-It Takes People To Make The Dream A Reality- DCP Summer 2018 Highlights Trip Report! (COMPLETE 6/6!)

I guess you're in Florida now......I so admire you following your dreams.
Sometimes life turns out the way you want, some times life gets in the way of living......regrets? In some ways, yes. That is why I admire those who
'go for it'.
Anyway, hope you enjoy your life going forward, hope Florida fulfills all of your dreams, even getting back to Cali some day.
Much success and happiness Timmy!!:tink:pluto:
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You definitely got it!

Oh most definitely.

Oh so sweet!

I couldn't not. It had to be done.

Now that's a spoiler I can live with. Yay!

Not confirmed but ya know... something to potentially look forward.

Wow you were right, definitely emotional. But what a magical last day, truly.

It was, all of that.

I’m really happy to see that you liked Disneyland as much as you did. I’m sure that’s hard saying that since you grew up with Walt Disney World. Most people I know that have come to Walt Disney World growing up have always said that Walt Disney World is better. I think it really depends what park you go to the most or first. When people ask me which park I like better, I always say that I’m biased to Disneyland but I like both for totally different reasons. Then I also say if you’ve never been to Disneyland, to give it a try. That is because most people I talk to have never been. Disneyland is truly a magical place.

I was honestly shocked with how fine I was with saying Disneyland was my favorite, because as a guest, I wasn't as wowed as much as I thought I would be but working there and going there regularly. I fell in love and I just totally forgot about WDW and now it's my fave. I guess it depends on the person in the end. I feel like most people who say WDW is their favorite haven't been to Disneyland enough to understand it's real magic or just at all. Higher quantity doesn't always mean better quality I always say.

Thank you so much for many wonderful updates from my “home” park! It sounds like you had the perfect evening to say “See ya real soon!”

You're very welcome. It's been such a pleasure sharing all of this with y'all.

I’m looking forward to reading about all of your magical memories that you will be making in Florida!

Will be posting those very very soon.

I guess you're in Florida now......I so admire you following your dreams.
Sometimes life turns out the way you want, some times life gets in the way of living......regrets? In some ways, yes. That is why I admire those who
'go for it'.
Anyway, hope you enjoy your life going forward, hope Florida fulfills all of your dreams, even getting back to Cali some day.
Much success and happiness Timmy!!:tink:pluto:

I am indeed. And oh my gosh you are too sweet. I'm glad my choices can be seen as admirable because sometimes I question it so thank you for all your support. Hopefully I'll be back in Cali soon. Thank you again. :goodvibes
Looks Like We're Missing Something...
Part I


As I mentioned this report wasn't ever planned, if it was, it would've been live much like Jess's, but because I didn't have that foresight to know I'd be able to take on a report like this I went with a highlights only format. However... there's so much I left out. So much at the parks and so much even not at the parks so I decided I'd give you a quick overview of some of my favorite moments that I neglected to share in detail. Some will have one photo or video, some will have multiple. Nothing's in chronological order but I've noted all dates. So enjoy this little run-down of some magical moments we skimmed over:

June 10th, 2018:
Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride with Katie, Lakeland and Skyler in the Gay capital of the West Coast: West Hollywood!


Click to watch!


More Special Memories with Cindy & friends

July 14th, 2018

July 15th, 2018

July 1st, 2018

(That's Suzy by the way, if you were curious)


July 26th, 2018:
Ariel Spirit Jersey Day & Tour With Disney Fairytale Weddings!


More Quality Space Mountain On-Ride Photos

July 12th, 2018

Date Unknown

June 6th, 2018


More Special Memories with Ariel

June 30th, 2018

July 14th, 2018

July 28th, 2018

June 13th, 2018


June 19th, 2018:
"Well, I'll be... ohohoho IT'S THE BLUE FAIRY!"


June 4th, 2018:
Morning at DCA with Oswald, Nick & Judy

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Looks Like We're Missing Something...
Part II


May 29th, 2018:
First Solo Day in the Parks (or Photoshoot with Cruella)

Click to watch!


July 1st, 2018:
"Ariana Grande saved the gays." Also, Canada Day.


