I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

Ha, I swear if I had a dollar for every person that starts their trip by going to DTD... well, I don't know how much I'd have, but I'd have a lot of dollars. :thumbsup2

I do love the ginormous tree, but THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE!!!! That thing is so iconic. And I totally appreciate that Disney leaves the decorations up too. They had them up for quite a while too I hear. Seriously, what could possibly be wrong with that? Leave them up all year!! (expect for Halloween. I need my Halloween decorations).

Wow the tree actually seems even bigger than I remember. Your DS could be an ornament on that bad boy.

Out of curiosity, did you find the bus wait time signs to be fairly accurate?
Just finding your report and subbing in. How amazing your son was on such a long trip, you're a lucky Mom. That's such a smart idea to stay at the hyatt and then hit ME. The GF Xmas decorations are beautiful. Love the juxtaposition of your little son against the big tree. Your dtd water videos are great. And you aren't a mean Mommy, just one with a good sense oh humor ; ). I would have done the same. Can't wait for more adventures....
Glad to hear that you’d appreciate the fact that our Christmas stuff is still up! :rotfl: I took down the outdoor lights on a nice day a couple weeks ago, but we were going to do the tree and indoor stuff last weekend and it got pre-empted by an unplanned visit to my Grandma in Wisconsin. I think it will come down this weekend, though. I can’t imagine all the work that goes into putting up, decorating, and taking down all those trees at WDW. :faint:

What, there are real time bus schedules?! :confused: I did not know this. Are they everywhere? That is awesome. :thumbsup2

DS likes pizza, huh? Seems like something all kids should love, but Izzy won’t touch it. Not sure why. Weirdo. :rotfl:

Haha, I use that bargaining trick too! I can almost always get Izzy to try something that way. Sometimes, she’ll like what she’s tried and keep eating (mmm, cauliflower) and sometimes she’ll spit it out, but at least she tries it. Also, I learned tonight that if it’s mine, it tastes better. Fed her the same food she had, but off my plate and she was a happy camper. Silly kids. :rotfl2:

Oooh, that is freaky. Do the eyes blink and follow you around too? :eek: :lmao:

Glad you finally got your Starbucks. :goodvibes

Haha, love the splash pad/fountain videos! Gotta conquer those fears someday. ::yes::

I know for lots of people (Scrooges) ;), that as soon as December 26th hits, the Christmas decorations come down and the music stops. I love that at Disney, it’s January 2nd, the entire place is decorated, smells like Gingerbread and I still hear Christmas music.


While I was checking out the Gingerbread house with DM, DH got a picture of DS trying to be adopted into a new family, sneakily. But the little girl caught him​

Love the Christmas decorations! Your DS is so cute. I heard a great thing this year, that you should keep decorations up until January 6 as that is the 12th day of Christmas.

This in particular from Wolfgang Puck Express

I've had that pizza! It was delicious!

Then I saw this freaky thing

Why? The flowers and Cheshire are perfect, but why does Alice look so dark and suicidal?! :confused3 Too much Wonderland for her perhaps.​

I don't like this artist at all. I don't like the whole big eyes, big head weird looking princesses, made to look like children. However, people must because I see these pictures everywhere.

Starbucks was needed since we didn’t have time to grab any that morning and it was definitely an iced coffee day. It was warm.

You definitely needed coffee by this point in the day! :faint:

I couldn't view the videos, but I'm going to try later. Sorry you couldn't find the charms and stuff you wanted for your DM. Hopefully you get them later in the trip.
The GF decorations are so beautiful! We have never stayed here but we always enjoy a little stroll through the beautiful grounds. :)))

I love Tren-D! I bought a dress last trip that I can't wait to wear in 2.5 weeks- assuming it will fit over my belly. :))

Looks like a fun start to trip.
That slow mo video is hysterical. I really thought Calvin was going to hit the deck (or the pavement). Great save!

That Christmas tree is amazing. How cool that you got the entire thing in the picture and with Calvin in it! That was Calvin, right? He looks so grown up.

