I got married & went on a Disneymoon & all I got was a BABY! BABY BEAN IS HERE!! PICS

I left off with bidding farewell to some long lost friends! Best start to a trip ever! We thought we would go back to POFQ after this, but we were in the MK! How could we go back to the resort? So we stayed and lived it up.. as much as sleepy people could live that is!

Bob and the kids decided that they wanted to start playing the new sorcerer of the Mk game. Bob had been researching it, and reading about for months leading up to the trip, and couldn't wait to try it!

The CM was GREAT! Really just a charming guy! He explained the game to them..all of us, but I was kind of checked out and less enthusiastic about than them. I did however collect a pack of cards for them to split!

They all of course wanted to start the game right away. Jophia and I took that time to take some PP pics together and soak up the main street atmosphere :)

Once they got one (maybe 2) challenges under their belts we decided we would head towards adventure land! I needed me a DOLE WHIP! But not before getting a shot of the crane... I mean group shot in front of the castle...

Bob was clearly in a much better mood :)

and jack was feeling much better than any day the week before.. although, he should of still been resting.....

THIS is what made my day all over again!
I am literally counting down the days until I can have one of these again.. wonder how a nursing baby will like it???

I have in my very brief notes that we rode some rides..can you believe I can't recall exactly what.. I know carpets, HOP, and Tiki room cause I have pics lol

I'd be lying if I said I didn't fall asleep during HOP..not on purpose.. it was a long couple of days!

I can see via my FB timeline that we also rode POTC! I'll go ahead and assume we rode everything in or near that section... but man, shame on me for forgetting :/

After we had our first fix of WDW we were headed to Epcot. Bob and the kids LOVE Biergarten. I like it too, but could skip it here and there. However, they have decided this is our first night meal from now on.

Stupid me in all of my first day excitement and new ability to change ADR's via My Disney Experience app on Iphone decided to change our existing 6:30 pm adr to 7:30... by the time we got to Epcot, I was EXHAUSTED! Like felt sick exhausted. I tried to ignore it, figured we would eat and that would perk me up..it had been a while since we had eaten.

We got some PP pics on the way in too! I vowed I would get the most out of our PP+ this trip!

continued in next post.....
and look who I saw before dinner! Was today my day for characters or what?

Luckily for us, we checked in a bit early and they were able to take us (yay for slower january season!).

Bob and the kids had a blast, and I had a blast watching them! Bob makes my heart melt the way he interacts with them. We all LOVE the band that comes out to play and interact!

Bob being a beer lover especially enjoys the Biergarten! I told him to live it up! It was our Disneymoon after all!

I opted for silly faces rather than beer..

All in all it was a GREAT dinner! Sorry for no food porn.. I was awful at note taking and food pic taking this trip! I know that we adored our server, the best one to date! He was fantastically german, and so polite and on top of our every need! The food was good too! THey had pretzel bread and a cheese soup that reminded me very much of Le Cellier!

I had vowed that night that I would get some cream rice from Norway, and after dinner that is exactly what i did! and it was amazing as always! I took note that school bread looked much smaller than it had in years past...

We headed out of Epcot as I ate my treat, and all I can remember is being near tears my feet hurt so badly! I can say without a doubt that I have never felt pain like that before! I'm assuming it was because I hadn't broken my new sneakers on enough yet... or that and the exhaustion level. We had all pushed ourselves well beyond what we should have.. oops!

Despite the pain I kept to what i had vowed and made sure we stopped for more pp pics on our way out!

Happily exhausted!

It was a great first day, though looking back, I would have taken it much slower! We got back to POFQ and CRASHED! We had an early ADR the next morning and needed as much rest as we could get!

Next up: A new to Bob breakfast that may or may not have made his napkin twirl..and our first fight..yeah, even on a Disneymoon :)
Jen, what a great update. I am amazed at all you accomplished after the wedding and the drive to Disney. I'm glad Bob got in a better mood and that you enjoyed a good dinner at Biergarten.
First fight!!!!!??? Oh no!!
Did yo know that fights can happen anywhere?? even the happiest place on earth!!! :laughing: No one warned me of that before I started going! Consider yourself warned ;)
Jen, what a great update. I am amazed at all you accomplished after the wedding and the drive to Disney. I'm glad Bob got in a better mood and that you enjoyed a good dinner at Biergarten.
Thanks Kat... my feet were surprised at how stupid I was! :rotfl:
I thought I was slow with the updates.
I know life gets in the way.
I loved your wedding photo's.
Plus I found Lurky Loo's TR-and she sucked me into reading hers after I finished with yours.
I thought I was slow with the updates.
I know life gets in the way.
I loved your wedding photo's.
Plus I found Lurky Loo's TR-and she sucked me into reading hers after I finished with yours.

Thank you so much! Lurkys writing is downright addicting to read! She is an absolute Disney inspiration on so many levels! Glad to have you along, and glad everyone understand that pesky life gets in my fun way!
Just started reading! Love it so far, even the sickies lol! Your wedding was absolutely beautiful, and I love love loved your dress!
The sorcerer's game did nothing for me either. It looked neat as guy explained it, but honestly my mind wandered. I am awful at paying attention . So we just collected cards and never did any :rotfl2:

Bob did look very happy, looked like he was skipping :rotfl:

You got a lot of great photopass pics so far. Love Snow White, she's my favorite :love:

Looks like Bob and the kids had a blast at Biergarten. We took Trent there once and never again he said, too loud :confused3 I do love the pretzel bread though, YUM!!!

Every couple fights on vacation and those who say they do not, are liars ;)
JENN! I am hooked on your TR. Y'all seem like such a good time, and I'm SUPER bummed that you'll be in DW the week BEFORE my family and I. I can't wait to read about the rest of your trip!
Yay for updates! I think we were all exhausted by the end of the day!

