"Gird your loins boys and girls, daddy's back and he's in a mood."

I don't know what people said about Craig but I have to think if anyone is criticizing him, they must not be long time viewers. I missed Pete but I love when Craig/Denny/John host the show too. Everyone on the team seems like a good egg and I adore them all. I will fight anyone who has absurd things to say about them.
I don't know what people said about Craig but I have to think if anyone is criticizing him, they must not be long time viewers. I missed Pete but I love when Craig/Denny/John host the show too. Everyone on the team seems like a good egg and I adore them all. I will fight anyone who has absurd things to say about them.

It was probably from Twitter. A few weeks ago Craig complained about a Pirates cast member for improvising the spiel. I personally thought his public complaint about the CM was in poor taste - of all the things to get fired up over, a lame off-script joke from an attractions CM seems pretty silly. But, his opinion, he has the right to it.

People went after him for complaining about the CM, which I also don’t think was right. But, he puts it out there, people can share their opinions too.

The whole thing seemed overblown on both sides, but I’m guessing that’s what this was all about.

Also, I really like Craig but he is sometimes a little edgier/more controversial on Twitter than he is on the show. :)
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It was probably from Twitter. A few weeks ago Craig complained about a Pirates cast member for improvising the spiel. I personally thought his public complaint about the CM was in poor taste - of all the things to get fired up over, a lame off-script joke from an attractions CM seems pretty silly. But, his opinion, he has the right to it.

People went after him for complaining about the CM, which I also don’t think was right. But, he puts it out there, people can share their opinions too.

The whole thing seemed overblown on both sides, but I’m guessing that’s what this was all about.

Also, I really like Craig but he is sometimes a little edgier/more controversial on Twitter than he is on the show. :)
Yep, that's what I guessed, if it was YT comments then YT comments have no redeeming value and should be ignored or turned off. It brings out the nastiest trolls or they are pointless. Why do we need "first" and "second" and "who is here in March 2025??!"

If it was the twitter thing, then everyone, including Craig, was in the wrong and all you can do is move on and do better. The rant just over blew it even more.

Frankly I wasn't entertained, I found it stressful. I barely leave me house and I had Pete yelling at me about spitting on CMs which I obviously am not doing. Twenty minutes or so in and no one else barely allowed to speak, I turned it off. No problem, my choice and glad to hear others enjoyed it. Some episodes I enjoy and others don't, that's just how it goes.
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I loved this show... I love how loyal the team is to each other and how Pete always has everyone's back. As a Canadian DVC owner who cannot travel at this point in the pandemic, the Dis team has helped keep the magic alive for me. I have the greatest respect for every member of the team. Thanks for all you do, the Dis rocks!
I will continue on with most people’s sentiment of how glad I am Pete is back! I love how he will stick up for his team when he feels that they are being attacked, like many have said why attack people you don’t agree with?? There are plenty of other shows to watch.
Pete hates Craig? Since when?! I've never heard him say anything besides positives about all of his team, especially his producers. That part caught me by surprise. I noticed the podcast audio was a little choppy at times but I'm not sure if that was technical difficulties on their end or data blips while listening on my end through Podcast Addict. Since reading the thread title, I had been giddy waiting for the podcast to appear in my list of shows to listen to today and it did not disappoint!

Love it when Pete is in a mood!
I also loved it months ago when Pete introduced Craig as Ed Sheeran. :rotfl:
Pete is the best - I was so excited to see that he was back for this week's episode, not to take away from the other WONDERFUL hosts. They rock too. But, I was so excited I was walking around saying "I'm girding my loins...Pete is back" LOL
Pete hates Craig? Since when?! I've never heard him say anything besides positives about all of his team, especially his producers. That part caught me by surprise. I noticed the podcast audio was a little choppy at times but I'm not sure if that was technical difficulties on their end or data blips while listening on my end through Podcast Addict. Since reading the thread title, I had been giddy waiting for the podcast to appear in my list of shows to listen to today and it did not disappoint!

Love it when Pete is in a mood!
I also loved it months ago when Pete introduced Craig as Ed Sheeran. :rotfl:
I think of Craig every time I hear, or especially see, Ed Sheerhan! (Who I love, by the way, and I think it's a battle of "Dueling Gingers" to figure out which is more prolifically creatively talented!) :)
A solid episode for sure.

