Island Hopping: A Highly Inappropriate TR. (Boom.)-- Link to NEW TR! 10/8

So you aren't doing a trip report for your past trip? If so, I am sad! But I loved your IG pics!! :)
No, I AM!! I just can't start it yet because this one is still going :thumbsup2. I am definitely doing one and it is going to be EPIC!:cool1:

The poly is :thumbsup2 I stayed there on a trip with just me and my kid when he was 15 months and it was the best. A quick trip away, we went in December and it was freezing and we could see the fireworks from our room!

Enchanted tales with belle is very cute. We did it for the first time this september. My nephew was also the beast. My DS was chip!

I just love MK in the fall and those decorations!!! Im so ready for next september!!!!

I'm ready for next September, too!! I know I just got back, but I am ready to go again. I wish I could just live there!

No, I AM!! I just can't start it yet because this one is still going :thumbsup2. I am definitely doing one and it is going to be EPIC!:cool1:

I'm ready for next September, too!! I know I just got back, but I am ready to go again. I wish I could just live there!

OH good I am happy! It will keep me entertained until December. Plus, you probably have to wait for your hubby to edit! I am excited for your and Dani's TRs!
Yay for new updates! Before I get to the response, can I just say it's crazy how much the kids have grown up in the past year? All three of them.

I really need to take the train around the park again. I haven't done that in WDW in forever. I always forget they have cool little things like the native village, or the animatronic deer.

It looks like they did a great job with Enchanted Tales with Belle! The animatronics look amazing, but I'll be honest, I'll probably never go on it until we have kids, haha. As well all know, audience participation and I don't get along very well :)

Is it just me, or does Casey's Corner have some of the worst CMs in the parks? I love the food and the fake cheese, but the CMs are always really unfriendly and unhelpful.

Can't wait for the next update, and I REALLY can't wait for your next report!
I can say I was more than thrilled to see this thread pop up on my "participated" tab on the app tonight and even more thrilled that it was an actual update from you!

Your trip reports are a great mix of pictures that
Make me feel at home and great stories that I can imagine myself there!

Welcome back can't wait for the conclusion and the beginning of a new. I may just be inspired to write one about our December trip 71 days!!!!
I was so happy to that you updated today! I love reading your TR's! I am also looking forward to reading all about this year's trip!
Congratulations on having the best trip ever! It's always awesome when a trip lives up to or exceeds your expectations. So glad you guys had such a good time, can't wait to hear about it!
YAY for the update!!!! I am always so amazed at your pictures, they make everything look so beautiful. Didn't you just love story time with Belle....Addison loved it!!! :)
Yippee, yay, hooray!!! Isn't Enchanted Tales amazing? Every time I go in, I'm amazed. It's magic. Julia dancing with Belle is just adorable.

And CIMBAWEWWA? Just about melted my heart. So sweet. Seriously.

And I totally know what you mean about those Casey's Corner CM's. I went there on my MNSSHP night, just for fries, there was no line, and the CM's all just stood around talking. Like what's that all about?

But oh man, I can NOT wait to read your next TR! Because now I for real, in person, know you and I'm just really excited!:cool1:
Yayyy!!!!!! I always love an update from my favorite DIS family! Though your excuse for not updating was perfectly acceptable. I myself will be back down there in 11 days, and I can't wait.

I just have to say anyone else slightly startled by Belle's face in the pictures from Enchanted Tales? She looks...I dunno, frightened.
yeah! So excited to see a new update today!

I was wondering what had happened and then I remember that you had a trip planned for September and, I mean, sure I guess actually going to Walt Disney World is more important that providing me with more updates of your past trip, but still ;)

Glad you got to experience ETWB (loved seeing that part in your video, especially Julia's dance), and congratulations on having the best trip that anyone has ever had ever! (the should have a special button for that)
Great update. I've been on Astro Orbiter once... and only once. LOL

You know you want to give us some teasers for your next TR:flower3:
thank god you are back!!!! haha- cause i know you just sit around all day--right??? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Can't wait until you start the new TR!!!

Instagram-- anniepers
Great update!! Looking forward to the conclusion of this trip, and the start of the next!!
Thanks! Glad to know you'll be reading the next one, too!

