I love credit cards so much!

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I used to spend a lot for hair cut visits.....I mean a LOT. Color, cut and all....And then as I got older I felt as if after a day or two I didn't look or feel any more beautiful.

So, I stopped coloring and people say, 'your hair color is so beautiful!' Who knew?

And I just started getting it cut at Hair Cuttery or any of the cheap places. $25 with tip usually. I get many compliments.....more than when I paid $150-250.....

Big step for me in the cheapskate department - my hair is super long, so I only get a haircut every year or two. I wear it up almost all the time. I love the way it looks when its freshly cut and styled, but after day 2, its back up in my typical hairstyle anyway. It has been a while since my last haircut, and it was getting annoying, so last weekend I brushed it out, twisted it up above my head and had DH chop off about 6 inches. It freaked him out a little bit ("Are you sure you want me to do this? Really honey? You're sure?"), but it worked out well - I had to trim one little bit that was longer than the rest, but otherwise it looks fine. Yeah, I'm a pretty low maintenance kinda girl, and $70 richer than I would have been!
I'm so stressed out about this! At least my Biz Platinum came yesterday and I was able to activate that with no problem. Hopefully I'm at least in the clear with that one. When DH saw the packaging of the platinum card and felt how heavy it was he asked when he was getting his!

That card is practically a weapon. Like a ninja throwing star!

I broke mine in this morning by buying a bagel - bagel shop guy wasn't super happy with me charging $1.10 :duck:
That card is practically a weapon. Like a ninja throwing star!

I broke mine in this morning by buying a bagel - bagel shop guy wasn't super happy with me charging $1.10 :duck:

I charge 49 cents at Whole Foods a few days a week when I am out working for a bottle of water. Why pay cash when I can get 5% back? Cheaper to run in there than to run into a gas station.
Well hopefully he's earning 5x MR or 3x UR on it:rolleyes2
Nope, he's got a basic no rewards Capital One card and has complained many times to DH over the last few years about how they wouldn't increase the limit (because he's always had it close to maxed out and pays the minimum)
Rumor has it that someone I work with waited until a week out to buy tix for a work trip to a couple of cities in Europe - not sure whether it was business or first, but it cost $15k. Another colleague who went on the same trip found out what the business class ticket would cost and booked an $800 coach flight instead, but the first guy went ahead and spend the $15k. Don't think his boss was pleased...
I used to spend a lot for hair cut visits.....I mean a LOT. Color, cut and all....And then as I got older I felt as if after a day or two I didn't look or feel any more beautiful.

So, I stopped coloring and people say, 'your hair color is so beautiful!' Who knew?

And I just started getting it cut at Hair Cuttery or any of the cheap places. $25 with tip usually. I get many compliments.....more than when I paid $150-250.....
I used to get my hair highlighted as a teen, when mom footed the bill. After college, I decided I didn't want to do it any more because it was too much maintenance - I got it done 2-3 times a year, and my hair hold color very well - which is good but also bad because it was really obvious as the highlights grew out. So while I was growing out the last highlights, I used some box color a couple times to lessen the line. I get lots of compliments on the color now. It's pretty different from before vs my profile pic:
Hair cuts are a different beast, because I can't ever seem to get my hair cut correctly... I had a girl in NE I went to for over 6 years and paid $25 including tip. I don't go very often, a couple times a year at most anyways, but all of the Cost Cutters type places never got it right. I tried myself but that wasn't right either. Then in summer 2016 I went a long with my MIL to where she goes, which is a lot pricier, but they got it right. At this point I'm willing to pay more to get it right. It runs $70-$75. But it's still so much more than I used to pay, and it's on the opposite side of Denver from us, so I went Summer 2016, August 2017 (before the wedding, using a $50 gift card from MIL), and then just at the beginning of July :o (with a gift card - MIL now gets them for me for Christmas). I'd be okay paying that twice a year, but I just... haven't gone... I have been thinking about seeing if I can get an appointment with the old girl the next time I go home to visit.
@Lain - Thank you for sharing that TPG article and awesome lyrics! I am so excited about getting yet another card with a $450 fee!