Regarding DCL's lack of communication, I think perhaps they are waiting to see what the other cruise lines' implement before spending monies on protocols/procedures that have a high probability of changing. DCL does not have the fleet/experience that other lines have (like the big 3).

In a competitive business environment, sometimes you let your competition "take the arrows" first, before allocating your own funds which might actually offer a better solution. That's certainly an option I would be floating in the board room.

I completely disagree with regards to DCL's silence. They could have, and should have been promoting what they have done, or will be doing to make things safer, or make people more comfortable. Whether talking about upgraded filtration in their HVAC systems, enhanced cleaning of staterooms on turnover days, etc....they should be communicating more with their guests/fan base.
Pete hates Craig? Since when?! I've never heard him say anything besides positives about all of his team, especially his producers. That part caught me by surprise. I noticed the podcast audio was a little choppy at times but I'm not sure if that was technical difficulties on their end or data blips while listening on my end through Podcast Addict. Since reading the thread title, I had been giddy waiting for the podcast to appear in my list of shows to listen to today and it did not disappoint!

Love it when Pete is in a mood!
I also loved it months ago when Pete introduced Craig as Ed Sheeran. :rotfl:

That was a good one.

I'm here and on the Facebook group, and I haven't seen anything negative about Craig. And he's always producing good content.
I completely disagree with regards to DCL's silence. They could have, and should have been promoting what they have done, or will be doing to make things safer, or make people more comfortable. Whether talking about upgraded filtration in their HVAC systems, enhanced cleaning of staterooms on turnover days, etc....they should be communicating more with their guests/fan base.

My perception of the DCL silence is so they can wait and see what other lines do/advertise so then they can say they do MORE. I have a feeling DCL will try to position themselves as the safest option for families, and part of that is making sure they go above and beyond the competition.
Great episode.

I like many other new DVC members feel that we should be able to purchase an annual pass. I know why should only DVC members be able to purchase new? Just my opinion....I feel if I invested in their product I should be allowed to. Why should people that canceled their AP and got the refund and now regret be able to renew? Let those passes they forfeited got to new DVC members. (That is my Pete rant)

With that being said, I have had the gold annual pass in my cart for over a month just waiting for the “glitch” to work. I try multiple times a day to check out. I stumbled upon the UK site while searching annual passes. It let me add the gold annual pass to the cart but when I clicked purchase the screen would just stay on the loading screen. Then when I logged in to the US site the annual passes were in my cart. Now when I tried to check out on the US site I got the red error message to call. I haven’t called but it is tempting. Have my 2007 AP will allow me to renew!

Since we can not purchase WDW AP we jumped on the bandwagon and bought UOAP. Now we aren’t anti UO. We are just bigger Disney Fans. I mean we finally checked a box off by buying into DVC. So we were recently down the first week of March. Stayed at DAKL Kidani. Loved it by the way. Lyft ride over to Cabana Bay ($18 one way) where our friend was staying and used their transportation to the parks. We did all three parks. The park felt alive. Hell you can take your mask off for a photo! They have more live entertainment out and about I feel anyways. The “mobile ordering“ is fantastic. You get a table. Scan a code. Get a menu. Order your food at a register and wait for it to be brought to you. You aren’t standing in a mob of people all waiting for your order to be prepared. Pecos Bill/Splash Mountain area for an example. No more walking around with a tray full of food for the family stalking tables waiting for people to finish their meal. No more feeling rushed to scarf down your meal so someone else can sit down. The vibe over at UO is better than being on WDW property. I feel like walking around WDW property I am looking at all the things I used to be able to do......oh remember when they had this? Remember when you could do that? Why is that closed? Can’t believe Fast Pass isn’t open. UO is using their version.

I also agree that Disney is always in the news more than Universal. Universal can slide under the radar as far as the media is concerne. You can guarantee Universal employees are getting assaulted over the masks. Sea world employees are getting assaulted. Busch Gardens employees are getting assaulted. They just don’t make the news!

only thing I didn’t agree with in this episode.....Pete defending HIS team by saying you don’t know him. You don’t know me. 100%correct and I am with you. Judging the book by its cover. Then in HIS second breath......oh he wears a fidora so we know what kind of person that is. Of course he spit on someone....pot/kettle in my opinion!

I will say you spit on me you better be prepared to die. I won’t stop until someone pulls me off of you!

I will say the biggest bite in the *** is the cancellation of DME. Nothing said you are on vacation like getting off the plane and crossing over the terminals walking downstairs and getting on that bus and being whisked away to my resort.


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