"I likea the Chicky! "


Non-Recovering Disneyholic
Mar 6, 2002
Since seeing Michael Harrison on our recent Western Cruise, my wife and I are constantly repeating lines from his act:

"I likea the Chicky. Chicky Chicky Chicky"


"Because it's Freeeeeeeeeee!"


"my feet stink"

This must be the ultimate inside joke, as only people who have seen his act on the ship would get it.
You are right!!! I don't get it!!!

But as long as you and the DW are having fun repeating those lines..... go for it!!! Just don't do it too often in public places!!:confused: People will stare at you !!!:hyper:
"My feet are messed up"

"My foot fell off!!"

Bye Romeo!

Hmmm...now was that Michael Harrison, or another comedian?

Hmmm...now was that Michael Harrison, or another comedian?

That was Gary DeLena... we saw him on our cruise last December. He was hilarious!!

"Pink pajamas, penguins on the bottoms..."

You're right, it was Gary DeLana! I had forgotten the "Pink pajamas, penguins on the bottoms"!! Thanks for a good laugh this morning!:p
"My foot fell off"

That was a riot!!!! Romeo was great.

To put it in context, Michael Harrison (ventriloquist / magician)talked to his tennis ball (you had to be there) about eating on the ship. He asked if the ball ate any ice cream. Yes, he did. How much ice cream did the ball eat? 22 bowls. Why? "Because it's freeeeeee!" Did he eat pizza? Yes. How many slices? 22 slices. Why? "Because it's freeeeeee!"

Then, when he turned the audience member into a ventriloquist dummy, he talked about eating chicken at every meal. Even at breakfast, he ate eggs, because that's "close enough". He likea the chicky!

And of course, when he turned the young boy into a ventriloquist dummy, the boy explained that he liked to kiss the girls, and that "his feet stink!"
My youngest DD loved him, as soon as we got home, she cut a tennis ball, and will do the act for us, it is great.......
WAIT! The ventriloquist with Romeo "My foot fell off!" was Taylor Mason! He was on the ship until Tuesday. The look on Taylor's face (and on Romeo's!) when the foot fell off was priceless!
I like this:
"My wife plays this little game with me every morning. It's called 'guess what mood I'm in today'. I never win that game." My husband thinks this is describing OUR life!
Robin M.
I am sitting here laughing out loud as I am reading this and thinking about the acts on the Magic July 3-10! :hyper:

Taylor Mason has a web site that shows Romeo and all the other characters....and when Romeo's shoe fell off.....how much of his show do you think he did just off the top of his head????

That little boy, Kyle, was such a good sport when Michael Harrison (I think) turned him into a puppet. We were anly a few rows from the stage for this show.

Originally posted by KarenB
I am sitting here laughing out loud as I am reading this and thinking about the acts on the Magic July 3-10! :hyper:

Taylor Mason has a web site that shows Romeo and all the other characters....and when Romeo's shoe fell off.....how much of his show do you think he did just off the top of his head????

That little boy, Kyle, was such a good sport when Michael Harrison (I think) turned him into a puppet. We were anly a few rows from the stage for this show.


I agree with you ... Kyle was a great sport! Both Taylor Mason and Michael Harrison were wonderful. My only dissapointment was during Michael Harrison's magic and ventriliquism workshop he really didn't worshop any magic ... just sell some tricks. I have been into magic since I was 7 and have performed myself for years, so I was hoping to see some magic workshopped. He did do some nice stuff with the ventriliquism though.

I wanna go baaaaaaaaack!
Originally posted by KarenB
I am sitting here laughing out loud as I am reading this and thinking about the acts on the Magic July 3-10! :hyper:

Taylor Mason has a web site that shows Romeo and all the other characters....and when Romeo's shoe fell off.....how much of his show do you think he did just off the top of his head????

That little boy, Kyle, was such a good sport when Michael Harrison (I think) turned him into a puppet. We were anly a few rows from the stage for this show.


I agree with you ... Kyle was a great sport! Both Taylor Mason and Michael Harrison were wonderful. My only dissapointment was during Michael Harrison's magic and ventriliquism workshop he really didn't workshop any magic ... just sell some tricks. I have been into magic since I was 7 and have performed myself for years, so I was hoping to see some magic workshopped. He did do some nice stuff with the ventriliquism though.

I wanna go baaaaaaaaack!
Mark-my teen DSs went to that workshop and that is what they both said....they thought he was using it to sell products instead of teaching them tricks. But we all enjoyed his shows.

oh-how I wish we were counting down the days until we were setting sail again!!



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