July and October reports...and in December, the end of this era

She says it in other ways often, no matter who is around. Very upsetting. I get it, I do. She has always taken very good care of her face, and presents herself very nicely. But as she said today to the translator (who was there b/c I asked for it, which annoyed the MIL who has been TOLD that she likes me now, but doesn't FEEL it), her face is young but her body is not.
Molly, you are stuck in such and unenviable position. I say pour yourself a cocktail, light some candles, run a bath and relax. You deserve it.
Ah if only I'd done that. :)

I'm so happy that Robert gets home in a few hours.

I've actually started looking around on real estate websites for houses with little "apartments" so she could be with us, but separate, and as safe as possible. No clue if that will actually happen (Robert will actually probably be the one to refuse) but the looking is being done.
October 4th.

I've got a little bit of time, without the energy to do more cleanup, so I figured I'd type a bit. :)

We were hitting the wall, so to speak, on this trip, and needed a break. The break came in the form of total jealousy over those cabanas poolside, and the realization that we could do it. We arranged it for the afternoon (a half day rental) and decided to take the morning off. "Off" consisted of a Surf's Up breakfast.

We didn't have a reservation, so we did have to wait, and during that time Eamon convinced us to buy him a replacement pirate musket for the one that has slowly broken down. We hadn't seen them anywhere during this trip, so when we saw them at PPH's shop he knew it was now or never. He made sure it lit up and made noise while choosing the one he wanted. We had it sent over to DLH to be picked up the next morning.

The experience of Surf's Up...

We got our picture with Mickey, there were little things like follow the leader, and Eamon had fun. We met some characters; Daisy complimented me on my bracelet that I got from Epcot a year or so ago, we were given trouble for not having any pins of the group that's at the breakfast, etc. This was our first experience getting the photo package with Photopass Plus, and it was pretty darned cool. I mean, we'd gotten the photo package at Chef Mickey's at WDW, but that was painful b/c it was so expensive and neither adult really wanted the pictures of ourselves. But with this we felt better about ourselves and it was prepaid, of course!

The food of Surf's Up...

The scrambled eggs, as usual, were hideous. Robert is an intelligent person and therefore went straight to the omelet station, where he got himself somethiing scrumptious-looking, made just for him, and FRESH. After a bite of the eggs that Eamon and I scooped up for ourselves, I headed straight to the egg chef to get something for E and also for myself. E got a simple omelet, and I got the supercalifragalisticexpialidocious Huevos Rancheros.

I took a close-up shot of it, which makes ME happy, but I'm not sure if it will look good to others. If you wish to see a close-up picture of salsa and avocado and eggs and cheese and tortilla, click here. If that sort of picture might make you ill, don't click. :)

Everything else was either decent or good. We felt that the food and experience were worth it, especially since they have the bendy straws there, LOL.

Not sure what E is looking at here!




This isn't quite as close-up, so I don't have problems with the picture. Robert said that this flatbread was QUITE good.


Playing around on our way out.



Apparently we don't know what a "day off" is, because we found ourselves heading to the parks. :sad2:


Turns out that Robert simply had to ride Jungle Cruise or his trip wouldn't be right. We got to experience the Upstairs Of The Line, where none of us had ever been. Animatronic bird in line.



Wait, what does that say?


I either took this picture from upstairs waiting for JCruise, OR at the end of Big Thunder.


hey look, it's another water station:


Found at:


Finally we realized that we had lost our minds, and we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the pool. Got there, found our cabana, and made ourselves comfy!


I settled in to read on a lounge chair that I didn't have to worry about being stolen...ahhhh. Of course, there was almost no one at the pool at that hour, LOL, but still. My view; we were in #4 or 5 I believe, down at the pool area not the slide (otherwise I would have had a side view of the slide).


The cabana rental gets you the cabana and a bowl of fruit. We got 6 little bottles of Dasani (I've read that others got 4 waters...I wonder if they are full sized rather than the ones that come with kid's meals?). The cabana has a TV, a safe, a table, umpteen towels, two couches, two lounges.

There are wait-staff for everyone at the pool, so we didn't get anything special there, but since we had a place to put food we actually ordered.

All in all, it was lovely.

They bring food out in these fabulous containers (not just to cabanas) and it was brought in this really cool carry-all bag thing. Watch for it, the next time you're at DLH pool. They are neat. :) I want these plate/bowl things, though.


I also want that beer.

The remains of the fruit bowl, and E's flatbread.


The TVs at DLH now have ports for the right sort of cords, so Robert could hook up his computer to it and play our movies. We did that towards the end of our rental because E was wiped out!


Alas, the rental period was over before we knew it, which was sadness.

ETA: another Trader Joes trip that evening, some wandering around DTD, some ice cream at HDasz. There were also two evenings during this trip that we did some arcades. DLH doesn't apparently have one, so we went to the one at the Grand and PPH. It was well worth it, because it was fun. It's not like (some of?) the resort arcades at WDW, where you can get little prizes, but the experience can be worth money, too. Plus, playing Ms PacMan is fun. ;)
Ah if only I'd done that. :)

I'm so happy that Robert gets home in a few hours.

