It's just us! Silver Anniversary visit - Pre-trip report

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
Well, as the title says, for this trip: it's just us! So excited to have this trip finally booked after months of deliberation about how to spend our Silver Wedding Anniversary :love:

The Cast:

Me – Julie 44
DH – John 48

Here we are last October enjoying some amazingly hot sunshine in front of our beloved Hotel New York

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Monday 25 February - Wednesday 27
Our anniversary is actually the week before, but we can't manage those dates and I've also since found out it's half term for lots of schools (ours are the week earlier in Scotland) so I'm quite happy it's worked out like it has and hopefully won't be quite as busy.

We spent a loooooong time thinking about this.....We wanted to push the boat out a bit but we just can't do a luxurious holiday on our own as we have a big holiday planned for the summer with everyone. I couldn't justify the prices of DLH which is where I really, really wanted to stay. We've been there twice before and absolutely adored it. After weeks of discussion, as a compromise, we've finally settled on Santa Fe for the first night and then, we'll move to the Disneyland Hotel for our second night :lovestruc I'm so excited :cheer2: I've justified the cost by saying that if the kids were coming with us we'd be spending double on flights, food and all the other costs associated by those pesky kids :rotfl2:

I got good prices on flights from Glasgow to CDG which is fantastic, no drive home from Liverpool at crazy o'clock in the morning....

Ezyshuttle are booked to whisk us to the magic as usual :thumbsup2

Things we want to do:
  • I'm looking forward to seeing the Santa Fe, we've never stayed there and love the look of the Cars theme. After a good experience a the Cheyenne I'm sure it will be fine.
  • So looking forward to being at the Disneyland Hotel again. Being so close the park will be fantastic as I'm expecting some cold weather.
  • DH isn't a great thrill rider so we'll just take it easy and enjoy the atmosphere of the parks. For some reason though he likes Tower of Terror which I hate. So we've done a deal...if he does BTM with me then I'll brave ToT with him :scared1:
  • Mickey and the Magician will be showing again which I'm looking forward to seeing
  • I'd like to see Mickey's Philharmagic again if it's still showing too
  • Ratatoullie is a favourite of ours as is Pirates so we'll be spending lots of time there
  • I managed to make our restaurant reservations using the Belgian version of the DLP site for Plaza Gardens and The Steakhouse. Lunches not planned yet, but think we may have afternoon tea in Disneyland Hotel instead one day
Everything is booked and organised. I'll send an email to the hotels the week before arrival to try and secure a nicely situated room.

And now just to wait.......:hyper:
Our plans have changed slightly.....for the better I think. We've changed our first night from Santa Fe and decided to just go for it and stay at the Disneyland Hotel for both nights :love:

I've sent an email to them to ask for a nicely situated room, but I know the whole hotel is beautiful so I'm sure whatever we get will be lovely.

Also treated myself to one of the new Kipling bags from the Mickey's 90th birthday range - so excited to use it for the first time at Disneyland Paris.

We've had a very busy month with lots of things going on. We celebrated our actual anniversary this week and were spoiled by family and friends with some lovely cards and gifts.

I'm so happy that we're going to be there in just a few days from now :cheer2:


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