Hakuna Kidani, What a Turtleful Phrase!

Yay! So happy to be joining in on another TR! Your TR's definitely help me relax and feel like I'm right there with you :). Looking forward to a great new summer read!

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Holy dancing banana, Batman! :banana: It's a new Jill & MeMom TR! Thank you, thank you for starting up right on the heels of the last one (and for that turtlesome song looping endlessly in my head. ;)) Jill, you must be enjoying the relative calm of this post-wedding, pre-school-start week, since you are keeping up so well. And MeMom, don't tell me that cleaning the attic is relaxing!
You know, Jill.....
I was just thinking it was kind of strange to see all of those replies written by you. Not that it's a bad thing. Nope not at all!

I'm just wondering how on earth you are finding the time to do it???

On another note.
The weekend in October?
Did you have one in mind?
Like maybe the very last weekend in October?
Just wondering...
I think Brooklynn would like to see me.:goodvibes
I know that we would love to see both of you!
Hi Jill and MeMom
I am Joanne and I am Anita and Marc's English friend, with whom she spent time on the Fantasy and at WDW, before she went to Vero and Kidani with you guys.
I am excited that I can follow along with your report and get to know you and your gorgeous family!!!:)
Thanks for the good thoughts for my DMom. I appreciate them so much.

Just wanted to share our back up Plan B is now changed from Myrtle Beach to a week at WDW. :yay:
So depending on when my DMom's surgery will be, we will have a Disney trip!
I am looking at the last week of August.
I was able to get some ADR's so that was a relief. :thumbsup2
Lexi is excited again. (she cried last night when we told her the trip may be cancelled)
I am excited again cause I would have gone happily to Myrtle Beach but it is no Disney let's face it. ;)
I will have to purchase all new flights if we change our dates. Going back to JetBlue!!! :woohoo:
I will loose all the money I paid for the "other flights" because Delta's cancellation fee is $200 and the flights were $208. Bummer! :(

Glad you were able to get some cleaning done in the attic today Memom.

Yay for Disney trips! Sorry you lose your flight money if you have to change. Our first flight to Disney MeMom, Brooklynn and I were originally booked to fly Delta, but then they cancelled our flight and didn't contact us so we ended up flying Southwest and we love it. I know your choices are probably more limited than ours though.

Cute title!!

Been around for all of your other trip reports...so definintely won't be missing this one! Your girls are just precious! :cutie:

I'm finally getting to go to Disney World in just 18 days!! I'm extremely excited but definitely nervous after over 1000 visits to DisneyLand this is going to be a huge difference! I'm sure my OCD is going to be on the back burner while we just enjoy ourselves.;)

Ready to follow along:thumbsup2

So glad you are here. I want to visit Disneyland one day and see where it all started. I know you will have fun on your trip to the World and I hope you will share your thoughts on the difference when you come back.

I came here after seeing your post on Disney Stories. I've seen your postings on some others I follow, so I wanted to read your TR.

Your little girls are so cute, I wanted girls, but got stuck with four boys! They are keepers even though they weren't girls.

MeMom does a better job of getting around to everyone else's reports than I do. I usually lurk on them and barely get the time to post on our own report. Thanks for the compliment on the girls. Before I had kids it didn't matter to me boys or girls, but now I can't imagine my life without my 3 princesses.

Yay! So happy to be joining in on another TR! Your TR's definitely help me relax and feel like I'm right there with you :). Looking forward to a great new summer read!

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Glad you are here. We like doing the reports as they help us relive fun memories while we wait for the next adventure.

Holy dancing banana, Batman! :banana: It's a new Jill & MeMom TR! Thank you, thank you for starting up right on the heels of the last one (and for that turtlesome song looping endlessly in my head. ;)) Jill, you must be enjoying the relative calm of this post-wedding, pre-school-start week, since you are keeping up so well. And MeMom, don't tell me that cleaning the attic is relaxing!

I told MeMom I was going to do better this trip. I'm trying to channel my OCD. I am in a lull for another week or two. Then it will be back to the craziness of school and all the extracurricular activities with the girls.

I'm here! :wave2: Now, I just need to go finish up on your other TR...and then I'll be back to catch up over here. :thumbsup2

Glad you made it. It was so nice to see you and those sweet girls. Sophie finally decided to stop being a slug and is now on the move everywhere!

You know, Jill.....
I was just thinking it was kind of strange to see all of those replies written by you. Not that it's a bad thing. Nope not at all!

I'm just wondering how on earth you are finding the time to do it???

