High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

My DD is on Spring Break this week. It is nice to have her home. She mostly slept the first couple of days. Tonight she will get together with some friends and she has some doctors appointments, a haircut, and a wardrobe fitting for her summer job later this week. She will be going back to the same job she had last summer. She is a ride operator at a pretty large theme park near our home. It is not really a resume enhancing position, but it pays well and reinforces the need to finish college!

She found out she was accepted into an Asian Studies program at her school. (She takes Mandarin as her foreign language.). The students selected take a class together Fall Semester, travel to Asia during Interim and take a class (January), and take another class together Spring Semester. (They also continue with their language classes.). She will spend three weeks in China and one in Japan. (Japanese language students do the opposite.). She will fulfill several general requirements, finish her foreign language requirement, and get to spend a month Abroad. She will be in both Shanghai and Tokyo, so maybe will get a little Disney fix, too? She is excited and I'm happy for her.
I'll be sending Girl Scout cookies and gift cards to Subway, Chili's, etc. to both my girls in college for spring break. They are both out of state, so I need to send things that don't need to come back! They have very little room in both suitcases, and I feel like they keep accumulating things along the way!
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As for Easter, I was able to get one of the Lilly Pulitzer/Starbucks collab Swell bottles. I will put that, a little candy, and a few other things into a box with some Easter grass and mail it to her. I need to check Target's dollar spot for some things. I sent her a Christmas stocking in late Nov. and got some cute winter-themed window clings there. She really liked them, so I thought I'd see if they have some Spring ones now.
So thankful. My son has ASD and working in groups is def. not his thing. He was put in a group that really wasn't a good fit for the first half of class, and it was sheer torture for him.

This 2nd project he went to another group on his own, asked if he could join their group and actually did some work to present to them to show them what he could do.

They accepted him into their group yesterday and he is so excited.

I know this won't always be the case and he is learning how to adjust somewhat, but it is really hard for him.

And he won't tell his professors that he has ASD, which drives me nuts, but it is his deal now.
My son is still at the Community College and doing well. He will need to take 3 classes over the summer in order for him to finish his AA by next year. We have the classes for Summer and Fall in the cart but we can't register until April 25th.

We are thrilled though, not only is he still getting all A's, but he says he wants to go to a 4 year school after this and finish his BA! There is no local program in what he wants, but we are looking at moving, and if so, he could still live at home and go to a school that will have what he is looking for.

That's great! Dd is at community college but lives in the dorm.

Does your son's school have a PTK chapter? If they do, and he gets an invite make sure he joins. Many universities have some great transfer scholarships for PTK.

Have him go ahead a be looking at the schools that have his program to see what the offer transfer students. Some offer all kinds of scholarships that can be a great help.

We have had quite a few students who transferred to some great universities with lots of money. More than I ever realized they could get as transfers.
That's great! Dd is at community college but lives in the dorm.

Does your son's school have a PTK chapter? If they do, and he gets an invite make sure he joins. Many universities have some great transfer scholarships for PTK.

Have him go ahead a be looking at the schools that have his program to see what the offer transfer students. Some offer all kinds of scholarships that can be a great help.

We have had quite a few students who transferred to some great universities with lots of money. More than I ever realized they could get as transfers.

He was invited to join, we got a letter in the mail. He was going to toss it. I kept it but we haven't acted on it. I had this talk with him yesterday after reading this thread and explained why it would be important for him to join. He has agreed to it, so we will hopefully take care of it this weekend.

He is applying to an in-state college for us here in NC, but there is a strong possibility we will be moving back to CA in a year, so he will be applying there as well. If he can get a scholarship to a school in CA, I will be thrilled as we won't have to pay out of state for the first year!

ETA: Oh my. I checked yesterday and the deadline is TOMORROW! Glad I looked! We are going to the office tomorrow to pay the dues. I wish we could do it online, but we can't.
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I'm actually upset. So I made DD go to the housing office at her school with a doctor's note describing her sinus issues and how they're exacerbated by the mold problem in her current dorm and ask that she be assigned to a another dorm (there are a couple of dorms on campus with mold issues and NO ONE should be housed there, but my DD is obviously more affected than other people) next semester outside of the regular housing lottery. She's willing to take a double or a triple or a suite (which would be best since she can clean her own bathroom - a major mold source). She was informed that a doctor's note is insufficient. The doctor has to fill out their "disability accommodation" form and specify, among other things, what "major life activity" is impacted by the disability. I have a call into the doctor's office to get this done, but, really? Breathing isn't a "major life activity"? I know I'm overreacting, and everything will be fine, but I am really upset about this nonsense.
Universities have offices that handle Student Disability needs so the form is just part of the formal process to get services. It really should not stand in the way of her getting what she needs, just an extra step along the way. They need to document everything.
Universities have offices that handle Student Disability needs so the form is just part of the formal process to get services. It really should not stand in the way of her getting what she needs, just an extra step along the way. They need to document everything.
I know you are right. It's just that this has been going on since September and everyone, from the health center to residential life office to disabilities office to guidance has been giving her the runaround.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.
That is very sad, I'm sorry. :hug: What a devastation for all of them!
I know you are right. It's just that this has been going on since September and everyone, from the health center to residential life office to disabilities office to guidance has been giving her the runaround.
Yes, she's been sick for a long time! I hope she can get into a different dorm. Sinus issues can take a long time to resolve. We've had to deal with them with DH, too, and he had to have surgery, as well. He wouldn't do well living in a place with mold.
DD did her schedule for next fall and is happy, it looks like she'll be off on Mondays and Fridays. This semester she has Thursdays off and just takes an evening class on Tuesdays. I think it helps her feel like she has some breathing room. We went to FL for spring break to see DS play, and got in some Disney time as well. It was fun.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.

Oh no! I'm so sorry.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.

Oh no, I'm so sorry. Hugs to your DS and his fraternity brothers.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.

So sorry.
My heart is breaking for DS right now. One of his fraternity brothers passed away on Saturday night due to complications from pneumonia and the flu. This is the first death he's had to deal with on his own. He's only about 2.5 hours away and I offered to drive out Saturday night, but he declined the offer. He's really upset but his fraternity brothers are leaning heavily on each other right now to help ease the pain. I know I'm doing the right thing by letting him deal with it on his own and to grieve with his brothers, but I really just want to drive out there and hug him.
Omg. So sad! Having his "family" of brothers is helping him I'm sure. But I'd want to go hug my child too:grouphug:
How in this day and age does a young man die of pneumonia and flu. So wrong, so terrible. I can't wrap my mind around it.
So sorry for your loss! His poor parents! My heart goes out to them and all his friends. I'm glad your DS has his fraternity brothers to lean on during this difficult time.
How in this day and age does a young man die of pneumonia and flu. So wrong, so terrible. I can't wrap my mind around it.
Not getting a flu shot? Many people do die from flu complications, I have a friend who lost her 10 month old.


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