Keeping my butt in check

I think I did fairly well this weekend. I had the dr appointment on Friday, which hurt way worse than first treatment. They just got new machines which cut the time in half, however was much more intense. After my appointment, my husband took me out to eat a Mexican restaurant. I had the quesadillas with no sour cream or cheese, but that was basically all I had Friday except a pack of peanuts and an apple for breakfast.

Saturday, I had a couple of oreos, and then homemade spaghetti and lemon asparagus for supper....

Then yesterday, I had a morning vegan brownie w/ pb & jelly on top, a pack of peanuts for lunch. Then I made vegan Spanish paella with chorizo (it was vegan as well)for supper.
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Everyone in the family seemed to love this except me. It was ok, and I ate what was in my plate, but I was done after that. I also had two glasses of white wine.
So the goal today is to at least get 10k steps. I'm in a compression garment for my back, and it is stinging a little bit so I'm not shooting for the stars today.

I'd also like to keep it under 1200 calories today.

I did get on the scales Saturday afternoon (forgot to do it in the morning), and my weight was the same--151--so I've not slipped off the wagon too bad to gain, but I've also not lost....which sucks because I wanted to be 149 by end of month.

I've been pretty good all weekend of drinking my 102+ ounces. I'm hoping to keep that up all week.
12,227 steps

Too much. I wanted to stay at or under 1200, but I ended up being over by 350 calories :(
Which is totally my fault, I know.

I did drink all of my water so there's that....
I have no clue what's on the agenda for today--I'm going on little sleep since my son was in Nashville at a concert last night, and me being a worry wart didn't get good sound sleep until he came home at 330 this morning--only to have my alarm go off a little over an hour later. His Navy meeting was switched from today to tomorrow so I'm not sure if hubby and I will move our date night around, too, or if I'm cooking supper.

Regardless, again, the goal is just to get to 10K steps. Anything over is great, but I at least need to get to 10K.

The back is still weird from the coolsculpting treatment, but compression garments and high backed waist trainers seem to help--but it's just too stinking hot for all these layers!

Lord I'm grumpy today!
10,678+ (I took off the fitbit as soon as I got home to get ready for date night)

peanuts and half cut sweet tea for breakfast
leftover veggie burger for lunch
200 calories worth of vegan ice cream as soon as I got home
a cucumber roll, and hibachi veggies for date night supper....
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I ate all of the roll, but only 1/2 of the hibachi veggies so I brought the other 1/2 for lunch today
I also had a glass of white wine at the restaurant

I only drank about a liter and 1/2 of my water :(
Today, again the goal is to get at least 10K steps. I've got on a compression garment AND a waist trainer today so I'm sure to die of heat stroke...

I can track what I eat, however, I have NO clue how many calories are in my lunch. I'm making veggie sandwiches for supper so I know they can't be too high in calories.

I've thought about getting on the devil's machine since it should be a pretty easy evening at home, however, once these compression garments and waist trainers come off, my back feels like a million needles are being punched in I dunno. We'll wait to see how I feel once I get home.
11,702 steps

chia coconut bar for breakfast that was literally the size of my thumb....
the left over hibachi veggies and rice wasn't that good, and I ended up throwing the majority of it away
1/2 of a half cut sweet tea (again, wasn't great so I threw it out)
fries and 1/2 of a roasted veggie sandwich
oh...and 200 calories worth of vegan ice cream and a small glass of white wine

I almost got all of my water in, but it was probably more like 2-2.5 liters instead of the full 3.
Today, I just plan on getting the 10k steps....and most of those may be back and forth to bathroom. The compression garment has really helped the back after the coolsculpting this go around, but the stomach discomfort/bloating/gassy/pooping thing is coming back....TMI, but honest....

