Is 67 degrees warm enough to swim?


Jun 3, 2004
I'm packing now and wondering if it's going to be warm enough next week to go in the pool. Looks the the temps will not make it past 67 most of the week.
I think so, all the pools are heated and I went swimming last year at the same time and I'm going to a water park too so I'm sure it will be fine. I've heard that it may be mid 70s next week and that would definately be warm enough i think...
Definitely pack your bathing suit. It may warm up and you would kick yourself if you didn't have it.
I knew you had to be a northerner to be asking that question. ;) :teeth: As a true southerner I would have to say NO that's not warm enough (but even the 80's can be to cool for me to go swimming :blush: )!! :teeth: But I'm always surprised to see how many people will get in a pool when on vacation if it's above 50 degrees. :earseek: We've been to WDW in November and December and have seen people in the pools while we were all bundled up. :rolleyes: So I guess it depends on your perspective. As the other posters have said, take your swimsuit at any cause, it'll probably feel like Burmuda to you. ;) :teeth: :flower:
We live in South Florida, our pool is not heated.

A couple of weekends ago, it was rather cool but we took a dip for about 30 minutes at night and it was in the high 50's. So if the pools are heated should be enjoyable for you, just have towels, a long beach type shirt or extra robe when you get out. You may want the extra warmth then.
With all the resort pools being heated, its not the pool water that cool. I'm from the north, Ohio and its the getting out and back to your room that gives me the goose bumps. Plus when WDW is in the high 60's, low 70's, down there its like the 80's to me. Must be the humidity makes disneys temps feel warmer. Stick one in the luggage or better yet, 2, I really hate to put on a wet one when its cool outside and the walk to the pools is sometimes long. You'll be swimming either way, its Florida!!
With the pools heated it will be warm enough.

A few weeks ago I went to a ski resort in West Virginia. They had heated pools, it was 10 degrees outside and I went swimming. Your fine in the water, its getting out that is always hard! :cold:
you guys think the water parks will be enjoyable next week???
FeeleyFans said:
I'm packing now and wondering if it's going to be warm enough next week to go in the pool. Looks the the temps will not make it past 67 most of the week.

Really it's up to your personal preference if 67 degrees constitutes "warm enough to swim." But don't put all your stock on the long-range forecast. They are notoriously unreliable. While it does look likely that early March will be cooler than normal in Central Florida, you are still bound to see a couple of warm days while you're there. I'm there the 5th-12th and am planning on "normal" March conditions, so I'll be packing a mix of warm and cool weather gear.
Heck for most of you northerners I would think 67 would almost be summer like, when I lived in Wis. once it hit 60 it was suntan time! But I think it will be fine for you, the pools are all heated. Although 67 can be chilly to us Floridians and it does feel colder when the sun is out it's OK.
I think its warm enough to swim (but it will be cool coming out) but not warn enough to go to a water park. I like the temps to be around 80+ to enjoy a water park.
Not for me- I don't swim if the temp. is below 90, but I know that my DD would swim if the sun was shining.
FeeleyFans said:
I'm packing now and wondering if it's going to be warm enough next week to go in the pool. Looks the the temps will not make it past 67 most of the week.

Are you people *crazy*? J/K, I think ;-)...

Sixty-seven degrees is jeans and sweatshirt weather! Brrr... I'm getting cold just thinking about it!
You guys make me laugh out loud! :rotfl2:

Swimming in Maine in August, you are usually numb instantly but you get used to it. 67 degrees is a beautiful thing, especially with heated pools!!!

Enjoy your stay!

People were swimming at POP in December when it was in the 40's....

I thought they were crazy. I think 67 would be fine for a swim, but the water park would be tougher since you are in/out of the water the whole time....


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