Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Okay, I am feeling a little better that I have caught up a bit more. ;)

Blog pics are amazing! You look gorgeous!

Day 4, Part 1

* We don’t love DHS either and if it wasn’t for TSMM, I don’t know if we would ever go. We love 50s too, but don’t do it every trip.
* Glad to see the Muppets getting some love again. I don’t want them to change it either, but maybe build a second Muppet attraction.
* Never been to Sci Fi. Maybe we will try it someday. I totally can’t stand the CS options at DHS. Luckily, we are never there around mealtimes, so it works.
* Paul would love the Oreo milkshake!
* OMG! Chris as King of the Backyard Beach pics are hysterical!
* Cars meet and greet is terrible. I totally agree!

Day 4, Part 2

* Sorry you didn’t love being on the monorail. I hope that we do when we stay at the Poly in 2 weeks. (Sorry, had to say that :rotfl:)
* It’s amazing how rude people are at Disney. You wonder if they act that way at home. Or if they are worse because they are, presumably, more stressed. :rolleyes1
* Love the cheese soup! Can’t wait to have it our welcome dinner. :banana:
* Steak looks great. We will be going there for the first time in a couple of years in November.

Okay, hopefully tomorrw I will be even more caught up or even all caught up and then I can stop feeling guilty. :headache:
I love love love all your HM pics, especially the tipsy ones! :lauging: You two are so funny!!

PS. thanks for all the food porn-- I'm starving! ;)

Thank you! And trust me, I get SO hungry just thinking about everything we ate on our honeymoo!

That story about crush and the autistic boy brought a tear to my eye.

Loving your trippie. Can't wait to read more.

Oh, I was crying a little as I wrote it out!

Helllloooo!!! Guess who's here, and isn't a billion weeks behind this time? This gal is, that's who! (I'm motioning to myself, 2 thumbs style!)

-So Charley & I watch ALL of episodes of Once Upon a Time. We love it. I like dark fairy tales! lol
-I think we're going to go watch the new Jason Segal movie at Downtown Disney on the last day of my bday trip. I haven't decided yet.
-Damn those tiny tables! They make me so angry!!! I'm sorry I don't have 5 kids (sorry parents lol). I want some damn space too! Ok, rant over....
-I've never had quiche or leeks. haha I'm sooooo picky when it comes to food. You just wouldn't believe. Charley gets VERY irritated with me sometimes. lol
-I'm excited for my bday trip too!!! AHHHHH I can't wait! I've told Charley EVERY SINGLE DAY since we got from our Xmas trip, that I'm ready to go to Disney World!!!
-We always make plans to be there for rope drop; it just never works out. We scheduled for it at Xmas, and they ended up having EMH at MK almost every morning that week. I swear. I kid you not. And we were staying off property, so it sucked!
-I know we go all of the time, but if we didn't have to AP..we wouldn't go. And if we don't go..we save more money. And if we save more money...that's faster we can be DVC members. Soooo... I don't know. lol
-I seriously LMAO at your gramps taping the wrong chick. Like really?!?!
-Yes girl, into the grass! That's why guys rings are normally WAY cheaper than the ladies rings.
-I'm def going to get some socks.
-I'm not going to de-friend you for your animal hating comments...ha!
-I'm glad yall weren't crazy drunks!

Hopefully we'll be able to talk to each other once we actually meet. If not, we can always pull out the cell phones and FB each other!!! LOL

HM 6:3
-We tend to go to MK a lot as well. And HS.
-Don't you want to tell the people to get out of the way, so you can have a clear pic? I do..
-Aww I like the pic on the bridge. I like your purse and all of your charms. I need some charms.
-Ok, so am I the only 1 that got pissed off every time those damn ears fell backwards?!?! Don't get me wrong, I loved them. They just fell EVERY time. It just made me so angry!
-You're starting to look a little pink on your arms in these pics. Were you wearing sunblock?? I hope so!
-Damn purse snob! ;) That 1 is too freakin cute. I love the hot pink. Seriously though. I need to put in even more OT, so I can buy a Dooney. lol
-Where do you get your charms at when you're there?
-You're supposed to ride while people watch the parades. Then you snack while the people clear out after the parades. This is what we always say we're going to do, but it never happens. We end up leaving before the parade, because I start to feel claustrophobic!
-We haven't been to the Wave. We were supposed to on our HM, but we ended up not going.
-Why do we always fill up on the bread? We do that too.. then we hardly want anything when the meal actually comes.
-Chris has 1 devil eye in that bread pic, and it's scary to me.
-So chicken and waffles is a really big thing in the south. I've never had it, but it's popular.
-You should do a better job taking pics of the desserts. That's what I like to look at. Last night I was on the allears site, looking at the menu for Ghirardelli's. I was reading everything off to Charley, and we were practically drooling. It was really sad.
-So, I told Charley that yall did 2 tours. He was like "what tours?"!! Uh helllloooo! All of the damn tours I kept telling you about, that's what tours! Guys can be so dense sometimes! LOL
-BTW, 2 Drink Tony is great and all.. but I get kind of mad when they bring an extra drink like that. Sometimes I never even make it to that drink, and it's such a waste.

I'm sorry your Grammy is back in the hospital!! I soooo hope she gets to feeling better!

HM 7:1
-I bet it's pretty snazzy being within walking distance to MK.
-Yay for not getting lost getting to the tour entrance.
-So you got a name tag you were able to take home with you? That you didn't have to peel off your shirt? That's high class right there girl! ;) jk I'm jealous. I want a name tag.
-Did you snag me a pair of those headphones?
-That's a pretty decent tour group. Jerrod sounds like he was absolutely fabulous. I'm glad he made your tour experience so great. It really makes a difference when you have someone that's actually into the job.
-I think the "empty lot" joke is pretty funny. LOL
-The people scare me running into the parks. I just want to run from them... but that kind of defeats the purpose of standing in line.
-I'm so glad Jerrod gave you sit down breaks, unlike BradJosh who thought you were there to run the marathon. (I just came up with that, cause I know that the marathon went on while you were there. Very clever of me, huh?)
-I like the story about Walt and Fantasia. BUT I really do think people would've freaked out had they smelled incense burning during the movie. Or they would've thought it was a whole different kind of party!! LOL
-I take my phone into the parks with me, but only so I can update with pics on FB. Like in your face biatch, I'm at Disney! HAHAHA
-We were asked several times if we were married at Disney. And when we said SBP, most of them were like "where?"!!
-The tour sounds really cool. I would love to do that sometime.
-I almost started crying when I read your Crush story. That's the sweetest thing. I REALLY want to move to Orlando and work at Disney. That is NO joke. I think we should leave Charley and Chris and their respective jobs, and we can get an apartment and work at Disney together!!!