I've gotta get groceries, and I'm going to a dr appointment with my husband (his carpal tunnel is starting to make his elbow go numb so we're getting it checked out before Hawaii), and supposedly my oldest son is coming into town since he's got a few days off. However, last few times he's come home, he's not actually been at home except to sleep so I don't think I'll be seeing him that much. He doesn't really come home to see his mom....which is fine. He's at that age. I was upset about it when he did it at Christmas, but I'm over it.
10,947+ steps

I'm not really sure because yesterday was crazy with Geoff's appointment during lunch break yesterday--but no surgery yet for him so yay!!
I forgot breakfast yesterday so knew we had to stop somewhere for lunch after his appointment so we stopped by FirstWatch. It's only open until 2:30pm and serves breakfast and lunch.
I had the avocado toast with orange juice (no pic because I was hangry by this point)
So after working over some at work, I had to stop and get groceries....and got SOAKED getting them into the house because it was a monsoon Geoff took pity on me and picked up pizza (no cheese) on his way home....thank goodness. However, I took off the fitbit, and it didn't get put back on. EVERY inch of me was soaked to the bone, and I stayed cold the rest of the night. Not good.
I also had a very small glass of wine (like maybe 3 oz?) waiting on Cody to come home, and I also ate some honey grahams when I found out they were dairy free.
Today won't be tracked because I'm not wearing my, my son is home from VA so the plan is to make a new recipe--BBQ Jackfruit with potato skins. It's supposed to be good, but we'll see.
So, I did no tracking this weekend. I honestly just took the weekend off worrying about anything. I got to see Cody while he was home, but only for about 10 minutes total. Geoff, Andy and I went to the midnight release of the new Harry Potter book on Saturday night so I spent 1/2 of the day yesterday reading it. It's pretty good, but it is in screenplay format so not really comparable to the other books....that I'll have to go back and reread again.
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Oh, and at the bookstore, my hubby and I made the stupid mistake of drinking something with dairy in it. It was a Butterbeer (but not like the ones at Universal--this was almost full on milkshake). I only had about a quarter of mine, but he drank his, and finished mine off. It made me really bloated and sick, but NOTHING compared to how it made him feel! He was sick until about midday yesterday! It's been about 6 months since we've had dairy so I guess our bodies just don't have the enzymes needed to break down the lactose. We weren't intolerant before, but boy are we now!!

Friday night, I made vegan BBQ Jackfruit with potato skins. Geoff said we could easily fool our meat eating family into thinking this was the real deal...oh, and I bought the block daiya vegan cheese to grate for the cheese on top of the skins. This was much better than the packaged shreds.
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Saturday, I made walkaway ratatouille and grilled french loaf at my husband's request (he's been obsessed with finding the perfect ratatouille recipe ever since watching the movie for the first time a few months ago)
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Yesterday I made the red wine seitan on ciabatta rolls again. These were delicious as usual, and I brought one for lunch today. Tonight I'll probably make a couscous tofu stir fry.

A couple of my friends on facebook are encouraging me to start a vegan blog. I'm thinking about it, but really don't know how to start. I dunno.

Anyways, the goal for today is to get in between 15-20K steps. I'm at work for 12 loooong hours today and tomorrow and I've already gotten over 4k in so it's a start.

I haven't weighed myself since last week, but will probably weigh again at the end of this week. My stomach is still somewhat bloated from the dairy mishap, and my back is still kinda swollen from the treatment over a week ago.

Since I'll be off work on Wednesday, I'm really hoping to get on the devil's machine then. I need to get started back on there, but I know today and tomorrow will be out of the question.
20,884 steps

much better than this weekend, but didn't track it calorie wise...
had half cut tea and 2 hashbrowns for breakfast
leftover red wine seitan sandwich for lunch
2 small slices of papa murphy's veggie pizza (no cheese) for supper with a 5 oz glass of red wine.
The goal for today is to get around 15-20k steps again. I'm off to a good start--6k already. I've got another loooong day today and won't get to leave work until 5 (been here since 430 am).

Geoff beat me home from work so he picked up pizza since he knew I'd be pooped. I plan on making broccoli burgers tonight. My veggie hating daughter even loves these. I'll save the couscous stir fry for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I will be taking off work to take Winnie on her first college visit. A local college has a radiology (I think that's what it is?) program and they've scheduled her a tour. Honestly, I'm just excited about the day off work. I've got 66 days until Hawaii and I think I'm most excited about the time away from work then, too.
Movement (for Tuesday):

half cut tea and 2 hash browns from McDonalds for breakfast
2 pieces of veggie pizza (no cheese) for lunch

Broccoli burgers for supper

and I don't remember the rest....

