Has anyone had their daughter play an all male sport? Would you?

Interesting, how are the traditionally male sports being adapted so women can win, take trophies and grab scholarships?

I'm sure schools everywhere are tripping over themselves to modify rules to make sure things are even handed and that for every female athlete who loses a win there is ALSO a male counterpart doing the same.

All the high schools I see in the news must have amazing thoughts on how best to change rules so we have have female college football scholarship winners & baseball college scholarship stars. Can't wait to hear all about it.... any day now...
… what?
Interesting, how are the traditionally male sports being adapted so women can win, take trophies and grab scholarships?

I'm sure schools everywhere are tripping over themselves to modify rules to make sure things are even handed and that for every female athlete who loses a win there is ALSO a male counterpart doing the same.

All the high schools I see in the news must have amazing thoughts on how best to change rules so we have have female college football scholarship winners & baseball college scholarship stars. Can't wait to hear all about it.... any day now...
What are you talking about?
I think it would just depend on the physicality of the sport and if I thought she could keep up without risk of serious injury . Honestly my son played lacrosse through middle school and as it got more physical and the kids matured, we were glad he decided to give it up - as he was not aggressive and was getting knocked around a lot. Also would consider the culture of the team and if they were accepting.
My kids all played lacrosse - the girls and boys. In terms of lacrosse I think it would depend on her age and the position she wants to play. The girls game is basically no contact. They can stick check but there is no extension of the arms. Not to say that my girls have not pushed girls to the ground or hit someone in the head. My girls also have so many bruises but it is nothing like the boys game. The boys game is very physical. They wear all the pads for a reason. She will be pushed to the ground have a stick whacked at her hands, arms, and back. I would not have my daughter over the age of 12 playing in a boys league - just my opinion.
What are you talking about?
… what?

We're talking about girls entering all male sports. My kids played, I remember how preoccupied parents were with scholarships paving the way to professional jobs. Little so and so is going to be the next all star making millions. Seems a natural progression to expect accommodations inclusive of girls. If girls sports are now a mashup the same should also be expected of guys sports. Why would this not be true?
We're talking about girls entering all male sports. My kids played, I remember how preoccupied parents were with scholarships paving the way to professional jobs. Little so and so is going to be the next all star making millions. Seems a natural progression to expect accommodations inclusive of girls. If girls sports are now a mashup the same should also be expected of guys sports. Why would this not be true?
Again, male sports are not exclusively male. They are technically "co-ed" or "open". There are no rules regarding gender in participation for those sports. If a female wants to participate in traditional male sports, they follow the same rules as the males.

The opposite is not true. Female sports should be for female only. If the "mash up" you're talking about is trans females participating in girl's sports, I personally disagree with it. There's a reason there are girls sports to begin with. There's a reason why "co-ed" leagues have requirements on how many females must participate.
We're talking about girls entering all male sports. My kids played, I remember how preoccupied parents were with scholarships paving the way to professional jobs. Little so and so is going to be the next all star making millions. Seems a natural progression to expect accommodations inclusive of girls. If girls sports are now a mashup the same should also be expected of guys sports. Why would this not be true?
I mean, not really. If a girl wants to play a sport and there is no girls team, she should be allowed to play. If she's good enough to get a scholarship, she will get one.
I mean, not really. If a girl wants to play a sport and there is no girls team, she should be allowed to play. If she's good enough to get a scholarship, she will get one.
Doesn't/shouldn't matter if there's a girls team or not. A girl should be allowed to play on the boy's basketball team, even if there is a girl's basketball team. BUT, there should be no special allowances (except a separate changing area) because she's a girl. She uses the same basketball, same court dimensions, whatever.

If she's good enough to get a scholarship to a men's team in college, she gets one.
A friend's girl plays goalie with a boy's ice hockey team. I guess nobody wants to play goalie? At this level, they're not allowed to touch the goalie, so makes sense to me. She's pretty good at it and seems to enjoy it.

She's fairly young. I guess we will see if this is a good idea when those boys get bigger.

