Just for kicks! Excuse for work.


Earning My Ears
Aug 13, 2011
Well, I planned on using my three days vacation time on my Disney World trip in January. However, something quite unexpected came up and I was forced to use my three days vacation time this month.

All I have left is "sick days".

Well, rather than cancel my package to Disney World, I'm toy-ing with the idea of "fibbing" and using sick days instead of personal days.

So, folks, what's my excuse? I won't be able to get a doctor's excuse obviously. "Sick days" can be used for self illness, illness of close family member, surgery, surgery of close family member, or *gasp* death in the family.

I'm considering making up a "Florida based" fib in case I get busted ("Yeah, I was having major surgery by a Florida doctor who doesn't have paper for excuses..and decided to visit Disney World since I was right there anyway. You know..just at the last minute." LOL)

Anyone want to use their powers for evil and help me come up with an excuse?
When I worked at Arbitron, eons ago, a new co-worker who was under her 90 probation used the death of her aunt as an excuse to miss work. She got busted when we wanted to know where to send flowers for the funeral.
What about this: :goodvibes

Your great grandmother twice removed had a strange mower accident with your great great uncle and there is no other family member that can fly to sunny Florida to help them because they both have multiple broken limbs. :thumbsup2

Option 2:
To use this option you will need to call from Florida on Monday morning:

You took a random weekend trip to Florida because someone told you that you had a winning lottery ticket from a previous visit! Unfortunately when you arrived it was all a secret scam for your estranged ex-husband (twice removed mind you) to get his beloved 72' Gremlin back from you. You are now hitching your way back, but it will take 3 days or so.

Option 3:

Ask your boss if you can take time off without pay because you had a planned vacation and circumstances forced you to use all of your vacation time (waaayyy too boring though)


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