Now for yesterday, I didn't wear my fitbit. Winnie and I had a college visit....but before that, I accidentally backed into her car and did this to mine

Not how I wanted to start the morning....however, the visit went well, and she is now enrolled for the summer term next year.

We then went to Firehouse Subs (her choice--not mine). I had a veggie sub with no cheese and plain baked chips. Then we had a lot of errands so I didn't get home in time to get on the devil's machine like I had originally planned. Once we FINALLY got home, I made this...
Maple-cumin tofu stir fry with black beans and couscous

I also had a glass of wine.

Ohh.....and I drank way over my 3 liters of water on Tuesday, but only drank about 2 yesterday.
So today I don't have on my fitbit again, and it's date night. However, will only have a clif bar for breakfast and lunch today since there were no leftovers to bring for lunch. I have no clue where we are eating tonight, but we are going to see Suicide Squad.

I had good intentions of getting on the devil's machine yesterday, but really just made it home too late, and then had a ton of things to do once I got home. The goal now is to get on there Friday after work and after I get groceries. We are just having salad and baked potatoes that night so supper should not be as time consuming as normal. I really need to start making this my normal routine.
Movement wasn't tracked yesterday since I didn't have fitbit

2 clif bars while at work (1 for breakfast, and 1 for lunch)
6 Advils trying to get rid of dumb headache (not all at once--that was total for the day)
very small bag of chips after taking a dose of advil when I got home because of headache
date night was a baked potato topped with veggie chili and jalapenos and a sweet tea (for the caffeine to finally get rid of stupid headache)

I think I drank around 2-2.5 liters of water.
So yesterday was spent with me trying to get rid of the blasted headache--if you couldn't already tell. The caffeine at dinner finally made it go away, thank goodness. I stopped this morning to get a half cut tea so maybe I won't get another one today. I didn't eat that much yesterday, only because I didn't feel that great, and didn't want to chance getting sick. Once the caffeine kicked in and it went away completely, I was able to eat 3/4 of my potato.

On date night, we saw Suicide Squad. It was predictable, and kinda long, but good. Wish I was built like Harley Quinn.

Today I plan on getting groceries either during lunch, or after work--it really depends on weather because there is a chance of storms all day today. I would also like to get on the devil's machine. This greatly depends on storms, and if I can keep the headache gone completely. Those all day suckers, like I had yesterday, have a tendency of coming back the next day just to annoy the heck out of me. Hopefully, it's just GONE.

Tummy and head are both kinda swimmy this morning. I didn't wear fitbit either so no tracking today, but will track food.

Food wise, the plan is to make a veganized version of ceasar salad and baked potatoes tonight. I'm trying a couple of new recipes this weekend so I'm excited about it. Both are from a new vegan cookbook I got while waiting for the midnight release of the Harry Potter book last weekend. It's a vegan chef that I'm familiar with (I already have one of her books) so I know the recipes will be pretty good as long as I don't screw them up :) I have a bad habit of adding extra spices, garlic, wine, etc., to recipes thinking it'll make them better. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes it's better left alone.
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So nothing was tracked this weekend.....and I snacked a lot. Only had one meal per day, but snacked up until that meal so I've really gotta stop. I've tracked this morning, and the goal is to get 8K-10K steps. Didn't get on devil's machine because I ended up being busier around the house and running errands than I originally thought. However, I did make some good meals.

Friday, since I had to run and get groceries, and had to go to two different stores to accomplish this, I made something as quick as possible--vegan caesar salad with maple croutons, and baked potato.
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It was really good!! And super simple!

Saturday, I really impressed my kids with this one....vegan big mac (made with tempeh) with special sauce and malt vinegar fries....
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I could only eat 1/2 of one. The double patty thing was way too filling for me, but it was decent. I didn't think it was as great as my kids and husband proclaimed it to be, but it did get me some praise on their facebook shout outs ;)

Last night I made the LA tacos again. I've posted them before. I loved these the first time I made them, but this time they were just meh. I think it was the mushrooms. I should've cut them up into small pieces. Sometimes I love mushrooms, but sometimes I hate them. This time I hated them. I think it's a texture issue. Oh, and the avocado salsa was just ok. I don't think the avocados I used were as ripe as they needed to be, but oh well.
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I ended up picking as many of the mushrooms as I could out, and only ate the tomatoes out of the salsa.

