Infants on Pirates

I took my son on POC when he was 4 months. I wasn't sure how he would do, but he ended up riding any ride that I could take him on. He loved them all, and I was so glad I took him. We used either a carrier or mei tei depending on if daddy or mommy carried him:lmao:
He handled it so well that we just took his baby sister when she was 4 months, and it worked out just as well.
I took my son on POC when he was 4 months. I wasn't sure how he would do, but he ended up riding any ride that I could take him on. He loved them all, and I was so glad I took him. We used either a carrier or mei tei depending on if daddy or mommy carried him:lmao:
He handled it so well that we just took his baby sister when she was 4 months, and it worked out just as well.

Thanks, my friend just got a mei tei for this baby. I'll share this thread w/ her.

Any other stores, good and bad, are appreciated! :)
Thanks, my friend just got a mei tei for this baby. I'll share this thread w/ her.

Any other stores, good and bad, are appreciated! :)
Her baby will be fine. Infants are allowed on any ride/attraction at WDW that does not have a height restriction, which is pretty much everything at WDW other than about 12 rides/attractions.
We took our daughter when she was 5 months and she went on all those type of rides. I would usually take her out oft carrier because it's more comfortable for me, but she should be fine if she chooses to keep him/her in a carrier. Potc was one of our favorites because it is cool and great for nursing.:thumbsup2
We took our son to Disney for his 1st birthday (he is now 4). He was able to ride all the rides without height restrictions. My husband or I would put him on our lap, or sit him between us. He was interested, and wide-eyed at the scenery.
Our DD was 7 months when we took her in Aug. 2007. We did not do carriers. She sat between us. But I know Pirates well enough to know when the drop is coming and I just put my arm around her. I think I still do and she's 4.

The only ride I remember holding her on was the Safari at AK and all the bouncing just put her to sleep.

I agree with PP that the lap (or seems too, a carrier) is uncomfortable. And I felt safer with her bottom on the ride seat. But probably that's me.
I live in Orlando, and I started taking my son to the parks when he was around 2 months. I took him on all rides without a height requirement, including Pirates. I sometimes just held him, sometimes he was in a front carrier. Never had any problems at all.
Yep, took my little one in an Ergo carrier several times when he was 4-5 months old. In fact, we took on most family rides like that!
I have seen infants on Pirates. Sometimes the loud noises scare them, but I have yet to see it be an issue.
We were at Disneyland at the time but we took dd (10 months) on sveral rides, usually in my Beco carrier or the mei tai, but sometimes she sat on the seat. There was one or two rides she had to sit on the seat. DD loved the rides but she did not like sitting on the seat, she prefered to be on my lap.
We took my son to wdw for the first time when he was 8mo - I wore him in my beco on all rides w/o height restrictions and he did fine on all of them, Pirates included :)
My 6 mth old did great on pirates last year. We rode it several times b/c his older brothers like it. Sometimes my DH just held him and others I wore him in the Babyhawk. Either way he did great!!
Both of my kids have been going since they were about 2 months, they are 10 and 2 now. My daughter I don't remember having a carrier for so I just carried her on everything. My son was in a sling and it was awesome, we were able to ride everything with no height restriction without ever getting him out, allowed us to do things when he was napping even. Did the same when he outgrew the sling and went to a front back. Now there is a 50/50 chance he will even stay awake most rides (he is more likely to doze off during Safari than stay awake).
I thought I had read that they could only ride in a carrier facing out, but not in. If he can face in and ride, that would be great! I was wondering what I would do if he fell asleep in the carrier.
I thought I had read that they could only ride in a carrier facing out, but not in. If he can face in and ride, that would be great! I was wondering what I would do if he fell asleep in the carrier.
It doesn't matter which way the carrier is facing, your infact can ride any attraction that does not have a height restriction.
My son was 8 months old for his first Disney trip, and we took him on Pirates right around his morning nap time. It was cool and dark, and he was asleep in my arms in under 5 minutes. The noise or drop didn't phase him a bit!


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