I leave my Christmas decorations up until Epiphany as well. I like it. It's way more festive! I still have my baby tree up. It's so cute and is decorated with pastel colors so it's really more an all season tree. ;)
I can never get tired of seeing the GF Lobby Christmas tree which is amazing to see and impress how tall it is just like at the GCH at the DLR. The gingerbread house looks still the same like every other year during the holiday season.

The pizza from WPE looks very good. I really need to get a pizza from WP one day.

I also couldn't view your videos on photobucket. I was going to ask you if you used your GoPro for that video or did you use your smartphone?

A very nice day at DTD.
Your very cute title drew me in! I've only read the opening and can't wait to sit down later and read more.
Very sorry for the loss in your family. Wishing all of you peace.

All caught up! :thumbsup2 Wow. Very creepy Alice. And you're not a mean Mommy, just think about what he did to your body! Never too early for paybacks. :lmao: Can't wait for more.
So sorry for your loss :sad1: Sending warm thoughts and prayers...


Yay! It's Disney day!

I have no idea what that movie is. Sorry.

Uh-oh about the elevators. I have a feeling this is going to come up again since you're mentioning it...

That is so strange that your bus did a drive by at AKL first. Maybe the bus driver got his route confused and realized it too late?

What a smooth check-in. Perfect!

I'm glad you were able to enjoy the Christmas decorations at GF. That tree is seriously stunning. And I'll have you know... it's January 25th and our Christmas decorations are still up in our house! :rotfl2: Wow, we are SO lazy!

Mmmmm WPE pizza!! It kills me that there isn't one around here. It's on my to-do list whenever I'm at LAX though! :thumbsup2

Calvin was too cute at the fountain in DTD! :lmao: at the slo-mo!! One day he will watch it and laugh too!
What a fun update!

I LOVE the Christmas decorations at the GF. The tree is just spectacular and I love the Gingerbread House. I love the photo of DS trying to photobomb the family...too precious.

Awesome job on the wait for the bus to DTD.

Wolfgang Puck...a favorite.

The videos are adorable of DS in the water fountain. He is just too stinkin' cute.

Thanks Kathy!

The decorations are so beautiful! Wish I could get my house to look like that. I'm pretty certain it would take lots of $$$.

WPE is our favorite too! Always do that restaurant when we're downtown.

wow - that tree really is impressive! We always keep our Christmas decoration up until Epiphany so always bugs me when places take them down on like the 26th ... and then by the 27th the stores have Easter Candy out :worried:

I think it is great that they have those bus trackers now so you know how long your wait will be - and good for you to get to DTD so quickly

We totally do the bargaining with the kids ... separate out a certain amount of chicken they have to eat before more French fries or something. We also tend to pull the "well, that is what dinner is and we know you would like it so we aren't making anything else - this isn't a restaurant" at times.

We keep up ours until Epiphany as well. However, with the trip and not wanting to do a lot of work when we returned, we took it all down New Years Eve.

I love the trackers! Do you know if all resorts have it?

And we're so the same about making meals. I'm not a short order cook :thumbsup2

GF isn't one of my favorite resorts, but they definitely do Christmas right. :thumbsup2

Totally understand. Not DH's either. Too romantic and I thought the same thing when I first saw it in 2008. But now I just love it!

Nice try on the photobomb. :rotfl2::lmao:

Practice makes perfect, yes?

Glad it works for you. It only works about half the time for us. DS is so dang skinny though, sometimes we're just happy to get him to eat anything.

That's what our case was too. If he had a bite of a cookie we'd be happy! But he's getting better.

There's a whole lot of questionable things that go on in that movie. I mean when you really think about it, this isn't exactly a stretch... :lmao::rotfl2:

You're so right! :rotfl: I don't think the caterpillar is smoking tobacco from that hookah :scared1:

DW was looking for some the week we were there. She kept running into the same kind of thing. They were hard to find.

I don't really 'get' the charm thing but people are serious about their charms. I'll find that out later on.