On another note.
The weekend in October?
Did you have one in mind?
Like maybe the very last weekend in October?
Just wondering...
I think Brooklynn would like to see me.:goodvibes
I know that we would love to see both of you!

I know, I know, I have been a slacker on previous trip reports. I blame the 3 kids, husband, dog, full time job,... do you feel bad for me yet? :rolleyes1

Originally I was looking at the first week in October because it is my birthday and Brooklynn's fall break, but truly it will depend on finances and Southwest flight prices, especially with the Christmas trip just right around the corner. I know that Brooklynn would love to see you!

Hi Jill and MeMom
I am Joanne and I am Anita and Marc's English friend, with whom she spent time on the Fantasy and at WDW, before she went to Vero and Kidani with you guys.
I am excited that I can follow along with your report and get to know you and your gorgeous family!!!:)

Hello!!! Glad you are here. We heard a lot about y'all's adventures.
Yes ::yes:: I was lost without them. I could get on-line a little on my phone, but it was harder for me to read and the pictures were too small to see detail. :magnify:
I've loved seeing your family grow, but I do feel a little bit stalkerish :tiptoe: I'm reading old TRs and catching up on y'all's life.
This will definitely be a different kind of trip. Can't wait to read all about it!
Yes ::yes:: I was lost without them. I could get on-line a little on my phone, but it was harder for me to read and the pictures were too small to see detail. :magnify:
I've loved seeing your family grow, but I do feel a little bit stalkerish :tiptoe: I'm reading old TRs and catching up on y'all's life.
This will definitely be a different kind of trip. Can't wait to read all about it!

Glad to have you along! :goodvibes

Jill was looking at some old trip pictures today and sent me a picture of Brooklynn and Pleakley, when he was a statue in Tomorrowland. She used to always want to hug him when we walked by. She's watched one Dumbo become two, and she's seen castles and towers evolve before her eyes. Even in her few Disney years, she has seen a lot of changes. Imagine what she'll be able to talk about when she is grown!

Staking out my place here on this report! :thumbsup2

Good to have you here. Hope you are feeling well and getting some quiet moments in your busy household.

I'm here! Can't wait to hear about your latest adventures!!!

Hope you are ready for plenty of turtle talk, because there was an ongoing theme during the trip. Hopefully, Jill can load the first day of pictures soon, and we can at least get started on the Art of Animation part. I am ready to be back there through the pictures! :cool1:
I can't update our girls TR until Mary gets her pictures posted, so I'm looking to see if I missed any updates.

Hope you have a great weekend.
Hi Memom and Jill

Just caught up on the end of the last report - have been in hospital having shoulder surgery so back home and still able to check in on DIStown with one arm in the sling. I saw the link for the new report and bang its up to page 5 - probably 6 or 7 by the time I finish typing this :lmao:

thanks for doing another report, I love them. :cool1:

Brilliant putting the "old" pics of the girls on first post - I think I came along to your reports when Brooklynn was 3. Oh how they have grown - Brooklynn and Bella are such young ladies now. It doesnt seem that long ago since Bella didnt like any of the characters but there is no stopping her now. Sophie will probably be running round the house in not too much time, she is so smiley.

Also must mention the wedding photos - it looked like a lovely time, loved her dress and the colours of the bridesmaid dresses.

Well will stop waffling and get on. Hope you are all well.
Hi MeMom & Jill!

I've been following on and off for the last few years and I've loved seeing the girls grow and feeling the sense of community built on the DisBoards. I mostly just lurk because I don't have that much to add to the mix, but I just wanted to say hi and thanks for taking us all along on your trips so we Disers can live vicariously through you! We need our Disney fixes! :rotfl:

(Luckily, we have a trip to Disneyland coming up in a little over a week, so we are super super excited!!! :cloud9:)
I can't update our girls TR until Mary gets her pictures posted, so I'm looking to see if I missed any updates.

Hope you have a great weekend.

No updates yet, but I hope to fix that shortly. Photobucket is finally cooperating with me.

Ok gang, I'm here. Now, to go back and start to read. Take care all!!

Glad you made it over. We will be getting started shortly.

Your babies are just adorable!!

Thank you, we think they are pretty special. :cutie::cutie::cutie:

Hi Memom and Jill

Just caught up on the end of the last report - have been in hospital having shoulder surgery so back home and still able to check in on DIStown with one arm in the sling. I saw the link for the new report and bang its up to page 5 - probably 6 or 7 by the time I finish typing this :lmao:

thanks for doing another report, I love them. :cool1:

Brilliant putting the "old" pics of the girls on first post - I think I came along to your reports when Brooklynn was 3. Oh how they have grown - Brooklynn and Bella are such young ladies now. It doesnt seem that long ago since Bella didnt like any of the characters but there is no stopping her now. Sophie will probably be running round the house in not too much time, she is so smiley.

