Gym etiquette question.


DIS Veteran
Oct 1, 2010
Heres the situation:

Woman A is in the womans part of the gym (a small section of a big gym) and is doing 3 sets of 3 different exercises, using 2 different machines (one exersice was just free weights). Woman B comes in and watches what Woman A is doing. Woman B knows that Woman A is using one of the machines (though she is doing another part of her routine at that moment) and gets on and starts using it. Is Woman B wrong?

Edited to add - Woman A actually had her belongings on the machine (it was actually a bench) that Woman B started to use.
Not at my gym. It is common to "alternate" machines if someone it doing sets on different machines. It isn't fair of woman A to take up two machines (plus free weights) for the entire time of that workout.

It is common practice (at gyms that I've been to) to for person A to use machine 1 while person B is on machine 2, assuming that they are both switching between a couple of machines. If person B was doing 3 sets in a row on the machine (and not allowing person A to come back on between sets), then I could see that person B was wrong. I think person A was being a hog, to be honest.
Heres the situation:

Woman A is in the womans part of the gym (a small section of a big gym) and is doing 3 sets of 3 different exercises, using 2 different machines (one exersice was just free weights). Woman B comes in and watches what Woman A is doing. Woman B knows that Woman A is using one of the machines (though she is doing another part of her routine at that moment) and gets on and starts using it. Is Woman B wrong?

Edited to add - Woman A actually had her belongings on the machine (it was actually a bench) that Woman B started to use.

I used to do this a lot when I was working my chest and shoulders. BUT, I used to do it at 4 or 5 am, when no one was there. Being that women B knew this, I think she should have waited or worked else where. But I do think that if it is at a busy time then women A, should have known better.

again, I would do it when know one was this would not be an issue! so I think both were wrong, at different times! ;)
IMO I think as long as someone elses butt or hands aren't on the equipment than it's free for all. Also my two cents is it's rude to put your stuff on a piece of equipment to save it for later use especially in a limited space gym.
Not at my gym. It is common to "alternate" machines if someone it doing sets on different machines. It isn't fair of woman A to take up two machines (plus free weights) for the entire time of that workout.

It is common practice (at gyms that I've been to) to for person A to use machine 1 while person B is on machine 2, assuming that they are both switching between a couple of machines. If person B was doing 3 sets in a row on the machine (and not allowing person A to come back on between sets), then I could see that person B was wrong. I think person A was being a hog, to be honest.

:thumbsup2 Yep totally agree with this. Mary
Not at my gym. It is common to "alternate" machines if someone it doing sets on different machines. It isn't fair of woman A to take up two machines (plus free weights) for the entire time of that workout.

It is common practice (at gyms that I've been to) to for person A to use machine 1 while person B is on machine 2, assuming that they are both switching between a couple of machines. If person B was doing 3 sets in a row on the machine (and not allowing person A to come back on between sets), then I could see that person B was wrong. I think person A was being a hog, to be honest.

No one was doing 3 sets of anything in a row - they were doing one set on one machine, one set on another machine, and then one set of freeweights. Then over again.
B did nothing wrong.

In my gym you aren't allowed to leave your stuff on a machine to "mark" it.
To clarify I have only ever worked out at Curves where the whole gym does a rotation at the same time so perhaps I'm not fully understanding. Why does one find the need to go back and forth? Why can't you do all of your workout on one machine than move on to the next one? Why does one need to go back and forth?
No one was doing 3 sets of anything in a row - they were doing one set on one machine, one set on another machine, and then one set of freeweights. Then over again.

That's why I said "IF", I wasn't sure and was just allowing for the possibility (I know that someone people like to do all three sets on one machine and then move on). In this case then, I don't think that person B did anything wrong (and I don't think that person A should have left her stuff on the machine/bench). Now, it is generally considered polite, to ask/tell the other person that you are going to "work in".
To clarify I have only ever worked out at Curves where the whole gym does a rotation at the same time so perhaps I'm not fully understanding. Why does one find the need to go back and forth? Why can't you do all of your workout on one machine than move on to the next one? Why does one need to go back and forth?

One doesn't NEED to do so, but many of us LIKE to do so. You alternate muscle groups, so instead of "resting" between sets (and just sitting there), you work on another machine (but rest the muscles being used by the first machine). Certain machines/exercises work well together to do in groups (I tend to to three and a core/abs bit) for each of my groups.
To clarify I have only ever worked out at Curves where the whole gym does a rotation at the same time so perhaps I'm not fully understanding. Why does one find the need to go back and forth? Why can't you do all of your workout on one machine than move on to the next one? Why does one need to go back and forth?
for the same reason you rotate machines at Curves. ;) You should rest your muscles before working the same muscles again. Even people who do 2 or 3 sets in a row on the same machine will usually sit there and rest for 30 seconds between sets (which is also bad gym etiquette -- get up and let someone else work in, unless you're sure no one wants to). Some prefer to go back and forth between a few machines that work different muscle groups. (this is me. I hate to sit there doing nothing. Feels like a waste of time.)
Women A is the one with the bad etiquette. Can't hog/save machines. Just ask to work in with Woman B. Problem solved.
for the same reason you rotate machines at Curves. ;) You should rest your muscles before working the same muscles again. Even people who do 2 or 3 sets in a row on the same machine will usually sit there and rest for 30 seconds between sets (which is also bad gym etiquette -- get up and let someone else work in, unless you're sure no one wants to). Some prefer to go back and forth between a few machines that work different muscle groups. (this is me. I hate to sit there doing nothing. Feels like a waste of time.)

I'm too fat to understand fully but it does make sense I guess :laughing:. Either way to the op would lady a go to any other place in life and save a spot while going on about your business elsewhere? If you went to the slots could you save a machine while gambling at another? Once again I am fat so I may not know but why are there special saving rules at a gym but nowhere else in life? It especially bothers me that you stressed that this gym has such a small circuit area to be "calling dibs" due to that I find it especially rude.
I agree with others that if either one was rude, it was woman A. In my opinion you only have a claim over the machine you are actually using at any given time. The others are fair game for anyone else who wants to use them.
nope, not at all. its rude to leave your things on a machine. it would be polite of woman b to ask woman a if she minded if she worked in with her, but it would be a huge no no for woman a to say she did mind.

I've belonged to many gyms in my life and never had a problem or seen a problem between people working in/alternating sets.
Woman A is the one with bad gym etiquette.

I totally agree. "A" does not get to claim the entire area. We all pay to use the gym, so she needs a lesson in sharing. B was well within her rights to use the machines. Who leaves clothes on to claim it? That is like 3rd grade.

So A is the one with poor etiquette.
nope, not at all. its rude to leave your things on a machine. it would be polite of woman b to ask woman a if she minded if she worked in with her, but it would be a huge no no for woman a to say she did mind.

I've belonged to many gyms in my life and never had a problem or seen a problem between people working in/alternating sets.

The only time that working in can pose a problem is when two very different people are trying to do it (i.e. me and the 300 pound body lifter) AND the machine used plates rather than just moving the pin. The leg press at my old gym used plates, and at one point a man asked if he could work in, looked at what I was pressing and said "umm...maybe not, I'll just start elsewhere". It would have been a pain to change the plates every time we switched. I was just about to start my last set on that machine, so it was no big deal anyway. Otherwise, I would have just done three straight sets on the leg press to get it done quickly.

If it is a machine with a pin to move, it doesn't matter that the people are using vastly different weights.

Don't me started on the people who leave the plates on the machine when they are done :headache:


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