OH good I am happy! It will keep me entertained until December. Plus, you probably have to wait for your hubby to edit! I am excited for your and Dani's TRs!
For sure. I haven't even seen any of his pictures yet!

Yay for new updates! Before I get to the response, can I just say it's crazy how much the kids have grown up in the past year? All three of them.

I really need to take the train around the park again. I haven't done that in WDW in forever. I always forget they have cool little things like the native village, or the animatronic deer.

It looks like they did a great job with Enchanted Tales with Belle! The animatronics look amazing, but I'll be honest, I'll probably never go on it until we have kids, haha. As well all know, audience participation and I don't get along very well :)

Is it just me, or does Casey's Corner have some of the worst CMs in the parks? I love the food and the fake cheese, but the CMs are always really unfriendly and unhelpful.

Can't wait for the next update, and I REALLY can't wait for your next report!
What!?! You don't like audience participation!?! SHOCKED!:lmao:
For sure ETWB is better with kids. I probably would have gone through it once and never again if the kids weren't with me, just to see the decorations.
So I'm not the only one who thinks the CMs at Casey's Corner stink!? They were horrible. If not for the fake cheese, I'd never go back. (In fact, we didn't go back this trip.)
The next report is just going to be the best thing ever.:cool1:

I can say I was more than thrilled to see this thread pop up on my "participated" tab on the app tonight and even more thrilled that it was an actual update from you!

Your trip reports are a great mix of pictures that
Make me feel at home and great stories that I can imagine myself there!

Welcome back can't wait for the conclusion and the beginning of a new. I may just be inspired to write one about our December trip 71 days!!!!

An actual update from a real girl! HOORAY! I'm so thankful that you've read along and enjoyed this TR. You definitely need to write one for your December trip and tell me when you start it on my new TR!
I was so happy to that you updated today! I love reading your TR's! I am also looking forward to reading all about this year's trip!
:goodvibes Thank you! I am trying to finish this one in the next couple of days so I can move on to the new one.

Yay, an update and a new trip. Best trip ever, can't wait to hear about it.
I cannot put into words how awesome it was...but I'll try!

Congratulations on having the best trip ever! It's always awesome when a trip lives up to or exceeds your expectations. So glad you guys had such a good time, can't wait to hear about it!
Thanks! It certainly exceeded any expectations I could have dreamed up!

YAY for the update!!!! I am always so amazed at your pictures, they make everything look so beautiful. Didn't you just love story time with Belle....Addison loved it!!! :)
To be fair, it's pretty easy to take pretty pictures of such a gorgeous place!

Yippee, yay, hooray!!! Isn't Enchanted Tales amazing? Every time I go in, I'm amazed. It's magic. Julia dancing with Belle is just adorable.

And CIMBAWEWWA? Just about melted my heart. So sweet. Seriously.

And I totally know what you mean about those Casey's Corner CM's. I went there on my MNSSHP night, just for fries, there was no line, and the CM's all just stood around talking. Like what's that all about?

But oh man, I can NOT wait to read your next TR! Because now I for real, in person, know you and I'm just really excited!:cool1:
Melted my heart, too! I wish he still said it in that baby way :(.
That is exactly what those CMs were doing. Just standing there, staring at my screaming child and moving slow as sloths.
I'M REAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Yayyy!!!!!! I always love an update from my favorite DIS family! Though your excuse for not updating was perfectly acceptable. I myself will be back down there in 11 days, and I can't wait.

I just have to say anyone else slightly startled by Belle's face in the pictures from Enchanted Tales? She looks...I dunno, frightened.
Aww, your favorite DIS family :flower3:! Made my day.
Haha, I think she WAS frightened! She was very new to it. It could have possibly been her first go at it! I remember thinking that she was awfully soft-spoken. And my family can be intimidating for even the bravest princesses :rotfl:!

yeah! So excited to see a new update today!

I was wondering what had happened and then I remember that you had a trip planned for September and, I mean, sure I guess actually going to Walt Disney World is more important that providing me with more updates of your past trip, but still ;)

Glad you got to experience ETWB (loved seeing that part in your video, especially Julia's dance), and congratulations on having the best trip that anyone has ever had ever! (the should have a special button for that)
We should create that button, because SERIOUSLY. Best trip that anyone has ever had EVER. All the best things. Ever.