I don't follow this sport, but I think there have been a few female goalies in the NHL. They aren't allowed to be touched either as long as they are in the goal, in my limited understanding.
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I don't follow this sport, but I think there have been a few female goalies in the NHL. They aren't allowed to be touched either as long as they are in the goal, in my limited understanding.
Sorry, I would hope that's not the case (unless male goalies aren't allowed to be touched). I'm not familiar enough with hockey rules.
Sorry, I would hope that's not the case (unless male goalies aren't allowed to be touched). I'm not familiar enough with hockey rules.
Sports rules are not my strong suit, but here goes. I think it's like soccer where once the goalie leaves the goal area he becomes a regular player and has to follow regular rules, like he can't use his hands anymore.

It's not a female thing, it's a goalie thing.
Sports rules are not my strong suit, but here goes. I think it's like soccer where once the goalie leaves the goal area he becomes a regular player and has to follow regular rules, like he can't use his hands anymore.

It's not a female thing, it's a goalie thing.

That is correct. A goalie can't be touched on purpose in the crease (although he does get slid into every now and then). However, goalies tends to have to play pucks behind their net, and that's where being a girl goalie is gonna get really, really iffy...
Sports rules are not my strong suit, but here goes. I think it's like soccer where once the goalie leaves the goal area he becomes a regular player and has to follow regular rules, like he can't use his hands anymore.

It's not a female thing, it's a goalie thing.
I've got no problem with that. I read your post as FEMALE goalies couldn't be touched while in the crease.
That is correct. A goalie can't be touched on purpose in the crease (although he does get slid into every now and then). However, goalies tends to have to play pucks behind their net, and that's where being a girl goalie is gonna get really, really iffy...

Yes. Even in professional hockey, intentional contact with a goalie in the crease is not allowed (incidental contact is fine as long as it doesn't interfere). However if you skate into the crease the goalie can in fact "make contact" with you! 🤣

Yeah, behind the net though, the goalie is fair game.
Yes. Even in professional hockey, intentional contact with a goalie in the crease is not allowed (incidental contact is fine as long as it doesn't interfere). However if you skate into the crease the goalie can in fact "make contact" with you! 🤣

Yeah, behind the net though, the goalie is fair game.
NO, that is not how it works. You're never allowed to check the goalie, a rule I disagree with but one I have to enforce as a referee.
I don't follow this sport, but I think there have been a few female goalies in the NHL. They aren't allowed to be touched either as long as they are in the goal, in my limited understanding.
There has never been a female player in an NHL regular or post season game. There have been a couple that have played in exhibition games. You're never really allowed to intentionally touch the goalie, but it does happen. Goalies aren't getting laid out like forwards are.
As a high schooler in the 80s I remember there was this boys' wrestling tournament at my high school and for whatever reason it was treated like a mandatory assembly where we were required to be there as part of our classes. And it was strange because several teams brought along their own mats in different school colors.

However, that was the first time I remember seeing a girl wrestle. Back then it was more of a novelty, and I think these days girls' wrestling is more accepted.
As a high schooler in the 80s I remember there was this boys' wrestling tournament at my high school and for whatever reason it was treated like a mandatory assembly where we were required to be there as part of our classes. And it was strange because several teams brought along their own mats in different school colors.

However, that was the first time I remember seeing a girl wrestle. Back then it was more of a novelty, and I think these days girls' wrestling is more accepted.
Fully state sanctioned in many states. With a large number of university teams in Canada. Over 5,000 people attended the first IA HS girl's state wrestling tournament.
I would not allow a son or daughter play American football. I think it is an horrific thing to put their brains at risk when they are still growing and unable to make informed decisions for themselves.

However, my daughter did play baseball when she was in elementary school. She was the only girl in the league one year. She wanted to continue in middle school and was told to switch to softball. She was incredibly disappointed because they didn't even allow her to try out. I told her we could it fight it but it was 100% up to her. In the end she switched back to soccer.

Before you say soccer is danger is too, I did not allow her to do headers until she was 16.
I think it would be fine though taking into the contact potential/ physically of the sport. But if a female is qualified and would like to play, if she makes the team more power to her. I agree with what some others have said, that most sports are coed it’s just that most females wouldn’t make the team because their size/arm span/ decreased muscle mass make it far less likely they will be competitive enough to be a starting player (some sports more than others obviously).


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