Sometimes, as a parent, you just have to be the bad guy. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

And sometimes, it just feels right :lmao:

I had completely forgotten HOW tall that Christmas tree at the GF was. And I am in shock to see how tall Calvin has grown.

I know! I thought the same thing, it's so tall!

You are really brave, being at that Gingerbread house without any breakfast. ;) I so would have just had a piece of their Gingerbread!/QUOTE]

I'm always so tempted to buy some, considering I love Gingerbread so much, but i've read a lot of reviews about how hard and flavorless the gingerbread is, so I skip it. Have you ever bought any?

And those videos of Calvin are SO cute! I just love how your men run through the fountain. Awesome! And may I add that I am impressed that Calvin has already grown into his T-shirt. ;)

More please! :love:

I was hoping you would spot the shirt! It fits him great, thank you so much! My aunt had spotted that it said Paris and asked if we'd been and told her the story and she just loved that we had friends so far away :goodvibes

Such a fun update! I was cracking up (does that make me a mean mommy too?) because that's something I would do to my DS! I always say "what's the fun in having a kid if you can't torture them every now and then?"

That's so true! He did torture me for many hours in labor :lmao:

I will never get over how gorgeous that GF tree is! And the gingerbread house! It's been so long since I've seen them - 3 years is too long!:rotfl2:

Three years is way too long!

I want to try to plan my next trip, whenever that may be, sometime in Dec or Jan. There's just nothing like WDW all prettied up for Christmas!

Definitely early December or the first week of January. I felt the crowds were heavier in January than in December. Hope you can get there soon!

P.S. I am so sorry to hear about your DH's grandpa passing :( I lost my 3 remaining grandparents 1 right after another. They all passed in the span of 3 years and my last one, my grandma passed on my birthday almost 2 years ago. It's rough so I know exactly how your DH feels - prayers for all of you!

Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry :hug: I bet celebrating your birthday is bittersweet. I've only lost 1 grandparent (he died an hour before my dad passed) and my other grandparents are getting up there in age. It's not fun to watch them age and not move around at all. But am enjoying whatever time I have with them now :goodvibes

Geez, time is flying. I felt like I had just read the trip report when your son was a baby! He is so adorable! Great start to your TR! Looking forward to reading more.:)

Every once in a while, i'll look back at our first trip with DS and can't BELIEVE how little he was :sad1: Time for another one! :lmao:
All caught up. The Grand Floridian is so pretty! for your sad family news.

Thanks Tania!

Ha, I swear if I had a dollar for every person that starts their trip by going to DTD... well, I don't know how much I'd have, but I'd have a lot of dollars.

:lmao: You're right! I think it's the best way to start a Disney vacation.

I do love the ginormous tree, but THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE!!!! That thing is so iconic. And I totally appreciate that Disney leaves the decorations up too. They had them up for quite a while too I hear. Seriously, what could possibly be wrong with that? Leave them up all year!! (expect for Halloween. I need my Halloween decorations).

They actually started taking everything down in the middle of our trip. :sad1: I have pictures later on! I'm not too much into Halloween decorations, but definitely Fall decorations with Pumpkins and burlap. But i'm sure we'll be getting into the Halloween season more when DS is older and wants to add his special touches.

Wow the tree actually seems even bigger than I remember. Your DS could be an ornament on that bad boy.

No joke! :rotfl: Seriously, the ornaments on the tree were as big as DH's head...and that's pretty darn massive!

Out of curiosity, did you find the bus wait time signs to be fairly accurate?

Super accurate. In fact, it was usually a minute off and the bus would show up sooner which was great! They need to implement this at every Resort if they haven't already.

Just finding your report and subbing in. How amazing your son was on such a long trip, you're a lucky Mom. That's such a smart idea to stay at the hyatt and then hit ME. The GF Xmas decorations are beautiful. Love the juxtaposition of your little son against the big tree. Your dtd water videos are great. And you aren't a mean Mommy, just one with a good sense oh humor. I would have done the same. Can't wait for more adventures....