Also must mention the wedding photos - it looked like a lovely time, loved her dress and the colours of the bridesmaid dresses.

Well will stop waffling and get on. Hope you are all well.

Hope your recovery goes well. We are glad all of our old friends continue to join us for new adventures. I though it was fun to go back and do a comparison from where they started to where they are now. You're right Sophie will be running around before we know it. The wedding was lovely. Brandi and her parents, and best friend worked hard to make it very sweet and personal.

Hi MeMom & Jill!

I've been following on and off for the last few years and I've loved seeing the girls grow and feeling the sense of community built on the DisBoards. I mostly just lurk because I don't have that much to add to the mix, but I just wanted to say hi and thanks for taking us all along on your trips so we Disers can live vicariously through you! We need our Disney fixes! :rotfl:

(Luckily, we have a trip to Disneyland coming up in a little over a week, so we are super super excited!!! :cloud9:)

Glad you are here and hope you will chime in when you can. I will make it to Disneyland one of these days.

The first day pictures are loading so everyone take a potty break, make sure you have ID and your Disney Visa and wait (im)patiently for the official load the car call!
Originally the plan was to start driving as soon as John and I could get off work on Friday afternoon. We would drive as far as we could and then spend the night. We would then get up Saturday and head to Vero Beach. Well my boss is awesome and gave me Friday off. We decided to leave in the middle of the night and drive all the way to Orlando and of course if we drove that far we weren't staying at a Hampton. After some discussion, MeMom and I decided since it was just 1 night it was the perfect time to try out a suite at Art of Animation. So that was the plan...

MeMom drove down to Alabama on Thursday and hung out with the big girls while John and I put in a full day's work. We got home and ate dinner and then headed to bed early so we could get a few hours of sleep before heading out. We headed out at 1:15am. The girls were all asleep which is exactly what we wanted. Our goal was to get through Atlanta before morning traffic.

John drove the first leg and as we were reaching the south side of Atlanta the girls started stirring. We pushed a little farther just to make sure to avoid Atlanta traffic and stopped at Chik-Fil-A for breakfast.

It was the Dwarf House Chik-Fil-A and the girls loved using the little door.

We filled up with gas and hit the road again. My goal was to get to the Florida Welcome Center before having to stop again. All 3 girls did awesome and about 10 minutes before we hit the state line Bella started saying she needed to potty.

After our potty stop we headed to take our usual picture in front of the Welcome to Florida sign. Bella was not being very cooperative, but she had been stuck in her carseat for many hours so I can't totally blame her.

Then it was time to grab some brochures and free juice before finishing out the trip down.

Bella was definitely having a morning! Look at that face.

Sophie tasting her first real Florida orange juice.

Brooklynn is such a nut!

The girls really liked the dolphin statue out front.

After about a half hour break we loaded back up and headed south. This little girl did an amazing job traveling and didn't really fuss at all on the journey.

Almost there.

Next time we will finally arrive on property. Right now I have to get everybody dressed and loaded up to go pick Brooklynn up from MeMom's. Have a great Saturday everyone!
Then it was time to grab some brochures and free juice before finishing out the trip down.

Always fun!

Bella was definitely having a morning! Look at that face.

Folding of the arms, shoulder up - means a definite 'no' on the juice offer. :laughing:

Sophie tasting her first real Florida orange juice.

Don't have to worry about this girl turning down food or drink. :rotfl:

This little girl did an amazing job traveling and didn't really fuss at all on the journey.

She slept most of the time, and was either eating or playing with her toys when she was awake. She did an excellent job!

Next time we will finally arrive on property.


Jill, I feel like I was right there with you through these pictures. :goodvibes

I love that Welcome Center!! It always means we're almost there! :yay:

It's a pretty exciting stop! :cool1:
Hurrah! We are on our way!! You are dedicated to get up and on the road at 1:15am! :worship: But there is a pretty big payoff at the end of your trip.

Jill, your boss sounds super nice to give you the day off and definitely the perfect opportunity to try out Art of Animation. Can't wait to hear what you guys thought of it.

Bella does appear to be a bit sassy there in the FL Welcome Center. :rolleyes1

Love the smiling Sophie and action shot Brooklynn in the "cut-out" photo opps.

Are we there yet??? :hyper: Just kidding... take your time. :goodvibes


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