YAY!!! I'm not behind!!!

I seriously almost have a panic attack every time I think about how close our trips are!!! I can't freakin wait!!!!!

WOAH! WHO IS THIS?!? Is this my Jennifer?!?! But she’s always days behind!!
-You should definitely go see Five Year Engagement at DTD!
-Do you like eggs and cheese? If you like those, then you’ll like quiche. I promise. I’d start out with a ham and cheese (or bacon and cheese) quiche first though. It basically tastes like an omelet with a crust.
-I’ve been pining for WDW since our honeymoon too! I can’t wait.
-I seee your point about the APs: but I still think you should renew. I think you’ll regret it if you don’t!
-Did you know I get to see your face in 44 days?
-I actually ended up bobby pinning my ears into my hair for a few days. It worked so well!
-I don’t think I wore sunblock most days. Oops!
-I get my charms usually in the jewelry shop on Main St. They also sell them at World of Disney (but we hate that store); Sunset Couture in DHS, and Mouse Gear. They probably sell them in AK too, but I don’t know where.
-Yes! The parade makes me feel claustrophobic too! There are just soooo many people in one small area.
-I’m sorry Chris scared you. Shall I beat him up?
-Men don’t listen. At all. Ever. It’s their job.
-See, Chris and I drink a LOT so it is well appreciated. But, I can see how it would annoy some people.
-That’s right, only the CLASSIEST of name tags for us this time around!
-Jerrod was fabulous. If you take a tour, you should totally request him.
-LOL! BradJosh probably DID think we were there for the marathon. Even though there were 2 people in scooters. He wasn’t too smart.
-Confession: Walt Disney is my hero. I love that man SO much. However, I think he was totally crazy--- in a good way, but totally crazy.
-I remember you saying that about Sea Breeze Point! I just said “Oh, we got married at the Boardwalk” and people would say “ohhhhhh.”
-If we leave our husbands, can we have a Disney wedding?


That tour sounds so amazing, and the stories would make me cry too. I can't wait to hear more!

Thanks! I should have more up tomorrow!

GREAT report on the tour so far, Jackie! No 3D glasses washing?! Boo! Anyway, I LOVE what he said about leaving your adult life in the car. This is exactly what I do everytime I go and it seems like a common thread between all true Disney fans. WDW really is my happy place :goodvibes Oh, and how precious is that Crush story?! Not gonna lie, the first time Ryan and I saw it we had no kids with us and I totally teared up just watching how much the kids enjoyed and loved Crush. Disney magic at its finest.

No, no glasses washing. I know everyone is SO disappointed. And I've actually never sat through the Crush show! We never seem to get off of Nemo at the right time, and I just don't have the patience to wait.

Aww, I will definitely be thinking good thoughts for your grammy!

This tour sounds like a lot of fun, too! How long is this one? I know I read up on it at some point, but these days, info just doesn't want to stick it seems.

I can definitely see why movie theatres would not be thrilled by the idea of the incense! Especially back when Fantasia first came out! :laughing:

I do always bring my phone with me in the park...because I always worry about not being able to find whoever I'm with. (I swear, I must've been abandoned in a previous life or something)

Aww, the story about Turtle Talk gave me goosebumps. It's the stories like that that give me hope that there are still good people in this crazy world still.

I'm ready for you to post more, Jackie!

This tour was about 5 and a half hours and it includes lunch. It was only a little shorter than Undiscovered Future World, which did not include lunch.

And, actually, I do get nervous about losing Chris (I blame it on Punky Brewster because she got left in a mall), but I just HATE being tethered to my cell phone. It's nice having a break from it.

That seriously sounds like a great tour! I got goosebumps and teary-eyed when you were telling those magical stories.

I also love the facts about the Jungle Cruise--since that is one of my FAVS.

Can't wait to read more about this tour!

Awww. You should take Keys to the Kingdom. I am now a Keys to the Kingdom advertiser! (PS 44 days!)

<3 for your grammy.

Loving hearing about Keys tour. I've got tears in my eyes over the boy and Crush story.

LOL at the headless characters. My OH once got roped into being the kids club bear when we were in Greece and he was soooo pleased to get his head off!

A-HA! I sat here for five minutes trying to figure it out: does OH mean "Other Half"?!? And he sounds like a good sport. :)

* Our 2013 trip is for the last week in April. Since my school screwed up my schedule I'll have that spring semester off but won't have a full time job yet (since I want to work in a school and they don't really hire mid-year), so it seemed like a good time. My ultimate hope is that once I get a full time job and have a little more money, I can go more often and take some solo trips. DH likes Disney, but not enough to go that often (he doesn't really understand why we're going back in 2013, he says "how much will have changed in a year and a half? We just did that!"), so once I have the money it's my dream to just go on my own and maybe meet up with DISers! It's all very much hypothetical right now and probably wouldn't happen til 2014 anyway. I also need to find a way to find cheaper flights!
* Many prayers are being sent for your grammy. <3 :hug:
* The tour sounds so awesome. I definitely have to do it someday.
* Relieved to hear it confirmed that the skippers do not steer those boats! :rotfl:
* I would love to work at Disney, it sounds like such a special job. That story about Crush brought tears to my eyes too, just from reading it. Disney World is truly a magical place.

I think your plan for solo trips sounds fabulous! Luckily, Chris really doesn't have much of an opinion if we go or not (he likes it, but isn't crazy obsessed like me), but he's okay with going once a year, whereas I prefer at least twice. Maybe we can meet up in 2014! I love planning lofty trips like that.

And my ultimate goal is to move to Central Florida and get a teaching job, and work at Disney part time in the summers. I tried convincing Chris to move to Florida after I finish Teach for America, but he's not really having it.