June 7th, 2018:
Doctor Strange And Other Mystical Arts Moments


June 20th, 2018:
Jasmine, Kevin and the Girl Genie at the Wishing Well


May 31st, 2018:
Pluto Kisses


June 13th, 2018:
That Time I Ruined Spidey's Game of Telephone...


Food, Glorious Food

July 7th, 2018: Spicy Po Boy From The Anaheim Packing House

Date Unknown: Gumbo From Royal Street Veranda in New Orleans Square

May 30th, 2018: Frosty Parfait from Adorable Snowman Frosted Treats in Pixar Pier

June 7th, 2018: Redd's Apple Freeze from Cozy Cone Motel in Cars Land

Date Unknown: Blue Raspberry and Cherry Swirl Slush from Pixar Pier

July 25th, 2018: Unsalted Mickey Pretzel from Tomorrowland


Radiator Springs Racers Action Shots

July 14th, 2018

June 25th, 2018


June 25th, 2018:
Flik's Fun Fair Parade

Click to watch!


July 25th, 2018:
Graduation Ears Embroidered And Other Magic


June 2nd, 2018:
Chewie Hugs


June 30th, 2018:
Cooling Off With Frozone


July 2nd, 2018:
Aurora at Main Gate


June 16th, 2018:
Closing Out Pirates

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Looks Like We're Missing Something...
Part III


June 17th, 2018:
Fathers Day at Disneyland

Click to watch!


Custodial Cast Member at DCA Things

Photocredit: @Lesley Wake

Special signing on a Pixar Wall that's currently somewhere in Pixar Pier. Cool to be a part of Disney history permanently (and yes I did put my Instagram handle on there too hehehe)


And that's it. I hope you enjoyed a run-down of what you missed. It is always said that a picture speaks a thousand words so I hope these spoke to you to add to the fact this really was a summer I'll never forget. More wrap-up to come. Lots more.

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Sounds like a great last visit in the Hall!

Sounds like a fun afternoon in DCA too! Love those group hug pics with Spiderman!!

Ahh sounds like the night was getting bittersweet :( But so fitting that you watched PTN. I can't imagine how emotional you all felt!

Aww that's so perfect that you got to meet Mickey when leaving DCA!

Love all the photos at the end of the night in DL. So appropriate.

Ugh all the rest of your highlight photos are adorable. Suzy, The Blue Fairy, your selfie with Nick & Judy, and just so many more that I loved seeing!
Sounds like a great last visit in the Hall!

It was!

Sounds like a fun afternoon in DCA too! Love those group hug pics with Spiderman!!

Thank you! Spidey is so much fun.

Ahh sounds like the night was getting bittersweet :( But so fitting that you watched PTN. I can't imagine how emotional you all felt!

It was quite emotional, but yeah truly a perfect fitting end.

Aww that's so perfect that you got to meet Mickey when leaving DCA!

Leaving DCA just felt so right the way it happened.

Love all the photos at the end of the night in DL. So appropriate.

Thank you! Again, all very fitting.

Ugh all the rest of your highlight photos are adorable. Suzy, The Blue Fairy, your selfie with Nick & Judy, and just so many more that I loved seeing!

Awww thank you! So many great memories, I had to share a few more.
August 4th, 2018: Departure Date

Time to officially close the report with my actual departure date. The night prior was the night I spent saying goodbye to the Disneyland Resort and my Disneyland fam. Today was saying goodbye to California, West Coast and everyone else moving out of Carnegie. Many had already left such as Julianna and Garrett, but my roommate Lucas was gone as well. He applied for an early departure that we all signed off on so he moved out while the rest of us were spending our last day in the parks. My goodbye was technically the night before at the final Summer Alumni party. Since this program, he's actually gone back again to Florida, starting a third program, this time in a Merch role I believe which he had had previously there and loved. All the best wishes for him.

For who was left in my apartment, Maxx still had a whole year with the company as a Professional Engineering Intern so he was off at work, which left just Jason and I. Jason was staying with the company and was moving in an apartment with his girlfriend who I saw quite a bit. However, it was quiet when I woke up and I just right away got to finishing my packing. I finished a bit earlier than I expected including bringing down things to donate and to toss in the garbage so I decided to go grab some Starbs. I didn't get much sleep so the caffeine was a must.

On my way out, I passed by a cute note from Maxx...

