If you had to do away with just one ride at WDW...

The Speedway in Tomorrowland. The exhaust alone kills me and there is nothing really that would cause me to wait in line for it:confused3
MK -Stitch. I was forced to go on it last time by my niece and I forgot how terrible it actually was.

Epcot-Ellen ride. Good lord that thing is old. Every time it talks about having enough fuel for 50 years I keep thinking "this was made 20 years ago!!! Should we panic?" Lol

AK-the rapids. That was such a let down. Yes I was soaked because I got the only splash at the end.

HS-the captain jack thing. OMG what a total waste of my life!! I wanted to go tell the poor saps waiting in line to save themselves the torture.

You read my mind, these are my exact choices per park.
Did anyone say Stitch?? :lmao:

Captain EO... I was over Michael Jackson in 1984!

Ellen and her dino's can go to better use by becoming fuel!

If I see another thread or comment on Peter Pan or Dumbo, I may commit suicide.
Journey into Imagination.

I think in all my years of going to Disney I have ridden it twice and only because my youngest forgot what it was and wanted to go the next year to not miss anything.

After the ride he said, "Oh yeah, I remember. Let's not do that one again."

I am another one who thought of Stitch immediately.

If it had to be one per park?

MK: Stitch

AK: The sideways train to Rafiki's Planet Watch

HS: The Epic Stunt Spectacular (I never cared for this show at all)

EPCOT: I never much liked the movie in the French pavilion, would that count? (I love Ellen's Energy Adventure; it would never get my vote!)
Country Bear Jamboree
I think it's just creepy.

I might say Stitch, but I've never done it. Normally, we like to try everything at least once to decide for ourselves. But it gets such universal hatred that we never bothered to try it.
Stitch. Without hesitation.

Next? Probably Jungle Cruise. I have never seen the attraction in it..
I'm kind of surprised at the hate for classic WDW attractions. Some of these were Walt's and designed by the original imagineers. They were the backbone of the WDW/DL experiences.

I would get rid of the Indy Speedway. That is one huge plot of land that could hold a great E-ticket attraction. Take a look at it on google maps.
I was going to say Sounds Dangerous!, but see that it's already gone.

Next choice would be the current incarnation of the Imagination ride. The first version was great, but II and III not so much.
True, but you can say that about everything but the Great Movie Ride I think (used to be that Mr Toad's Wild ride also counted). Everything is an "attraction"

well, what I mean is that Stitch is a show. A ride implies that you move somewhere, but on Stitch, you're completely stationary.


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