Just back July 21-26


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 2007
I love the just back threads and always think they are super helpful so I'm going to offer up my experiences.


All Star Music Jazz building 9: This was a short weekend trip so we wouldn't be spending much time in the room, so it made sense to go with All Stars and save some money. We prefer Music, it usually seems to be the quieter of the 3. Our building was pretty close to the lobby, which is great for being able to get to and from the bus stops. Our room faced the parking lot and it was really quiet. We did see some tour groups at the resort but we didn't have any bad experiences. The buses were ok, it really seems to be luck if you walk up as a bus pulls up or if you end up waiting 20 + minutes. I do wish Disney would put some sort of shade structure over the All Star bus queues. They could just do those mesh screens that lots of other amusement parks put over their queues.


We've never gone to Disney in the summer. Our last few trips were in the fall and these crowds were so much lower than the fall trips. We had no problem getting day of 4th FPs for Soarin, TSMM or most attractions in MK. I even got lucky and chanced up 2 Frozen FPs midday. It was so nice to be able to walk in between TOT and RRC. In the fall that area was just a huge mass of people and you could barely move.

Tour Groups:

They are definitely easy to spot. We didn't have any really bad experiences with them. But I can easily see how other people can.


The heat wasn't so bad for us except for midday. I'd suggest trying to do air conditioned shows or taking a break during this time. Make sure to drink lots of water.

New experiences:

Frozen Ever After: It is a beautiful ride. The color scheme is great and I loved the sparkling Olaf animatronic. The queue has lots of interesting things to look at. I really wish the imagineers had tried to go with a more cohesive storyline for the ride. It would have been very easy for them to switch a couple things around and have the ride follow the movie storyline. Instead it just seems like a jumble of the songs from the movie.

Soarin: I was bitterly disappointed in this ride. I loved the old film. This new one is so fake I couldn't stand it. I just don't see why so many computer generated things needed to be put in. They couldn't find a real herd of elephants? They couldn't film real hot air balloons like last time? Why would they even include the Taj Mahal if they couldn't film it for real? That whale was so laughably fake I was appalled, the Pacific Life company can film real whales breaching for their TV commercials and Disney has to include a fake one? I am pretty sure every single boat in every water scene was fake, none of them even had wakes.

I was so looking forward to this ride and I kept myself spoiler free and I was just so, so let down. If other people enjoyed it, that is ok and I'm not trying to knock those others. For me, personally, all the fake digital insertions were just so obvious and annoying I couldn't enjoy any of it.

There are enough real and wondrous things in the world that this film did not need to have all the digital intrusions. It took me right out of the ride.

We rope dropped it and had a FP for later and ended up cancelling the FP. I'm honestly not sure if I ever want to ride it again and I rode the old ones many, many times.

AK Nighttime Events:

Nighttime Safari: I know lots of people think the sunset effect is dumb but I think it looked nice. I would not recommend this ride if it is your first or even second safari experience. Having been on the regular daytime safari lots of times I loved it. The darkness made it just a bit different and I enjoyed seeing some animals sleeping and some enjoying the night. I would be a little cautious taking younger children, it is very dark and the little girl ahead of us on the jeep was scared because it was dark and she didn't know what was coming.

Jungle Book show: We had FPs but were late so ended up watching a bit from the bridge. I don't think it is as bad as reviews were saying. I mean, it isn't anything show stopping but I think that was to be expected since it is filling a gap until Rivers of Light is ready. If you like live music and dancing and the Jungle Book you would most likely enjoy the show.

Tree of life projections: we didn't see any of the random ones but we stayed for the tree's 'kiss goodnight'. It occurred 15 minutes after park close and showed brief scenes of some of Disney's popular animated animal movies with real animals. The tree looks amazing.


We did the SW dessert party and enjoyed it. I like the event more now that has actual food options. And by actual I mean things like Naan bread and hummus and fruit, not just desserts. The dessert party is now held inside Launch Bay. The tables are standing room only but there are a few benches in the area. The storm troopers walk through the area periodically and they were stopping to post for pictures, which they rarely do outside.

Anyone have any questions?
Soarin: I was bitterly disappointed in this ride. I loved the old film. This new one is so fake I couldn't stand it. I just don't see why so many computer generated things needed to be put in. They couldn't find a real herd of elephants? They couldn't film real hot air balloons like last time? Why would they even include the Taj Mahal if they couldn't film it for real? That whale was so laughably fake I was appalled, the Pacific Life company can film real whales breaching for their TV commercials and Disney has to include a fake one? I am pretty sure every single boat in every water scene was fake, none of them even had wakes.

