I hope we love it! I am sure we will! Uh no - we don't! Mickeystoontown's 16 day trip! Updated 9/5!

I am lion! Here me roar!

Wait! Hold on now, where's the lions? They were suppose to be the next set of animals we would encounter on safari. And we did, I just don't have any pictures. Or the ostrich, the warthogs and goats. We saw them all and I don't have a single picture to prove it. Darn it!

After the safari, we took the Gorilla Falls trails. The gorillas were out and about:


It was a bright sun shiny day, just cool.

Y'all, I'm lacking on the pictures. I don't even have more of the gorillas. Once done, we were able to see the birds fly over and land in the nearby trees:




**Up next: More Animal Kingdom day!

Thanks for the updates! Glad Jesse got to feeling better. No fun to be sick on vacation. Other than the bus drama, your AK day is off to a good start! Nice the CM helped you out with the passes. Last trip we ended up taking an Uber to the parks a few times. The bus situation was a mess. A little harder to move 6 people. I'll watch for your next updates!
Thanks for the updates! Glad Jesse got to feeling better. No fun to be sick on vacation. Other than the bus drama, your AK day is off to a good start! Nice the CM helped you out with the passes. Last trip we ended up taking an Uber to the parks a few times. The bus situation was a mess. A little harder to move 6 people. I'll watch for your next updates!

I was on a roll with the updates and then we got super busy at home.

The day was off to a fantastic start!
More Animal Kingdom day! It's tough....
It's Tough to be a Bug had a short wait time so we hopped in line and I took pictures of the animal carvings along the way:


In all of our trips to Disney, I think this was the first time that I had ever seen the warthog.




When we arrived, the doors were opening which was good and bad. Good because we didn't have to stand in the crowded room for a long time but bad because we were behind everyone going in and had to sit towards the end of the row. The view wasn't that great but we still got all of the effects of the show. Get that big old blue marker out and place a blue check on Tabitha's "I like this" checklist.

**Up next: She's on the prowl!
She's on the prowl!

After being sprayed with acid, farted on by a stinkbug, and stung by other insects, we started walking towards Asia. I don't know what route we took but my next couple of pictures are these:







As we neared the tigers, we could hear a roaring and chuffing noises which excited me because that, more than likely, meant that at least one of the tigers were up and about. We walked up the stairs and there she was!



One of the cast members was there and she told us that the tiger was in estrus but the park didn't have a male at the park at the time.

**Continued in next post
She's on the prowl! (and keeping the tradition alive)
Years and years ago, when Hunter was just a little bitty boy (we visited Animal Kingdom just a month after it opened), he wanted to know what all the fabric pieces hanging from the trees meant. We told him that they were prayer flags. That started a tradition of him standing under the flags, praying, and us taking his picture.



Also, there's a hidden Mickey along this path.
He was so little when we took the first picture that he was about the same height as the hidden Mickey. Look at him now!


Pictures taken, we moved along the trail hoping to see more tigers.





**Up next: I'm so glad that my hiney is hidden!


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I have been off the DIS for a few months but have come back in the last week or so. I found your TR again and am caught up again. Loving the updates and pics.
I’ve been away for a minute but was so excited to find One of your reports! I can’t believe you have been on another trip since you started this report!
I have to tell you that your son has the best smile I've ever seen on a young man. He literally lights up any picture he's in.
Such a joy to see in a young person (I'm old).
I haven’t been on the boards in forever but so glad to find your trip report. I’ve enjoyed all of your trip reports and look forward to the next updates! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!
I have been enjoying your TRs for a long time. Our kids are similar ages and I love that you recreate photos, too. AK has a beautiful sunny sky, making me wish I was there, however I could never handle the heat in July.

I hope all is well you and your family.
I've got a golden ticket! Cont'd

The experience of being in the ride vehicle with the just the two of us was totally different than before. We could be our goofy selves, laugh out loud when we crashed into something and scream when we were going this way and that. It was mostly me doing the screaming. Okay, it was just me screaming but it was fun even if we didn't know what Disney was referencing.

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My cousin and I got to do this when we were there post covid and she wouldn't get in the front. I kid you not we had the best time in that thing (we aren't Star Wars people either, but I know a touch more than you i think lol) it was like left pilot pull up and I was screaming with laughter I don't have a left pilot. We both got off with tears streaming from laughing so hard. The next time we road it was with all of our family so the 6 of us filled it up and it was fun but nothing like our first time riding it.
Lisa, where the heck have you been?

I've had gaps in my trip reports before but never as long as this one. It's been months since I have posted. One reason is as I always say, life in general. Work every day. A whole kitchen cabinet job for my cousin. Building a chicken coop that is a dream house for our 19 chickens. Trying to survive the 100 degree temps.

Another is...we went to Disney! We made a quick trip to Disney over the July 4th holiday. John, Hunter, Tabitha and I. We left on June 29th and came home on July 4th. Man, oh man, was it hot! However, the lack of crowds was almost worth the heat. I'm so glad that we took the trip. I maaay write a report about it but I'm not sure. I want to finish this one up because we have our annual November trip that will be here before I know it.

I also struggled with deciding whether or not to stay on the DIS with the big hoopla going on. I won't elaborate because y'all can goggle it and I'm sure you can find out what's going on. I've made so many friends on the Dis and I love writing my trip reports so I decided to come back.

I'm downloading the pictures for the next post and will be back as soon as I get them organized. If you are still here, let me know!
I'm so glad that my hiney is hidden!
A restroom break was needed before we moved on with the park touring. For years now, I've seen these locks around Walt Disney World. Even though I've seen them time and time again, they always make me laugh. Hiney Hiders!


Bathroom break done, we all tried to figure out what to do next. I wanted to ride Expedition Everest but no one else did. Lacey took pity on me and said she would ride with me. The others would catch up with us. I grabbed these pictures along the way.




There it is! Everest!



Continued in next post
I'm so glad my hiney is hidden continued
Get ready for picture overload. I am very afraid of high places but I want pictures for my trip report so I was hanging onto my phone and snapping as fast as I could.









Continued in next post
I love the holidays!
Lacey and I left Expedition Everest and found the others on the bleachers in the empty theater nearby. I am not completely sure what we did next but I seem to remember that we all split up and did a bit of shopping. Apparently, along the way, I spotted this guy.

I also made another restroom stop. I love how Disney pays attention to detail everywhere, even on the restroom floors.


I spotted these cute Miss Piggy ears in one of the stores. Although I have no idea how they worked into the Animal Kingdom, I though they were cute.


Once we were done "window" shopping, we exited and ran into the castmembers and holiday animal ummm, I guess you would call them puppets.





The puppets were wonderful as were the musicians. Gosh, I love the holidays!


**Up next: My kids like me, they really like me!

So happy that you’re back posting! Your trip reports are my absolute favorite ones to read!!

Thank you !


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