Hi and thanks for subbing!

:lmao: I started laughing when DH showed me the pictures of DS standing in front of the tree. It took me a while to find him, he was so small!

That's a great way to put it. A good sense of humor indeed :thumbsup2

Glad to hear that you’d appreciate the fact that our Christmas stuff is still up! :rotfl: I took down the outdoor lights on a nice day a couple weeks ago, but we were going to do the tree and indoor stuff last weekend and it got pre-empted by an unplanned visit to my Grandma in Wisconsin. I think it will come down this weekend, though. I can’t imagine all the work that goes into putting up, decorating, and taking down all those trees at WDW.

:rotfl: That is awesome! At this rate you may as well leave the decorations up, cause there is only 300 more days until the Christmas season :thumbsup2

What, there are real time bus schedules?! I did not know this. Are they everywhere? That is awesome. :thumbsup2

Yeah, isn't that cool?! I've only seen it at the GF. I remember seeing it in October too because we were there to visit the resort and ended up taking a bus to somewhere and the monitor was up then. I have a picture i'll show that on DHS day.

Haha, I use that bargaining trick too! I can almost always get Izzy to try something that way. Sometimes, she’ll like what she’s tried and keep eating (mmm, cauliflower) and sometimes she’ll spit it out, but at least she tries it. Also, I learned tonight that if it’s mine, it tastes better. Fed her the same food she had, but off my plate and she was a happy camper. Silly kids.

We just recently gave DS cauliflower and of course he loved it. But his favorite veggie is broccoli so I should have known he'd enjoy it.

Oooh, that is freaky. Do the eyes blink and follow you around too?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did! :lmao:

Love the Christmas decorations! Your DS is so cute. I heard a great thing this year, that you should keep decorations up until January 6 as that is the 12th day of Christmas.

Yes! Epiphany! We do that, but with vacation and not wanting to come back to have to clean the house didn't sound fun, so we took everything down New Years Eve. I was busy packing our bags and packing our decorations away :scared1:

I don't like this artist at all. I don't like the whole big eyes, big head weird looking princesses, made to look like children. However, people must because I see these pictures everywhere.

I've never seen it and I don't want to see it again. It's super creepy! He did a good job with the flowers though!

The GF decorations are so beautiful! We have never stayed here but we always enjoy a little stroll through the beautiful grounds.

I love Tren-D! I bought a dress last trip that I can't wait to wear in 2.5 weeks- assuming it will fit over my belly.

Looks like a fun start to trip.

I just love the GF. So beautiful, even more during the Christmas season.

Tren-D has the best stuff don't they?! I've bought many things here.

That slow mo video is hysterical. I really thought Calvin was going to hit the deck (or the pavement). Great save!

:lmao: The quality is better on my phone, but it makes me laugh every time! He's happy at the very start of the run, but then the big water drops land on his forehead/face which freaks him out and to top it off, he slips :rotfl: I'm terrible!

That Christmas tree is amazing. How cool that you got the entire thing in the picture and with Calvin in it! That was Calvin, right? He looks so grown up.

Yes :sad1: Makes me so sad he's getting so big.

I leave my Christmas decorations up until Epiphany as well. I like it. It's way more festive! I still have my baby tree up. It's so cute and is decorated with pastel colors so it's really more an all season tree.

I know a few people that have a tree and they'll decorate it for different seasons like Valentines, 4th of July. Actually, such a cool idea!

I can never get tired of seeing the GF Lobby Christmas tree which is amazing to see and impress how tall it is just like at the GCH at the DLR. The gingerbread house looks still the same like every other year during the holiday season.

I love the tree at GCH too. Disney just knows how to go all out!

The pizza from WPE looks very good. I really need to get a pizza from WP one day.

You must get one someday! So delicious.

I also couldn't view your videos on photobucket. I was going to ask you if you used your GoPro for that video or did you use your smartphone?