I can't believe how hot it was our first day. Seemed like that was the only day that we really had that kind of heat.

I think I am the only one on the planet that doesn't like Dole Whips.......
Yay for updates! I think we were all exhausted by the end of the day! I can't believe how hot it was our first day. Seemed like that was the only day that we really had that kind of heat. I think I am the only one on the planet that doesn't like Dole Whips.......

I lurk here, but came out to say def not! Ick a dole whip!!! I can't with them!!!!

Since I'm here- love the TR! Photos and wedding look amazing! Congrats!!!!
I probably would have done the same thing with overdoing it the day we arrive. I keep telling myself that I always enjoy it more when I take it slow (as is DH's style).

I loved all of your PP pictures! You and your daughter looked SO adorable in your Minnie ears! It is sweet how well your DH is with the kiddos. I just love your family. So real and so fun!

Can't wait to read more!

By the way, that dole whip had me DROOLING.
Love the update! My hubby loves your hubby's shirty! I told him that he can get one for his birthday! Can't wait to read more. You're not the only one who is slow on the trip reports, I am too!
Hey there! :wave2:

I don't comment much on TP's, I usually just lurk. BUT, I just read the whole thing straight through and really wanted to just say hi!

Also, I am from the area and recognize where you got married! However, I am a little disappointed you don't have a picture in front of the Dilly's sign!! :sad2:

I will be in Disney Jan 9-18, so our trips might overlap. I'll be sure to say hi if I recognize you!
BUSY 1st day for sure! This trip I wrote a bunch of notes each night so when I start my TR I can remember everything, but it allowed my sleeping pills to kick in each night! LO!L
Just started reading! Love it so far, even the sickies lol! Your wedding was absolutely beautiful, and I love love loved your dress!
Thank you thank you thank you! and welcome! I'm glad you didn't think I was white trash from the pukey pic :)

The sorcerer's game did nothing for me either. It looked neat as guy explained it, but honestly my mind wandered. I am awful at paying attention . So we just collected cards and never did any :rotfl2:
they did it the whole dang trip! It was cute, but i was so tired and too excited to stop for it!

Bob did look very happy, looked like he was skipping :rotfl:
there was some sort of jig going on there lol!

You got a lot of great photopass pics so far. Love Snow White, she's my favorite :love:
I took full advantage of PP+ Wish i woulda taken even more lol

Looks like Bob and the kids had a blast at Biergarten. We took Trent there once and never again he said, too loud :confused3 I do love the pretzel bread though, YUM!!!

Every couple fights on vacation and those who say they do not, are liars ;)
They love it there, we all do, but it IS very loud! My kids are also VERY loud lol.. they fit right in!

BIG liars! Fights happen!

JENN! I am hooked on your TR. Y'all seem like such a good time, and I'm SUPER bummed that you'll be in DW the week BEFORE my family and I. I can't wait to read about the rest of your trip!
Why thank you! Bummer, what are your dates? do we overlap at all?? even a teeny bit??

Yay for updates! I think we were all exhausted by the end of the day!
uhm, yes, yes we were lol
I can't believe how hot it was our first day. Seemed like that was the only day that we really had that kind of heat.
I'm pretty sure it was the only day that bad...and I'm wondering if me being so tired made it feel or seem worse?
I think I am the only one on the planet that doesn't like Dole Whips.......
i don't get it soph!

Nope, I don't like them and neither does my husband.

I lurk here, but came out to say def not! Ick a dole whip!!! I can't with them!!!!
ahahahha.. next TR is going to be named, and this is for all my dole whip haters lol and HI LURKER!
Since I'm here- love the TR! Photos and wedding look amazing! Congrats!!!!
thank you <3 and hi!

I probably would have done the same thing with overdoing it the day we arrive. I keep telling myself that I always enjoy it more when I take it slow (as is DH's style).
I know.. I know what is better, but yet I make the same noob mistakes over and over again!

I loved all of your PP pictures! You and your daughter looked SO adorable in your Minnie ears! It is sweet how well your DH is with the kiddos. I just love your family. So real and so fun!

Can't wait to read more!

By the way, that dole whip had me DROOLING.
Thank you so much! DH has luckily known both of my kids since birth, so it was such an easy transition for us! I can't express how lucky I KNOW I am! I know how bad the other side of it it can be!

Thanks for reading and drooling! I drooled posting that pic... and would KILL for one right now!

Love the update! My hubby loves your hubby's shirty! I told him that he can get one for his birthday! Can't wait to read more. You're not the only one who is slow on the trip reports, I am too!
Thanks! and is it the Star Wars one? If so , TARGET! $9.99!

Hey there! :wave2:

I don't comment much on TP's, I usually just lurk. BUT, I just read the whole thing straight through and really wanted to just say hi!
Well hi there, I feel flattered!

Also, I am from the area and recognize where you got married! However, I am a little disappointed you don't have a picture in front of the Dilly's sign!! :sad2:
you and me BOTH! It was the one of two things I really wanted, but with Jack vommitting, and it starting to freeze up and snow, the whole time line went to heck :/

I will be in Disney Jan 9-18, so our trips might overlap. I'll be sure to say hi if I recognize you!
awesome sauce, please do! Where are yall staying?

BUSY 1st day for sure! This trip I wrote a bunch of notes each night so when I start my TR I can remember everything, but it allowed my sleeping pills to kick in each night! LO!L
LOLOLOL , Star, you are too much! I intended to do a lot of things this trip.. more pics..more notes...more sleep, slowed down pace.... and everything went to heck.. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but i think it was the exhaustion?


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