Here comes the Slow Pass - Updated 5/27 Final Meal and Wrap up


DIS Veteran
Nov 6, 2014
Welcome to my trip report!

I really had a hard time starting this report. First i could not for the life of me come up with a title... Just nothing came to me.. Then I really wanted to type all the days before i got started and i got close... but didn't finish so expect the last two day to be somewhat all over the place? But you wont know cause you weren't actually there... Then I have just been so busy it was hard to find sometime to sit down and actually post and do this... but here we are!

Anyway! here we go!

We headed to Disney in August the background for this trip is just to much to post but some of it can be found in my PTR here, this PTR is still going for the life of these APs!

We were in Disney Aug 22-29, no Star Wars for us this trip! It was my immediate family plus my dad for the first few days! Lets say hey!

Here we are a few weeks back pumpkin picking someone is showing her true colors....

ME (I cant even find a selfie of me alone! Not even a good one at that! Mom problems i guess) - Lauren Lover of all things Disney, who recently at work told here boss that she feels bad he hasn't been to Disney as an adult without kids, and i have no shame that i love it so much! He may be judging me... but whatever!

DH (was hard to find one of him alone too!) - Rob he also loves Disney and he will admit it but i think he sometimes says he doesn't cause if he really admitted how much he loved it he would have hard time getting me to vacation anywhere else? Either way he lets me plan and book what i want and hardly ever complains.. So we will keep him

Dillon (I have tried the DD1 and DD2 stuff, it is a pain, we are just going with Dillon and Maren this time around) - She is 5 and SASSY, she loves princesses, and Decedents, and Star Wars, and well lets just say I am training her well! She cant turn down a good Character meet or a good Disney snacks! That's my girl!

Maren - She was 1 on this trip, and i think she had a blast! I mean whats not to love, i let her eat all the snacks, and forced her to meet huge Mice... get with the program girl! Hopefully she likes characters a bit more this time around then in DLP you can read about that trip here.

Spoiler i think not....

My Dad who also loves Disney joins for the first 3 days, he went to Disney on his honeymoon with my mom, and went with his family the year it opened. He also took me many times a child, so its nice to enjoy the parks with him a bit!

Thanks for joining in!

Up next Travel Day - Lets get to Disney!
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I'm here! Can't wait to read all about it!

I'm also having a hard time typing up my report from September lol its taking me forever!!!! But like you said we won't notice a difference if you leave something out! haha
Joining in!
Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
I am planning a trip with my kids who will be 5 and 2 at the time, so I am taking all the advice I can get!
Yeah! Always enjoy reading trip reports on how to navigate WDW with small children!
Joining in! I have also taken a 1 year old to Disney and my oldest just tuned 5, so looking forward to reading about adventures with young kids!
I'm here! Can't wait to read all about it!

I'm also having a hard time typing up my report from September lol its taking me forever!!!! But like you said we won't notice a difference if you leave something out! haha


Exactly 3 hours missing no one will be able to tell... haha!

Joining in!! Can't wait to hear about it!!

Welcome thanks for following along!

Joining in!
Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
I am planning a trip with my kids who will be 5 and 2 at the time, so I am taking all the advice I can get!

Welcome, thanks for following along! When is your trip? Feel free to ask any specific questions!

Following along. Looking forward to reading more.

Welcome, thanks for joining in!

Joining in! Can't wait to read about your trip!

Welcome! Thanks for joining in!

Yeah! Always enjoy reading trip reports on how to navigate WDW with small children!

Welcome, if you enjoy that your in for some fun times haha!

Joining in! I have also taken a 1 year old to Disney and my oldest just tuned 5, so looking forward to reading about adventures with young kids!

Welcome! Thanks for joining in! Its an adventure thats for sure!

I'm here and ready to follow along!

Welcome! Thanks for following along!
Hi Lauren, I'm in! We were there Aug. 18-21st so just missed you :) Looking forward to reading more!
We were there just a few days before you! Following along and can't wait to hear all about it. You family is just adorable!
Hi Lauren, I'm in! We were there Aug. 18-21st so just missed you :) Looking forward to reading more!

Welcome! Thanks for following along! Ohhh did i miss that trip report?? I am def following the July one...

We were there just a few days before you! Following along and can't wait to hear all about it. You family is just adorable!

Welcome, Thank you! I seem to like them enough to keep them around :)
Thursday August 22 - Lets get to Disney! (Sorry for the really word heavy post)

We had a 2pm flight but a bit of a crazy few days leading up to it. Work had been insane and we had a small mix up with some furniture we needed delivered/set up before the trip. I felt very unprepared when I hadn’t packed a thing at 5pm on Wednesday. I ended doing a target run that night to try and wrap up what we needed.

Thursday morning I was up early I had to drop the fur baby at the vet, run some last minute errands which involved 2 stops at CVS and the bank, Dillon is very into pressed penny’s recently so needed to get some coins. Dillon also had a dentist appointment.