I was so looking forward to this ride and I kept myself spoiler free and I was just so, so let down. If other people enjoyed it, that is ok and I'm not trying to knock those others. For me, personally, all the fake digital insertions were just so obvious and annoying I couldn't enjoy any of it.
Oddly enough, I really liked the new film. I had gotten bored with the old one and hadn't ridden Soarin in a while. But I like how grand and detailed the new film is and the CGI didn't bother me all that much. I even thought the baby polar bear was cute!
Oddly enough, I really liked the new film. I had gotten bored with the old one and hadn't ridden Soarin in a while. But I like how grand and detailed the new film is and the CGI didn't bother me all that much. I even thought the baby polar bear was cute!

I liked the idea of the new film and being able to see new locations. Just didn't like the execution :( But I do understand a lot of people love it, which is fine. Just not the ride for me anymore.
Thank you so much for posting!
Soarin' has always been one of my top 3 rides, so disappointing to hear it's so phony!
I'm looking forward to Launch Bay, I am so excited to trade with the Jawas! Did you do that?
Glad you had a good trip!
Thank you so much for posting!
Soarin' has always been one of my top 3 rides, so disappointing to hear it's so phony!
I'm looking forward to Launch Bay, I am so excited to trade with the Jawas! Did you do that?
Glad you had a good trip!

I would still give Soarin a try at least once, many others like it a lot.

We didn't trade this time but we have in the past. Jawas do love droids, if you have any small robot type plastic toys that might get you a lot of attention. I would definitely recommend trading with them. We did watch a jawa play peek a boo with a little boy and it was adorable.
You were there at the same time as us! We liked the new Soarin' and went on it three times this past week. However, you are right that most scenes were not the real deal.

My daughter and others in our group traded with the jawas. They do love their shiny objects. My daughter traded a flashing bouncy ball you find at the dollar store, and they were in heaven and made a huge deal about it! It was a highlight of my daughters trip!

We missed the Animal Kingdom at night because of Storms. We were looking forward to the Tree all lit up, and the Jungle Book Show but neither happened.
Glad you had a nice trip! Thanks for the report it was fun to read!

I will be heading back down next Wednesday. I've been a lot in the past few years (all months) and I've found summer to be less and less crowded. My usual travel time is October and you are correct that the fall is getting very busy. I also book Disney trips and most of my clients right now are booked for September, October, and December!
Soarin: I was bitterly disappointed in this ride. I loved the old film. This new one is so fake I couldn't stand it. I just don't see why so many computer generated things needed to be put in. They couldn't find a real herd of elephants? They couldn't film real hot air balloons like last time? Why would they even include the Taj Mahal if they couldn't film it for real? That whale was so laughably fake I was appalled, the Pacific Life company can film real whales breaching for their TV commercials and Disney has to include a fake one? I am pretty sure every single boat in every water scene was fake, none of them even had wakes.

I was so looking forward to this ride and I kept myself spoiler free and I was just so, so let down. If other people enjoyed it, that is ok and I'm not trying to knock those others. For me, personally, all the fake digital insertions were just so obvious and annoying I couldn't enjoy any of it.

There are enough real and wondrous things in the world that this film did not need to have all the digital intrusions. It took me right out of the ride.

I haven't experienced the new version (probably not til next year) but it is pretty disappointing that Disney thought they could get away with that much CGI -- or felt they needed to. My goodness, they had years and years to prepare this version, and to film great footage around the world (I first heard about this project in 2010 or so). After all that time, they just cop out and go the CGI route? Real elephants and whales weren't "real" enough for them? Bizarre and disappointing. It probably won't ruin the ride for me, but I can see why people are complaining.
I liked the idea of the new film and being able to see new locations. Just didn't like the execution :( But I do understand a lot of people love it, which is fine. Just not the ride for me anymore.

It's disappointing to hear about the computer graphics being used in the new Soarin' film. We'll ride it on our next trip (nothing planned at the moment) but it seems so foolish that they'd use graphics instead of the real thing. I understand how you feel about a much-loved ride being refurbished in a disappointing way. I feel the same way about Spaceship Earth. It used to be my favorite ride in Epcot (and in most of WDW), and we loved the "fall back to earth" ending. The addition of interactive graphics at the end of the ride was EXCEEDINGLY disappointing for us… and now we rarely ride SE, whereas we used to hit it at least twice while at Epcot. Just so disappointed and sad...
Thanks for the review!