I've actually started looking around on real estate websites for houses with little "apartments" so she could be with us, but separate, and as safe as possible. No clue if that will actually happen (Robert will actually probably be the one to refuse) but the looking is being done.

My SIL used to rent a nice place that had a MIL house connected. I thought that is was a nice set up. Good luck on that.

I love the cabana! I so want to do that now!
Cabana = goodness. And if it's not a barebones, strict budget trip, OR if you have time to make your budget reflect what you want, it's not a horrible price, relatively. I would recommend doing the whole day if you anticipate being at the pool ALL day. It would have been $185 (no taxes) for the entire day. It was a bit over $100 for the half day. I can't remember the exact amount, but the whole day was a relative bargain, compared to the half day. We should have done the whole day, really. But it was a last minute decision and we didn't know if we would like it.

Yeah, we liked it. :)

E is crazy big now! I agree.


Ah, Robert's home. He told me to go sit down, so I did. :) He and Eamon are taking care of recycling, yay. There's quite a lot of it, as it was out of control before he left, and I expected to have the wherewithal to do it, but when you're gone all day then sitting, staring into space in worry, or doing stuff with the kid, or making 10 phone calls a day for someone else...the idea of doing the recycling just doesn't register.

So glad he's home. Felt like he was in Mongolia for a year. Instead of the midwest for 9 days.
Good for Robert! You need a break with your feed up and just relaxing.
October 5th.

Halloween Party day, Goofy's Kitchen day, let's see if we can relax today! (I bet you could make a bet saying "nope" and win)

Pix out the windows near the elevators. The windows are blue.




Got over to Goofy's. We were sat in the booth area up the stairs, towards the very front of the restaurant. Our server was very hand's off and annoyingly so. I'll just vent about him now...he seemed to want to not give me coffee (which is a problem for me, LOL), he didn't want to come by, he had to be asked for the buttons you are supposed to get. He just didn't realize that we had tipped more the day before at Surf's Up b/c our server there was very good, and I guess was happy with the auto-tip amount and had no interest in making more. Doesn't make much sense to me, but maybe he comes from money or something. :)

The experience: not as good as Surf's Up, in my opinion. But I've always really liked the bright and shiny room of the PCH Grill, and don't really enjoy being in the GK area as much. SU was better for Robert, but GK wins for Eamon for a reason mentioned in two paragraphs.

The food: nowhere near as good as SU, because they didn't have huevos rancheros. Robert urged me to ask, but at SU they had a thing of cooked black beans but they didn't have that next to the eggs at GK, so I doubted it would be good IF they could make it. So I just had an omelet, which was decent, but I missed the eggs from the day before....

The overwhelming fave with R&E was the mac&cheese pizza. I refused to even try a bite, being afraid of it, LOL. Even if that food could have made my experience better, I just have no interest in knowing what mac&cheese pizza might taste like. :)

This is what it *looks* like, though.






Now this was cool. The characters had slowed down, and we were just finishing up with food and coffee and waiting for the server to show up so we could get buttons, and we were tapped on the shoulder.



On the way out, we managed to catch Goofy. Our picture on the way in had been with Pluto, which I thought was odd (and didn't even notice, LOL, something the guys made fun of me for), so they did want Goofy in a picture at his restaurant.



Good gravy, WHAT are we doing heading this way again?

Somehow a relaxing day turned into "let's go to DCA for things like Animation Academy!"

THIS is COOL. And it is *outside* the building. You don't have to ask about it now.


Series of pictures of the Frankenweenie exhibit in the next post.
Too bad about the breakfast. You saw a few characters that we have never seen. My kids are passed the characters, Scotty and I are not.
This actually might have been the day we saw Aladdin. YES it was because we told Aladdin we would be seeing his show later. Before we hit the Academy or Frankenweenie exhibit, we went to Aladdin.

The only time I've been, we used those disney package preferred seating things. I've been ranting about the experience ever since. I now take back my rants, LOL. And now I'll rant that they wouldn't let you choose what section you would be in, because only one section was open (to get in line for) at a time. If we had waited outside the lines, we could have gotten the balcony section, but we just didn't realize it would open later. For some reason I think I figured that they had already been seated? Not sure where my brain was, but anyway, we got orchestra, but the back of the orchestra. I was...not impressed with those seats.

I forget how much I like a live show until I see a live show. It's always so impressive, how they move things around and do interesting things with lighting... And I swear it was the same Carpet as when we saw it in '07. That would be impressive!

Since we were in the area, I'm sure that's when we hit Monster's, and we saw the Frankenweenie preview, etc.

OK so over to the exhibit.












This room made more sense after we saw the Preview.



The Preview is at the Muppets theater, and these are posters in the outside line.






I will say this about Frankenweenie. It looks amazingly well done. It looks technically cool, and something I wish I could watch. It also looks completely hideous and disgusting. Just in the preview I wanted to throw up at the concept and at the visuals as he is bringing his dog to life. I don't think I'm going to be able to see the whole movie. :scared:
I have no interest in it myself. Sometimes Tim Burton goes a bit weird for me.
Too bad about the breakfast. You saw a few characters that we have never seen. My kids are passed the characters, Scotty and I are not.

