Ghosting in line

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DIS Veteran
Aug 16, 2012
Tonight the line for Desert Party check in was long — all the way around the corner and halfway over the bridge. We joined it there at 805 for a 815 check in. As we approached the check in, a portly man with a white shirt and white beard sort of oozed in front of us. Didn’t say anything, just sort of slipped in like he was with the party in front of us.

I asked if he was with them and he said “yes.” Then the woman in front of the s laughed and said he wasn’t. I was about to say something but my wife stopped me, and then he drifted behind us, but ahead of about a hundred parties.

My wife said something, and he just politely told her to turn around, which normally would have sent my fist to his nose, but it’s WDW and ... I told the CM when we checked in, but there he was right behind us, cheating other people out of their table on the rail, smugly grinning like he’d gotten away with something. He was behind me again in the desert line, and my wife told me not to start something. So I didn’t.

But afterwards I saw him hacking away on his phone so I thought he might be a poster here or somewhere. And if you are and you’re reading this, you should know you’re a jerk and s cheater, and it’s behavior like yours that diminishes everyone’s experience. Your time is no more valuable than anyone else’s, and you’re a bad person for thinking it is.
I think the best thing to do is just move on.

My life got way better when I stopped caring about what other people were doing all the time.
I think the best thing to do is just move on.

My life got way better when I stopped caring about what other people were doing all the time.

Yeah, but why let people get away with walking all over others? It only encourages that behavior to continue. When kids run in the hall at school, I don't move for them. They run into me and bounce off of me, and then don't expect me to move for them next time. If I move out of the way one time, then they expect it the next time.
This guy thought he was being cute in what he did because nobody has actually punched him in the nose for doing it. One good bloody nose and I doubt he tries it again.
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