Hi Disney Fanatics, tell me your thoughts about this........

Unfortunately, I no longer work there. I was let go due to having a guest ask me to call her right back to book a trip, she was having an issue with her child. I called back 10 minutes later, booked it, and was released about 1 and a half months later. Big (no no) to call a guest back, even if they request it.......No ill will though. I still love Disney:scared1:
Your husband is from Buffalo and he's just hearing this for the first time now?? This joke is as old as those four Super Bowls.

I didn't say it's the first time he heard it. It is, however, the first time I heard it. I showed it to him and he laughed. For all I know, he's heard it before. But, he's not sensitive like other Buffalonians here, so it's amusing to him.
Anyway, I thought it would be an interesting idea. Not sure why some people would think it was creepy. I'm sure that there is nobody on this board who has seen him in person. It would be same as saying that seeing Abraham Lincoln would be creepy. Oh that's right, he is already at Disney.
I was going to send this to Disney corporate. Would really like to hear what everyone thinks of this idea.....

To who it may concern,

I'm not sure how to start this letter off, so I will start by introducing myself. My name is Mark Young and I used to work for the reservation center in Tampa, Florida for Walt Disney World. I would like to say that, I loved working for Disney, it had been a passion of mine to be apart of this illustrious organization.
I used to own a small correspondent bank that produced about 300 million yearly in residential financing before the crash. I had 40 employees at the height of my companies career. But, with the failing of the overall economy, my companyfinally sucumbed in Sept. 2009.I'm not bitter in the slightest. I had wonderful times in the heyday of my company with family, friends, and cherished employees.I brushed myself off, applied for only one job(Disney World) and I got it.
I hoped to move up in the ranks and stand out in this organization after paying my dues. Of course with that said, the reason why I am writing you has nothing to do with my career at Disney.
As I took phone calls for the year and a half I was there, I found something interesting in speaking to our guests. There seemed to be an underlying tension within them. Nothing of course to do with Walt Disney or our reservations.
It was the economy, I don't have to explain the recession that all of us are going through to you. You probably have a better grasp than I do. Our country, heck, the entire world is in some trouble right now. Nobody really seems to know when it will get better. During times like this in the 1930's, Mr. Walt Disney was a shining light during the great depression with the The Thre Little Pigs, Mickey Mouse shorts, Donald Duck. Snow White, Etc.
People could go to the movies to escape to the world of imagination, even if it was for a little while. During the 40's, he did more than his fair share for the war effort. He was an icon, bigger than life. There was nowhere he couldn't go in the world without being recognized. He wa loved worldwide, he was a beacon of hope and prosperity. A living legend.
In the 50's, he created Disneyland and brought the World of Color into everyones lives. There is not a soul in America who would not know his face if they saw it.
Ultimately, Mickey Mouse did NOT create this world. Walt Disney(the dreamer)did.

So here are my thoughts. My idea is to bring Mr. Walt Disney back. Now, this may at first sound crazy and I know it does, but, hear me out. How would people react to seeing AND speaking to the man who shaped there lives and gave them great joy. The idea came to me in a town meeting at work when a woman came in to our meeting dressed as a fairy to explain the exciting things that were coming to Disney World in the near future. We watched slides and movies of the resort in Hawaii, updating of Disney Hong Kong, Paris, Orlando, Anaheim, Etc. All the while, the fairy explaining everything. Very exciting stuff.
Then it hit me. When Mr. Walt Disney did his show in the 50's, it was ALWAYS a running commercial on the future of Disney. There was always something in his program that showed Disneyland, Epcot, Etc.