I really had such fabulous roommates this summer. We never had any issues and were not even the slightest bit uncomfortable around each other. It just was funny that we hung out with other people more than each other. Like none of us really became close. I know Lucas adored Maxx, but I, who slept in the same room as Maxx, barely knew him. Our sleep schedules were so opposite that we just never talked and never had to. We both were pretty good about our cleanliness and organization. Still, they really made my living situation nothing to be troubled by, bless them.

Anyways to Starbucks!

I also got a Chorizo sandwich to hold me over until I got to the airport for lunch. I ate those when I got back to the room and moved all my bags out of my room into the living room so I could drag them out as soon as I was checked out. Check-out had already started but my flight wasn't until late afternoon so I was gonna wait to check out until the last possible minute so I just chilled for the time being as the patio out my window got hype and emotional with everyone checking out. Jason and his girlfriend Ciera came through to get stuff. I gave them both hugs goodbye in case I didn't catch them later. They were packing their car to head directly to their apartment with what they had left, while I was gonna walk out and immediately call an Uber to take me to LAX.

After they left, I had another moment and kinda lost it. It was pretty real today. I didn't have a castle or Fantasmic or whatever to distract me. I was leaving.

Getting myself together, I finally decided it was time to go check out then get my stuff out of my room before the housing team came through for the final inspection, which was only partial for my apartment since Maxx still lived there. I passed in my room key, recycled my work shoes and filled out some final paperwork. Once I finished that, I ran into my co-worker Matt and said goodbye to him. Then I saw Rachel B and Kaitlyn and gave some more goodbye hugs to them. I also ran into Liz too. Everyone was either withdrawn or a complete emotional wreck. It was a total crowd of emotions, everyone wanting to stay or wanting other people to stay if they were staying, but everyone trying to make their time commitments. When I left, I immediately ran into Lakeland who gave me a super long hug and started tearing up. We were not holding it together nearly as well as last night, we really weren't. We talked quickly, but I really had to run now, getting my stuff out and going out to catch an Uber. I wish I didn't, but it was time to go. Lakeland was going on a road trip with her boyfriend but I think she had to Uber to his hotel or was riding with someone in that direction so she was in a hurry too. More tears, more hugs and gone. Just like that.

I went back to my room, did a quick once over and walked out.

Goodbye Carnegie 207, it's been real.

Also to 208, the extension of the happenings in our apartment (aka Katie & co.'s apartment).

I then hastily wheeled myself to the elevator, down to the first floor and out onto that stretch in front of Carnegie. It was out there I ran into McKenzi and Katie. Both of them came in cars so they were driving out and had already done so. They were just waiting to take one last dancing vid in front of Carnegie for a montage they ended up making. They were probably in the best spirits of anyone I saw that day. They both had struggled a lot during this program and I have a feeling another to happen would be difficult for either. I was so glad I met them, we had such good times and they are definitely two friends I could hang out with on a whim.

I got on my phone and hailed an Uber. As I was walking to the edge of Carnegie, I ran into Jason and Ciera again. Ciera gave me another hug right as my Uber pulled up. And that was my last interaction with my DLRCP friends. I had to load my stuff into the trunk of this car then hopped right in, bound for LAX. I took one last photo before my driver sped off.

The drive was just depressing. I was on and off having moments of tearing up. I really didn't want to leave. I hid them well from the driver I think. His first language wasn't English so he wasn't a huge conversationalist. I didn't speak with him enough to know what language he did speak. I assumed Spanish and as much as I like to practice mine when I can, I was too tired and emotional to do so.

After that long quiet drive, we arrived at LAX. He dropped me off at my terminal no problem and I went right in to go check my bags. I did my first bag, praying it wasn't overweight to discover it was. I tried to move as much as I could but all my bags were STUFFED so it was difficult. I ended up having to move off to the side to do it. I started to panic at this point.


I called both my mom and my dad asking for money since I knew I didn't have enough to pay. I was such a mess. I had such an emotional morning and after talking on the phone and frantically going back-and-forth between my two bags wondering what to do, one of the ladies at bag check said to try again. The bag was still overweight but she let it slide. Bless her. I think she'd rather I get home than have me panicking all day then spend a ton of money because my bag is just an extra two pounds too heavy. So glad those individuals exist.