I'm making vegan mac & cheese tonight, but not my normal recipe I made up...this is a new recipe from the vegan book I got last weekend. I'm also making asparagus to go along with it. I secretly hope it's not as good as mine because I LOVE the one I make.

Today should be a normal day at work, and my only errand is to get Annie Bean's food before I go home so, in theory, I should be able to get on the devil's machine. I'm exactly 60 days out now until Hawaii, and I need to get my butt motivated!!!

And on the Disney news front (Winnie's trip), last Friday I decided to switch our resort from POR to All Star Movies. We've never stayed at a value before, but we also don't spend a whole lot of time in the room so I was excited to save a little bit of money. Then this morning I found out discounts came out so I saved an extra 10%. In all, I saved almost $600 switching so I can apply that savings to our food $.

And on the coolsculpting front--I'm actually seeing some results. I was warned that it's not an overnight thing, and I'm only seeing results from the first treatment since it's too soon for the second treatment to show anything, but I'm really amazed! My bra line has always been a trouble spot, but it really became noticeable after my tummy tuck. My back no longer matched my front (because my tummy was horrendous with the muscle separation and loose skin). I may post before and after pics in a few more weeks if I get the nerve.
10,911 steps

sigh...I did really well until I got home and had to deal with mother in law. Then it was pretty much shot to hell. I don't think I went over 1600 calories, but that's still too many. Again, if I'd stick to meals, and cut out snacks, it would be great. I turn to food way too many times.

Anyways, for supper I made the new vegan mac and cheese recipe. It was good. I think I prefer my spicy black pepper one better, but this one was still good. I also made lime and garlic asparagus.
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I pretty much drank all of my water
So the goal today is to again get between 8-10k steps....AND TO TRACK EVERY STUPID LITTLE THING I PUT IN MY MOUTH. I'm really getting frustrated with myself on this, and the scales are reflecting it. I was up 2 pounds this morning. I didn't get on the devil's machine, but then again, I was dealing with mother in law issues, and by that time I was so pissed and frustrated it was pointless--plus, it was time to start supper. (This isn't just me--my husband has a very strained relationship, at best, with this woman. His sister doesn't even speak to her. She's alienated everyone around her for pretty much the past 30 years) Anyways, I won't have another decent chance to get on the devil's machine until Thursday so I totally blew my chance..

I will be stuck in my car for a few hours this evening. Andy has his Navy meeting and it's in a place I don't really like him driving so I'm taking him. Thankfully, Geoff is taking care of supper since it'll be pretty late before Andy and I get back home.

I'm also dealing with an upset, swollen tummy. I know this is because of the coolsculpting from a few weeks ago. I went thru my notes after my first procedure and my weeks 2-4 were bad because of stomach issues. I stopped this morning to get a Sprite to drink before I start on my water. I would LOVE to blame the swelling on my 2 pound gain, but I know it's from snacking.

Hash brown and Sprite for breakfast (the coolsculpting queasy tummy has totally reared its ugly head)
leftover mac and cheese for lunch--aprox. 300 calories worth
pack of peanuts while in car waiting on Andy to get out of meeting (my only snack of the day--yay!)
2 small slices of veggie pizza with no cheese and thin crust for supper with a Sprite

2.5 liters of water
So I did better on snacking yesterday, which was a biggie for me. I'm hoping I can eliminate it completely today. Outside of the added calories due to the 2 Sprites I had, I think I did ok calorie wise. I was stuck in the car from 2:30 until 7 so that wasn't fun, and much longer than I had anticipated, but oh well. Andy's Navy meeting went well so it's all good.

I didn't wear my fitbit. I woke up extremely late and was rushing out the door. I've stopped sleeping in it a while back, because it actually wakes me up when I toss and turn at night because of the illumination of the clock. This is the reason I think I keep forgetting about it.

