High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

My DD has had some roommate problems, too, but not really of the personality conflict variety. Last week, her roommate dropped a bomb (seemingly out of nowhere according to DD) that she was moving out! The (former) roommate hasn't left school, she just moved into a single room across the hall from her old room. This is strange on several fronts--the college has a larger than expected Freshman class so has a whole dorm full of forced triples across campus, the girls (again, according to DD) hadn't had any major problems (they weren't close friends, but coexisted fine). And, in my experience, this school considers the roommate/dorm/communal living (only one cafeteria, shared PO box, very few singles only reserved for upperclassmen, etc.) to be VERY important in terms of personal development and doesn't just allow people who have only lived together for a few weeks to decide they don't like it and move out. Due to privacy, no one can tell DD anything about the ex-roommate so she is feeling that she did something "wrong."

They also aren't really telling her when/if she will get a new roommate. It is unlikely for the rest of this semester, as they REALLY encourage people to work out conflicts and compromise (unless there is something major) and it is a Freshman floor so I don't think an upperclassman would want to move in. Her ex-roommate is a swimmer and never really spent a lot of time with DD or the other girls in the floor--just her teammates. DD just feels bad. I'm sure it will be temporary and she'll adjust to her double closet space and privacy very soon, but I feel sad that she is missing out on a traditional rite of passage and a key component of the "college experience" we all talk so much about. I do hope the ex-roommate is ok, as with no information it is natural to jump to worst case scenarios.

Wow, that is frustrating to not know why. Does she feel comfortable enough with the other girl to ask her what happened? Maybe it has nothing to do with your DD at all.

I didn't get any more information from my DD last night but she did call her Dad about something else and told him a few things. Her old roommate has moved into the other bedroom already and is absolutely livid about this new girl coming into the room (still). But she doesn't seem to be mad at my DD (although I still don't understand why she needed to move into the other room). But DD is worried for the new girl because her old roommate is telling the dorm mate all kinds of things to get her to not like the new girl too. Such drama :(
Wow, that is frustrating to not know why. Does she feel comfortable enough with the other girl to ask her what happened? Maybe it has nothing to do with your DD at all.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with DD. It may be that the ex-roommate is not far enough along on her own journey to even discuss it with DD, a relative stranger, just yet and it will be revealed later. Or she will never know.

However, no, DD won't ask her. She said she is fed up with the situation. She felt blindsided, as she thought they were getting along ok and then BAM the girl said she was moving out on Friday--there was no discussion or any talk of issues other than the girl asked DD to turn off her Chrustmas lights once because she HAS to sleep is total darkness and had an early practice. DD was studying and said she couldn't turn them off just yet. Then, Thursday evening when DD returned to her room after dinner, all the ex-roommate's stuff was gone! Maybe her room was ready earlier than expected or she had help that could only help on Thursday, but a text would have been nice! At this point, they no longer speak.

I told DD that you can never know what someone else is going through. If the girl is cutting herself or has an eating disorder or some other problem she may not be ready to discuss it yet. The whole situation is sad and strange.
Punkin, what math course is she taking? Is it something I could help with? Could she email her high school teachers for help? Has she looked online for tutorial videos? There are a million out there. I'm not a huge fan of Khan Academy, but some like their stuff. Instead, I would google the topic, or do a search of it on either youtube or teachertube.com
Punkin, what math course is she taking? Is it something I could help with? Could she email her high school teachers for help? Has she looked online for tutorial videos? There are a million out there. I'm not a huge fan of Khan Academy, but some like their stuff. Instead, I would google the topic, or do a search of it on either youtube or teachertube.com

Thank you, but I'm pretty sure the issue isn't math. She started in calculus 2, dropped down to calculus 1 and she took calculus in high school already and did well. Moreover, she has plenty of help available: her sister graduated college with a math major and her grandfather has a PhD in math. Her issue is test taking and panic.