Great update. I've been on Astro Orbiter once... and only once. LOL

You know you want to give us some teasers for your next TR:flower3:
Hmmm...welllllll........we did tours, parties, and had more than a little pixie dust:thumbsup2!

thank god you are back!!!! haha- cause i know you just sit around all day--right??? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Can't wait until you start the new TR!!!

Instagram-- anniepers
ANNIEPERS! (Because that's your name to me in my head.)

YEP! You know me so well, sittin' here with my bon bons!:lmao:

Hopefully I'll get to start it in a few days. I'll post a link here!
As we finished up lunch in one of our favorite secret spots, we noted that it was nearly time for the Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade, which we'd only seen glimpses of this week. Parades are not always good for us. They're loud, and most importantly, they're crowded. Nobody likes to be squished, but this can be a big problem for Brynn. You see, she goes from one extreme to the other: she either HATES to be touched, even accidentally, by anyone or anything and claims it hurts her skin OR she's TOO touchy to everyone around her. She puts her hands everywhere, usually nicely, but knows no boundaries...unless she's upset, in which case she will sometimes flail arms and legs or run around and bump into people...packed in crowds are just no good. She really wanted to see this parade, though, so we headed out to look for a spot.

Now I am not sure how, but I never noticed before that there's actually a spot roped off for wheelchairs or as an alternate waiting area for those with disabilities. As we wandered around, a nice CM named Tran (hint for the upcoming TR--we got to know him really well this year in an amazing turn of events!) asked us if we wanted into the handicapped section. IT WAS PERFECT. Hardly anyone was in the area, and we were able to put Brynn up against the ropes in her wheelchair/stroller so that no one was on her left side, and only her family surrounded her, and even then we weren't that close! She had all her gear--earmuffs, sunglasses, and toys--and was ready for the parade! Tran stayed close by, and you can see him in many of the pictures crouched down talking to Brynn. And now we know what a neat guy he really is--can't wait to share all about him in our upcoming TR!

No parade would be complete without treats, so I decided that it was a perfect time for some cotton candy! Obviously we were quite giddy about this!

Obviously we aren't used to getting cotton candy, as it seems to be the biggest thing that's ever happened to us.

Happy family pic!

Sort of.

And then it was time for the parade to begin!

I have to say, after seeing the parade this time and again on our recent trip, it is awesome how many characters greet people during the parade! Someone is always stopping by to say hi.

Pluto thought Duffy needed a big hug!

And Donald's very serious going in for the handshake.

Some great waving happening.

They were SUPER happy to see Lilo, as they'd never met her before!

And Stitch was there, as well, being all 626-ish.

And then the floats began!

The kids were a little uneasy about J. Worthington Foulfellow...

...but Pinocchio's a real boy now, so what does it matter!?

More meeting characters, this time Genie!

Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa! Genuflect, show some respect, down on one knee...

**continued from above**

They're late, they're late, for a very important date!

What's extraordinary about this photo is that Brynn is not wearing her earmuffs, meaning she's comfortable with her surroundings. She had been talking to our CM friend Tran and was totally at ease and enjoying every second of the parade.

Time for some Princess love.

And just like that, it was over. It really is a short parade, to be honest. I'm looking forward to seeing the new parade that is in the works!

Since we were standing across from it, we decided to take the bridge into Tomorrowland and see one of our very favorite things, Carousel of Progress.
It started out great (big beautiful tomorrow...).


And, oh, the Halloween scene!

And that's where the pictures stop. Why, you may ask? Because at that moment, Brynn decided she had to go to the GO...NOW. So Brandon left the theater with the help of a CM and helped her take care of business.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. Oh, no. Somewhere, in some theater that wasn't ours (and believe me, we all looked around with glaring faces just to make sure), some doofus was standing up and WALKING AROUND. They wouldn't move the ride. They kept coming on the loudspeaker telling the lady to sit down. From what I gathered, she sat, and then stood up again. Now, I don't know if she didn't speak English or didn't understand or was just getting sick or crazy...but what I do know is that because of this, we watched the Halloween scene three times. THREE. Eventually it must have been resolved, because eventually we moved on to the rest of the show. Sawyer didn't mind. He nursed through the whole thing, then laughed and barked at the dog.

