"Inappropriate fondling" news story kill your buzz?

This is another Chocolate Milk story, question asked and answered, we are so far from facts this needs to end.

Wait...this is the second time you used this...before it gets shut down...

What does "Chocolate Milk story, question asked and answered" mean. I've got to know. :rotfl: Hurry and answer. :thumbsup2
Isolated? Do you really think that was the first time the guy did anything like that?

No one knows the answer to that, but it's possible. There has to be a first time, right? This could've been his.

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An 11 year old should be able to wander the ship and be safe. I do let my 10 and 11 year old do self check, and I will continue to do so. This was and unfortunate incident. This kind of thing can happen anywhere and anytime, but you can't put your children in a bubble. They do have to grow up, and learn to be independent. I really hate when something bad happens to child, and people blame the parents.
I don't think I'll be sailing Disney again. What bothers me is that according to the report I read: (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...-cops-girl-11-groped-report-article-1.1351027) the child reported the incident immediately, security was contacted at 322, he was identified by 448 and they still left after 5pm. He was sent home instead of being brought back to face US justice. There were detectives WAITING for him on US soil.

This stinks very much of a CYA on DCL's behalf. The media coverage is much less with no arrest and no trial here. I am very disappointed in their handling of this situation.
And I am sure you have been following his every move since then and know that he wasn't prosecuted in his home country.

I would assume he's not in jail in India, as he apparently posts frequently on Facebook according to a poster on the other thread. Feel free to friend him and invite him back to Florida to talk to the police. You can even give him a ride from the airport.
I don't think I'll be sailing Disney again. What bothers me is that according to the report I read: (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...-cops-girl-11-groped-report-article-1.1351027) the child reported the incident immediately, security was contacted at 322, he was identified by 448 and they still left after 5pm. He was sent home instead of being brought back to face US justice. There were detectives WAITING for him on US soil.

This stinks very much of a CYA on DCL's behalf. The media coverage is much less with no arrest and no trial here. I am very disappointed in their handling of this situation.

Wow. :sad2::sad2: So he did confess once in the Bahamas. And the poor little victim crying while telling what happened to her breaks my heart. That must have been hard for the family to watch and very hard for the victim to do. I wonder if DCL told the Grandma he was going to be sent back home to India. As it has been reported that several days later the Grandma didn't want to press charges. Hmmmmm Several days later the molester was off on a plane to India. Hmmmmm. I wonder what indeed DCL told Grandma ~ there was nothing she could do? Therefore, she decided not to press charges. Was she told it would be no use? Very sad. I just hope the little girl recovers.
An 11 year old should be able to wander the ship and be safe.

I'm not sure there has ever been a time or place when what *should* happen HAS happened in regards to personal safety.

A cruise ship is a city. An 11 year old wandering a city alone....maybe they *should* be safe, but the reality is that they are not.

I once nearly had an incident when I was maybe 13 with a guy that my mom KNEW, he was a patron of the classic-film movie theater club she worked at. She was closing up, I was waiting, he came out and got really creepy when my mom was putting things away in back. My mom was there, he knew it, and he got weird. I "should" have been safe. I wasn't quite safe. (she came back to the front just in time and kicked him out, then the owners took away his membership.)

It's just the way of humans. And all mammals. All creatures, actually. For all time.
Wait...this is the second time you used this...before it gets shut down...

What does "Chocolate Milk story, question asked and answered" mean. I've got to know. :rotfl: Hurry and answer. :thumbsup2

I'm curious too. I'm not sure why this person wants these threads closed.:confused3:confused3
Of course I am serious. Canceling a cruise and a trip to WDW over this is silly at best. Although, I don't know for a fact that the PP really had a cruise booked and a WDW trip planned, but that's really beside the point.

Also, I haven't made a joke about the incident, nor am I laughing about it. I don't think the alleged incident is funny. However, I think people are making a big deal out of an isolated incident that happened awhile back.



No offense, but I think this a pretty silly and petty reason to now be a Disney hater.

So you don't want to be an Imagineer now?


You were indeed saying it was a silly and petty matter meaning the childs attack.

Now you say the attack is not a big deal and old :

However, I think people are making a big deal out of an isolated incident that happened awhile back.

I can only hope and pray that this never happens in your family so you don't face a child pain and horror.

So I have a trip planned for next year, and I was super excited....until this news story surfaced. I am aware that stuff can happen anywhere, but instead of being excited, now I am thinking about how I am going to have a "have your guard up" conversation with my daughter which will probably worry her. I know I have had that talk with her before,(she is only 5)but I feel she might need a refresher when going on board. i have even read that people were considering canceling their cruises because of that incident. Now I am extremely weary about utilizing the nursery and kids clubs.

Having been 'there' when I was younger, I've always been worried that this would happen to my own... this story doesn't make it worse, because, as I said, I'm always nervous of this happening. My plan is to take the kids to the 'open-houses' and only because I know the kids would miss out on a lot of fun.
JIMGa, I respectfully disagree that this is a dead horse. This is a big issue that Disney needs to respond to and explain their actions. It shouldn't be swept under the carpet. Those who don't care or wish to read about it are certainly welcome to skip it.

Also IMHO it's not silly or petty to cancel a cruise based on this. If Disney delayed reporting a child molestation accusation and sent the perpetrator home to safety instead of having him brought to justice in the US, that's a big deal to me. I'm not sure I want my money going to a company that does that. I have two rooms booked on the Fantasy this Thanksgiving which I haven't canceled yet, but I am considering it. I'm not sure how i would explain that to my children... we're not going because Disney helped a bad man get away after he hurt a little girl? Ugh.
I never said I was a "Disney hater." Quite the opposite. I love Disney. That is why I am so disappointed in them. If you read this thread you will see that both my husband and I worked for Disney for many years. I lived in Celebration. I have many friends that work for the company. I choose not to give them my money at this time because of how they handled this. I do not even have children so it is not a question of warning them before I cruise. This is my choice due to how they handled this incident. I am frankly amazed at how many people with children think this was all OK. I have had several people PM me that they are shocked and will be canceling as well.

Also, if you read the thread you will see that tag came from the "Tag Fairy" years ago. I have no way to change it and in fact never put it there in the first place.

I don't think it's okay at all, but the cruise will go on and in all likely hood (hopefully not!) it'll happen again (I don't just mean on DCL). As I said in a previous post, this concerns me (from past history) and puts my guard on higher alert (it's pretty high as it is...) when it comes to my kids (6 and 3 when we cruise) We've already discussed good touch, bad touch and will reiterate this. Having said all this, I'm not going to put my kids in a bubble, my son isn't allowed to go anywhere that I can't see him as it is, so it'll be the same for both on the cruise. We will bring them to the kids club open-houses, because I know they would love it and would miss out on so much. This will keep my mind at ease.
Is everyone aware this happened in August 2012?


Does that make a difference? We're just now hearing about it, because somehow, the media didn't catch wind of it back then. It was discovered during an investigation about crime on cruise ships. So that means, it's news to me.
Is everyone aware this happened in August 2012?

Yes, I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of when this happened. Does it really matter when it happened though? If it were 10 years ago, then maybe but it happened within the last year and was hidden and swept under the rug. I think this is the main problem everyone has with the incident. That and the fact that this "man" was given a plane ticket to go on his merry way back to India.

I will not be cancelling my cruise but I am very disappointed in Disney and the way they handled this criminal and his activity.


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