Geeks on a boat, now with more geeks! Literally. Alaska 2013 planning starts now!

This is just a quick update, as my daughter fell asleep on the couch watching Tangled so I'm not sure how much time I've actually got...commence speed typing! GO GO GO!

We had a little planning meeting up at Starbucks the other day, my mom, my friend and I. Finalized arrival and accomodation plans a bit. My friend and her family will be flying through Seattle and spending a few days there before taking the train up to Vancouver sometime on Sunday (we sail Monday). Mom and Dad have decided, along with us, to fly straight into Vancouver and spend our pre-cruise time a condo!

Because my mom is brilliant, and it never occurred to me to look into vacation condo rentals, looks like we'll be somewhere in the center of town in an updated 2/2 condo with a view and a balcony! For less than the Rosellen suites!

I totally fist-bumped her.

I think we'll end up winging it when it comes to Vancouver. My dad wants to fly a plane while he's there, we all want to do the aquarium, we all want to see more of Stanley Park and the sea wall, and Gas Town. But I don't think we're planning anything in advance, I think we'll play it by ear depending on how we are feeling and what the weather does day by day. In 2011, we were all pretty much useless for the first day and a half there due to the whole East Coast to West Coast time change. I don't want to plan it all out and then end up sleep walking through the itenerary.

As far as Alaska itself, looks like we're all booking the same excursions in Juneau (whales plus glacier) and Skagway (yukon train plus bridge), and using Ketchikan as our "do whatever you want" day. We're going to try and do Palo brunch as a group, but I think we're all doing Palo "on our own" - it'll probably end up being all on the same night, but at seperate tables. Date night!

And I might get kicked out of compulsive over-planners anonymous when I admit this, but....


You heard me. We're gold members, the window has been open since Tuesday. And I haven't even been on the site. What's wrong with me, you ask? Have I gone mad, you wonder? WHAT IS MY PROBLEM????

I tell you what my problem is: sailing with noobs.

Mom and Dad's window won't open for another 10 days (they are Silver level), and our friends' another 25 (noobs!). I would be lying if I said it wasn't killing me, and that I won't be on the Disney Cruise website sometime this weekend with an itchy "book it now" finger....but there's really no point in trying to get all the best times now, knowing it may all change in about 3 weeks. I'll probably book something (or a few somethings...) for myself at the spa, and our Palo dinner, and check out excursion times for our reference. But other than that, my hands are kind of tied.

It's the price I must pay for turning people onto Disney.

More soon, including my shopping scores!
Woohoo, take all the notes you want! And then, document them on a color-coded excel spreadsheet.
You will love it, love it LOVE IT. Hopefully I'll get a lot of the post TR banged out before then. I might have to send you the cliff notes before you go! lol

Well, I do already have a GoogleDocs spreadsheet for the Alaska Excursions - with columns that add up the cost for our family, so we don't have to keep doing the math - with my personal favorites highlighted. :thumbsup2

And I still have the packing and general trip advice compilations I put together before last year's trip.

We've actually been to Alaska once before, on NCL, back when I was pregnant with Lil Miss, so we do have a few things in mind already to do or not do.
I lived in Scotland for three years!!! I went to Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, but I also spent a lot of time near Elgin. That's where I learned to say things like "hi hi, fit like?" :)
And yes, I do recall being the only person in jeans and long sleeves during the "summers" there lol[/QUOTE]

Elgin is approx. 2 hours drive for us - we're on the NE coast. So, in response to your question, I'd say "nae bad, fit like yersel?" :wave2: Now, I promise to limit my use of the Doric on the Dis from now on, honest. :rotfl:

It's hard to believe that this time last year we were having a "heat wave" and folks were out and about in shorts, today it's been struggling to get above 5 degrees and it has just been snowing! Alaska in the summer doesn't sound too bad at all, and we're going to stop off in Las Vegas for a week before the cruise to catch some sunshine first.
Hey, Erica, did you see there's a new Passporter for DCL coming out at the end of this month?

I remember reading in an earlier trip report that you recommended that book. I've been hemming and hawing about it, and then saw today that there's a new one coming.

Now, it's coming to my house!
Elgin is approx. 2 hours drive for us - we're on the NE coast. So, in response to your question, I'd say "nae bad, fit like yersel?" :wave2: Now, I promise to limit my use of the Doric on the Dis from now on, honest. :rotfl:

It's hard to believe that this time last year we were having a "heat wave" and folks were out and about in shorts, today it's been struggling to get above 5 degrees and it has just been snowing! Alaska in the summer doesn't sound too bad at all, and we're going to stop off in Las Vegas for a week before the cruise to catch some sunshine first.


Hey, Erica, did you see there's a new Passporter for DCL coming out at the end of this month?

I remember reading in an earlier trip report that you recommended that book. I've been hemming and hawing about it, and then saw today that there's a new one coming.

Now, it's coming to my house!

I'm jealous! I probably need to invest in a new one, it really is a great resource. Enjoy it! I highly recommend color-coded post-it flags.

So, I did finally get on the DCL site last night and I may or may not have booked a massage....
I also got to check out the main times for our excursions, which seem to either be at ridiculous o'clock or right over lunchtime. I have to do a little investigation into what time things open in Skagway and Juneau, which are our early ports. 7:15 for Skagway, and 6:15 (!!!) for Juneau. And I'm thinking....what is there to do at 6:15 am in Juneau? I mean, besides get coffee?