So tonight she was prepping for a math quiz with her sister and apparently knew everything cold. Yesterday, she was panicking and couldn't properly label an X-axis. This is also the child who got consistent 34s on her practice ACTs, but applied mostly to test optional schools because her actual test scores were 10 points lower.
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Is everyone else's freshmen getting close to mid-terms? I know dd started a little earlier than most so she is finishing her's up today. All A's and B's so far. She is doing a great job. She was so stressed, hopefully seeing her grades will calm her down a little. Her B's are all only a couple of points from an A so she is already planning on extra studying for the last of the semester. I told her to calm down, a 4.0 is great and all but not the end all and be all. Without the work study job though I think those grades will inch their way up.
DD's midterms are the week of Oct 11 - 17 (which is a Tuesday - Monday). I'm guessing that is because they missed one Monday class due to Labor Day and each class only meets once per week.
I'm not sure how she is doing grade wise other than a few assignments that she mentioned to me. It is so strange not to know that information after so many years of following her classroom assignments online (Parent Portal), LOL.
I just emailed my son at school near Philly, reminding him to keep an eye on Hurricane Matthew. Not a "the sky is falling" email-- he knows I'm a total storm geek. But I did remind him that he's close enough to the Jersey Shore that if they take a hit, he could lose power. Get his laundry done, make sure his electronics are charged, dig out his flashlight so he doesn't have to use his phone for light, and stock up on water and non-micro munchies... we ALWAYS stock up on munchies for a storm!! Pretty much what we'll do if it looks like Long Island could take a hit. I don't have to warn him to make sure his car has gas, since he sold his car before going to school-- it simply would not have made the trip to PA.

If I can, I'll get my daughters to the beach one afternoon this week to see the surf. It's awe inspiring, and I try to do it whenever a big storm is headed this way. We'll see how it tracks.

He had originally been talking about maybe coming home next weekend- if this storm does head this way it won't be a good idea.

Any good sites for Halloween care packages?
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Some ideas for Halloween Candy Care Packages:















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Some ideas for Halloween Candy Care Packages:















Bottom of Form
You can get these exact Halloween goody bags directly from Amazon for a lot less money, but the reviews aren't great (too many twizzlers, really really extra small). I usually just order treats directly from Amazon, and read the reviews.

One that was listed at $35 is $18.25 at Amazon with a digital coupon.
DD has at least 2 midterms this week--Chinese and Music Theory. She is pretty stressed over the Music Theory exam, but had a meeting with a tutor (she requested one through the school) and has a study group meeting tonight, so seems to be on top of things. I hope they go well for all our kids!
Last Christmas I got the family a subscription to "Try the World" box (different countries with foods from those countries) and we have really enjoyed these (we got the every other month sub)-looking for something other than more "stuff"-this is more an family experience. They came out with a "snack" box this summer so I ordered a subscription for the college kid-It's not super cheap but she LOVES trying the new stuff and the munchies are perfect to keep in her room.Last month was Greece I think.
Hope the stress levels for all the kids has peaked and is improving now.
Turns out DD's freak out over "failing" out of college was a complete overreaction-the test that triggered the first freak out (chemistry - turned out to be a high B)-she just got grade back from 2nd test-104% with the bonus questions. So average is back to "A".
Today is her 19th birthday! Weird not to see her on her birthday...
She has a 4 day weekend (fall break) coming up in couple weeks so she will be home then. And then Thanksgiving-wow fall seems to be flying by!
Hope the stress levels for all the kids has peaked and is improving now.
Turns out DD's freak out over "failing" out of college was a complete overreaction-the test that triggered the first freak out (chemistry - turned out to be a high B)-she just got grade back from 2nd test-104% with the bonus questions. So average is back to "A".
Today is her 19th birthday! Weird not to see her on her birthday...
She has a 4 day weekend (fall break) coming up in couple weeks so she will be home then. And then Thanksgiving-wow fall seems to be flying by!
So mine was freaking over 2 classes. One, she hasn't gotten her quizzes back yet, the other was she just got back an A- on her test. The A- class is now not a problem, the "no idea what I have but will probably fail and have to drop out of college" class is still causing freak-outs. Fall break will be nice.
DD's stress seems to have resolved also. I guess her roommate when back to the housing director and told her that she didn't know the girl at all (the girl claimed to be friends with them) and it bothered her that she was pushing so hard to be in the room with them. So I guess housing director decided that it was easier not to put her in a room where there is already an issue.