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

LOL, this is my alarm on my phone.
We've seen Incredibles 2 (the little one has seen it 2x already!) We will be in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere with one movie theater - what they actually have playing is generally limited and kinda unpredictable, so I'm glad that there are a couple of good possibilities out there. Haven't seen any of the Hotel Transylvania movies, but glad to hear it wouldn't be a terrible choice.

You can't even find out what this theater is playing on a website - you have to call their hotline for showtimes, check the local paper, or stop by the theater to check. Its very retro.
Lol that’s weird. My parents live in a small town with a theater that only plays one movie at a time but I can look online for that theater. Their theater is actually an old theater with an upstairs balcony. It’s really cool! I think all of the hotel Transylvania movies are pretty funny.
Totally OT but Dh and I saw Christopher Robin tonight and it was so cute!
DD and I saw it last night too. It was really really cute. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but I smiled so much because they were so adorable!
I'm sure we will wind up seeing it sometime soon - we are on vacation next week and my little one has already asked to go to the movies. I'm not sure if there are any other kids movies out, so it may be our best bet. I love the original AA Milne Pooh books, but am not super crazy about the Disney cartoon version of Pooh and friends (I know, sacrilege around here). Therefore I'm not sure if I will snob out and not like it because I'm a purist, or if I will like it because it seems like the characters are closer to the way they look in the books.
Not sure how little you little is, but it's kinda slow for little kids I thought. The kids in our theater were pretty restless and chatty, especially in the first half our or so. Just a warning.
I'm so stressed out about this! At least my Biz Platinum came yesterday and I was able to activate that with no problem. Hopefully I'm at least in the clear with that one. When DH saw the packaging of the platinum card and felt how heavy it was he asked when he was getting his!

I did some poking around, and found the following that might give you some insight. The first two involve applying for 2 cards in the same day, but I think you applied for the Biz Plat and the Biz Green a few days apart. From some of the replies, a lot people say an application is pushed up to the executive team to verify information against potential fraud. It looks like executive team review could also happen if you're bumping up against Amex's 5 credit card limit (but yours are charge cards). Pretty sure "financial review" is a separate team, so it's not that.



https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/786zi6/_/dorp112/ (technical issues)



And some happy endings:





Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can get any updates or information from the executive team while they're still reviewing your application.

You can check the status of your application here:


Fingers crossed for you. Please let us know when you get some good news.

P.S. And let me know if your husband is serious about his own Plat. ;-)
On the fly vs drive debate - 7 hour drive or 1.5 hour drive to airport, 1.5 hr flight and then 1.5 hr drive with rental. And I think that 2nd 1.5 hr drive will likely be longer as it involves Chicago. DH is trying to convince me it makes sense to fly, I think no way. If it makes a difference, we will definitely be doing the 7 hr drive (14 hour round trip) 2 weeks earlier. Ughhh Not looking forward to this.
I've been trying to update some of my Reddit support links it they don't seem to be holding. For instance, I added a Hilton Ascend card to my Amex list and it's gone. Has anyone else had this experience? Maybe it's something to do with my work computer.

ETA: Now the Ascend is back, but a few of my Chase links are still saying they've expired after I updated them. Maybe there's some lag time. I'll check them again in a bit.
Oh man... do I have the bandwidth for another MSR?

I was planning on having DW apply for the SPG Lux under the assumption it would release 8/26, when the new restrictions are in place and I'd be disqualified. But now it seems I have a small window of 3 days to get the SPG Lux for myself (and sign up DW, or possibly refer DW for the SPG Lux later).

I'll be 3 months out from my last hard pull for the CIC (approved) on 8/16, and I'm planning to apply for the Marriott Premier Plus around then. That's another $3k/3 months MSR I've already allocated for.