For that video I used my iPhone. I rarely got to use my GoPro :sad2: I ordered the stick that you sent the link to, but I ordered it on a Sunday, 3 days before we left. I used Amazon Prime 2 Day shipping and didn't receive it until the day after we left:headache: And the camera is so little it's so hard to hold. I do have some video though that i'll show!

Your very cute title drew me in! I've only read the opening and can't wait to sit down later and read more.

Thanks! Actually the story behind my title is coming up soon!

Very sorry for the loss in your family. Wishing all of you peace.

All caught up! :thumbsup2 Wow. Very creepy Alice. And you're not a mean Mommy, just think about what he did to your body! Never too early for paybacks. :lmao: Can't wait for more.

Thank you :goodvibes

:rotfl: Definitely a payback for sure! :lmao:

So sorry for your loss :sad1: Sending warm thoughts and prayers...


Yay! It's Disney day!

I have no idea what that movie is. Sorry.

Uh-oh about the elevators. I have a feeling this is going to come up again since you're mentioning it...

That is so strange that your bus did a drive by at AKL first. Maybe the bus driver got his route confused and realized it too late?

What a smooth check-in. Perfect!

I'm glad you were able to enjoy the Christmas decorations at GF. That tree is seriously stunning. And I'll have you know... it's January 25th and our Christmas decorations are still up in our house! Wow, we are SO lazy!

Mmmmm WPE pizza!! It kills me that there isn't one around here. It's on my to-do list whenever I'm at LAX though!

Calvin was too cute at the fountain in DTD! :lmao: at the slo-mo!! One day he will watch it and laugh too!

Hi Heather!

I HATED that we wasted so much time driving through AKL without stopping. I mean really, we probably only lost 10-15 minutes, but dang it! Those minutes are everything at WDW!

:rotfl: Are you and Dugette related?! Here's are still up as well. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if ours were still up. The Christmas decorations look 100 times better than our 'normal' home decor.

Uhh, there's one at LAX?! :confused3 I probably don't know this because i'm only usually there at 5am or at 8pm trying to get the heck out of there!

I love the slo-mo on the iPhone! Such a fun addition to play around with!
And take in the delicious smells of the gingerbread house

Can't blame you for wanting to check that out. That's one of my favorite Disney Christmas traditions.

I know for lots of people (Scrooges) ;), that as soon as December 26th hits, the Christmas decorations come down and the music stops.


So on this trip, we waited to give him something we knew he would enjoy. So if he wanted half a French fry, he would have to take 2 bites of chicken. IT WORKED! He’d usually forget about the fry by the second bite and keep eating chicken, then realize, “Hey, I’m supposed to get something!” We’re still continuing this trick at home, and now he’s starting to eat meat, fish and chicken again.:cool1:

The Force is strong with you! :yoda:

DH bought me some things that I’m not supposed to know about because it’s my birthday presents and DM bought a few things too.

We're at the point where my wife just grabs stuff and says, "Get this for me for Christmas." Allrighty then.

Why? The flowers and Cheshire are perfect, but why does Alice look so dark and suicidal?! :confused3 Too much Wonderland for her perhaps.

What was in those biscuits??

I like the slow-motion version better because it’s funnier.

Hilarious! :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Can't blame you for wanting to check that out. That's one of my favorite Disney Christmas traditions.

Definitely an awesome tradition.

Glad you agree!

The Force is strong with you! :yoda:


We're at the point where my wife just grabs stuff and says, "Get this for me for Christmas." Allrighty then.

It's getting to that point for us here too. Oh well, at least I have good taste in what I want:rotfl:

What was in those biscuits??