DD talked to the girl that was supposed to move in earlier this week and the girl told DD that she requested their room but was placed someplace else. DD said she just kept quiet about it. She likes the girl and still thinks she can be friends with her. She just doesn't want to tell her what the roommate did and cause any hurt feelings.
Leaving after work tomorrow to drive the three hours to pick up DD and the 2.5 hours back home. She has her postsurgical appt Friday. We are hoping she will be able to walk some. She's going to need physical therapy so I found several PT providers near campus - she will be responsible for scheduling and getting uber rides back and forth.

Grade-wise she is doing well. She had a scare in chemistry, but her score was an 82 and the instructor allows them to earn back 5 percentage points. She is doing great in the lab and that is 60% of the grade. Spanish is going great and her honors sequence is fantastic so far. Her honors sequence instructor is trying to talk her into getting a second minor in latin american studies, which she would love, but she wouldn't be able to graduate on time. Midterms are next week and she has a huge paper due on Monday. She will have to work on it this weekend so that it will be ready. Her high schools homecoming game is Friday so if she feels well enough she would like to go to that - and also her good friend from Seattle is here competing in a fencing tournament this weekend. If he won't be too busy - and if she feels up to walking a little, we might go see that.
We are off to Family Weekend tomorrow! DS is not interested in doing most of the activities, but we do have a session for parents of students who have been accepted in the "global passport" program at the end of this semester. DS will be travelling to Rome for 10 days with his "Discover New York: Urban Planning" class. They study the history of urban planning in NYC from the Dutch forward, and then go to Rome and study it there from the ancient Romans forward. It's his favorite class, and sounds fascinating to me.

I think we are going to an Improv show in Manhattan Saturday night. That should be fun. DS was very excited to make the university's Improv group. They limit it to 15 kids, and they only had slots for six new members. Last year this group opened for the Upright Citizen's Brigade (the group started by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler), so hopefully that will happen again. I'm just glad he found his "people" and seems to be well settled. He's been there since August and we've only heard from him 3 times, he is having the time of his life.

One thing I hadn't thought about yet -- he's thinking of applying to be an orientation leader next summer. If he does that he will be home for just a few weeks and spend the summer at school. Sigh. I was really looking forward to another summer with him. I guess we will see if he really wants to do it. It does come with a nice stipend and a healthy amount off the tuition, so I guess we wouldn't complain...

I am also surprised at how few tests he's had -- 1 to date. It was in Business Law and he scored a 90, so I guess that one is going well. Midterms could be a big shock for all of us. He has two on two days, I think we will know how he did at the beginning of November.

Hang in there, I know we will all get through this first semester!

Maria :upsidedow
DD is starting to calm down a little. She has all A's and B's so really should have no worries but she is being a bit of a perfectionist.

Today she heard from her best friend from high school. Her friend chose another school and is in the choir there. Today they found out that the director is making them all re-audition and he said at least half would not make the cut. That means they all lose their scholarships (for some its a full tuition scholarship). So now the friend wants to transfer to this school. She can't until next semester anyway but I think dd is hoping she changes her mind. Dd has made a whole knew set of friends. Friends with different outlooks and ways of life. She is having fun and doing things she would have never done back in high school. Her friend is very dependent on dd and dd sees now that she did make a lot of choices based on their friendship. Not bad choices necessarily but choices not to get out and be a part of things and have that great group of friends rather than just one or two and just go out and have fun. This girl is very jealous of other people and chooses not to like them based on that. She always acted like dd was wrong for ever doing anything with other friends. Dd knows already that she won't fit in with dd's new friends. So while dd was being supportive of her friend and what may be a dilemma, she was quietly hoping it works out another way.

Then to top it off her friend says "you need to come home tonight and go with me to find a dress for this weekend" (each girl is about 30 minutes from home in opposite directions) DD told her that she was going to the football game tonight but she could go Friday afternoon. Her friend got mad and said "I have plans for Friday". So dd was very put out.

Its kinda sad to see the ending of a long friendship but I think dd is better off for it.
I hope you feel blessed to have this communication with your kids. DD doesn't share much with us at all and it kills me. I guess she's trying to be independent, but I'm so sad. :sad1:


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