WHY not do the same thing at Disney's Hollywood Studio's. There are several facilities not being used right now. Disney could cast several Mr. Walt Disney's. They would have to have spot on looks to the real Walt Disney, mannerisms, and most of all, be FULLY versed in the history of the man. These men would be(minus the cigarette)and absolute dead ringer in every way to the man. He would come out into an auditorium, and show the guests, the new innovations(that we watched at our town hall meeting)of Disney. A 15 to 20 minute show with WALT DISNEY actually narrating the show. As I say this, it would have to be a FIRST CLASS SHOW. The show could run for just a short time(3 to 6 months) Our guests would travel from all over the globe to shake hands with Mr. Disney. We are in tumultous times, there with never be a more perfect time for this situation. With the ills of the economy, he would be a glimmer of hope that we are all looking for. People would stand in lines to take pictures with Mr. Disney after the show. Plus, the guest can see the new things that are coming to Disney.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If it works as I predict, he could be used in so many different ways. He will help to offer hope and prosperity with just a smile and a handshake. These men can be found, Disney can do this, People will come to remember a better day.

Tell me you thoughts!
Dude, this wasn't a good idea 2 years ago. Still isn't. Move on.

PS: Why on earth did you re-post your original post??
Grrr, I got sucked in.
When will I learn to check the date first?

And, because it has to be said...
Almost two years later...

How ya doin, OP?
Still alive and kicking, the DW and I just got back from Disney and I was thinking about my idea. I was fortunate to have met Diane Miller at her winery in Napa Valley a couple months before her passing. I talked to her about the idea and she thought was a delightful idea. Unfortunately, she no longer has any ties to a Disney. Crazy, Walt's daughter thought it was a delightful idea but nobody else does.:confused3
Still alive and kicking, the DW and I just got back from Disney and I was thinking about my idea. I was fortunate to have met Diane Miller at her winery in Napa Valley a couple months before her passing. I talked to her about the idea and she thought was a delightful idea. Unfortunately, she no longer has any ties to a Disney. Crazy, Walt's daughter thought it was a delightful idea but nobody else does.:confused3
There is the possibility that she was just being polite. Besides she isn't the paying public but people here are.

I find it unnecessary and pointless. Beyond that I have no feelings one way or the other.
An interesting read - I didn't realize how old it was until someone pointed it out.

OP - not sure that I see your suggestion as adding much to a trip to WDW (at least for me). But, other than your time, what do you have to lose by sending in the letter? I agree with others though, you really need to tidy up the writing.

I do have to say how amazing it is that you are doing so well with your cancer journey. So happy for you!
There is the possibility that she was just being polite. Besides she isn't the paying public but people here are.

I find it unnecessary and pointless. Beyond that I have no feelings one way or the other.

Well, thank you for your opinion?!?!?!?!?!
An interesting read - I didn't realize how old it was until someone pointed it out.

OP - not sure that I see your suggestion as adding much to a trip to WDW (at least for me). But, other than your time, what do you have to lose by sending in the letter? I agree with others though, you really need to tidy up the writing.

I do have to say how amazing it is that you are doing so well with your cancer journey. So happy for you!

I know, I was able to explain it better than it was written to Diane Miller. She really enjoyed my idea and told me the same thing about sending it to the corporate offices.
As far as my cancer, it been 2 and a half years now. I feel great(chemo every month still). But other than that, I decided to go back to work. Retirement is boring.:wave2:
This is completely uncalled for. He has a low post count so he can't have brain cancer? Pardon my ignorance, but I fail to see the correlation. It's probably against the rules for me to say this, but I hope you get banned, or at the very least, points for this.

OP, on behalf of all Disers, please accept my apologies for the rudeness of some of us.

Agree with Topolino. I read back over a few of the OPs other posts and they were all generous, kind, thoughtful and lovely. He doesn't deserve the treatment he has received here. Some people take the joy and wonder. Good grief. Best wishes for your health OP. I thought your letter was very interesting. Send it. :flower3:
I know, I was able to explain it better than it was written to Diane Miller. She really enjoyed my idea and told me the same thing about sending it to the corporate offices.
As far as my cancer, it been 2 and a half years now. I feel great(chemo every month still). But other than that, I decided to go back to work. Retirement is boring.:wave2:
Yes just my free opinion and worth just as much. ;)

You sound like you're doing great. Good for you!


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