Tonight is date night. No clue what we are doing, or where we are eating

The goal for tomorrow is to remember my stinking fitbit, and I'm forcing myself to get on the devil's machine when I get home from work. I keep making excuses, but my goodness--it only requires 14 minutes!!! It's that I hate it soooo bad. I seriously wished I had gotten another treadmill instead. I loved my old treadmill, and used it most days, but had to sell it after the divorce :( I thought I'd like the bowflex since it doesn't take up much space, and requires less time.
Nothing really to report for yesterday. It was bad since it was date night, and nothing was tracked, of course. However, I have the fitbit on today, and have started tracking, starting with breakfast. I've gotta get a few groceries, but I will probably do that during my lunch break so I have PLENTY of time to get on the stupid devil's machine before I start supper.

I do have several new recipes I'm trying this week & next. Most are recipes from the new book, one was found online (raw vegan taco salad), and the other one is totally made up by me :)
No devil's machine yesterday--surprise surprise. Winnie and I did have to run by her bank after I got all the groceries in and put away so she could get a document notarized for work, but I still got all of that finished before 4. I swear, my lack of will power is really depressing right now. And I did myself in again yesterday with the snacking. I'm totally swollen and bloated from the coolsculpting treatment and it seems it's sucked the life out of me this week.

Sigh.....I think I may look into some bloat reducing smoothies I can make at home. I have before, but didn't actually make any.

I did come up with a decent vegan grilled cheese recipe yesterday. I was pretty proud of myself, and my daughter and her boyfriend even ate it, and they are the pickiest people on the planet. Especially her boyfriend. He lives off of chicken nuggets and french fries. I paired it with lemon asparagus and drank a glass of white wine with it.
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I did drink more than my 102 oz. of water, however, I'm retaining A LOT of that water so...ugh....
So no fitbit today. Again, surprise surprise. I'd like to make a commitment to get on the stupid devil's machine. I'm leaving work a little later than usual, and I need to pick up Annie Bean from doggie daycare, but should be home by 4.

I'm making raw taco salad tonight, I think...unless I was supposed to let some of the nuts soak overnight? If so, I guess I'll be making something different....
Ok...just posting to add I've found some decent looking vegan smoothies that I may try this weekend. I've been very bad about remembering my multivitamin at night before bed so maybe if I start drinking these, it won't matter??

I dunno.
This weekend I was pretty energetic and got a lot of stuff done that took forever--mostly, reorganizing and cleaning the shelves in our walk-in pantry. You could hardly walk in there, but now, I could hide and take a little snooze in there! And I cooked all weekend. Yesterday, I made my husband and son breakfast (blueberry pancakes and muffins), but that evening, I made a dry run of Thanksgiving dinner. Plus, since Andy will be in boot camp during Thanksgiving, at least he's getting to sample our "maybe" recipes.

But backing up to Friday--nothing tracked, but nothing outrageous. My husband did stop by the store to get the things I'll need for breakfast smoothies for work, but I need to pick up the vegan protein powder before we can start blending them.

So Friday night I made raw taco salad. This was much more amazing than I had anticipated, and VERY filling! My picky daughter finished it off last night she got off work...

Then on Saturday, I knew I had the big chore of the pantry awaiting me so I made everyone avocado toast. This really hit the spot and was yummy. I made it with 2 different breads--sourdough, which was my husband's favorite, and multi-grain, which I like best.
After the marathon pantry clean up, I made vegan lasagna, with homemade vegan ricotta. This was good, but next time I need to double the sauce recipe, and NOT use the no boil noodles. I did bring some for lunch today.
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Then yesterday, I made the pancakes, and muffins--no pics because the mom-in-law barged in so I let the boys eat and I stayed in the kitchen to clean up and try to hold my tongue.....which I did well until she called my dog fat. Sigh.

Once that was over and I finished up some leftover stuff around the house, I started in on dinner. From first start, until clean up, it took a little over 4 hours, however, Geoff and Andy raved (Winnie was at work) and everything was eaten, except for a little bit of the garlicky mashed potatoes (which was mostly cauliflower) and barely a serving of cranberries.