Well, remember that that was just my opinion. :) And I am still thinking about the huevos rancheros and "avocado salsa" they had on the buffet, so really, I should have just sat out Goofy's. :)
After squeezing in some other unknown things, we realized we had to get out of there. The Pirate's League was scheduled for 4 and it was rapidly approaching that, but we needed to get back to the room, changed, then back on through. Auuuuugh.

They were being pirates and I was being some sort of wannabe Madonna from the 80s. Why? Who knows. My hair worked for the Borderline/Like a Virgin phase, and I found some layer-y bright clothes and I had some scarves to tie in my hair... We ended up splitting up because I needed to stop at Sephora, which would put them late for their appt. In retrospect, I should have made that appointment WAY later, and we should not have bothered to enter early. We got too exhausted (gosh, wonder why?) too early, and missed quite a lot of the party because of feet and plain old lack of stamina.

Here are the guys, once I finally met back up with them.




Doesn't he look WEIRD? He was already at that point when I showed up, and I almost didn't recognize him! Didn't recognize Robert, either, face-wise.


In the absence of moi, they upgraded to the fancy swords, of course. There was an AP discount on part of it, though, which was cool.

Of course it was around then that they got hungry. So I got to teach them how to eat with makeup on, LOL.

Corn chowder and mac&cheese at French Market, and I brought the veggie po'boy over.



We did NOT get our money's worth from the party. Not even in enjoyment. Well, OK, my caveat is that I did not. One wonders...does Molly enjoy *anything*? Yes. Huevos Rancheros and cabanas, apparently. :)

Since we started at the beginning of the party, the treat trails were LONG. We didn't really have a plan of attack. And we were all wearing bad shoes. No dance party, no character-meetings. Some candy, some atmosphere. Oh, and the fireworks, of course. That was nice. And I'm wrong, we did meet Merida, which was odd but fun at the same time. The CM there totally got my costume, which was nice. :goodvibes



We also met the stormtroopers, though the map calls them "stromtroppers". Two spelling problems in one word, congrats to the Disneyland proofreaders! Or is that proffreareds? :dance3:

Then there were the fireworks, which ARE the best, I will totally say that. After that, though, our feet started to cry. And so we left. If only we had remembered that Animation Academy schedule, we could have run over to draw some Frankenweenie characters, but we didn't.

Back at the room, once the shoes were off, we got some more energy.




Here were the stuffed animals when we got back. :)


That makeup was SO hard to get off of E. That eye makeup, oh dear. He was sad to take it off, too. But eventually most of it came off and it was bedtime.
October 6.

Today was simple. We went our WW meeting (gained 4.2, LOL) and then to San Diego. :) Got a lovely visit in to my brother and his wife, swam, had Mexican food, heard of their plans, played with their new cat...oh it was great. I wish we had done it earlier and planned for an overnight.
Avast ye matey!!

I love the stippling for the beard. It really does make a difference. They were cute dueling in the room.

I think that although I look forward to seeing the parks with the Halloween decorations I don't think I would enjoy the party either.
We are up far too early for anything but a flight to Disney, because we're doing a little 5K at my alma mater as part of their Homecoming/Alumni weekend. We spent yesterday with MIL and therefore I missed all the other things I wanted to do for the weekend, but oh well.

Now I can stop the agita and hand-wringing, because Robert talked to his mom and she wants to cancel her cruise. She said if she has just one more flight in her, she wants it to be to/from Korea, so we'll just toss her cruise money towards that in the Spring. So now I don't have to *worry* about it anymore, the idea of if it happened on the cruise, if she forgot where she was, etc etc etc. Decision made.

The fight in the room was a re-do, LOL. They'd been doing it naturally and I was taking pictures, but I had my camera on "night" mode which made it all blurry. So I made them do it again. :)

And I love the stippling.
Scotty loves doing things like 5ks. He did a duathlon last weekend, it was his first one and he loved it!

I think that maybe a trip to Korea is much better for MIL. The cruise would have scared me with her health.

How funny that you re-staged the fight! It looks like they had just as much fun with the re-stage as they probably did with the original duel.
I was scared, too. But I was just as scared of *telling* her that we didn't feel comfy with her going.

Gathered the clan today and got a LOT of talking done. She has had some pretty drastic personality changes. Suggesting that people get dogs. Saying she misses having a dog. Feeding dogs people-food. NOT liking me. Deciding she DOES like my BIL's new-ish partner. (though whether or not she gets that that is their relationship I'm not sure, since she had forgotten one of the dogs that lives there) etc etc

I think it's good that we're all talking. And she now has several people at her senior housing place checking up on her AND calling us. So that's good.
Thankfully you are relieved from having to be the "bad" guy on the trip.

This could be an interesting situation with your MIL and her spotty memory and the changes. I hope she remembers that she likes you, that can be really hurtful. I know that from personal experience.

Good, it's good to know her neighbors care and are helpful. That will help until you guys can get her into AL.


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