First of all, I've been MIA, but I'm all caught up!
- I'm glad your grandparents are out of the hospital and I hope they are doing better.
- Now I am dying to experience the HM stretch room all to myself (...and the hubby I suppose ;)).
- DH plays with his ring all the time and I'm always scolding him! His best friend has been married for almost four years and STILL plays with his ring. I'm afraid Rob will be the same way!
- Oh no! The big cookies are gone?! I just had one in November!
- Rob doesn't drink at all, so I'm the one that annoys him when I get drunk (very rarely, fyi!).
- I love Meeko!
- Mmm Via Napoli. Can't wait to go back!
- The two of you drinkin' around the world - HYSTERICAL!
- I saw you mentioned HIMYM and Jason Segal in response to someone and had to tell you that I 1) love the show (and Jason Segal) and 2) watched episodes of the show while at the dentist last week! Definitely made the appointment better! Also, Rob and I saw the movie American Reunion and every time Alyson Hannigan would kiss Jason Biggs, Rob would lean over and say something about how Marshall would be so pissed! Cracked me up!
- The Wave looks really yummy! Chicken and waffles are popular in the south... or so I hear. I've never actually had them myself!
- Just saw that your grammy is back the hospital. Sending prayers!
- Wow. I got major chills reading about the boy taking his first steps at WDW and the boy with autism speaking with Crush. Wow. Disney truly is such a magical place. (I need a hug after those stories and I'm home alone! So internet hug! :hug:)

Oh no! Four years and still plays with the ring?!? Chris just gets the glare when he touches it now. And HIMYM does sound like it would make the dentist more enjoyable. Actually, the dentist I go to (well, he's a dental student and he's graduating) is a HUGE disney fan! So we always had something to talk about.

Also :hug: Jerrod was really funny because, after he told these stories (and a lot of us were crying), he said "Oh, I was having a GREAT time on the tour until my wife started crying!" :lmao:

DH and I plan on taking the KTTK Tour in December - I hope we get a good guide like you did!
The story about the autistic boy with Crush made me teary eyed - can you just imagine being part of that magic?!?

I hope you do too! I've pretty much only heard good things about the Keys guides. I think it's Disney's second most expensive tour (behind the $230 Backstage Magic Tour), so I think they spend a lot of time and energy on it.

~t was expensive!
~nd oh, I just might have that frame..and 2 of the candle holders that went with the set, and the blanket :rolleyes1 I wanted the pillows but decided to get them on my next DTD but then they were gone! (I had my xmas CM discount of 40% so does that make all the spending better?)
~ will have to harrass the Art of Disney people! It's so pretty!!
~Wohoo! I cant' wait to see everyone!!

~ have your grandma in my thoughts!
~I didn't know about the M.T. Lott joke..Love it!
~I keep meaning to try one of the cinnamon rolls! But we aren't usually there early in the mornings I guess.
~I am too stir crazy and need to have my phone with me at all times. And now with the Disney Mobile Magic app, you can get all sorts of info, even what time the fastpasses they are giving out are for. Oh, and there's a trivia game! It's fun and hard!
~As for Disney brides...since I've gotten married, I keep asking every couple that I see with the Just Married buttons or Happily Ever After buttons on that come through the ride when I'm working, if they got married at disney (I am determined to bump into a disboard bride!) but so far every couple has gotten married back home!
~And I love JC! (My ex bf used to work there so used to ride his show over and over!) I didn't know about the cobra snakes! But the plane in our ride is the other half of the plane from JC. (and some of our animatronic faces used to be in Pirates!)

-Gah! I am so jealous that you have so much of the Cindy stuff. However, I totally would have splurged if I had a 40% off CM discount too. I love that they've started to make more princess stuff for adults.
-Is the Disney Mobile Magic app available for non-Verizon now? Chris keeps his phone on him and we check Lines pretty frequently.
-I'm surprised you've never met another disney bride at GMR! That's kind of crazy to me. Where are all the Disbrides at?!
-Really?! The planes at GMR and JC are the same?!?! The Casablanca plane, right? I am gonna have to look for that next time!

Okay, wow I am so ashamed that I am this far behind. Wow. Even Jennifer is is more caught up than me, by alot! :sad2::sad1::rolleyes:

Day 3, Part 1

*The tour looks terrible, but glad you were able to make the best of it. We did the Behind The Seeds tour once at the The Land and our guide was so bad that the tour that left an hour after us caught up! :headache:
* Piffle on the no pictures at The Living Seas.
* Cool prop room!
* We have been backstage for our site visit. It’s kinda cool, but kills the magic a bit.
* Eeewww on the 3D glasses. :eek:
* Wow, CM stamp buying place. Who knew?
* Lesson for today “if someone gives you FPs, say thank you and move on!”

Day 3, Part 2

* Love the wedding shrine. Gorgeous! :worship:
* Brown Derby is so pretty!
* Love the drinks menu. The peach one sounds awesome! (I am going to Yachtsman in May and will have the sangria on your advice)
* Filet looks amazing. So does the chicken. I don’t typically order chicken out, but that looks divine.
* The cake looks delish. I went once a while ago and not sure if I got the cake or not, but I know I need to go back now.
* Love the pictures at the end of the night. Chris looks very “happy”. :rotfl:

The scrapbook is great! Good job getting it done. I have all the supplies to do one for all our planning stuff and hoping to start on that soon, before I have too much and don’t do it at all. The fairy godchildren are coming over on Thursday and Rachel loves to scrapbook, so I think we will get started.

Okay, I'm glad this is in two posts! I can get caught up too!
-The Behind the Seeds guide was bad?! That's awful! I really want to take that tour because of our obsession with Living with the Land. Is it not worth it?!
-It's surprising how ugly World Showcase is from behind, isn't it?! Like, I guess it shouldn't be that surprising, but it just... is.
-I don't usually get chicken when I'm out either (it's kind of all I make at home, and I like to get things I don't cook), but it was sooo yummy. I want it now. And some more grapefruit cake!
-I wish I could help the fairy godchildren scrapbook with you!

Okay, I am feeling a little better that I have caught up a bit more. ;)

Blog pics are amazing! You look gorgeous!