We had dropped Maren at daycare around 7 and headed to pick her up around 11. Dillon had been looking forward to this since she hadn’t seen her preschool teacher since she ended in June! So I wanted to allow a few extra minutes here.

As soon as we got on the road we get a flight delayed text. Only 30 minutes but not how anyone wants to start a trip. DH ended up dropping us for check in with our bags and going to park the car.

This works out pretty well for us, we had a dance party while we waited.

I love JetBlue but really hate terminal A at Newark, it’s so small in the gate area, old and outdated, there is a strange bathroom/Porta potty situation and today the announcements weren’t clear.

Honestly I couldn’t understand anything they were saying. All of a sudden people were boarding and you know when everyone huddles around the gate., which I hate. We were group A, so we went up and they said oh this is allergy boarding not group A, I didn’t even know this was a boarding group. I said sorry and moved aside. 3 minutes later they start boarding group A so we go up, and this guy goes sorry I’m A and shoves in front of me. Hey I know I made a mistake prior but honestly no need to be rude about it.

Maren was pretty fussy during boarding and take off, I should have paid for a seat, she won’t be flying as a lap child again that’s for sure, but I finally got her to sleep. Dillons been having a bit of vomiting issues lately while flying and I did a bunch of research and one cause can actually be not eating. If you don’t eat anything that can soak up the acid in your stomach, well you can vomit..... Dillon doesn’t eat bread, so we thought this may be her problem I'm grasping at straws here. We got vomit bags, and made sure she ate a quesadilla before we left and got pasta salad at the airport. We ended up having a successful flight with no vomiting!!

We ended up landing 2 minutes early even with the delay, so we were happy with how that worked out, it also proved how much cushion the build into flying times!
Ready for the Magic!

DH is not a magical express fan especially with the girls so we had a car service, got our luggage and were at the yacht club around 615.

We had gotten our room ready text but I wanted to confirm we wouldn’t have to switch rooms. We had to book the first night as a stand alone reservation. Luckily I was able to secure the same room category about a week out, I called and ask if it was possible to get the same room and not need to switch. We were lucky and were accommodated here! We did need to stop by the next day for official check out/check in but that was not an issue.

Knowing I wasn't going need to move rooms I placed my Amazon prime now order for a 8-10 delivery.

Dropped our bags off and headed to Epcot!

Wow that was a long travel day post....

Up Next maybe we will find food in World Showcase!

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We had gotten our room ready text but I wanted to confirm we wouldn’t have to switch rooms. We had to book the first night as a stand alone reservation. Luckily I was able to secure the same room category about a week out, I called and ask if it was possible to get the same room and not need to switch. We were lucky and were accommodated here!

I'm glad they could accommodate you and you wouldn't have to move rooms! Makes for a much more relaxing first night. Can't wait to read more!
Terminal A is not my favorite either. Mostly because there is NOTHING good to eat in there hahaha

Glad you made it there on time even with the delays! And that you wouldn't have to move rooms!
there is a strange bathroom/Porta potty situation
And it' been like that for awhile now, not sure what's going on???? We do fly out of Newark sometimes depending on price but prefer Westchester as it's closer. I don't like TSA in Newark either they are the least friendly group I've ever come across at any airport! But, 8 times out of 10 Newark wins out airfare wise so......
DH is not a magical express fan especially with the girls so we had a car service, got our luggage and were at the yacht club around 615.
Same with my DH so we do Lyft! I kind of miss pulling up to our resort on ME but it sure does save time.
I'm glad they could accommodate you and you wouldn't have to move rooms! Makes for a much more relaxing first night. Can't wait to read more!

So happy they could, it would have been so annoying to need to change rooms!

Terminal A is not my favorite either. Mostly because there is NOTHING good to eat in there hahaha

Glad you made it there on time even with the delays! And that you wouldn't have to move rooms!

Like what is up with that the food situation is horrible! I go to all these other airports and i'm ashamed of this terminal!

And it' been like that for awhile now, not sure what's going on???? We do fly out of Newark sometimes depending on price but prefer Westchester as it's closer. I don't like TSA in Newark either they are the least friendly group I've ever come across at any airport! But, 8 times out of 10 Newark wins out airfare wise so......

No idea, the bathrooms are so odd, and you are right the TSA here seem to be the worst! Its so close to us and usually a decent price so its hard to convince DH to fly from JFK or LGA even if its cheaper, it has to be ALOT cheaper to make that trek worth it.

Same with my DH so we do Lyft! I kind of miss pulling up to our resort on ME but it sure does save time.

Sounds like a nice and easy travel day! Always nice when you land early!!

That it was over all! No complaints here!
I'm here!!!! Got my airsick bag and I'm ready for take-off :P


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