I think it was a bit of Caterpillar's tobacco baked in. Baccy Biscuits? :lmao:

Hilarious! :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

How did I know you would approve this video?! :rotfl:
Congratulations to MagicAddict2178 for guessing the correct movie, West Side Story! :banana: You win 10,000 Lesha points that you can cash in for absolutely nothing :rotfl:

After allowing DS to run around (being dragged through!) the water play area, everyone headed in to Disney’s Days of Christmas to look around while I waited outside for Danielle and her mom to arrive. I peered around the corner and saw her and I was so excited to be finally meeting her and oh my goodness, she’s just as sweet and funny in person! And her mom is amazing! We all chatted about our mutual love for the Packers (Go Pack Go! Still love them even after their loss against Seattle), her awful travel problems for this trip, Disney, etc, etc! She even gave me a gift that you’ll see in a bit. It became quite useful for us! We both remembered that a picture needed to be taken because as the DIS says, “If there’s no picture, it didn’t happen.”

I called DH to see where they were so they could meet Danielle and her mom but somehow, they had slipped past us and gone into the Art Gallery behind us so we all met up in there. DH totally LOVED talking to Danielle. He loved that she was a Packers fan, loved that she’s been to Lambeau and loved that she knew her stuff! Can we say crushing hard?

We all really had the best time talking to Danielle and her mom and probably could have spent all night and day talking. Wish I could have met the famous Popadon but maybe next time. And so glad he’s feeling better and is at home now :goodvibes:

We parted ways so they could grab some food and it was time for our next meet up with my Aunt. She lives blocks away from DTD (so lucky!) and wanted to meet us in front of the Cirque Theater. It had been years since I've been to that side of DTD so verified directions with Danielle and I went off ahead of DH and DM who were still shopping at the Art Gallery.

Woah. I didn’t remember DTD being this massive. It took AGES to get over there. And it didn’t help that it was starting to get a bit busy. But I managed to fight the crowds (and the urge to grab some more coffee at the nice Starbucks down there!) but I finally spotted her and her new husband. It had been quite a while since I’d last seen her so it was great that we were able to do this. I told her that we should maybe start walking towards DH and DM so it wouldn’t take as long for them to reach us. Now my Aunt is in her 70’s and she can walk. Maybe it’s because she’s way taller than me, but I was pretty much eating her dust. We stopped near the bridge by the Starbucks and waited for them to show up.

From what DH reported, DM was taking her time. She wasn’t thrilled about seeing her –-due to some family stuff—but knew it was the right thing to do. Long story short, we chatted up until our dinner reservation at 6! We had a blast catching up and she gave DS the book, “A Very Hungry Caterpillar” so that was really nice.

Uh I swear, DM was happy!

During the convo, I had to take DS to a quiet, empty area to do his ‘thing’. I know i'm intruding his privacy, but his face is hilarious when he goes:lmao:

And he got a fruit rollup afterwards for his ‘big’ accomplishment

Because the chat was a bit long, poor DS was getting bored so I took him over to check out the Characters in Flight balloon

and to walk around near the little boardwalk area

And we saw these huge birds in the trees!

It was getting close to our ADR time at Raglan Road so took a group shot before saying our goodbyes - my Aunt is a goofy lady

It was great getting to meet up with them and told them we’d be in their area often so we could meet up again.
It was 6:00 exactly but luckily we were right in front of Raglan Road

We checked in and a long line formed behind us, but were called within minutes and given a fantastic table!

We were able to watch them dance before ordering, which was a great way to start our meal


Warning. These are the worst food pictures of the trip. Absolutely terrible! But it was so dark in there and I was taking it with my Point and Shoot. Later on I realized that my iPhone takes much better photos than my camera and I eventually stopped using the camera altogether.

I got one picture of the menu and it was of the appetizer we were getting

Our bread basket

I ordered a Smithwicks to go with my meal

DS was loving the dancers

And DH later on developed another crush on the brunette dancer :rolleyes:

For starters, we had to get the Scallop Forest that everyone talks about

Delicious! The lime dipping sauce was the best between the two sauces. DH really enjoyed these.

For dinner, DM and I shared a plate of the Fish and Chips, aka a plate of unappetizing, brown food. I also ordered a side order of green beans that I didn’t get a picture of

And DH ordered the Bangers & Booz – Guinness & onion bangers on mash, topped with caramelized onions and beef stew

I was actually surprised that DH ordered this. One, he hates Guinness. Two, he’s not a fan of sausages like this. But he loved it! I got to try a bite and it was very flavorful!