Day 4, Part 1

* We don’t love DHS either and if it wasn’t for TSMM, I don’t know if we would ever go. We love 50s too, but don’t do it every trip.
* Glad to see the Muppets getting some love again. I don’t want them to change it either, but maybe build a second Muppet attraction.
* Never been to Sci Fi. Maybe we will try it someday. I totally can’t stand the CS options at DHS. Luckily, we are never there around mealtimes, so it works.
* Paul would love the Oreo milkshake!
* OMG! Chris as King of the Backyard Beach pics are hysterical!
* Cars meet and greet is terrible. I totally agree!

Day 4, Part 2

* Sorry you didn’t love being on the monorail. I hope that we do when we stay at the Poly in 2 weeks. (Sorry, had to say that :rotfl:)
* It’s amazing how rude people are at Disney. You wonder if they act that way at home. Or if they are worse because they are, presumably, more stressed. :rolleyes1
* Love the cheese soup! Can’t wait to have it our welcome dinner. :banana:
* Steak looks great. We will be going there for the first time in a couple of years in November.

Okay, hopefully tomorrw I will be even more caught up or even all caught up and then I can stop feeling guilty. :headache:

-Are you not a TOT fan? We used to be afraid of it (I'm a sissy sometimes), but we love it now. I always get nervous when I go on it again though.
-And I agree: the CS options in DHS are terrible. Absolutely terrible!
-I think the Poly is better for transport because you can walk over to the TTC. I can't wait for your trip (What am I saying, I mean OUR trip!!!)
-Have you noticed that people always seem stressed in Disney?!?! I wonder why... I mean... it's Disney people.
*Behind the Seeds may have been good, but our guide was awful! We knew he was taking too long, but when the next tour caught up, we were horrified! I always tease Paul that I will make him do it again. As an added insult that day, Mulan was mean to him too! :)
* Backstage is definitely weird. Hope our guests aren't turned off by it.
* That's how I feel about having chicken out, but if it sounds different like the one you had, then I will. You and I think alot alike FDD!
* Printing out pics for the scrapbooking today. Wish you could come help us too! (I think I will definitely be going to the scrapbooking store at DTD in 2 weeks!)

* Never been on TOT, but I have a terrible fear of heights and falling, so I know it's not for me. Paul doesn't like rides like that at all, so we skip them. :)
* I think the TTC right there will definitely help. I am just so used to walking into Epcot that I am spoiled. We will see what happens in 14 days!!! Woohoo!!! :banana: Glad you are excited!
* I think people are stressed at Disney because they feel the need to do everything, since they may only go once or twice with the kids. We don't care what we do or don't do when we go. It won't be our last trip and it's not worth getting stressed over. We also don't do the park every minute, since that would drive us crazy. To each his own I guess, but I never want to feel like I need a vacation after a vacation.
-Gah! I am so jealous that you have so much of the Cindy stuff. However, I totally would have splurged if I had a 40% off CM discount too. I love that they've started to make more princess stuff for adults.
-Is the Disney Mobile Magic app available for non-Verizon now? Chris keeps his phone on him and we check Lines pretty frequently.
-I'm surprised you've never met another disney bride at GMR! That's kind of crazy to me. Where are all the Disbrides at?!
-Really?! The planes at GMR and JC are the same?!?! The Casablanca plane, right? I am gonna have to look for that next time!

~I love that they've made more Disney princess stuff too! And ooh..check this out..I just ordered it and thought of you too!


~I have the iPhone from AT&T. I never knew that it was Verizon only!
~I've only been asking since I went back to work after the wedding in October, and I work every other week, but still! I want to be able to talk about the Disney wedding with the guests some day!
~Also, did you know that in Singing in the Rain, the rain was actually milk and Gene Kelly got sick from it! (yes, I'm just full of that knowledge!) I'm just glad its actually water at the ride..that would be so gross!
*Behind the Seeds may have been good, but our guide was awful! We knew he was taking too long, but when the next tour caught up, we were horrified! I always tease Paul that I will make him do it again. As an added insult that day, Mulan was mean to him too! :)
* Backstage is definitely weird. Hope our guests aren't turned off by it.
* That's how I feel about having chicken out, but if it sounds different like the one you had, then I will. You and I think alot alike FDD!
* Printing out pics for the scrapbooking today. Wish you could come help us too! (I think I will definitely be going to the scrapbooking store at DTD in 2 weeks!)

* Never been on TOT, but I have a terrible fear of heights and falling, so I know it's not for me. Paul doesn't like rides like that at all, so we skip them. :)
* I think the TTC right there will definitely help. I am just so used to walking into Epcot that I am spoiled. We will see what happens in 14 days!!! Woohoo!!! :banana: Glad you are excited!
* I think people are stressed at Disney because they feel the need to do everything, since they may only go once or twice with the kids. We don't care what we do or don't do when we go. It won't be our last trip and it's not worth getting stressed over. We also don't do the park every minute, since that would drive us crazy. To each his own I guess, but I never want to feel like I need a vacation after a vacation.

Oh no! Paul just did not have a good day that day, hmm? And we DO think alike, FDM! :D

I was really unimpressed with the scrapbooking store this time around. I think Michael's actually sells better Disney stickers than WDW does!!

That's a good point about people stressing. It's a comforting feeling knowing it's not your first trip, nor will it be your last!

AWESOME trip report! :thumbsup2 U tell it so well.. Sorry about your grammy :hug:

Thanks!! :D You must be sooo excited!

~I love that they've made more Disney princess stuff too! And ooh..check this out..I just ordered it and thought of you too!


~I have the iPhone from AT&T. I never knew that it was Verizon only!
~I've only been asking since I went back to work after the wedding in October, and I work every other week, but still! I want to be able to talk about the Disney wedding with the guests some day!
~Also, did you know that in Singing in the Rain, the rain was actually milk and Gene Kelly got sick from it! (yes, I'm just full of that knowledge!) I'm just glad its actually water at the ride..that would be so gross!

GAH! I have been ogling that shirt for weeks. Let me know how the sizing is. If it's crazy small I won't order it, but I might if it's normal.

