Getting to know you....

Hi Teresa, I'm Kim. I found the Dis 9 years ago when I was helping to plan my first trip to Disney World. A friend recommended it to me. I have celebrated my 50th birthday this year and I am also celebrating being cancer free for 2 1/2 years. My upcoming trip is my 6th trip to WDW. I look forward to meeting you and all of the Podcast crew at Mousefest.


I don't spend a lot of time posting but I do spend time reading everything. I'm from Massachusetts. Originally from the western part of the state, went to school in central Mass. Been married 22 years. Two boys 21 and 17. DVC member and DISer since 1997.

Been a Disney fan since I was a kid. Had the pleasure of meeting Pete and having my email read by Bob on the anniversary show. I still get choked up when I listen to the show. We were both from Massachusetts! I miss him.

This is a wonderful site that got me through some sad times in my life. Everyone, whether they realize it or not, have put a smile on my face and lightened my heart. Stay close you won't be sorry...................
Hi Teresa,

My name is Aaron. My board name, ADP, was chosen because many of my friends and even people I know like to call me by that name. They are my initials, and for some reason people just like the sound of it. Go figure! :)

Our family of 3 live in the northern suburbs of Indianapolis; Fishers, IN to be exact. We love it here, but consider Orlando to be our second home.

I stumbled across these boards in 1997 just surfing the Internet for Disney information in general. My Wife and I first visited WDW in 1994 for our honeymoon. Not only did we fall further in love during our honeymoon, but we fell in love with Disney World. I had a hard time between trips being away from the resort so I scoured the Internet for Disney Information. The only information site around before the DIS was RADP (Rec Arts Disney Parks). Thanks goodness the DIS came along. It helped us get our Disney fix between trips.

I mostly hang around the DIS Unplugged board, but also spend time on the DVC, Theme Parks, and Restaurant boards. I must say many of us on the Unplugged board have grown to know each other very well. We really enjoy each others company and discussing; not only Disney, but our lives in general. It's really fun and I'm glad you decided to join us.

See you on the boards! :wave2:
Hi Teresa,

My name is Aaron. My board name, ADP, was chosen because many of my friends and even people I know like to call me by that name. They are my initials, and for some reason people just like the sound of it. Go figure! :)

They liked it/him so much they named the Blu-Ray standard after Aaron!!!(1080p=Ten ADP):thumbsup2
I am Becky, I live near St Louis Missouri. I am married with 2 kids. Hallie who is 7 and Tyson who is 2. When I joined I did not think I could have any more kids so poor Tyson is going to have to have therapy because of my screen name.

I went to WDW for the first time when I was 18. We only did the MK though. But in 1999 when DH and I were trying to figure out what to do for our honeymoon we were literally watching TV and discussing where we could go when a WDW commercial came on. We looked at each other and smiled and said that is where we are going. I called and ordered the planning video that night. Our love of Disney began with that trip. I found the boards when planning a trip we were given for Christmas by my Mother in law. She was taking DH, Hallie and I plus my BIL, SIL and Nephew for a week. THey let me do all the planning I ready the Unofficial guide and found the DIS mentioned as one of the favorite sites. I lurked until the podcast board came about and this is where I spent most of my time. It really feels like another family here.

It is great to have you posting

I'm John from Syracuse, New York.I've been going to Disney since 1972.

My wife and I honeymooned in Disney World 20 years ago. Seems like yesterday. We have 2 teenagers, that honestly still love going several times a year.

I just retired from 25 years as a Deputy Sheriff. So I have a lot more time to surf the net. I found the Podcast first, and heard all of the DisBoards references, so I tried it out. I love all of the tips and helpful people. Everyone seems to honestly want to help you.

I also love the camping forum, There's a lot of good Ft. Wilderness info there.
Hi Teresa from a long time lurker.

My name is Bill.

My wife and I bought into DVC at OKW in 1994 and we both think it is the best investment we ever made. We started listening to the podcasts about two months ago and just love them.

We try to visit WDW at least once every year. We always try to bring along friends and family, especially those that have never visited WDW. We have a big trip planned in Dec (7-19) and we have all eight in our party signed up for MouseFest (although my wife and I will probably be the only ones to attend the Mega Meet)

We are also signed up for the Podcast Cruise in May. (very exciting)

Good show on your trip out of lurkdom!
Good morning,

I am Michael. I started about 2 years reading on the disboards while searching for WDW sites. I am single and live just outside of Baton Rouge, LA.

myself, Wife of almost 19years, 15 yr old daughter and 9 year old son.

My first trip to WDW was in 7th grade when I won a magazine subscription essay contest and won a trip to the 10th superbowl in Miami, we flew down Friday, stayed at the Poly, one day at the MK then on to Miami for the game

Our family began our disney adventure in 2006, we stayed at CBR and loved it
We returned the next year and stayed at CSR in 2007 and loved it even more
We took a year off, I found Disunplugged and the Boards and we returned to the world in 2008, again to CSR and loved it again:love:

the dis boards are a great source of info and a great way to share our expriences both good and bad about the world of disney. I "discovered" the pod cast this summer just before our trip and have been listening ever since!
Hi, Theresa!!!

