I have a laundry problem..please help


<font color=green>very very very careful about wha
Jan 9, 2001
OK. I recently bought a new red shirt and I forgot that you needed to wash it separately:rolleyes: so it went in my normal load.
It only got on a few things but some of them got completely covered in pink. Now if they were all white it would be easy and i could bleach them. They're not all white.
I have a green, a light pink, and some gray shorts. All of these clothes items are new and I live in them esp the shorts.
So any ideas what I can do to get the color out of those 3 items?
I am soooo P*ssed that i did this because they're new clothes and I love them so please please help me.
It really depends a little on the fabrics, but I would re-wash just those items using Oxy Clean instead of laundry soap.
I haven't personally used this, but a friend told me Oxyclean can help that. Apparently she just soaked her clothes in a warm water solution of that and it really worked. I don't know if it really worked that good. I have used oxyclean for food coloring stains on bright colored clothing and it has worked on that so it might be worth a try. Hopefully someone has an idea that will definitely work though.
I would use OxyClean with my soap. I love that stuff and I just started using it a few months ago.

Don't sweat it sweety, we all have done this.
I have heard Oxy-Clean spoken of here on the DIS as doing a good job, Norah. :sunny:

BTW, you can say pissed here on the DIS, piss is not filtered here.
As long as you haven't dried them, you should be able to rewash them and they should be okay...good luck..
Originally posted by amid chaos
I didn't do it...
thanks mom...now can you go get some oxyclean and wash them for me while i go to work.....PUHLEASE..........

And thanks dan..i said it on the TB and one of the mods over there told me no...so thats good to know :)


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