Hurricane Irma?

I think the reason is they still just don't know enough about where it's going to make a cancellation call. As frustrating as it is. But they can't make a call about things they don't know about yet.

Totally understand, just really hard to make a decision as to go or not. Would hate to go, and then have them cancel the show tomorrow on the way down. Stressful for me, but I also can't imagine having to plan for this monster if I lived down there. My uncle is in Palm Beach County and we're very worried for him.
I just don't see buying milk in the hot of summer for this, when it will probably go bad in a day or two.. Thats just me lol
Oh, I agree. I was referring to when everyone runs out to buy milk and bread when we have calls for snow around here. Which doesn't happen in the summer. Or even in the winter very often.
Dumb question I'm sure, but what is the benefit to calling to change dates as opposed to doing it online?

Also, has anyone who was staying at CBR with the renovation gift cards been able to move dates and keep the gift cards? Due to my husbands job we can't go until May if we don't go next week. I'm on hold right now and am planning on modifying dates, but just wondering what other people's experiences are.
People have moved other reservations (not those for Irma but shouldn't be any different) and as long as they keep their same confirmation number they keep their renovation gift card

There's no benefit to doing it on the phone vs. online UNLESS you are inside the change window and online is trying to charge you a change fee. On the phone they can waive that.
You do realize Garden Grocer goes to Publix or other local grocery store to shop. If it's gone, it's gone. They can't get it either.
My mom lives in Houston. The day BEFORE Harvey hit I ordered an Amazon Pantry box for her. She had supplies for a few days but events like this can last much longer. The box of non-perishable food was delivered to her after the storm passed and before most of the stores were able to re-stock. If you are sheltering in place for Irma you might want to consider this.
We have reservations for Friday thru Monday and have decided we are definitely NOT going.

The following is me just getting things off my chest feel free to skip to the next post if you like:

I understand the business and financial side of Disney not making changes or refunding anything until there is a Hurricane Warning for the ORLANDO area issued from the NHC. There are A TON of different situations with guest reservations. The storm might be hitting at the very beginning of a long stay for some, it could be in the middle for some, or (like in my situation) it could be at the end of an extended weekend trip. Each person can weigh their comfort level and make decisions accordingly.

My thinking was, we could probably enjoy Saturday for the most part. Sunday would be dicey as to how much fun we would have given the increased winds and rain. We have tickets to MNSSHP on Sunday evening. We could do with rain, but the high winds and rain would make it miserable, even at the MK. However, our biggest fear would be Monday. I expect that airlines will be grounded on Monday as the storm rolls through, only to resume Tuesday. Now they have to try to not only honor the original scheduled flights, but also get everyone else who was supposed to fly out on Monday worked in as well. (I know this happens with every major weather event world wide. It's nothing new.) But now, I am forced to find and pay for lodging for as many days as it would take to get a flight back home.

Since we have APs, it is a little easier for us to reschedule than others. I just wish that I could call in now (before a warning may be issued) and re-book a room for January without penalty. I would be taking a few less people out of the mix of stressful times.

If they don't issue a warning, I'm only out a room deposit and the MNSSHP tickets. Most likely financially cheaper than going and having to stay longer due to delays. Now, my child missing school would be another thing.
And GAS is a problem. The few gas stations that have gas have lines about 45 cars deep for one or two remaining pumps. I filled up yesterday but stopped back by the gas station last night to top off at one I knew had gas. Some people are having a hard time finding gas to get to work this week. At my daughter's cheer practice last night, some mentioned they may not be able to come to practice on Thursday because they live too far away and with the gas shortage don't think they will be able to make it! My husband commutes an hour each way to the military base and is hoping he can fill up on base before he leaves today (he filled up yesterday).

I didn't care about folks coming to Disney before. It was like whatever, if they want to sit through a storm, but now that supplies are seriously low where locals can not find water, food, and gas, I really hope many reconsider. The roads are bad as folks down South are evacuating. Schools here are starting to close, some today, some tomorrow, which will add to the number of people on the road leaving town. But many of those have purchased supplies locally to take with them. Others have been sure to gas up their boats and jet skis as well, so everyone is filling up everything even if they have no plans to use them.
We're nearing 2 weeks since Harvey made landfall. I live 130 miles from the coast, and all of the gas stations at least near us are still out of gas (one has diesel only). We just had some minor wind and rain from the hurricane, but resources have been diverted from our area to those affected. We were down to one car until yesterday morning bc DH could only find one station to fill up at, but it has had insane lines, and all the gas cans were sold out at every store we checked.

Our area was projected to get between 11 and 17 inches of rain, but the storm stalled. Stores were sold out of essentials (water, bread, fresh produce, batteries) for days ahead of time. Grocery delivery and curbside pick-up were suspended at every place I checked.

I hope everyone is able to get the provisions they need. We know several people in Houston who were stuck in their homes without enough food and water, and that's not something you want to happen. Stay safe, everyone.
This morning's update:

"Hurricane Irma is on a crash course with Florida, according to the latest projections by the National Hurricane Center.
Irma’s veering north into Florida has seemed likely for a few days, but the 8 a.m. Wednesday update by the NHC gives it more certainty."

Here are key points from said update:

  • Irma continues as a Category 5 hurricane this morning
  • Data from an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft showed winds near 180 mph
  • Pressure inside the eyewall has fallen to 914 mb
  • There has been little change in the satellite appearance of the hurricane
  • Irma is still being steered by a subtropical ridge to the north, and a general west-northwestward motion on the south side of that ridge is expected to continue for the next 48-72 hours.
  • A majority of models still suggest Irma will eventually turn northward, but do not agree on exactly when or where
  • Some models suggest a shift eastward will occur, while others feel steering current guidance will persist to the west
  • The centerline of the current NHC cone suggests landfall in south Florida within 96-120 hours. Note that the average deviation from a projection that far out is over 100 miles.
  • Irma is likely to remain in a light shear, warm water, environment -- which will keep it at the Cat 5 level for the next 3 to 4 days.
  • If it continues on it's current track, Irma may encounter some vertical shear (which could lower its intensity somewhat) as it passes by the northern leeward islands.
If you have booked for next Tuesdays MNSSHP - how can you get a refund if you are not travelling because of the hurricane?

