Homeschool Chat Part III

Hi Everyone!! I am new to the board and new to homeschooling this year. My DD is in the third grade and for the first 3 years was in public school, she was rushed along and didn't even start reading until i pulled her out this year to homeschool her. None of her teachers cared and after meeting after meeting I learned that I was going to have to do this myself. My DD is so smart and I feel horrible for ever doubting her.She just needs that one on one guidance.

We do have some issues staying focused and she does have some issues settling into her work. We have an appointment with our pediatrician in Jan for possibly ADHD. I was wondering has anyone else had issues getting your child to settle and focus? and does anyone else have a child who is homeschooled with ADHD? Please let me know what works for you!! Also can anyone recommend any children typing sites?

Thank you.

I had friends whose son was on meds in school, but at home was off the meds. When focus was lost, son was sent outside to jump on trampoline for 10 minutes or do something very active. They were also told that their son could have black coffee: no ccream/sugar, or diet mountain dew. Their son needed the caffine to focus not the calories. This was coming from a Dr. We had others who would have their kiddos sit on yoga balls.

For my DS, we start our day with a run anywhere from 1 to 3 mile(have worked up to this). We also will stop school so that he can get the wiggles out. He will go run our stairs, do some jujitsu exercises, squats. All body weight exercises.

Another thing that happens alot: school happens with DS standing at the table or hims lying on the floor.

As for typing, we have used JumpStart and other typing games. I can't remember exactly.
A coworkers son has had great success with sitting on an exercise ball while working on school. It drives his mom nuts to watch him though!
I have heard about the exercise ball and I think that I will now try it.

We try and stop for the wiggles too... we have a little routine that we do.

I am going to try the coffee (fingers crossed) and see what happens. I have actually also heard that gum helps.. yet to see that one who though for us.

Thanks for the tips, I really do appreciate it.

I really find that us homeschoolers have to stick together. There is a certain stigma that people have about us without even getting to know us, our children, or our situation. Personally I think that I have made the best choice for my child. May not be the best for all children but for mine it is.

Once again, thank you.
After some not so successful math attempts, I finally ordered Life of Fred. I was skeptical, as I'd read mixed reviews. We got kidneys(for my 12 year old who struggles with math). Even though that's probably a good bit below his level, I want him to truly 'get it' before we move on. Well, I have to say, I've never before seen my son LOOK FORWARD to math...ever! He thinks the stories are funny and there's no more complaining. I am more than happy so far, and we've only used it for a week now.
After some not so successful math attempts, I finally ordered Life of Fred. I was skeptical, as I'd read mixed reviews. We got kidneys(for my 12 year old who struggles with math). Even though that's probably a good bit below his level, I want him to truly 'get it' before we move on. Well, I have to say, I've never before seen my son LOOK FORWARD to math...ever! He thinks the stories are funny and there's no more complaining. I am more than happy so far, and we've only used it for a week now.

both of my kids loved LoF! great books :)
Hello - this is our first year homeschooling! So far, we are loving the flexibility and time together!

Are you posters above using Life of Fred as your only math curriculum? Love the rest of our curriculum, just think he'd be more "excited" with something more interesting!
As for us, yes, we are using life of Fred as our only curriculum. But, my son has ASD and he gets really frustrated with math. So, I want him not to dread doing it, and for me im concentrating on him completing a lesson and not necessarily amount of work but content...if that makes any sense!
We only use LoF. DD12 is on Beginning Algebra currently, and we had to go back and re-do a couple chapters because she got confused and couldn't figure out where she lost it, but the glory of homeschooling is that we can do that--regular school she would just be lost for the rest of the year.
My son told me yesterday that he "kind of doesn't hate school anymore" and when I asked why he said "because he can earn video game time and because he likes life of Fred". Go figure!
Does anyone here use the Monarch online courses? I homeschool my almost 9 year old, 6 year old, and 4 year old (and have a 1 year old helper :) ) and am thinking of doing the 4th/5th grade Science and History/Geography online courses through Monarch next year. I don't know anyone personally who has used them though.
Hey there. I'm an on and off again homeschooler. We have done it all. Public school, virtual school, charter school, and home school. Currently I'm doing preschool at home with my 4 yr old, and my 15 yr old is at a local classical charter school. But we are contemplating homeschooling the teenager again next year. She has a passion for videography and wants to be able to really focus on that and her current school has nothing in this area.

Anyway I just wanted to pop in here and say hi.
Does anyone here use the Monarch online courses? I homeschool my almost 9 year old, 6 year old, and 4 year old (and have a 1 year old helper :) ) and am thinking of doing the 4th/5th grade Science and History/Geography online courses through Monarch next year. I don't know anyone personally who has used them though.

My oldest son used switched on instead. When we were inquiring about Monarch I asked what happens if you don't have Internet service for some reason. Living in FL, I was thinking about hurricanes. The rep from Alpha Omega suggested Switched On. He used that for 11th and 12th grades along with dual enrollment at a college.
We use Switched on Schoolhouse for some classes, Science, History...etc. We enjoy using it and it does not require an internet connection. We have had internet issues when trying to do an online (webex) class and that's too much stress to introduce. SOS is great except I have to delete some Science units once they get to 5th grade (they start trying to teach young earth science which we do not agree with at all). I have an 8th grader, a 6th grader, a 5th grader, a 3rd grader, a 1st grader, preschooler, two pre-pre schoolers :) and the 5th grader on up have used SOS for a class or two and they like it. If you have multiple PCs, you can connect them together over wi-fi and multiple kids can work on it at once.
Anybody else getting ready to start? August 10 for DS and DD 8th and 6th grade respectively.
We are starting August 3rd. 4th grade, 2nd grade, K/1st grade and pre-k! Very excited, we have some new material this year and we are trying a different routine/schedule.
We go year round...but cut way back during the summer. It will be back to a full schedule in 2 weeks and a new co op in 3 weeks.
We go year round also. Lots of math and reading during the summer months. Things will start to pick up here around mid-August. She's my last one to see through, 8th grade this year. We're looking to start taking some CLEPs this year too.
Can't believe I've been doing this for over 17 years, the time has flown by!:teacher:
We go year round too, though this past week, next week and the following week they have off because of camp and going to my parents' without me. When I follow them to my parents' we'll do some backyard bird and animal studies and work on math until we get home and get back into the full swing of things for fall. We're starting at a co-op this fall as well which should be fun.
We only took July off and get back into the full swing in August. I'm hoping to have 6 weeks of school done before our Disney trip in September. Also, our co-op will be starting its second year and I'm so hoping for more organization this year.

DS will be in second grade so I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of this homeschool thing.
About Life of Fred, yes, we used that as the only curriculum for the most part. My daughter started with MUS but was getting stressed out halfway through Delta. She learned a lot through MUS and it was working to teach her - but she was stressed. So, we switched to LoF. She did all 10 elem books, 3 intermediate books, fractions, decimals&percents, pre-alg bio, and pre-alg econ without anything else. I did add in Zaccaro to supplement the pre-algebra after she had finished those two books but that was more about making sure she had a very first based. We moved out of LoF for Algebra I since she was no longer loving Fred. But it worked for her for a while!

As for when we start, we started June 1st. My kids had this past week off for summer camps though. I live in the southeast, so it's hot. It's even hotter than usual this summer. We tend to take a LOT of days off in the spring - and a week here and there for vacations otherwise.


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