I'm Back With Wonderful News!

Just found you link tonite and love your designs and creativity....My daughter and I will be leaving on our 16th mother/ daughter cruise on March 6th on the magic...Thought you might have an idea for a design that we could put on the door and tshirts as well.....My name is Cindy an hers is Cara.
Also if you could do the Cruisebday with Cara's name as well...
Thanks so much...
Can I get a Signature with Mommy and Grammy with Tinkerrbell as well.
And a signature with Daddy and the nemo characters, it would be great if you could include Bruce as well.

Thanks! I loved the ones you did for my girls so much that I decided I wanted one for everyone else!

You did some great Disigns for my friend's cheerleaders last February. I am glad that your DH returned to work. I am hoping that you can change the names on some of your designs for me. DH's aunt is taking her grandsons to Disney in late March and I would like to make them t-shirts for their trip

with Bonnie

with Peter
with Peter
with Jamel
with Jamel

Thank you again.......

could I please get the stroller tag that has cinderella on it and says _____ Royal Carriage in pink for Taylor? I am making some things for a friends little girls make a wish trip. They leave this Sunday ( i know I am behind). Is there anyway you could do an autograph cover for me with the Make A Wish logo that says autographs on it, one in pink and one in purple? Thank you so much!

In post 109 I asked you to make some designs for friends of ours cruise on the Wonder in April. They had to cancel the cruise, so don't worry about making the designs, I will ask again when they get to reschedule. I have some requests for myself in other posts, and would still appreciate it if you can find the time to do them.

Thank You,

My boys love pluto and goofy. I found 2 designs in your Mickey Heads that I would love to have personalized for them.

pluto_christopher.jpg - can you change this to say Ryan

goofy_alex.jpg - can you change this to say Andrew

Thanks! :flower3:
My daughter is celebrating her 9th birthday at Animal Kingdom, so we downloaded your shared disign with Minnie, but can you disign anything with Minnie in Safari that says something about "birthday girl". Her name is nadia, but you don't have to use her name if it affects the disign. We are leaving in May, so I will just wait as long as you need.

Also I will Pm you for your other site :)
Can you make three name designs for us? They are out of you shared file:

Phineas and Ferb-Cruz

Hi Kellybell,

I had a request on Post # 146, I was wondering how far along on the list are you. I don't need it right now, but we are leaving home the end of March, so if possible could I have anything you come up with about a week before the first week of April so I have time to get the shirts done. Whatever you can come up with is great, and if you don't have time, I understand that too.


So glad to see you back Kellybell and happy to hear about the new job.

Could you possibly do these following disigns for me:

Peter Pan (name fill) with James

Chip and Dale (name fill) Marisa

Princess (name fill) Colbie and Bree

Thank you so much.
Hi Kellybell!

I LOVE your designs! The little Mickey-Ear Hats that sit on some of the letters of the Ganstars design is adorable! Can I please make a couple requests?

Can I have the Mickey Gangstars to say


Can I also have Princess Hearts to say


Thank You Thank You!
Kelly--you have been so kind and wonderful to help in the past and I am asking for one more favor.

My DS is finally asserting himself and his own taste and of all the characters in Disneydom he has chosen Captain Hook and Tigger as his two favorites.

Can, I please get the first dark Tigger Name Disign (black border) and a Captain Hook Name Disign for a dark transfer in the name Tyson?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Congrats on DH new job:banana::cool1::woohoo::cheer2:, I made a request and was told to post it on here:

Is there away I could get this cruise name design:http://dc150.4shared.com/img/1087661...amjohnston.jpg from your 4shared file? The first last name would be 1) The Becker's and the 2) The Ferreri's.

Also, I love the new name design you do (like in your sig) and was wondering if I could get a couple of them:
Paul- with grumpy or donald and christmas minnie and mickey
Clara-with belle and christmas minnie and mickey
Brittanie- with Marie and christmas minnie and mickey
PJ-with goofy and christmas minnie and mickey
Katie-with princess tiana and christmas minnie and mickey
Jon- with goofy and christmas minnie and mickey

If you can not do them all, I completely understand but any would be great. Thanks again

Here are the rest of your requests :cutie:

Kelly I am sooooo super excited that your husband is now working. I see that everyone is just as excited that you are back.

If and when you have time can I pls have names with the font that u used for your signature in


Can I also have the dream imagine create in the above names with the happy mickey 2010. Ok dont hurt me this is my last request I hope Can I have the mickey friends logo with the above names as well with 2010.

Thank you. Thank you...thank you. No rush I really do appreciate all that u have done and know u r back doing limited request so if it is too much let me know. We are getting ready for our summer vacation and bringing my brother with us. How are things for you? How is your husband liking his job?

Here are the signature designs as well as the dream imagine create one, but I am unclear about the last one, did you mean the gangstar design?

Anyway all is good here and Yes hubby is happy at his new job. I am having a great time with my little scrapbook endeavor it has a little following which makes me so proud.:cloud9:

Welcome back!!! Glad to hear the good news!

Hi Kelly!!!

I am loving your cruise designs!!! Can I please get the following designs when you have time?

1) "featuring" design-- Dieselberg family featuring Jared (Prince Eric?), Christina (cinderella), Bradley (Donald), Brett (Stitch) and Nolan (Wall-e)

2) celebrate design--can you change it to 2010? If so, that design with Wonder with the names above. (You can shorten Bradley to Brad and Christina to X-tina)

3) Celebrating our first cruise--Dieselberg family

4) Celebrating our first cruise (red border)--Dieselberg family--March 21-25, 2010

THANK YOU SOOOO SOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, can you PM me your site?

Have a wonderful criuse:cutie: You'll need to PM me your regular email so I can send the link to my blog:cutie:

I'd like to request the Mickey head design w/fairies w/the name Kayla and another with the name Jamie.
Could I possibly get two name fills?

One with Big Sis in the Fairies pattern
One with Li'l Sis in the Princesses pattern

Thank you!!! :hug:


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