My name is Shelly. I was born and raised in Daytona Beach, FL, so I'm not too far from the mouse. Growing up, I only visited the park (Magic Kingdom was the only park then) a few times because my parents are not that big into theme parks. Go figure. But, I love them.

I have started to really go to the parks at least once sometimes twice a year. However, this past year, I have been 5 or 6 times. I will now be buying my first annual pass in January. I can't wait!!!.

I'm not really sure how I found the Dis but it wasn't until probably beginning of last year. I lurked a long time before I acutally registered and started posting. But, I'm glad I did. We are a great bunch of people who I really enjoy getting to know. I didn't actually start listening to the podcast until right after Bawb died. Since then, I have gone back and listened to every episode and I am totally hooked!! It is quite addicting.

I look forward to meeting everyone at the TSMM and the podcast cruise!!!

Hi everyone!! My name is Leslie. I'm sorry I'm so late responding but I couldn't remember my password and finally just had it reset so I could respond. I have been lurking on the boards for a year or two and finally this summer my daughter set me up with a username. During July I joined in a few times but then had a death in the family (my Dad) and things got busy and when I finally started trying to log in again ran into the password issue. This string seemed like a good place to start over again!

Anyways, I live with my husband Steve and my soon to be 14 year-old daughter Ariel and our dog Misty. I know I read somebody who responded said they have a Brit - so is my Misty and she is the gushiest dog I know. Very, very loving. I spend my time reading and working out a lot. At the end of the summer some friends and I decided we should start running and training for a road race. This fall I ran three 5Ks. I am hoping to build on that so that next summer we can shoot for a 10K. Other than that I just like spending time with my family.

My family and I own a timeshare at Orange Lake and we go to Disney every April for a little family togetherness time.

I hope to get on here a little more often and get to know you all better!
Hi, Teresa, I'm Colleen. I live in a medium sized southern city where it gets cold in the winter, so right now I'm dreaming of a visit to Orlando. I'm mostly a lurker, because the boards totally intimidate me. I think it's the sheer size of them. When I post anything, I never can find it again! (It's also hard to be discreet at the office with all those little cartoons bouncing around.)

Anyway, I'm married with three grown kids and my screen name comes from my hobby of teaching aerobics classes. I found the DIS last year when I was planning a January vacation to warmer climes. I'm now such a rabid fan that I wouldn't miss a show and I just signed up for the Podcast Cruise.
Hi, Teresa, I'm Colleen.

I'm now such a rabid fan that I wouldn't miss a show and I just signed up for the Podcast Cruise.

Welcome Colleen and welcome aboard the cruise. Please join us on the cruise thread at the top of this page or join in the Fish Extender exchange. Have Tracy post your info too. Don't be intimidated. We'll show you the ropes and you be posting like us crazies too.
I found the DIS last year when I was planning a January vacation to warmer climes. I'm now such a rabid fan that I wouldn't miss a show and I just signed up for the Podcast Cruise.

:welcome: Colleen! Please come and post like DVCsince02 suggested. We are a warm and friendly bunch. I felt intimidated the first time I posted, but was welcomed with nothing but open arms and wide smiles. I am confident you will find the same sort of reception.:grouphug:
Hi, Teresa, I'm Colleen. I live in a medium sized southern city where it gets cold in the winter, so right now I'm dreaming of a visit to Orlando. I'm mostly a lurker, because the boards totally intimidate me. I think it's the sheer size of them. When I post anything, I never can find it again! (It's also hard to be discreet at the office with all those little cartoons bouncing around.)

Anyway, I'm married with three grown kids and my screen name comes from my hobby of teaching aerobics classes. I found the DIS last year when I was planning a January vacation to warmer climes. I'm now such a rabid fan that I wouldn't miss a show and I just signed up for the Podcast Cruise.
Hi Colleen!! Fellow cruiser here! Please come and join our craziness on the cruise thread stuck at the top of the page! Lots of mindless babble, but it's a fun way for us to get to know each other before the cruise!!
I love the boards. I live in Oklahoma City and have been a disney fan since I was a kid. I found the boards on Itunes. What great fun when I want to WDW this Sept. to have several people say are you a diser because of my green mickey's.
I'll introduce myself-

I'm Leah, born and raised in California, grew up doing the road trip down to Disneyland and my parents saved up and took us to WDW once. I took my husband to Disneyland for his first trip in college (I had to make sure he liked it so I would know if he was marriage material ;)). I hooked my DH into loving Disney too and he proposed to me in Disneyland and then we honeymooned in WDW (our family thinks we are nuts).

The boards hooked me a little over a year ago when I tried for the CMO contest (and obviously didn't even make it to the semi-finals, but still had lots of fun making the video). I quickly found the podcast too- and now I just love the community feel of the boards- plus all the great trip tips!
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie here and really enjoy reading threads here. I'm really amazed to those experiences and seeing pics of different people that really had a great time in Disney.

Have a nice day to all of you.:)


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