Ewwww I DIDN'T know that it was milk. That's SO gross. I do, however, know all there is to know about Debbie Reynolds because my grammy made me read her Eddie Fisher's biography ten years ago. Fun fact.
All caught up! I'm in my last few weeks of my semester at school (going back to college much later in life) and I have been busy studying.

Love your updates. I have a question for you though, where do you get the charms? They almost look like pandora charms and I know pandora doesn't actually make disney charms. Can I buy them online? I must have one or several :goodvibes

The tour sounds great but I'm not ready to see Brer Rabbit with no head. :lmao:
So a few notes before we get started:

*Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers--- however, unfortunately, I need to ask for more. Grammy fell into a coma early Tuesday morning and is currently in a medically induced one. They are going to start changing her medications today, and we're optimistic that she will wake up. She has been responsive and opened her eyes a few times despite the drugs, so things could certainly be worse. Thank you for your kinds words. <3 I love you girls, and writing this trip report definitely helps me escape this crap year that is 2012!
*On a much lighter note, we booked Regina for an anniversary session on December 30th! Woohoo!

Now, let's get on with it.

Honeymoon Day 7, Part 2: More Keys to the Kingdom

I forgot to mention that, when we were backstage, Jerrod pointed out how the MK "takes out the trash." There are these hugggee trash centers backstage, and the collectors actually separate the trash by hand. Can you imagine?!?! He also managed to present it in a way that was funny: "Now, how many of you woke up today and said "Gee, I wonder how they take out the trash at the Magic Kingdom?"

Anyway, after we were done crying backstage, it was time to head to Columbia Harbor House for lunch, which is included in the price of the tour. We stopped for a bathroom break, and I asked him where I could find the Mickey pretzel stand. I had seen it earlier in the week, but then it was GONE! But, Jerrod told me they didn't have Mickey pretzels at Walt Disney World! Oh no, Jerrod, you are wrong. Lacey the disbride (who has disappeared! Where did she go?!!) definitely ate a Mickey pretzel every day she was there for her wedding. As I was asking about the pretzels, a photopass photographer started taking pictures. Why? No idea!



I really wasn't angry at all, even though I'm doing the serial killer pose.

Anyway, so Jerrod talked as we walked over to CHH. He pointed out the bear pelts on the Country Bear Jamboree (so I thought of Becky!) which he has always found a little morbid. Why are there bear pelts at a bear show?!?! He also told us that the river that separates Liberty Square from Frontierland is unofficially called the "Little Mississippi" because it divides the "U.S.A." in half.

As we were walking, a girl found my pretzel cart. So all hope was not lost on that front!

He also told us that there aren't any bathrooms in Liberty Square because there wouldn't have been any bathrooms in Colonial America. The bathroom in CHH is so far away from everything else that it is technically in Fantasyland. Now, I know this is supposed to be an example of Disney's expert theming but... well there weren't any bathrooms in the Old West or in the jungle either. I didn't say that though!

We were actually seated with Jerrod for lunch--- which was nice, but a little awkward. (He was probably thinking "oh geez, I get to sit with the Pretzel couple.") I asked him about his job, and he told us that he was also a VIP tour guide for a lot of celebrities. He said that he realized his job was a little crazy when he looked up from dinner and was sitting with Hugh Hefner and the girls next door! :lmao:

We were also given this key pin at lunch, which I thoughr was a nice touch.


Lunch was a little rushed though, as I guess we had to keep to a rather strict, exact schedule. After lunch, we headed on the Haunted Mansion through what I think is the handicapped entrance. I was just excited to be at a part of the mansion I had never been before! Jerrod had also pointed out that there are actually chess pieces on top of the Haunted Mansion because that was the ride designer's signature. (I forgot the ride designer and I am too lazy to look it up; forgive me.) That's why there are pirates playing chess in POTC too!

Before we went on the mansion, Jerrod told us to look for three hidden mickeys: there are mickeys around the Master Gracey portrait in the sitting room, the place settings in the party scene (which are unofficial hidden mickeys because they are done by CMs and not by imagineers), and there is also a hidden mickey on the Grim Reaper in the graveyard scene. Near the never-ending hallway, there is also a chair that has a cutout of Donald's face. I managed to see all but the Grim Reaper. I've never even seen the Grim Reaper!

We then walked over to the Crystal Palace and took one final bathroom break because there were no bathrooms where we were going next: the tunnels!!!

At the beginning of the tour, Jerrod had asked us "How many of you are here to see the tunnels?" and about half of us raised our hands. He then asked "How many of you are here because your partner wants to see the tunnels?" and the other half raised their hands. :lmao: He then said "The tunnels are the SECOND part of the tour. I'll repeat, the SECOND part. When are the tunnels? The SECOND part." But now it was time for the tunnels!

And, I hate to be a downer, but the tunnels really, truly just looked like tunnels. Jerrod said that some people claim it reminds them of the bowels of a ship, which would make sense as Joe Fowler (who designed the tunnels) was a former Navyman. We were led to a section of the tunnel that was obviously outfitted for the Keys to the Kingdom tour. We were told some more history that wasn't anything new, but it was just... I don't know, bizarre to think that we were actually underneath the Magic Kingdom! They don't play Disney music in the tunnels as a courtesy to CMs, and I don't blame them. I am sure they need a "break" from the magic every now and then."

We were probably in the tunnels for about an hour, and mostly in the same spot. We did have to move out of the way for various vehicles at times, but other than that nothing terribly exciting happened. We were all fascinated by the maps that showed you where all of the various entrances and exits were though.

We exited the tunnels sort of near the beginning of Main Street. The tour concluded with stories about the partners statues, but I liked the one about Roy the best. Jerrod definitely seemed to be a great admirer of Roy Disney, and he made me appreciate him all the much more. He said that, while Walt and Mickey are in the center of the MK, Roy and Minnie are off to the side, letting Walt be the star. However, there is an empty space next to Minnie on the bench because there will "always be a seat open for anyone who wants to come." Why yes, I did start crying again.

We thanked Jerrod and the tour was over. I would heartily recommend the Keys to the Kingdom tour to anyone who is even thinking about doing it. It is the only chance some of us will have to go backstage at the MK, and if you have an excellent guide like we did, you'll hear stories and facts you just won't hear anywhere else. The tour was roughly 6 hours and cost... $75 or so per person, but it was worth any penny. This was one of my favorite parts of our honeymoon.

