I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

I'm glad you could stop by and say hi! Also, I'm glad that things are going ok with the pregnancy, aside from your myriad of discomforts. At least the medicine seems to be helping now that you're finally taking it!

DS turned 3 on Oct 2, so had a Little Einstein's themed birthday party for him (hopefully some pics to come later!) and will be taking him to Disneyland next week :-)eek:) I'm sure this will be a much slower paced vacation than past Disneyland vacations, but have already told my DH and DM to take him and leave me at the hotel (DLH) when needed.
Good luck! And I think this strategy to rest while they go to the parks will likely be a good idea.
Glad to hear you are feeling better! What are the chances, my DS's birthday is October 2nd too -- he just turned 6. Have a great time at Disneyland :thumbsup2
Yay for feeling better and for a healthy peanut! I saw Calvin's birthday picture...so cute. DH's birthday was the 2nd as well but we didn't really celebrate until the next day. Hope you have a great time at DL and definitely take some time alone if you need it. :)
Congratulations! :yay:I'm so happy for you and your little family. pixiedust:

And happy belated birthday to Calvin. Have a great time in DL and take it easy.

Can't wait to hear more, but of course take care of yourself first! :flower:

Hi guys!

Wanted to give an update on DH. I told you guys he got Vertigo last week. Well he was still feeling very dizzy and could not hear out of his left ear at all. So he saw his Doctor last week and he wanted him to make an appointment with an ENT doctor so he went this morning. His hearing is at 10% and he can't locate anything wrong with him at all. So we're waiting on a call back to schedule an MRI. The doctor said there are three things it could be: a stroke, a brain aneursym or a brain tumor. Those are some scary words but we sure would appreciate some prayers. Thank you!:goodvibes
I am so sorry this is happening ... Although I just found your TR NOW (late!) I haven't made it to the most recent page yet. I'm hoping it's all turned out well! Healthy thoughts are sent your way!
I'm glad you are getting along well. Hopefully the worst us behind you. Enjoy DL, and Happy Birthday Calvin!
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I found your TR 2 days ago and have finally caught up on it and I am loving it. Can't wait to read more.
I've been trying over the weekend to play catch up on here, then Sunday afternoon, I had very heavy bleeding and went to the ER. Blood work and urine sample looked good. Ultrasound showed the baby had a good heartbeat and moving around. Monday and today i've been at home trying to relax and stay calm. As of today, have very minimal bleeding and slight crampy feeling but my ob still doesn't want to see me until my appointment next week. Prayers would be much appreciated! In the meantime, i'll still be playing catch up and hopefully get a stinkin' update in! Geez it's been a while.
Praying that everything goes smooth for you. It sure does not help to have a hard pregnancy. :sick:
Prayers for you - you've had such a difficult pregnancy so far! :hug:

If it's any comfort, I remember lurking birth boards online when I was pregnant and there were many people who had scary bleeding episodes and it ended up being nothing to worry about. I can't remember the cause, but I saw enough reports of it that it seemed fairly common. Hoping for the best for you!
Oh my, I'm sorry that happened. I imagine very scary. I know somebody who also had that happen, after love making, and everything was ok. Prayers being sent :hug:
Glad to hear everything is ok so far. Hopefully with some rest the bleeding will stop. I also had heavy bleeding with my first son and it turns out it was because my placenta was low-lying. Cleared itself up quickly.
Hope everything is ok and you are able to get some rest!

Jill in CO
OH, I hope everything is okay, though it sounds like it is. I'll send lots of good thoughts your way.


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