How many more days until your trip to WDW - Part 9

We've also been thinking of Disneyland next May and possibly San Diego. We've been doing twice a year at WDW for the past 2 years but I think it's time to take a break after our December trip and wait until next December. So yeah I'm torn too. I told DH today that I think it's time to take a break and he laughed and said you say that every trip. :rolleyes:
It's a tough decision. We are so comfortable at WDW. We know our way around, we know where to stay, we know what we like to eat. We do want to see California some time though and experience Disneyland. We'd like to fly into LA spend a week or so there and then drive up the coast and fly out of San Francisco eventually.
203 and I hope it stops raining soon. :sad2: This is not cool for May. We always went in May because there wasn't a lot of rain. I'm now rethinking coming back again this time of year and purchasing a long multiday pass. It's been pouring for over an hour now and my DHS AM plans are circling the drain. On another note, DAK was packed yesterday so it needs to stay open later.

It was desperately needed, I wonder if the boats are back running at the POR/POFQ


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