Happy happy happy! trip story from Feb 2012

Molly ~ this sounds like a lot of fun, you'll have a blast I'm sure with the lovely ladies you'll be with. What will E do while you're away? Will R be able to stay home with him?
Robert will work from home. But now he's saying he'll take off the day I get home, along with the next day, and then that leads to a weekend....so don't think I'm not trying to figure out how to get them to Anaheim on the CHEAP on the 8th so they can have a flight just the two of them, ,and a partial day at the park just the two of them ,then we could meet up that evening and stay somewhere cheap....

Not sure if it can happen, but I'm scheming! Nw if only e and I could get rid of our colds so I can think straight!
Oh Molly, not again. I hope you feel better soon.
Yep. Eamon stopped taking his vitamin (my fault of course) and I guess that brought his immune system down just enough! We couldnt even trick or treat because he felt so low. My cold is light but it's going along with insomnia and loneliness (Robert's trips have gotten to me at last) and I can't think of anything deep or complicated. Annoying. We'll be better soon though!
Molly I am sorry to hear that. At least got his trick or treat on at WDW this year. And he has a few years left to trick or treat.

I cannot imagine how lonely you must feel with R on the road so much. Too bad you don't live closer to your brother and his wife. That would be nice for you and maybe it wouldn't be as hard on you. I know that I would miss Scotty terribly if he were on the road.
Hey, thanks for reminding me that we did ToT this year! Had forgotten, how odd.

This last series of trips has been brutal. He was home not even two days between trips this time. Would have been three, but they called him when he was in line to check bags for his flight home and asked him to stay another night. Of course he said yes, after clearing it with me; it's crunch time and he's probably the best and most thorough person they have in his department, but oof.

And when he's here, because he has so little time between trips, his mInd is on the trips, so we're about to start working on focus. When your body is home your mind needs to be at home, unless actively packing. :3dglasses

And speaking of focus, I'm going to try to do some more WDW report, so check in there in a while!
You're welcome. When you're sick sometimes simple things like that slip your mind.

I have a problem with Scotty where he becomes focused on his bicycle. Frankly it irritates me I need to work on focus with him too.
I can imagine that the bike stuff gets intense! Did you post any costumed pictures in your trip report?
Not yet. I am still making his Richard Simmons shirt for his race. His races aren't until November 19 and 20. I have all of the supplies though.
Robert will work from home. But now he's saying he'll take off the day I get home, along with the next day, and then that leads to a weekend....so don't think I'm not trying to figure out how to get them to Anaheim on the CHEAP on the 8th so they can have a flight just the two of them, ,and a partial day at the park just the two of them ,then we could meet up that evening and stay somewhere cheap....

Not sure if it can happen, but I'm scheming! Nw if only e and I could get rid of our colds so I can think straight!

Oh, that would be nice if you could work that out for them to join you!!!

Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!! Our entire family is fighting a nasty cold.....just lingers on forever! blah.....
I'm jealous of your upcoming DLR trip! Next time the XH has the kids for more than 1 night (probably won't happen for a year, but I can dream...) I'm totally heading to DLR or WDW to do the rides the kids won't do so I'll stop resenting them for not going on fun rides with me. Almost went this summer, but it was too close to the previous trip :(.

Enough about me!
You know you're allowed to talk about you here!

What you NEED to do is coordinate a trip with other disers (Robert's work iPad just autocorrected it to dozers lol) so that you can take advantage of kid swap or just the kindness of others to hang witH the kids. Side bonus, sometimes peer pressure works whe kids see their peers going on rides they've previously refused....

E just made us food. Toaster waffles, but still, food. Our colds are causing multiple night awakenings, and with Robert away nine hours ahead of us I'm staying up later to gchat with him when he wakes up in his morning, and I had my coffee way too late in the day yesterday...and combine that with the time change and we basically slept until noon today. He wanted to play his lego POTC videogame, and I said if he'd get breakfast then he could. And he did!

For the trip...I'm afraid to go into DCA! What if I hate it with the construction and changes????
I definitely need some other people on our Disney trips. I thought my cousin, his GF and her DD were going to join us, since they live nearby, but they didn't want to go when it is busy (side note, cousin's assistant, who drove us to/from cousin's house, said she never goes to DLR with her kids because they aren't really interested. I offered to trade homes with her because we would be at DLR all.the.time if we lived that close). But that didn't work out. Maybe next time!

DCA was different, with the walls up, but the last time we were there the water was drained, so I guess I'm used to the construction there. It was frustrating that one pathway was blocked, so you had to go around the long way to get to something that was supposed to be nearby. But aside from that we were happy there, mostly because of the Little Mermaid ride, which we rode more than anything else. The kids kept wanting to go again, and again, and again....

That's so sweet that E made breakfast for you! The kids made me breakfast in bed (a bowl of cereal) on Mother's Day. They forgot to use soy milk, so I fed them the cereal instead while we all sat in my bed (after thanking them profusely and gushing over their efforts). It is so fun when they start doing things like that.

So are R and E joining you on your trip?
How clever of them to use the wrong milk. They get the kudos and the food! :goodvibes. Just kidding, made me smile to think of.

If they'll be showing up after the solo time is done is unknown at this point! And I'm not sure whe it will be known. Hopefully by dec 8, lol.

One problem is that Robert really wants to go somewhere for thanksgiving time. Local, but still away. His dad died on nov 26 back in 2006, and his mom always has a gathering on the 25th to honor his life. Problem fir Robert and his brother is that they don't really want to do that, and when they do get the sad feelings they want to honor it in their OWN way, not in mom's over the top, forget the kind of husband and father he actually was, now he's dead so he's sainted, sort of way.

For two or even three years now they have told her that they cant do it anymore, but they keep getting guilted into it. And I don't know if BIL is messed up afterwards, but robert is. He's still not ready for the battle of "I cannot support this, I cannot do this, I cannot be there, not even for you", so he figures if he is away then that's that.

So if we go away then, it puts a dent in the ability to send them to Anaheim. Obviously the answer is to go over thanksgiving lol. Because I'm sure thT flights using Miles will be really cheap and available! :rotfl: but I don't really relish the idea of two flights so close in time for me.

The other thing against having them meet up after solo time is done is thT I'd incur a change fee. I'm using Robert's miles...if HE had the reservation they would waive the fee because of his level, but I don't know if they'll waive it for me.

It's complicated like calculus is what it is.
Oh I need to replace my computer...my typo catching eyes are just not good enough for what this iPad and autocorrect and virtual keyboard are doing....
I understand Robert wanting to go and not be available for the guilt trip visit. Unfortunately I would be the one to attend my mothers "party". I fall victim to the parental guilt quite easily.
Just wanted to stop by & say hi Molly!!! I've been offline due to us moving, so thought I should check in & see how you're doing!! Hope you've finally got over the crud.......we seem to just be rotating it thru the family.....a little bit of stress with the move & new "hours" for school & such is probably contributing to our health woes.

Just think......in about 2 1/2 weeks we'll be in a very HAPPY place!!! Can't wait!! :santa:


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