Crowds - we used to go to WDW in October but went in August last year since DD was starting college. We thought the summer crowds would be terrible but we found them to be lower than in the fall too. It was nice walking through an emptier, more open Epcot. The F&WF crowds really clog up the walkways!

Heat - I've seen people post that the heat this summer has been "soul-sucking". We are in Indiana (hi neighbor - BTW my sister works at OSU) and it's been really hot & humid here. Not that it compares to Florida! Last year we did OK with the Florida heat & humidity.

Soarin' - I absolutely adored the old version. I'm excited to see the new version but I hope it doesn't disappoint. I've heard there is a lot of CGI and startling moments.
Thanks for the report. I'm so immune to crowds by now that I really can't tell the difference from what some people will call crowded and what we think is not. The heat can get to you, we've always gone in August/early Sept. and are from Georgia so it's just like home for us. I actually dislike going into the AC places because the difference in the temps. bothers me, I carry around a sweater even in August. I'll ride Soarin just because I think you should experience everything before forming an opinion, to tell you the truth I didn't even know some things in the old ride were CGI so I doubt I'd notice. I'm normally just so in awe of what I'm seeing and know I won't get to see it in person so I just enjoy the ride. I'm not sure if I'll do Jungle Book or not, I have a feeling it will be a spur of the moment sort of thing, walking by and nothing to do and it's open so what the heck. Of course, I'm going mid-Sept. so there is a slight change ROL will be open. I'm looking forward to seeing AK at night although I'm not sure I'll do the safari. I'm night blind so I don't know if I'd actually see anything.
We leave tomorrow, we've been here since the 17th. The crowds have been lighter, and the weather has been better than our April 2015 trip, so we were pleasantly surprised. The weather these past couple of days has been wonderful, and our Star Wars dessert party night was great!
Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm jealous of everyone's awesome low crowd experience and super scared for our fall trip. I have a feeling it's going to be a mad house and Disney is probably going to reduce their summer staff making it worse.
Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm jealous of everyone's awesome low crowd experience and super scared for our fall trip. I have a feeling it's going to be a mad house and Disney is probably going to reduce their summer staff making it worse.

If you do one of the Halloween parties, you can catch up on any rides you missed at the MK. Most rides are a walk-on all night.
Soarin: I was bitterly disappointed in this ride. I loved the old film. This new one is so fake I couldn't stand it. I just don't see why so many computer generated things needed to be put in. They couldn't find a real herd of elephants? They couldn't film real hot air balloons like last time? Why would they even include the Taj Mahal if they couldn't film it for real? That whale was so laughably fake I was appalled, the Pacific Life company can film real whales breaching for their TV commercials and Disney has to include a fake one? I am pretty sure every single boat in every water scene was fake, none of them even had wakes.

I'm really sorry to hear this. I knew it was new, but had no idea that they added in fake effects. Sooooo disappointing. I'm not a fan of CGI as it is, but when they add it to a show like this what's the point? Half the reason I liked the original film was because it was "taking" me places I've never been. Not the same when you know it's fake :sad2:
We didn't trade this time but we have in the past. Jawas do love droids, if you have any small robot type plastic toys that might get you a lot of attention. I would definitely recommend trading with them. We did watch a jawa play peek a boo with a little boy and it was adorable.
My daughter and others in our group traded with the jawas. They do love their shiny objects. My daughter traded a flashing bouncy ball you find at the dollar store, and they were in heaven and made a huge deal about it! It was a highlight of my daughters trip
Thanks guys!
I have been watching for things to trade and got one of those bouncy light up balls, but I also found a StarWars shopping bag (those ones you get at the $1 store) and I've been bedazzling it to put the ball in to trade with them. Do they only do one thing? I bought the bag on a whim and have been having fun with it...
Sparkle on!
I haven't experienced the new version (probably not til next year) but it is pretty disappointing that Disney thought they could get away with that much CGI -- or felt they needed to. My goodness, they had years and years to prepare this version, and to film great footage around the world (I first heard about this project in 2010 or so). After all that time, they just cop out and go the CGI route? Real elephants and whales weren't "real" enough for them? Bizarre and disappointing. It probably won't ruin the ride for me, but I can see why people are complaining.

I'm not even sure if they thought they could get away with it...it seems pretty obvious to me. To me it just smacks of taking the easy way out. Like...our guests won't be satisfied with seeing ice bergs and polar bears, lets make the polar bears fake and lets have a huge whale leap out of the water. Uh..Disney...giant ice bergs are amazing enough. We don't need the theatrics, at least in my mind.