End of Keys to the Kingdom

After the tour we decided we needed a snack and so we headed over to Sleepy Hollow to pick up two of these little beauties.


They're definitely one of the best snacks in the MK!! From there, we headed to the Hall of Presidents, which Chris had never seen before. I think I only cried a little this time. Then we went over to the Carousel of Progress, which is one of my all time favorites. "But Papa--- I'm INDECENT!!!!" "It's okay, they're just friends." WHY IS IT OKAY FOR YOUR FRIENDS TO SEE YOUR INDECENT DAUGHTER, JOHN!?!?!?

Sorry. I quote this ride on an almost daily basis.

Even though we should have still been full from our massive ice cream sandwiches, I still had a hankering for one of those Mickey pretzels. Chris and I went over to Frontierland to get one (we were really ALL over the Magic Kingdom that day!!!) and some cheese sauce.


As we were eating and dunking our pretzel, I started laughing.

"What's so funny??"
"You do realize what we're doing, right?"
"Ghetto Le Cellier!!!"

Instead of pretzel bread and cheddar cheese soup, we were having mickey pretzels and $2 cheese dip. Can't get reservations?! No problem!


From there, we trekked over to Adventureland to do the Jungle Cruise, where we had a terrribblleee skipper. And I mean awful. She put WAY too much emphasis on the jokes so that they were horrendously unfunny. "You'll come out... A-HEAD!!!" is not funny, Sharon. After we got off the ride we both just looked at eachother and said "Yeah. Her name doesn't matter." I'm actually surprised we didn't rename her. (Or maybe I forgot and her name is actually Chloe or something.)

We walked over to POTC to do that again. Are you noticing that we pretty much do the same rides over and over? That's how we roll. We tried to go on HM afterwards, but the wait was long and we were utterly exhausted, so we left. We took the monorail back to the Contemporary, and I picked up some stuff in the gift shop (some bride and groom salt and pepper shakers for Melissa and me, as well as a Contemporary pin. And maybe a cookie??). We waddled back to the room and took a nap so we would be fresh for Citrico's that night!
I'm sorry about your Grammy. But it's good that she's being responsive! I'm not well-versed in medical-ness, but even I know that's a good sign! I'm a firm believer in positive thinking making a huge difference, and with all of us here? Things will be okay.

Yay for booking Regina! :woohoo:

The tour definitely sounds like an awesome time. And that price isn't bad at all, considering it includes lunch and it's Disney! Perhaps on our what's-looking-to-be February trip.

Ghetto Le Cellier! :lmao: That's fantastic. Four for you! ;) Those Mickey pretzels are the best. Okay, any warm pretzel is awesome, really, but when you get the added bonus of them being Mickey shaped, it makes them just a bit more special. :goodvibes
The pin they gave you is cool. I'm a pin collector BTW. I do want to see the tunnels too. I will have to look closer for the hidden Mickey's on HM. Would you believe that I just rode it for the first time in 2010 because I was afraid. I read a book that tells you all about the HM in the different parks and how they differ before I went so I was more prepared to look out for things. It's a lot to look at the first time you go on.
The Imagineer who made Haunted Mansion was Claude Coats! :lmao: *feel impressed with self* I read all those facts in my book last night & it's funny you talked about them in your post! The tour looked fun :D I want to do it someday~ :goodvibes LOL @ ghetto Le Cellier you guys are too funny
Hahaha Bethie! Very funny!!

I am not behind! It's a miracle! I know.

-Yes I like eggs and cheese. It's not something I can eat all of the time, but I like them.
-I'm so freakin ready to go to WDW. That's what makes the AP decision so damn hard!!
-Yay!! Not much longer now! How exciting?!?!
-I ALWAYS wear sunblock. I burn so easy. I even spent the ridiculous price they charge in the parks, because I forgot my sunblock in the room.
-I seriously need some charms for my bracelet. I never buy any. I always think of something else to spend the money on. The money that went on that camera could've filled a few bracelets! LOL
-People still didn't know what the hell I was talking about when I said the Boardwalk. They're just like "DUH"!
-I'm sure we can have a Disney wedding, and probably force the guys to pay for it in the divorces!!!

I'm praying for your Grammy a quick recovery!! Much love and pixie dust going her way!! I <3 you and am so sad that your 1st year of marriage has been plagued with such heartache. Just know that we're all here for you, and we all love you!! Anytime you need to talk, all you have to do is send a quick message. If you haven't been able to tell, my phone is practically glued to my hand at all times. It always has FB open, so I'll get it AND respond to it. Not be a slack *** like I usually am when it comes to commenting here.. even though I'm doing much better IMO!!!

HM 7:2
-Ewww.. I definitely don't want that job at Disney!
-I was looking at the menu over on the allears site the other day (this is what I like to do in my spare time...), and I know FOR SURE I saw Mickey pretzels on there.
-Umm.. WOW! There's that serial killer face I love!! You and Chris both look like you're about to take a hit out on someone! BTW I'm so jealous of those snazzy name tags. I seriously love them!!
-LMAO I just scrolled down and actually saw where you made the comment about the serial killer pose! I'm seriously about to die over here!!!
-Did he mention anything about alligators out there in that water?! What if some couple was taking their bridal pics down by the water and a giant gator came out and chomped them?!?! OMG! Just sayin.. it would be pretty crazy. And it could happen..I've seen it on tv.
-I knew there were pretzels there.
-I need bathrooms everywhere. I have to tinkle a lot. I mean a lot!! Charley gets slightly upset with me.
-LOL How cool?! I would seriously love to meet HH. I def don't want to me a new GF, but I'd like to meet him. I bet he's a very interesting man!
-I like that pin. I just need it. The whole tour is worth having that snazzy name tag, sitting with Jerrod for lunch, and getting that awesome pin!
-This tour really does sound awesome!
-Were the tunnels scary? This sounds slightly scary to me. Tunnel collapse?!
-I would've cried too!! I bet Jerrod was pretty much awesome.. just sayin!
-That price isn't as bad as I thought it would be! lol
-I need snacks!!
-hahahaha I said the same thing. Why would he want them to see his kid in her undies?!
-I will definitely be getting 1 of those pretzels. It looks soooo tasty! Charley & I usually share 1. I can't handle too much salt. I don't think I will share this time though.
-Oh yeah baby! Aww aint Chris so cute?! Him wooks wike a wittle baby!! (in case you were wondering, this is my baby voice)
-We def ride the same rides over and over. At HS we go back and forth between ToT and RnR. I kid you not. Back and forth, back and forth. When we were there for Xmas, we got there right after the park opened. We rode both of those rides 5 or 6 times a piece before 11am!!! Crazy!