I then was off to security which I have priority on so I didn't have to wait in the long line and went through fairly quick. LAX's security is also pretty well spread out so it's never too long a wait and they really keep you moving. I'm also pretty much a pro at it at this point. It was a breeze and I was on my way to my terminal with much waiting to go.

My waiting mostly consisted of me with my phone charging at one of the ports by my gate, texting all my friends seeing where people were in their travels, texting my family, my friends back home, Instagramming, tweeting, etc. Whatever I could to keep me occupied. I also grabbed some gum for the plane from the gift shop as well as some food for that moment and for later if I got hungrier than normal on the plane ride.

They once again asked for this plane ride for people to put their carry-ons under the plane since overhead space was limited. I considered it, but once again opted not to. Pretty soon, we were boarding and flying home. The flight as I recall was uneventful. I loved the view I got, that was one thing I remembered.

I slept most of it and then tried to watch Moulin Rouge as we landed back at Logan. The depression was really kicking in, I was officially back on the opposite coast with no knowing when I'd be on a return flight. I didn't like any of it, not at all.

I was getting texts from my family saying they were all there, excited to see me. I was personally more excited to see a bed and my puppy. They met me at the bag check and waited with me to help grab my bags. We ended up waiting awhile and I ended up being the only one to notice my bags. They were no help. My dad was in carrying them, but they were mostly just pestering me when I clearly wanted to be left alone. I know it's a family thing but I needed time to process and just didn't need them over-my-shoulder, a concept that my family can never seem to process and sees it as "you don't like us and just won't say it."

I'm not gonna get into how badly my post-DLRCP depression hit me and just end it here. It was an amazing summer that I miss dearly. It took awhile to really get past missing it and some other personal stuff that had followed me after I left, which goes to show how truly impactful it was. I'll save my discussion of that for the next update. For now, like returning-home Timmy was feeling, time to sleep.

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Sounds like an emotional day and journey home! I'm sure you were in total shutdown mode once you landed and it was hard for your family to get that.
Sounds like an emotional day and journey home! I'm sure you were in total shutdown mode once you landed and it was hard for your family to get that.

It definitely was and yeah shutdown mode was what I totally was in by the end. I couldn't function and just needed my rest. Definitely something my family is not accustomed to or just associates with being unnecessarily grumpy, which I wasn't.
"We'll be a part of your life for the rest of your life."

I never got into my last day of working at DCA. To make a long story short, it was rough.

And I'm gonna tell the story anyway lol I managed to trade for a short mid-day four hour area shift at Buena Vista Street. BVS can be quite the time whether in restrooms or area, but I was happy to be back in area and I assumed with a shorter shift at the time it was, I'd get lucky and be put on the Soarin' trash. WRONG. I ended up being put in the most high traffic area on BVS, covering the entrance down to Carthay and Starbucks. It was miserable. Even my bump out was awful as the guy was being a total snob about some aspects of my job that I did not know. I was ready to be over with it. My heart was not in it to the point I didn't even really talk to people to get my emotions and frustration out and tell them it was my last day. Not until I had to start getting ready to bump out did I tell my lead. Anyways, this was not why I brought this up.

After the shift ended, I went back to costuming and had a bad breakdown midway there. I was just an emotional wreck. When I talked to my lead about my leaving, she told me that she saw me as Guest Relations which is something I definitely wanted to do potentially. That was the last conversation I had with someone before I clocked out and walked to Costuming. It just hit harder than normal with all the roughness of the day and let itself loose. That morose attitude was there well until I went into Disneyland.

On my way in, I was caught by my favorite main gate CM, Adam, who yelled as I walked in, "And this one is going back to NH." I responded, "I just got off my last shift." And he said the words, the most final and sealing of words to me, "We'll be a part of your life for the rest of your life." I teared up when he said that because it was true. My Disneyland fam would always be there whether we were at Disneyland or not and I'd always have Disneyland as a part of me. I put so much into being there, something had to stick.

Those words ended up turning my night around and I actually didn't leave the parks as I expected I might after the shift I had. I ended up having a really nice conversation with a CM at Market House when I grabbed another drink before continuing my evening, all about being a Cast Member. The stars were really aligned well to make sure I didn't leave on such a sour note with such high notes throughout a great program.