So this was tempeh loaf, garlicky mashed potatoes with golden onion gravy, and cranberry sauce. This was my & Andy's first time eating cranberry sauce, and it was awesome! Oh, and of course, everything is totally vegan!
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So today, I've been pretty busy at work--hence the late update, and I didn't wear my fitbit because I knew what I was coming in facing. I'm making Mongolian BBQ Seitan. Again, a new recipe.

I'm really thinking of starting the vegan cooking blog, I've just still had no time to look into it.

Oh, and I want to post this because it's just way too cute. We take Annie Bean to doggie daycare on days we are at work and the kids aren't at home. Well, Andy will be at home most everyday until he leaves for boot camp so we're giving her an extended summer break, but have been taking her once a month, or so. Anyways, she has a little boyfriend there, Jethro. He's a golden retriever...and a handsome one at that. They LOVE each other, and are always together when they are both there. This has been going on for a little over a year now. They made the daycare's Facebook page on Friday :)
Yesterday I think I did pretty well. I didn't snack as much, and I drank all of my water. For breakfast I had a pack of peanuts. Lunch I had leftover lasagna, and for supper I made Mongolian BBQ..It's made with seitan and shiitakes.
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I actually hated this. I only ate my sides. Geoff and Andy seemed to really enjoy it though. Again, it was the mushrooms. If I make this recipe again, it'll be with just seitan, or maybe tofu. The sauce had a good flavor to it, and I really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't get over the texture of the mushrooms.

So I don't think my caloric intake yesterday was all too bad. Again, not a lot of movement, and that needs to change. I know the reason I'm not moving as much, and it's the Harry Potter books. I do this EVERY time I reread them. Since getting the last book, I started reading the previous 7 again. It consumes me. I was actually amazed that I had put the one I'm currently on down long enough to do the pantry this weekend. I'm bringing them to work, keep them in my purse at all times in case I find a few minutes to's pathetic really. I'd be ashamed to say how many times I've read these books....if I actually knew myself!

I don't have my fitbit on today.

Last night I did make a breakfast smoothie for this morning, but it was NASTY so it's back to the drawing board with a different one tonight. I think it was banana bread smoothie?? I got it off the internet. It was like trying to drink liquid bread dough. I poured it out first thing this morning, and ate a pack of peanuts instead....and it'll be a pack of peanuts for lunch, too, since I didn't bring lunch.

Tonight I'm making orange tofu, and probably brown rice....and I get to leave work at 1:20 so YAY!!

I hate saying this over and over and it not happen, but the goal is 1) short nap because I didn't sleep well last night, and 2) devil's machine. Geoff and I had this discussion yesterday--I hate that blamed machine! I miss my treadmill, and wish I had gotten one of those instead! Up until 4-5 years ago, I'd had a nice treadmills for the past 10-12 years, and used them religiously....not the same one, of course, but I think I'd had 3 in that span of time--my first I lost in a house fire, and replaced it. That one, the motor/tread started going out so I bought a very nice one....sigh...that I had to get rid of during move after divorce :( However, I paid decent money on that blamed devil's machine--much more than I'd paid for a nice treadmill--so I need to start using the blasted thing. There is NO reason for me NOT to get on it at least a few times a week, barring headaches

Rant over. I need it to be 1:20 already so I can go home and nap.
So yesterday was the day from hell at work. I was stuck here way longer than I had intended, but that just means I'll leave early Friday. I didn't get home until 3:30 so no nap or anything else for that matter--however, Geoff didn't make it home until almost 7 since he was stuck in meetings. Supper was way late. I made Crunchy Orange Tofu with brown rice. It was good, and simple.

Oh, and the whole time I was at work, I only had peanuts. So by the time I got to finally eat, I was maybe that was the reason it was so good?

I made another smoothie for this morning. This one is much better than yesterday's disaster. It has apple, cinnamon, banana, almonds, almond milk, and silken tofu in it...
I've been sipping on it all morning, but I don't think I'll be able to finish it. I've barely made a dent in it.

Tonight is date night, thank goodness, unless Geoff is stuck in meetings again. Today should be fairly easy for me at work, or at least I hope so. I don't want another repeat of yesterday.


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