I'm downloading a few more books I've found after perusing Goodreads.

While I have my Kindle here next to me I will post a few of the books I am most excited to read.:thumbsup2

I am about 40% of Bad Monkey by Carl Hiaasen right now. It will probably be the first completed book of 2014. I like it so far. I am a native Floridian and The Keys are my favorite place ever! It's funny and a pretty good detective read.

Death's Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales by Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson
I have seen many documentaries and read some other articles about The Body Farm and have always been fascinated with it.

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
I started this book a few years ago and dropped it in the pool at the Double Tree by Universal! It is actually the first place I heard about The Body Farm.

Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk
This is one of my favorite authors. Choke is one of my all time fave books so I hope this one is as good as it sounds.

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones
Just looked like a funny paranormal story. I've been searching for a Sookie Stackhouse replacement!:rotfl:
I would love to do this challenge again, but I am going to have to lower my goal. I am going to do 30 this time. School just made it too hard to get any reading done.
I'm downloading a few more books I've found after perusing Goodreads.

While I have my Kindle here next to me I will post a few of the books I am most excited to read.:thumbsup2

I am about 40% of Bad Monkey by Carl Hiaasen right now. It will probably be the first completed book of 2014. I like it so far. I am a native Floridian and The Keys are my favorite place ever! It's funny and a pretty good detective read.

Death's Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales by Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson
I have seen many documentaries and read some other articles about The Body Farm and have always been fascinated with it.

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
I started this book a few years ago and dropped it in the pool at the Double Tree by Universal! It is actually the first place I heard about The Body Farm.

Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk
This is one of my favorite authors. Choke is one of my all time fave books so I hope this one is as good as it sounds.

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones
Just looked like a funny paranormal story. I've been searching for a Sookie Stackhouse replacement!:rotfl:

I was reading through all the posts and your list drew my interest. I am interested in the body farm as well and had never heard of this book. Went over to good reads and added it to my list right away! Thanks!!
I've been on Goodreads a lot this week gearing up for the challenge and I keep meaning to post the link for the DIS group!

Goodreads is an awesome website to get book recommendations and organize lists of books you've read, or want to read.

***Threeboysmom...Do you want to add the link in the OP? (You don't have to, just thought it would be helpful to newcomers.)
I've been on Goodreads a lot this week gearing up for the challenge and I keep meaning to post the link for the DIS group!

Goodreads is an awesome website to get book recommendations and organize lists of books you've read, or want to read.

***Threeboysmom...Do you want to add the link in the OP? (You don't have to, just thought it would be helpful to newcomers.)

Thanks on both.
I'll play this year...I secretly joined last year but didn't post a goal because I was afraid of not meeting it :rotfl2: I followed this thread all year and got so many good recommendations...Thank you all!!!

My 2013 read list:
Gone Girl
Beautiful Creatures
Beautiful Darkness
Under the Dome
I know this much is true
The Light Between Oceans
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
A Tree grows in Brooklyn
Safe Haven
The DaVinci Code (reread)
Defending Jacob
The Secret Piano

My 2014 goal is 20 books!
Currently reading Sycamore Road by John Grisham

Welcome! I've read several of these so I'm excited to see what you read in 2014.
Downloaded 18 of the 20 Dickens books. I'm going to read them in publication order. Won't be starting that though until after the new year.

I just started reading The Book Thief. Got to get use to the way it is written but I am liking it so far.
I did not take part in the reading challenge for 2013 but followed the posts and got many great book recommendations. This year I will take part and hope to read 20 books.
I've been on Goodreads a lot this week gearing up for the challenge and I keep meaning to post the link for the DIS group!

Goodreads is an awesome website to get book recommendations and organize lists of books you've read, or want to read.

***Threeboysmom...Do you want to add the link in the OP? (You don't have to, just thought it would be helpful to newcomers.)

Thanks! I'm going to join over there when I get a moment. It was hard to remember some of my books this year and would love more recommendations.
I would love to join again this year and stick with it! I'm going to go for 30 books but I hope to read more.

Can't wait to see what everyone is reading. :)
I'm going to join. I'm a new mom, and a working mom, so my modest goal is: 24 books in 2014.

I just started Dr. Sleep and I'm excited about it. Also excited about Inferno.
I'm going to join. I'm a new mom, and a working mom, so my modest goal is: 24 books in 2014.

I just started Dr. Sleep and I'm excited about it. Also excited about Inferno.

Finished Dr. Sleep a few weeks back. Are you liking it?
I'm somewhat "new"... Lover of Disney. Lover of reading. I'd like to join this new year! I've consistently nene reading 40-50 books a year so I think I would like to set my goal at 40 for 2014 with the option to make it higher!
I've slowly been making my way through the 2013 thread and have found so many books to add to my 'To Be Read' list!!
Hope you don't mind a new person joining in!

I'm somewhat "new"... Lover of Disney. Lover of reading. I'd like to join this new year! I've consistently nene reading 40-50 books a year so I think I would like to set my goal at 40 for 2014 with the option to make it higher! I've slowly been making my way through the 2013 thread and have found so many books to add to my 'To Be Read' list!! Hope you don't mind a new person joining in! Mandy~

New comers are always welcomed
Updated up through here.

Please check first post for accuracy and to make sure I didn't overlook anyone so far...
I've been on Goodreads a lot this week gearing up for the challenge and I keep meaning to post the link for the DIS group!

Goodreads is an awesome website to get book recommendations and organize lists of books you've read, or want to read.

***Threeboysmom...Do you want to add the link in the OP? (You don't have to, just thought it would be helpful to newcomers.)

Adding it now! Thanks for the suggestion!!
Okay, I probably should have joined in 2013, but it's never too late, right? I'll pledge to 52 books in 2014. There are 600+ choices on my Kindle right now, soo....
Okay, I probably should have joined in 2013, but it's never too late, right? I'll pledge to 52 books in 2014. There are 600+ choices on my Kindle right now, soo....

Sounds like me! Haha! I have so many on my Kindle and sometimes feel like I have nothing to read!


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