"Homemade" Microwave Popcorn


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
I have been making my own microwave popcorn for the past week. Just put 2T of popcorn kernels in a brown paper lunch bag and fold the top over a couple of times (staple it if you want, but I don't). Microwave on high for about 2 minutes or until the popping stops. It works great!

I'm sure that many of you know this already but I was completely surprised by it! My Weight Watcher's leader shared the tip at last week's meeting. You can add a bit of oil to the bag before popping and spices/sale before or after. I like it because I can make 2-3 cups of popcorn (a single serving) and not have a whole big bag of the stuff around. Plus, it doesn't have that nasty microwave popcorn smell.
Are you sure you can staple it? I know it's a small amount but it's still metal in the microwave
TiffanyD, Yes, you can staple it. Alton Brown demonstrated this at one point. It didn't even spark.

Rather than use the disposable bags and staple, you can also just use a microwaveable bowl with a lid or plate placed loosely on top (in fact, you can buy microwave popcorn bowls for about $7, make a great gift for teens). Hard plastic Rubbermaid bowls work, probably the ones with the well-fitting but vented lids are ideal. Put about a third of a cup of kernels in the bottom and a bit of oil, I think three minutes does the trick, but microwaves vary, so set it for five one time and baby sit it, listening for the pops to become fewer and farther between, then remember that time. When it's all done, your popcorn is already in the bowl, so no extra clean up.
Cool - this is something that I didn't know. Does it burn like the microwave bags? No matter what I do with the settings and time, it always gets just a little burnt. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it.
Thank so much! I had no idea you could do this. I LOVE popcorn but I hardly ever lug out my air popper and I can't stand the way microwave popcorn has that weird taste. I will definitely be doing this! :goodvibes
you can add brown sugar and cinnamon to the bag and it makes a yummy sweet kettle corn
Thank you for this! My DS loves popcorn but it hasn't been on the list in a while. I have some popcorn for art/sewing/home ec projects. This would work as a great home ec project for him!
this is a great tip - my dh is addicted to microwave popcorn, but he has to limit salt, so we'll try this.
you can add brown sugar and cinnamon to the bag and it makes a yummy sweet kettle corn

Good tip - I'll be trying this one tonight! YUM!

We've used the microwave/brown bag with a staple in it oodles of times for popcorn making. Saves a fortune, and doesn't have all the oil and crap (and calories!) in it, like the pre-packaged MW popcorns. We've also done the special plastic popping bowl, but it didn't fit into our newest microwave, so we're back to the brown lunch bags (and yes, a staple).
I don't know what I did wrong, but I just burned it pretty badly. It was about 1min 40 secs and had just stopped popping. I didn't smell it burning inside either. I'll try it again sometime...
I don't know what I did wrong, but I just burned it pretty badly. It was about 1min 40 secs and had just stopped popping. I didn't smell it burning inside either. I'll try it again sometime...
Opps! Every microwave is different. Maybe yours is more powerful or bigger than mine. Or maybe you need to put more popcorn in for the same amount of time. Better luck next time!
I'm definitely trying this! I was looking at an air popper the other day, and I really didn't want to buy another appliance. This way is so much better.
learning this was like learning a great secret of the universe:lmao:
GREAT idea. Many (most) microwave popcorn brands have hydroginated or partially hydroginated oils in them... aka TRANS FAT. (even those healthy pop or 94% low fat whatevers... as Jillian Michaels says 'Frankenfoods') Doing it this way is the way to do it!! :banana:
And if you have to have your butter flavor, you can microwave just a little bit to pour over your bowlful.

Thanks for the reminder. This used to be the only way I'd eat popcorn, but lately it's only been at movies or at Disney. (I'd always do a few drops of vegetable oil when I popped it.)

As luck would have it, my dd12 just decided she likes popcorn. Right after the braces were put on. :lmao:
TiffanyD, Yes, you can staple it. Alton Brown demonstrated this at one point. It didn't even spark.

I love the Alton Brown reference!! I looove him but my husband cant stand his show (although he doesnt mind him on Iron Chef) I call things uni-taskers all the time lol.

To The OP. Thank you for the tip! I dont have a microwave but I do something similar on the stove top
learning this was like learning a great secret of the universe:lmao:

wow! so excited, I just made a bag and it worked great! Due to food alergy issues I cant have Soy or Milk so out goes microwave store brands and its such a pain to go get the popper from the pantry. I will need to pass this on at my WW meeting on Saturday. Thanks


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