I am in UK so an email address - would be better than a telephone number.

People have moved other reservations (not those for Irma but shouldn't be any different) and as long as they keep their same confirmation number they keep their renovation gift card

There's no benefit to doing it on the phone vs. online UNLESS you are inside the change window and online is trying to charge you a change fee. On the phone they can waive that.
I wonder if i need to talk to someone on the phone about the gift cards, or if i can change online and not see them affected. Ive now talked to a CM who was nice but had never heard of the gift cards and transferred me to gues services and now im waiting again.
We have reservations for Friday thru Monday and have decided we are definitely NOT going.

The following is me just getting things off my chest feel free to skip to the next post if you like:

I understand the business and financial side of Disney not making changes or refunding anything until there is a Hurricane Warning for the ORLANDO area issued from the NHC. There are A TON of different situations with guest reservations. The storm might be hitting at the very beginning of a long stay for some, it could be in the middle for some, or (like in my situation) it could be at the end of an extended weekend trip. Each person can weigh their comfort level and make decisions accordingly.

My thinking was, we could probably enjoy Saturday for the most part. Sunday would be dicey as to how much fun we would have given the increased winds and rain. We have tickets to MNSSHP on Sunday evening. We could do with rain, but the high winds and rain would make it miserable, even at the MK. However, our biggest fear would be Monday. I expect that airlines will be grounded on Monday as the storm rolls through, only to resume Tuesday. Now they have to try to not only honor the original scheduled flights, but also get everyone else who was supposed to fly out on Monday worked in as well. (I know this happens with every major weather event world wide. It's nothing new.) But now, I am forced to find and pay for lodging for as many days as it would take to get a flight back home.

Since we have APs, it is a little easier for us to reschedule than others. I just wish that I could call in now (before a warning may be issued) and re-book a room for January without penalty. I would be taking a few less people out of the mix of stressful times.

If they don't issue a warning, I'm only out a room deposit and the MNSSHP tickets. Most likely financially cheaper than going and having to stay longer due to delays. Now, my child missing school would be another thing.

For what it's worth there are people on Facebook reporting full refunds from Disney on party tickets and rooms. Just give them a call.
Just canceled our 35th anniversary trip. :sad1: We were scheduled to arrive 9/8 for 4 nights at BWI. CM was very nice and helpful in refunding our deposit.:thumbsup2
I feel the need to make a PSA... PLEASE remember that the CM's are under a lot stress as well and are doing their best. Being rude, mean or ugly to them won't help your situation. The CM I spoke with was very appreciative that I was not mad at or blaming her for the unfortunate situation. Lets all remember to be nice to one another!
Got in touch with Disney this morning. We booked (bounce back) from our room last November and got a HUGE discount. We did not get free dining but the 35% off the whole trip made it less than getting free dining. Now if I decide to move our stay just one week it adds almost $4k to our trip. I think were gonna head down at 3am (hopefully the roads wont be bad at this time) and hope for the best. We have priority check in at 10:00am at CR.
You're driving? Keep in mind finding gas may be an issue.
I wonder if i need to talk to someone on the phone about the gift cards, or if i can change online and not see them affected. Ive now talked to a CM who was nice but had never heard of the gift cards and transferred me to gues services and now im waiting again.
If you can change online, I would. That would keep your same confirmation number for sure. Have you tried to go through the change process online? It doesn't always work
Damn american still hasn't called Mco.
I called AA they got cheap flights going down to mco. But if I take one of them cheap flights my return flight will be canceled. She said I could make my round trip a one way that way it wouldn't be cancelled. But it's a 200 dollar change of fare. So that is no good. Aa needs to call mco. Rooms are being booked why aa takes their time. Some other airlines called mco last night as a free to change.
This morning's update:

"Hurricane Irma is on a crash course with Florida, according to the latest projections by the National Hurricane Center.
Irma’s veering north into Florida has seemed likely for a few days, but the 8 a.m. Wednesday update by the NHC gives it more certainty."

Here are key points from said update:

  • Irma continues as a Category 5 hurricane this morning
  • Data from an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft showed winds near 180 mph
  • Pressure inside the eyewall has fallen to 914 mb
  • There has been little change in the satellite appearance of the hurricane
  • Irma is still being steered by a subtropical ridge to the north, and a general west-northwestward motion on the south side of that ridge is expected to continue for the next 48-72 hours.
  • A majority of models still suggest Irma will eventually turn northward, but do not agree on exactly when or where
  • Some models suggest a shift eastward will occur, while others feel steering current guidance will persist to the west
  • The centerline of the current NHC cone suggests landfall in south Florida within 96-120 hours. Note that the average deviation from a projection that far out is over 100 miles.
  • Irma is likely to remain in a light shear, warm water, environment -- which will keep it at the Cat 5 level for the next 3 to 4 days.
  • If it continues on it's current track, Irma may encounter some vertical shear (which could lower its intensity somewhat) as it passes by the northern leeward islands.

That crash course with Florida is very misleading.
If you can change online, I would. That would keep your same confirmation number for sure. Have you tried to go through the change process online? It doesn't always work
I have changed this reservation before (added a room discount) and it worked. So i think I could!
I guess i could change it and then call at another time to ask about the gift cards.


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