I guess that also goes to show what these programs are and what they teach you about life. I've done two programs now and both had their ups and downs, both of equal gravitas. I'm sure most of you didn't notice this, but there was a major presence on my program I completely cut out of the writing of this program. I'm not gonna go into details, but they were the primary reason I was so emotionally volatile and came home so depressed. They are not a good person and did not deserve to be written in as honest as I am, but I will let you know that corners were cut to avoid mentioning this despicable person. But again, even with them such a prominent presence they couldn't stop the magic. You can't let them.

I've always been one to be unfailingly optimistic and that has been something I've retained during these programs. I'm so grateful for it all. For the highest of highs and lowest of lows, they've made me stronger and more of what life throws at you. I've grown up so much over the course of these programs, a long way away from who I was before and even more so back when I still lived at home full time or just starting college in general. I feel more mature, more capable and knowing of what I want to do moving forward... somewhat.

Speaking of the future, what is next for me? At the time I'm writing this I'm in the process of revamping my resumé and preparing to apply for another CP as well as some Professional Internships (spoiler alert: got the CP not any of the PIs, though I was close on one). The Professional Internships are what I hope I get to do, but I'm fine with another CP. Whether it will be in California or Florida is up in the air, the CP will most likely be in Florida just to fit in with the financial situation I'm gonna be in (and so it was written and so it shall be). But going back to Disney is a definite, even if it takes a few application seasons I will be going. In the mean time, I'm applying for a small job that will keep me afloat enough to start paying off loans and keeping me busy (update: didn’t happen). I'm also helping with choreography for my high school's production of Mamma Mia! which has been fun (for the most part it was…). If I can't have Disney, I'll always have theater, a place that truly follows you everywhere.

Like Walt said, I'm just gonna keep moving forward. Looking to the future, but always being grateful for where I've been. Thank you all for following along in this massive endeavor and for all your kind words, general responses and support! It means a lot. I hope I made having to stick around for such a crazy long TR worth it. Not sure when I'll be back for another one. I've enjoyed this so much that I'm definitely considering doing a live TR following another CP if it happens (and I am, link in my signature), but we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

For now, I'll conclude this TR with a dedication to growth and growing from experiences. It's the most positivity one can add to their life.

I'll also add a little 10 (actually 9) year challenge of my journey with Disney. Talk about growth.

APRIL 2010


JUNE 2014



JULY 2018

As always,

have a magical day!


The End.
I always appreciate how honest you are about your experiences! I so much enjoyed reading about your DCP!

Look how much you've changed and grown over the years. I know this next DCP will be another wonderful experience for you!! :wizard:
I always appreciate how honest you are about your experiences! I so much enjoyed reading about your DCP!

Look how much you've changed and grown over the years. I know this next DCP will be another wonderful experience for you!! :wizard:

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for stick around until the end! Always loved hearing your reactions.

It's crazy to think it's been nearly a whole decade of Disney. Can't wait for what the next decade brings and especially this DCP. So excited to share all of it. :goodvibes
I'm so glad I got back and caught up again because now I'll know to look for you on Sunset Boulevard this summer! I hope you're already having a wonderful time in Florida. <3
I'm so glad I got back and caught up again because now I'll know to look for you on Sunset Boulevard this summer! I hope you're already having a wonderful time in Florida. <3

Yay for being back and catching up! And yes, definitely keep a look out and don't be afraid to say hi. I'm having a fab time :goodvibes
Thank you for a wonderful Trip Report about your experiences at Disneyland. It is truly a wonderful place. It sounds like it was a very magical time for you filled with many park experiences with friends and some of your favorite Disney friends as well!
Thank you for a wonderful Trip Report about your experiences at Disneyland. It is truly a wonderful place. It sounds like it was a very magical time for you filled with many park experiences with friends and some of your favorite Disney friends as well!

It was my pleasure. I only hope that I'll be getting to go back real soon. Until then, well... you know where I'll be lol
Just came by to see what's going on and try to catch up with you! Always enjoyed reading your TR's and hoping for more!
I finally finished reading the last several updates--I was way behind!!

Thanks so much for sharing all of these wonderful experiences, even the rough ones. Your report was so raw and honest, and I love that you shared the highs and lows so openly. What an incredible experience filled with so much magic and so many memories. Looking forward to reading along on your new adventure!!! :)


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