And now I'm caught up again! Yay! I'm so damn proud of me!
Damn, I wouldn't mind some ghetto cheese pretzels ;) I am going to have to try that in a couple of years when I drag my BoyF to Disney...hopefully for our Disney wedding.
* Continued thoughts and prayers for your Grammy, it is good that she is a little responsive and hopefully she will keep improving!
* Congrats on booking Regina! Those pictures will be awesome.
* Hahaha yes, the Country Bears! Now that you mention it, those bear pelts are pretty morbid...
* lol about the bathrooms... when you posted that I thought the same thing you did! Imagine if Colonial Williamsburg did the same thing, there wouldn't be any bathrooms anywhere!
* Oh boy, you've really made me want to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour. Someday! Our 2013 trip is with my parents and they haven't been in ages so I imagine we'll just try to do the basics in each park, so maybe... 2014? I don't plan ahead at all ;)
* Your comments on Carousel of Progress made me laugh out loud! :lmao:
Prayers from south Florida for your Grandma!

I always laugh out loud at least once when I read your posts! This time it was about the tour guide having to eat with "the pretzel couple" :rotfl:

That pin is so cool! Now I wan't to do that tour even more...
GAH! I have been ogling that shirt for weeks. Let me know how the sizing is. If it's crazy small I won't order it, but I might if it's normal.

Ewwww I DIDN'T know that it was milk. That's SO gross. I do, however, know all there is to know about Debbie Reynolds because my grammy made me read her Eddie Fisher's biography ten years ago. Fun fact.

Yeah, so the sizing is no bueno...I'm exchanging it for one size up but I have a feeling I might have to return it for another size up after that.

Yay for getting Regina!

And I'm determine to get that Mickey pretzel one of these times!
Sending prayers for your Grammy. I am still laughing at your comment about bathrooms not being in the Old West and the jungle. Too funny!!! Disney details at their finest! I think I may have to do this tour. I'll have to add it to my list of things to subtly mention to Rob regarding our next trip (list also includes an anniversary shoot with Regina!).

Random, have you ever had Pepe's pizza? I'll be in CT in two weeks and Rob is obsessed with Pepe's so we'll be going (he got appendicitis from eating too much pizza there... good times!).
I'm sorry about your Grammy. But it's good that she's being responsive! I'm not well-versed in medical-ness, but even I know that's a good sign! I'm a firm believer in positive thinking making a huge difference, and with all of us here? Things will be okay.

Yay for booking Regina! :woohoo:

The tour definitely sounds like an awesome time. And that price isn't bad at all, considering it includes lunch and it's Disney! Perhaps on our what's-looking-to-be February trip.

Ghetto Le Cellier! :lmao: That's fantastic. Four for you! ;) Those Mickey pretzels are the best. Okay, any warm pretzel is awesome, really, but when you get the added bonus of them being Mickey shaped, it makes them just a bit more special. :goodvibes

Oohh you're going to take a February trip too?! Awesome! I wish I could come. And I LOVE anything pretzel shaped. Srsly. And soft pretzels are EVERYWHERE in Milwaukee--- they, like, have them for appetizers at all of the local restaurants. Isn't that bizarre??

The pin they gave you is cool. I'm a pin collector BTW. I do want to see the tunnels too. I will have to look closer for the hidden Mickey's on HM. Would you believe that I just rode it for the first time in 2010 because I was afraid. I read a book that tells you all about the HM in the different parks and how they differ before I went so I was more prepared to look out for things. It's a lot to look at the first time you go on.

I'm a moderate pin collector. I just like pretty ones. And wow!!! I'm glad you decided to brave HM. I didn't go on Splash until 08 because I was too scared. :)

Much love for your granny. She is in my thoughts.

You KTTKT looked amazing though.

Thank you so much! And KTTKT was phenomenal.

The Imagineer who made Haunted Mansion was Claude Coats! :lmao: *feel impressed with self* I read all those facts in my book last night & it's funny you talked about them in your post! The tour looked fun :D I want to do it someday~ :goodvibes LOL @ ghetto Le Cellier you guys are too funny

Ooohh thank you for the reminder!!! I won't forget that now.

Hahaha Bethie! Very funny!!

I am not behind! It's a miracle! I know.

-Yes I like eggs and cheese. It's not something I can eat all of the time, but I like them.
-I'm so freakin ready to go to WDW. That's what makes the AP decision so damn hard!!
-Yay!! Not much longer now! How exciting?!?!
-I ALWAYS wear sunblock. I burn so easy. I even spent the ridiculous price they charge in the parks, because I forgot my sunblock in the room.
-I seriously need some charms for my bracelet. I never buy any. I always think of something else to spend the money on. The money that went on that camera could've filled a few bracelets! LOL
-People still didn't know what the hell I was talking about when I said the Boardwalk. They're just like "DUH"!
-I'm sure we can have a Disney wedding, and probably force the guys to pay for it in the divorces!!!

I'm praying for your Grammy a quick recovery!! Much love and pixie dust going her way!! I <3 you and am so sad that your 1st year of marriage has been plagued with such heartache. Just know that we're all here for you, and we all love you!! Anytime you need to talk, all you have to do is send a quick message. If you haven't been able to tell, my phone is practically glued to my hand at all times. It always has FB open, so I'll get it AND respond to it. Not be a slack *** like I usually am when it comes to commenting here.. even though I'm doing much better IMO!!!