It's disappointing to hear about the computer graphics being used in the new Soarin' film. We'll ride it on our next trip (nothing planned at the moment) but it seems so foolish that they'd use graphics instead of the real thing. I understand how you feel about a much-loved ride being refurbished in a disappointing way. I feel the same way about Spaceship Earth. It used to be my favorite ride in Epcot (and in most of WDW), and we loved the "fall back to earth" ending. The addition of interactive graphics at the end of the ride was EXCEEDINGLY disappointing for us… and now we rarely ride SE, whereas we used to hit it at least twice while at Epcot. Just so disappointed and sad...

Ugh I love spaceship earth. I know i rode it before the update, but I don't think I remember the things they changed, I was pretty young. I'm going to dig that up on youtube and watch.

Thanks for the review!

Crowds - we used to go to WDW in October but went in August last year since DD was starting college. We thought the summer crowds would be terrible but we found them to be lower than in the fall too. It was nice walking through an emptier, more open Epcot. The F&WF crowds really clog up the walkways!

Heat - I've seen people post that the heat this summer has been "soul-sucking". We are in Indiana (hi neighbor - BTW my sister works at OSU) and it's been really hot & humid here. Not that it compares to Florida! Last year we did OK with the Florida heat & humidity.

Soarin' - I absolutely adored the old version. I'm excited to see the new version but I hope it doesn't disappoint. I've heard there is a lot of CGI and startling moments.

I really do think a lot of the crowding might be due to Food and Wine. We did Flower and Garden this year and found it so much nicer, first of all the flowers made the park gorgeous and we found the food booths to all be delicious, maybe less is more? And the lack of huge crowds helped too.

I hope you do like the new version of Soarin even though I didn't, I don't like it when people are disappointed.

Thanks for the report. I'm so immune to crowds by now that I really can't tell the difference from what some people will call crowded and what we think is not. The heat can get to you, we've always gone in August/early Sept. and are from Georgia so it's just like home for us. I actually dislike going into the AC places because the difference in the temps. bothers me, I carry around a sweater even in August. I'll ride Soarin just because I think you should experience everything before forming an opinion, to tell you the truth I didn't even know some things in the old ride were CGI so I doubt I'd notice. I'm normally just so in awe of what I'm seeing and know I won't get to see it in person so I just enjoy the ride. I'm not sure if I'll do Jungle Book or not, I have a feeling it will be a spur of the moment sort of thing, walking by and nothing to do and it's open so what the heck. Of course, I'm going mid-Sept. so there is a slight change ROL will be open. I'm looking forward to seeing AK at night although I'm not sure I'll do the safari. I'm night blind so I don't know if I'd actually see anything.

Haha the temperature difference between inside and outside was huge. My sunglasses kept fogging up when we got off buses because the buses were so freezing.

I would definitely try the Jungle Book, the second show was full because the first had been cancelled due to weather. From what I hear you usually can just walk right up to the second one. But I'm with you...I hope ROL is open by then. Still can't wait to see it.

If you do try the safari, ask to sit near the driver. The driver does have a small spotlight they will use on the animals, I was in the last row so it wasn't too effective for us.

We leave tomorrow, we've been here since the 17th. The crowds have been lighter, and the weather has been better than our April 2015 trip, so we were pleasantly surprised. The weather these past couple of days has been wonderful, and our Star Wars dessert party night was great!

You did the dessert party too? What'd you think? Did you do any of the DIS unplugged mega meet events?

Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm jealous of everyone's awesome low crowd experience and super scared for our fall trip. I have a feeling it's going to be a mad house and Disney is probably going to reduce their summer staff making it worse.

We are attending a Thursday night party, just hoping our girls can hang until midnight.

How old are they? I'd suggest sleeping in or having a break midday. Even if no one sleeps during the break I think it will still help. I love MNSSHP so much! Have fun :)
You did the dessert party too? What'd you think? Did you do any of the DIS unplugged mega meet events?


Unfortunately we did not do any of the DIS unplugged events. We enjoyed the dessert party and we would do it again if only to save ourselves from holding onto a spot well before the show. DHS, and the dessert party were very busy on our night. We enjoyed the show even though we did have some issues with positioning ourselves to get a good view.
I did think that the lack of seating for the dessert party guests was not the best situation considering we all had to stand for the show as well; Disney could have easily provided more seating. While there is room for improvement, we did enjoy the whole experience.


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