DS had a smorgasbord from our plates. But he wasn’t eating the meat, green beans or any of the veggies from DH’s plate. So I did the only thing I could think of…

And made a hole out of a French fry and stuffed it with meat and veggies and molded the French fry back together :lmao: He ate it. You’re welcome parents of picky eaters.

During our meal, a little girl stood next to me while watching one of the dancers perform and DS was trying to get her to pick him up or give him a hug (he develops crushes quickly, just like his father) and I showed DH the video and he told me to be careful about showing the video because it looked like we were at a strip club the way the dancer was climbing the stairs :scared:

Dessert was definitely happening tonight because, well, it’s a must. And tonight we were all sharing the Bread Pudding

DM despises raisins with everything in her, but she loved this! She actually finished up for us.

After settling the bill (and getting 10% off with DVC!) we started making our way towards the bus stop.

RR looks so pretty at night

While we were walking, DH’s dancer was out in front of the restaurant waving (I guess to bring people in??) and I told him there was his woman. And DH started rubbernecking hard. So hard, he almost ran into the back of an older man walking and I had to grab the stroller to stop him! I just pointed at him and said, “Rubbernecking is dangerous!” He just laughed. Poor DH doesn't know how to properly rubberneck. Anyone professional rubberneckers out there that want to teach him?

DH suggested going back into WoD to see if maybe a shipment of Pandora charms had come in and I guess one did because there was a line at the counter that they had to wait in for about 5 minutes until they got called up

But they had sold out of the ones DM was looking for. Poop.

But we couldn’t be sad, because there was somewhere we needed to go. Checking out our home for the next 7 nights was of upmost priority. And right as we were walking into the bus stop area, a GF bus pulled up. Wow! Awesome luck.

:yay::yay::yay::yay: you got to meet Danielle and Mom! Aren't they wonderful? Mark and I fell in love with them too (we met them up at a mall near their house and had lunch with them, and we got to meet Popadon who is exactly as he is on D's TR's)...and we love them despite the fact they are Packers fans. :lmao::lmao::lmao: We are going to see them the end of next month to have dinner with them and can't wait to see them again.

Yes, DTD is massive! And it is a hike from one end to the other. I'm glad you got to meet up with your aunt and her husband. You would never guess she is in her 70's by looking at her. Great group shot.

I can't wait to hear about dinner at Raglan.
You snuck in another update while I was responding to the first one. :rotfl:

You got great seats for Raglan Road, and so glad that DS enjoyed the dancing.

Aren't those scallops wonderful? I could go for a batch right now. I was underwhelmed with my fish & chips last time, but Mark enjoyed the Bangers as well. And that bread pudding...well he finishes that one all on his own.

How cute that DS wants the little girl to hold him, and your DH had me :rotfl2: on his comment about the dancer in the video.

Sorry you didn't find the charm, but :thumbsup2 for your bus pulling up as you got there.
:yay::yay::yay::yay: you got to meet Danielle and Mom! Aren't they wonderful? Mark and I fell in love with them too (we met them up at a mall near their house and had lunch with them, and we got to meet Popadon who is exactly as he is on D's TR's)...and we love them despite the fact they are Packers fans. :lmao::lmao::lmao: We are going to see them the end of next month to have dinner with them and can't wait to see them again.

Yes, DTD is massive! And it is a hike from one end to the other. I'm glad you got to meet up with your aunt and her husband. You would never guess she is in her 70's by looking at her. Great group shot.

I can't wait to hear about dinner at Raglan.

You replied at the exact same time I posted Raglan Road! :lmao: My you're fast, Kathy!

I think i've seen you and either her TR's or FB posts or both! They are both so so nice and so fun and easy to talk to.

Uh-oh are you a Bears fan?!

Doesn't she look amazing! My grandmother (her mother) is going to be 97 this year and she looks great too. Good genes that I hopefully have!


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