservation. As for the desserts can ask at the counter service about getting a dessert on the kids' meal instead of the grapes or whatever. Usually they'll sub a choc chip cookie, but I have seen people allowed to get those little pre-packed cakes, so worth asking. Anyway, if you want to buy him one, it'll be under $3 I think.
Well, after talking to them and the differences, which they do understand, they want the kids meals. Which, frankly, I don't care that much. I know DD will be fine, it's DS and him saying he's hungry. But you are right, we can just go buy him something OOP on those times. Especially his carrot cake. He talks about the carrot cake non stop since last year when we had free dining. I don't dare tell him we can get them here, and ruin his DW magic. :rolleyes1
And that is strange about Dis not changing the kids back to kids in the future for the dp. Def don't want that if we have to pay for the dp next time around.

For my DD its the gluten free brownies. I whipped up a batch at Christmas for her and she came to me all chocolate faced and said "Now I really don't want to hurt your feelings and I love your cooking but Disney makes 'em better!" :lmao:

If you tell them why you are upgrading they change the age. There should be no problem changing it back again on future trips by simply explaining this to the CM on the phone.

I am pretty sure, as Catne points out, that people have had a CM tell them otherwise. If this happens, hang up and call back. It is possible to call Disney 3 times in half an hour and have 3 different answers to the same question. It's just the way it goes.
Oh, they WILL change them back to the correct ages later, it's just not automatic. You have to tell them the info in their system is incorrect next time you make a reservation.

You guys are posting too quick for me! :laughing:

Anyway, if you want to buy him one, it'll be under $3 I think.
$3.59 at present. :) Or one adult CS dessert OR one snack credit, as you see fit.
You guys are posting too quick for me! :laughing:

$3.59 at present. :) Or one adult CS dessert OR one snack credit, as you see fit.
I think $3.59 is worthy of a snack credit :) I wonder how many carrot cakes he will get with his snack credits. QSDP, he can get 2 a day :lmao:

Yeah, Im slightly torn just because I would like them to have the mash potoes and such, but the carrot sticks and grapes are super healthy. Could deal without the jello, but would never suggest such blasphemy on vacation lol Especially when I plan to eat as much of the ch cake as I can get my hands on ;) jk
Plus they LIKE the PB& J packaged sandwiches, and nuggets, and hot dogs. I just could never succumb to such a culinary pallet while on vacation. I need new and variety. DS is quite the same, but the little mickey dishes wins him over I think. So I can see I will have to share my QS entree, but so help me if I have to give up my ch cake. :lmao:
I will try for the prepackaged cakes.
I just have to say, my kids are NOT fussy or picky. They will pretty much eat what I put in front of them. I just don't like saying no if they want something other than the kids menu kwim? But again, I think pp was right, the money that Im not spending on upgrading will be a savings, even with me buying a meal or 2, or dessert or 2.
I just have to say, my kids are NOT fussy or picky. They will pretty much eat what I put in front of them

I don't suppose you have a user manual on how to achieve this? I am willing to pay upfront when placing an order. :lmao:
I don't suppose you have a user manual on how to achieve this? I am willing to pay upfront when placing an order. :lmao:

I'll pay extra for overnight mail.

Lol I wish I knew the secret to share. They get it honestly, both dh and I are eaters (unfortunately lol) I mean, they won't sit and eat raw onions or anything. Only problem dd has is with tomatoes. Texture I think, she tries hard to like them as we all like them. But it never seems to work. lol Poor thing.
So if I "upgraded" my 8 and 9 yo kids to adults could they share a TS meal? Would Disney frown on this? I just talked to my son about this and he is psyched to have more fish options!
I just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are doing the QSDP. How does the system keep track of your credits?
I know it shows on the receipts etc, but doesn't it just show them pooled?
How can you find out how many adult cs meals you have had, how many child cs meals are left, don't have a meal in somewhere like Caseys (which don't have a childs menu) and them take an adults credit and then end up on our last day with all child credits and no adult ones.
So just to clarify, although it tells you on the receipt how many general CS credits you have left, is there anyway of finding out a breakdown of these, specifying adult and child credits?
Sorry to witter on couldn't explain myself in a shorter way
Many Thanks
I've never had the QSDP but I believe the CS credits are still all together so its up to you to kep track (or not). When going to a CS counter you can get only what shows on your card. So 2AD 3CH you could get 2 adult meals and 3 kids meals.
I've never had the QSDP but I believe the CS credits are still all together so its up to you to kep track (or not). When going to a CS counter you can get only what shows on your card. So 2AD 3CH you could get 2 adult meals and 3 kids meals.


