How Much Cash Do You Usually Carry?

I just checked, $55. I try to have $40 in case I have to buy a tank of gas. I certainly could use my credit card for gas in an emergency, but the cheapest gas station that takes credit cards is 34 cents a gallon more than the cash ones.
We have a couple credit cards but we prefer a cash no debt life. Planning retirement has a lot to us maybe not your system but ours.
Our system too.
I do use my credit card for groceries and such, to get the rewards, but as soon as get home from the store I transfer the money over.
I'm about 2 1/2 years from retirement.
House is paid off, as is the remodel from 3 years ago
Cars are all paid off, but the debate we have now is do we buy a new one before retirement for retirement, or do we wait until we HAVE to replace a car after retirement.
Other things also hanging over our head, how much longer will our 26 year old HVAC system last, and how long will our water heater last? Money set aside for both. No need to replace things until they die.
And more than one local business here the we frequent is cash only.
Depends on if I've been on a trip recently or not. Normally I get cash for a trip and rarely spend it all so I'll have around $100 in my wallet for a few months after. After I spend that, maybe $20. When I stop on the way home from work to bring home Taco Wens. honey always gives me a $20. I pay for everything with my credit card then pay it off every month, I get cash rewards for using it. If I carry cash I'm more tempted to spend it then if I have to use the credit card, don't know why. I'm debt free and getting ready to retire in Jan. so using the credit card is just another way of saving for me.
I just counted my pocket cash it is $188. I use my credit card for most things, but I like a few dollars of cash available.
Whatever tips I got from my weekly bartending shift. Gonna be “ broke” for a couple weeks since we closed this week for Thanksgiving.
I had a $20 in my wallet before breakfast. When that disappears I won't get cash out unless I am going to be going somewhere that doesn't take debit.
$0-100. I have a couple hundred squirreled away in the house if there is ever an emergency, and I need to leave the house quickly and can't stop for cash. Otherwise, I never need or use cash, even the local holiday fair vendors, and all local farmers markets take credit cards.

I will grab cash when I travel someplace new (never bring cash to WDW, normal work trips, or to visit back home) and I will have that in my wallet until it is gone.
None. I use my debit card for most purchases. the only time I have cash is if I take it out the atm for a specific reason.
Usually a couple hundred, if it builds to a grand I take some out and put it up. I use credit cards for most purchases but some places and things I do regulary, don't take cards.
Usually none, but I have about $6 in my wallet at the moment. We always carry some cash when we travel because "You just never know..." Just a couple of months ago we were at the Newark airport needing to purchase train tickets to get into NYC. The automated ticket machines had switched into cash-only mode.
You should have seen the line of people in front of us rapidly deplete because they had no cash on them. A perfect case of "You just never know.":)
I try and carry $20-$50. Quite a few food places here in Philadelphia still surprisingly either do not take cards or have a minimum purchase limit (mostly small lunch places and food carts).

Also, personally, I always feel a little silly using a card on a purchase less than about $10-$15.
I usually have about $20-$30 cash on me for those places that don't take cash. Everything else goes on the credit card, which I pay off monthly.
$10-20. Plus I keep a $5 bill tucked in my phone case. Come sin handy for small transactions like picking up a snack at the store.
$0. Off the top of my head, I can only think of two times that I ever get cash for anything. 1) We go to an ATM in the spring to get money to keep in the house through the fall to pay the kid who cuts our grass. 2) Before going on vacation.
I try not to carry more than $60 in my wallet.... but it's down to $1 now and has been so for at least two weeks. I really need to visit an ATM.


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