How to book site at FW???


Trying to learn all I can before our Nov. 28th tri
Nov 9, 2003
Since this is my first Disney trip, I am totally clueless. Do I have to book FW thru a TA? Or can I just call FW and book myself???

It's your choice. All Disney resorts can be booked through a travel agent, but you may not be able to get special pricing, like a AAA discount.

You can book online as Whosemom stated or, you can call Disney direct.



When calling 1-407-W-DISNEY two groups answer the phones

CRO = Central Reservations, rooms/sites only

WDW Travel = WDW Full Service Travel Agency

In the "olden days" the only group that existed was CRO and all they did was book rooms/sites. As the need for a full service travel agency arose for things like packages, airfare, cruises and the like WDW Travel was created. WW Travel books complete packages including air, cruises, tickets and other stuff. Trip cancellation insurance has been a big moneymaker for travel agencies for years, especially in the cruise industry. Recently, folks have been complaining that insurance has been added to their reservations.

Now, we do have to remember to compare apples to apples. Most times when WDW Travel quotes an all inclusive price (i.e. trip insurance has been added) they have already added taxes also. Taxes at WDW are a big part of the "add on" price.

When I recently called to book my next trip I was quoted $186.70. I asked if that included taxes, the reply NO. Knowing full well that I was in Value Season ($40 a night) I knew right away I was talking to WDW Travel.

When I questioned the price and who I was talking with the CM state that she was with WDW Travel and it included trip insurance. I asked to be transferred to CRO. CRO then booked the same 4 days for $178.40 + tax.

So the insurance on my 4 night stay was going to be $8.30 As the insurance is sold a a percentage of the total cost, the insurance fee can add up quickly on a cabin with tickets and other stuff included.


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