HM 7:2
-Ewww.. I definitely don't want that job at Disney!
-I was looking at the menu over on the allears site the other day (this is what I like to do in my spare time...), and I know FOR SURE I saw Mickey pretzels on there.
-Umm.. WOW! There's that serial killer face I love!! You and Chris both look like you're about to take a hit out on someone! BTW I'm so jealous of those snazzy name tags. I seriously love them!!
-LMAO I just scrolled down and actually saw where you made the comment about the serial killer pose! I'm seriously about to die over here!!!
-Did he mention anything about alligators out there in that water?! What if some couple was taking their bridal pics down by the water and a giant gator came out and chomped them?!?! OMG! Just sayin.. it would be pretty crazy. And it could happen..I've seen it on tv.
-I knew there were pretzels there.
-I need bathrooms everywhere. I have to tinkle a lot. I mean a lot!! Charley gets slightly upset with me.
-LOL How cool?! I would seriously love to meet HH. I def don't want to me a new GF, but I'd like to meet him. I bet he's a very interesting man!
-I like that pin. I just need it. The whole tour is worth having that snazzy name tag, sitting with Jerrod for lunch, and getting that awesome pin!
-This tour really does sound awesome!
-Were the tunnels scary? This sounds slightly scary to me. Tunnel collapse?!
-I would've cried too!! I bet Jerrod was pretty much awesome.. just sayin!
-That price isn't as bad as I thought it would be! lol
-I need snacks!!
-hahahaha I said the same thing. Why would he want them to see his kid in her undies?!
-I will definitely be getting 1 of those pretzels. It looks soooo tasty! Charley & I usually share 1. I can't handle too much salt. I don't think I will share this time though.
-Oh yeah baby! Aww aint Chris so cute?! Him wooks wike a wittle baby!! (in case you were wondering, this is my baby voice)
-We def ride the same rides over and over. At HS we go back and forth between ToT and RnR. I kid you not. Back and forth, back and forth. When we were there for Xmas, we got there right after the park opened. We rode both of those rides 5 or 6 times a piece before 11am!!! Crazy!

And now I'm caught up again! Yay! I'm so damn proud of me!

WOW YOU'RE ALL CAUGHT UP!!! :cool1: I'm tired, so this will be an abridged post. You're probably being a sleeping beauty right now.

-Just buy the gosh darn APs. You need something to take pictures of with your shiny new camera, right?!
-I GET TO SEE YOU IN LIKE 40 DAYS!!!! It might be 39. I'm too lazy to check.
-Do you get disney charms? You should.
-And thank you for your thoughts. I'm sorry that my first year of marriage has been like this too. It's really not what I pictured! I <3 you.
-LOL!!! I thought of you when I wrote about the serial killer. I KNEW you would comment.
-Actually, Regina told me that there are almost always alligators over by the Wedding Pavilion. She said that one of the janitors one day took it upon himself to try and capture one with his granola bar. I am not entirely sure how that worked out for him.
-I tinkle all the time. Seriously. I am like a 95 year old woman.
-Whenever I see HH, I just think of Joel McHale saying "I'm a boat captain!" I hope that means something to you. If not, I just sound crazy.
-The tunnels weren't scary at ALL! They're not tunnelly, they're basement-y. Do you guys have basements in Georgia??
-LOL! Poor Chris and his babyface. He gets carded when he buys R rated movies sometimes. Don't tell him I told you that.

I'm so proud of you too!!

Damn, I wouldn't mind some ghetto cheese pretzels ;) I am going to have to try that in a couple of years when I drag my BoyF to Disney...hopefully for our Disney wedding.

I want one too. NOW! I can't wait for one next month!

* Continued thoughts and prayers for your Grammy, it is good that she is a little responsive and hopefully she will keep improving!
* Congrats on booking Regina! Those pictures will be awesome.
* Hahaha yes, the Country Bears! Now that you mention it, those bear pelts are pretty morbid...
* lol about the bathrooms... when you posted that I thought the same thing you did! Imagine if Colonial Williamsburg did the same thing, there wouldn't be any bathrooms anywhere!
* Oh boy, you've really made me want to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour. Someday! Our 2013 trip is with my parents and they haven't been in ages so I imagine we'll just try to do the basics in each park, so maybe... 2014? I don't plan ahead at all ;)
* Your comments on Carousel of Progress made me laugh out loud! :lmao:

Thank you, Becky! I wanted to say that I am sorry I never respond to your blog comments. I appreciate them SO much. :goodvibes
-LOL! Colonial Williamsburg would be horrible! I worked at a historic house museum that had what was formerly an indoor outhouse. Can you imagine how bad that thing must have smelled??
-Yess do it in 2014. I'll come too. Let's do this!!

Prayers from south Florida for your Grandma!

I always laugh out loud at least once when I read your posts! This time it was about the tour guide having to eat with "the pretzel couple" :rotfl:

That pin is so cool! Now I wan't to do that tour even more...

Thank you so much! DO THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM TOUR! Just don't be the pretzel people.

Yeah, so the sizing is no bueno...I'm exchanging it for one size up but I have a feeling I might have to return it for another size up after that.

Yay for getting Regina!

And I'm determine to get that Mickey pretzel one of these times!

Ughh that's awful. Stupid t-shirt. I wish they would do more of the princess designer line, don't you? And I also saw the pretzels at the stand in the American Pavillion--- the beer/snack stand.

I am totally going to try the Ghetto Le Cellier on our trip.. :rotfl2:

Haha! I think it's a new tradition!

Sending prayers for your Grammy. I am still laughing at your comment about bathrooms not being in the Old West and the jungle. Too funny!!! Disney details at their finest! I think I may have to do this tour. I'll have to add it to my list of things to subtly mention to Rob regarding our next trip (list also includes an anniversary shoot with Regina!).

Random, have you ever had Pepe's pizza? I'll be in CT in two weeks and Rob is obsessed with Pepe's so we'll be going (he got appendicitis from eating too much pizza there... good times!).

Yess. Do both of those things. It was Chris's idea to do an anniversary shoot. (Well, he suggested it because he knew how badly I wanted it.) I'll bet you can convince him!

And, I have... sort of had Pepe's pizza. Where in CT are you going? I've been to the one at Mohegan Sun, but never the original one in New Haven. I think it's okayyyy. I like NY style pizza better.


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