When it was over, we found Brynn and Brandon enjoying some ice cream WITHOUT US in the little sunken courtyard area near Space Mountain. Obviously I needed some ice cream, too, but I wanted a very special kind! We made our way through Frontierland, picking up a FP for Splash for me, and over to Adventureland for this little beauty.

As I ate it, Brandon and the girls made their way through the Swiss Family Treehouse. Apparently that meant that he got to carry Brynn up and down a zillion stairs, which I'm sure he loved.

This makes me laugh, because I know what this is a picture of. It's Julia trying to control Brynn enough to get her to take a picture. Not working.

Mmmmkay, I'm afraid of heights, so this makes me a tad sick...

Posting that is taking one for the team. You're welcome.

Proof she did walk some. Downhill. (Sorry, Brandon...but you're strong!)

**Continued from above!**

When they were done, I was just finishing up my Dole Whip Float, and we decided to head over to Pirates of the Caribbean. Okay, Brandon and I decided, and the kids pitched a fit like they do every single time because they get nervous going in...and then they love it.

We are big animatronics fans.

And all the kiddies yell, "DOG WITH KEYS IN HIS MOUTH!!!" They are very fond of this mutt, since he makes an appearance in all the planning DVDs! When they claim to be scared of the ride, we just remind them of the dog, and reluctantly they agree to it. I love this dog.

After this, it was time to use my Splash Mountain FP, all alone. Nobody would dare to ride it with me. WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

As I got into my log flume, for some reason the CM was joking around with some people who took him seriously and tried to cram three other people onto my bench. Then he had to pull them back out. It was all very confusing, but eventually the ride started and I had fun, of course. It wasn't nearly as fun as if someone were with me, unfortunately, so I focused on getting some video before I had to stuff the camera into a plastic bag before the big drop.

While I rode, Brandon and the kids did this:

And those are the last pictures of the day. WOMP WOMP.

We headed over to Cosmic Ray's for some dinner, and it was evident that the two little kids (and Brandon, really) were just done. It was the end of the day at the end of our Disney trip, and they were all just in need of some room time. After eating and trying to keep everyone from melting down, Brandon took the little kids back to Polynesian, where they played with the Princess tea set and lounged around for hours. He left the video camera and camera with Julia and me and set off.

Immediately, Julia and I decided that it would be great to get some night time shots of the new Dumbo...

but the camera died as soon as I turned it on. So much for pictures tonight.
We rode it anyway.

Next up, we hopped on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. While in line, Julia impressed me with the ENTIRE script about Fastpass service that Stacey does on Must Do Disney. I got it all on tape, but the background noise made it too loud for the final cut of the video. Amazed. The ride was very fast, faster than I remembered, and lovely with all the lights. As we exited, MSEP was making its way through Frontierland.

It was time to make our way over next to the Castle for Wishes. While we waited, we made friends with a family who had just arrived. They had so much energy! Us, not so much.

Wishes was wonderful, as always, and we enjoyed our final viewing of it together, just the two of us.

And then the video camera also died. SHEESH.

We said goodbye to our new friends and decided to go over to our old fave, Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. We just can't get enough!

I told Julia she could pick one more ride, so she chose Jungle Cruise. I don't know what was up with our Skipper, but he decided to see how quickly he could get through the spiel. I kid you not, we understood none of it. I know it was the end of the night and he was probably trying not to get bored, but there were three families on board who deserved a good cruise, and we all left disappointed. I will say, though, that Jungle Cruise feels completely different at night, so that was cool to experience even if I had no idea what jokes were told.

Since that was a big letdown, I didn't want it to be our final ride of the trip. We walked straight over to Flying Carpets of Aladdin and took a quick spin around an empty Adventureland.

And that was it. Our last ride (in a park). We said our goodbyes to Magic Kingdom and blew kisses and promised to be back next year, and then we took the Monorail over to the TTC and walked to our room at the Poly.

I did some packing that night, but honestly not enough. Our next morning would prove to be eventful for sure!

Stay tuned!
I'm so excited to read more updates! I hate the last day at Disney! But even though it was the end of the trip, it seems like a great day. The parade and POC and some mom & Julia time at the end of the guys made some great memories! I got a little sad when you said goodbye to MK and blew kisses--thank goodness you have a new TR to start! I love reading about your trips!


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