Just Keep Swimming-March 31-April 7, 2013-Dining Review (updated 5/16)

Did the chicken fried rice have peas in? Peas are the food of the devil :rotfl2:

I don't remember peas. I remember rice, and eggs and chicken. Maybe some onion. I dunno. I can't say for sure.

We like the counter service at Yak and Yeti, it makes a nice change from burgers and nuggets :thumbsup2

I try to stay away from burgers and nuggets when we go to WDW. The kids eat their fair share of that, but I like to try and get stuff that I can't really get at home. I like the food at Yak and Yeti.
Lunch at the Mara

The kids wanted to eat at the Mara and we got them that same thing they had for dinner the night before.

This day turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day and since it was only about 12:30-1:00 PM, we had most of the day ahead of us.

After a while, DD and DH came back up and we went to Outback for dinner. It was SUPER close by. Less than a mile. We didn’t have the dining plan for the last two nights, so our plan had expired the day before. Don’t you fret, though. We used up all of those credits !! Anyway, we had pretty much planned this all week. And all week, it is what the kids talked about most when the subject of food came up. They couldn’t WAIT to eat …. at Outback. We have those here and we go several times a year. I would have preferred a Disney restaurant, but Noooooo. They wanted Outback. And it turned out to be amazing. The food was perfect and our waiter was fantastic. I didn’t get photos because most people know what kind of food they have. But it was good.
April 7, 2013 - Breakfast

For breakfast, I went down to the Mara one last time.


I got DD a waffle

And I got DS a croissant sandwich

I had to MAKE him eat half of this. But I know he felt better after eating it and he was less grumpy on this morning. DH ate the other half, while I ate the other half of DD’s ginormous waffle.

It was a good breakfast. Mara is a good CS. We enjoyed all our food there.
No pictures of Outback :sad2:

We really liked Mara when we stayed at AKV a couple of years back. There are lots of great options. Not sure about that croissant sandwich in your last review though - the egg looks a bit mushy :confused3

Please say it isn't so, surely it's not over already :sad:
Mmmm ... we LOVE Outback, but it's no longer anywhere close to where we live. So sad ...

I'm with Joh, it can't be over already?? :(


No pictures of Outback :sad2:

Haha. Even the kids were surprised that I didn't take photos at Outback. I just figured most people who live here have been there.

We really liked Mara when we stayed at AKV a couple of years back. There are lots of great options. Not sure about that croissant sandwich in your last review though - the egg looks a bit mushy :confused3

I like my eggs more firm, too. But I don't remember the eggs in that sandwich being icky. Maybe it was the melted cheese that makes them look runny ?? I dunno. It was good though.

Please say it isn't so, surely it's not over already :sad:

Sadly, yes. Just a couple more small updates and we had to come home. Had to get back to work to continue to pay for Disney trips, right ??

Mmmm ... we LOVE Outback, but it's no longer anywhere close to where we live. So sad ...

Outback is good. Hey, there is one less than a mile from AKL. You can eat there next time you head to Disney. They do have really good food !!

I'm with Joh, it can't be over already?? :(

Not JUST yet. But I only have two more food updates. Stick with me for another day or two !!
We had lunch at Columbia Harbor House.

We had our standard chicken and shrimp and apple crisp

Like always, DH and I split the shrimp.

And the kids split the chicken

Before we left for home, we headed over to get a Dole Whip.

This was about 12:30 PM or so and the crowds were picking up.

DS got a rootbeer float

DH and DD got vanilla,

I got the pineapple

Amazingly yummy as always !!

After that, we headed out.

Goodbye castle !!

Goodbye monorail !!

Goodbye train !!

And our bus came … and we rode it back to Animal Kingdom Lodge and got in the car and left.

Thanks to everyone for following along and keeping me company. I have so enjoyed your comments and friendship. Until September !!! Hope to see you then !!
So sad this trip is over but looking forward to your next one!

Jill in CO
Me too !!! Thanks so much for following along !! Looking forward to reading more about your trip !!

I've got to start getting updates up this weekend. This week back at work has been kicking my rear end!

Jill in CO
I've got to start getting updates up this weekend. This week back at work has been kicking my rear end!

Jill in CO

I hear ya girl. The transition back to reality is sooo tough !! At least the snow is gone !!
Great food reviews. Thanks for taking the time to do them. :thumbsup2


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