Small note book or a dining punch card (link a page or two back) is a simple way to keep track. If you typically all eat together and each order your own meal you may not need to do this at all. If you are likely to split meals and split up at times it is worth having a system in place to help you.
Okay, NOW I'm confused...:confused3 I had this all straight in my head and then I started reading and it messed me up! :lmao:

So, we are on the QSDP, and paying for it because we used a pin code for our cabin. I have two adults, a 7 year old and a 9 year old on the plan. Our two year old is obviously not being charged.

Our first day at Disney we will only manage to eat 1 QS meal each because of our arrival time. This leaves us with two extra kids meals and two extra adult meals. We also have ADRs at Chef Mickey's that we are paying OOP for. This also leaves us with two kids QS meals and two adult QS meals unused since ADRs are at eleven and will be breakfast AND lunch for us that day.

So, my question is this: Can I add these unused credits in at any time? Like if we go to QS and order two adult meals and two kids meals can I order an extra unused kids meal credit from our leftover credits from the ADR? I thought I could do this and that Disney didn't care HOW you used the credits as long as you were buying the appropriate credits for adults or children. But then I read on this thread that if you have 2A/2C on your KTTW card that you could only order that much food and no more? :confused3 I want to make sure that we are able to add in our unused credits since we paid for them, otherwise it's not worth doing the dining plan. I just figured I could give the two year old the extra meals.

When you book a package with the quick service dining plan, do the credits all look the same, or do they distinguish between adult and children under 10?
Hi my family will be using the QSDP from Aug 15 to Aug 20.

I have two questions here:

My DS is 8 and he usually eats adult portion of meal. I am planning to take him to some of the QSDP restaurants that don't serve kids meal so that he can get more food. Since this is my first time to use the QSDP, I am wondering if I have to specifically tell the server to deduct the "kid's lunch credit"? If I don't tell them, I am afraid that they might deduct DS's meal from DH's or my credits?

Another question is our meal plan is good till Aug 20, is it true that I will be able to use my credit till Aug 21? We will be leaving at noon time on Aug 21 so I am planning to use my meal credits for some package food at my resort to eat on the plane.
Can't wait for our trip to come. I am so looking forward to it but I am all stress out because of all these little details.:dance3:
Hi my family will be using the QSDP from Aug 15 to Aug 20.

I have two questions here:

My DS is 8 and he usually eats adult portion of meal. I am planning to take him to some of the QSDP restaurants that don't serve kids meal so that he can get more food. Since this is my first time to use the QSDP, I am wondering if I have to specifically tell the server to deduct the "kid's lunch credit"? If I don't tell them, I am afraid that they might deduct DS's meal from DH's or my credits? bearing in mind that the places with no kid's meals are not necessarily giving you larger portions...mostly they are some version of a hotdog meal which is not necessarily a large meal. But OK, if you go to Casey's you don't have to tell them anything...the system will ring up 4 CS just fine there. It does not keep track of how many kids/adults you have used, it only keeps track of how many kids/adults meals you order. The places with no kids meals do a sort of auto-over-ride to allow 4 meals to be rung up. Otherwise, it's simply a matter of your card showing how many kids/how many adults and the castmember telling you that you can't order more adult meals in one transaction than you have on your card. As example showed before, IF your card says 2 A 2 C, and IF the counter service you're at has kids meals then the people at the register will only ring up 2 Adult and 2 Childs meals in one transaction. If there are no kids meals, you do not need to worry about keeping track of anything. Really.

Another question is our meal plan is good till Aug 20, is it true that I will be able to use my credit till Aug 21? We will be leaving at noon time on Aug 21 so I am planning to use my meal credits for some package food at my resort to eat on the plane.
Can't wait for our trip to come. I am so looking forward to it but I am all stress out because of all these little details.:dance3:

the question is, when do you check out of your hotel? Your remaining credits are good until midnight on the day you check out. They don't disappear the last night you're staying in the hotel.

If you are checking out of your Disney hotel on the morning of Aug 21, then any remaining credits are good until midnight that day (when 8/21 turns into 8/22) So you can use them for breakfast on check-out day, or even lunch if you're checking out & then going to a park. That's what we usually do--have a partial park day on the day we leave & have a nice lunch before we hit the road.:thumbsup2 Some people even get to-go sandwiches & take a "picnic" to the airport with them.
the question is, when do you check out of your hotel? Your remaining credits are good until midnight on the day you check out. They don't disappear the last night you're staying in the hotel.

If you are checking out of your Disney hotel on the morning of Aug 21, then any remaining credits are good until midnight that day (when 8/21 turns into 8/22) So you can use them for breakfast on check-out day, or even lunch if you're checking out & then going to a park. That's what we usually do--have a partial park day on the day we leave & have a nice lunch before we hit the road.:thumbsup2 Some people even get to-go sandwiches & take a "picnic" to the airport with them.
Thanks Cathy for the good info.
My another question will be: What if DH and I decide to eat somewhere else later and we want to order the meals for DS at Casey's Corner first? Do you think the server there will just take one adult meal out of our credit?
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