Between 8/23-25, should I go for the SPG Lux?! Otherwise, I'd be locked out for two years! It's expected to have a 125k Marriott points welcome offer, but a $5k/3 months MSR, and another premium $450 AF.

I'm fine on 2/90. My last Amex credit card was over 50 days ago, and before that was about 108 days ago.

Meanwhile, we've still got $2k on DW's Hilton Biz, and a little over $9k on my Biz Plat.

I need to think about some numbers.

ETA more thoughts: The Marriott Premier Plus would put me at 5/24, and the SPG Lux would put me at 6/24. I have a card dropping off in 12/18, and another in 2/19. My Marriott Biz hits one year in 2/19, and I had planned to cancel it to go for the CIU in 3/19, assuming the CIU still has a decent signup bonus. These MSRs will keep us very busy for the next 3 months, which puts me well into 11/18. Maybe around 11/18, we'll get DW a CIU, SPG Lux or Personal, depending on the bonus offers. Hmmm...


Are there any Newsies fans here? Because that also came to mind for me

Now is the time to seize the day...

On the fly vs drive debate - 7 hour drive or 1.5 hour drive to airport, 1.5 hr flight and then 1.5 hr drive with rental. And I think that 2nd 1.5 hr drive will likely be longer as it involves Chicago. DH is trying to convince me it makes sense to fly, I think no way. If it makes a difference, we will definitely be doing the 7 hr drive (14 hour round trip) 2 weeks earlier. Ughhh Not looking forward to this.
I had a similar-ish debate a few weeks back - 8hrs each way in the car alone, or a 1hr flight + 2hrs at airport before (to use PP for lunch) + either land in destination or drive 1 hr to destination from other airport. I flew, I was so happy with that decision! :)
I've been trying to update some of my Reddit support links it they don't seem to be holding. For instance, I added a Hilton Ascend card to my Amex list and it's gone. Has anyone else had this experience? Maybe it's something to do with my work computer.

ETA: Now the Ascend is back, but a few of my Chase links are still saying they've expired after I updated them. Maybe there's some lag time. I'll check them again in a bit.

Are you using the new Reddit? It messes with the formatting.
I screen shotted @Lain's and @calypso726's lyric posts and sent them to DH and he called us nerds! How rude!

Besides, I don't know what he's talking about!

I can't believe I haven't seen this movie yet. DH decided about a year ago that he just doesn't really like musicals (maybe he never did and it took him 19 years to tell me?) so he has resisted the Hamilton love shared by me and my kids and every time we consider watching Greatest Showman, he says "eh" and we pick something else. I'm sure my teen would LOVE Greatest Showman, but the one time we watched a movie together recently when DH was out I made her watch Newsies with me. Teenaged Christian Bale is no Hugh Jackman, but there is something about Newsies that is the perfect kind of cheesiness and it will always have a special place in my heart.

Sorry - I'm super :offtopic: today - can you tell I'm about to go on vacation? A pointless vacation (meaning, no hotel stays or flights - driving and visiting family) but still a vacation. And boy do I need it.
So we're not 100% on going down to Orlando for the waterparks Labor Day weekend, but we might/might even take Tuesday off if we do... I've got 7800 RR pts left and I'm debating if I should transfer 3k URs in so I can hold a Tues pm flight home (10600 RRs). I've got Fri pm (12k RRs)/Mon pm (same RRs as Tues) flights, and obviously if we go we'll cancel one flight anyways and then I'll have 10600 back in the account anyways, and if we don't go at all I'll have ~33k RRs... We've got around 150k URs right now (would have 180k if we don't go and I cancel hotel) and almost always fly SW anyways, so I think I might do it...
DD and I saw it last night too. It was really really cute. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but I smiled so much because they were so adorable!

Not sure how little you little is, but it's kinda slow for little kids I thought. The kids in our theater were pretty restless and chatty, especially in the first half our or so. Just a warning.
I gave it a 4.5/5. I actually was going to give it a 4 but Dh said 4.5 lol
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