I realize, however, we East-coasters are at a slight advantage when it comes to early excursions....considering only partially changing our schedules not only to put an early excursion into the realm of possibilities for folks travelling with toddlers, but also to ease the transition back to real life once we return to reality at the end of the cruise.


I'm jealous! I probably need to invest in a new one, it really is a great resource. Enjoy it! I highly recommend color-coded post-it flags.

So, I did finally get on the DCL site last night and I may or may not have booked a massage....
I also got to check out the main times for our excursions, which seem to either be at ridiculous o'clock or right over lunchtime. I have to do a little investigation into what time things open in Skagway and Juneau, which are our early ports. 7:15 for Skagway, and 6:15 (!!!) for Juneau. And I'm thinking....what is there to do at 6:15 am in Juneau? I mean, besides get coffee?

I realize, however, we East-coasters are at a slight advantage when it comes to early excursions....considering only partially changing our schedules not only to put an early excursion into the realm of possibilities for folks travelling with toddlers, but also to ease the transition back to real life once we return to reality at the end of the cruise.


Not that I am particularly experienced in this area, but if I owned a store in Skagway or Juneau, I would most certainly be open the second that cruise ship arrived!
It's driving me crazy waiting until the 19th to book our excusrions - I hate not knowing if everything we want is already sold out :eek:
Loving your pre-trip report! We are on the cruise after you. Also taking grandparents and another family. Also flying into Vancouver (my family and parents) while the other family flies into Seattle and takes the train. We are also gold and traveling with all noobs. Slightly different ages for kids though - this is a high school graduation trip for my oldest son. (Who am I kidding? It is what I wanted to do. But all I had to say was Disney Cruise and he was ready to go!) I am a compulsive over-packer, so I am going to have to study the RS packing pages and use some of your recommendations. And I have been obsessed with planning since I booked this in March of 2012. :wave2:
I've enjoyed reading through this thread and am really impressed both by your ability to plan AND then write it all down for the rest of us!!!!
We're cruising to Alaska July29 so I have a little more time, but clearly I need to get on the ball! Thanks for sharing :-)
Not that I am particularly experienced in this area, but if I owned a store in Skagway or Juneau, I would most certainly be open the second that cruise ship arrived!
It's driving me crazy waiting until the 19th to book our excusrions - I hate not knowing if everything we want is already sold out :eek:

Amen to that! Both accounts lol

Loving your pre-trip report! We are on the cruise after you. Also taking grandparents and another family. Also flying into Vancouver (my family and parents) while the other family flies into Seattle and takes the train. We are also gold and traveling with all noobs. Slightly different ages for kids though - this is a high school graduation trip for my oldest son. (Who am I kidding? It is what I wanted to do. But all I had to say was Disney Cruise and he was ready to go!) I am a compulsive over-packer, so I am going to have to study the RS packing pages and use some of your recommendations. And I have been obsessed with planning since I booked this in March of 2012. :wave2:

OMG, you are me! :rotfl:
The Real Simple packing is AMAZING. If you're a pintrest person, I actually pinned the online article for quick reference. It has totally changed the way I pack. In fact, I'm looking at my current packing list and thinking "I need to eliminate about 1/3 of this" even though there is plenty of room....:confused3

I've enjoyed reading through this thread and am really impressed both by your ability to plan AND then write it all down for the rest of us!!!!
We're cruising to Alaska July29 so I have a little more time, but clearly I need to get on the ball! Thanks for sharing :-)

I believe the term you are looking for is "obsessive compulsive" :rotfl2:that is totally me when it comes to vacation planning! But it does serive a purpose. My friends and family laugh at me until we get there, and then they don't have to worry about anything. :thumbsup2
Great pre trip report! I am really enjoying fallowing along. Just wanted to chime in on a cluople of things, sorry I can't figure out how to quote in the mobile app.

I live in Juneau so can shed some light on what to do at 6 am. I used to work in a gift shop as a shift manager the earliest we opened was 7am. One ship is not enough for the stores to open 3 is about where it becomes worth it. This is for a few reasons in the case of the Disney ships you are docked at the AJ dock, that is the one furthest from down town. So it takes a while for most people to get into the shopping area. Most people don't get up early, such a small percent of people from each ship is going to be up and less if it's raining, which is often. This means that not much is open early in the morning.

But it also means that the area is empty, this is a great time to take pictures without a lot of people I'm your way! By 6 it's so light out that the pictures will look like the afternoon to most people. Also that early you may be able to see down town before the other ships pull in, it makes a huge difference in the view! There is good coffee down own our local shop is call Heritage.

Your plans sound great, thanks for sharing.
Great pre trip report! I am really enjoying fallowing along. Just wanted to chime in on a cluople of things, sorry I can't figure out how to quote in the mobile app.

I live in Juneau so can shed some light on what to do at 6 am. I used to work in a gift shop as a shift manager the earliest we opened was 7am. One ship is not enough for the stores to open 3 is about where it becomes worth it. This is for a few reasons in the case of the Disney ships you are docked at the AJ dock, that is the one furthest from down town. So it takes a while for most people to get into the shopping area. Most people don't get up early, such a small percent of people from each ship is going to be up and less if it's raining, which is often. This means that not much is open early in the morning.

But it also means that the area is empty, this is a great time to take pictures without a lot of people I'm your way! By 6 it's so light out that the pictures will look like the afternoon to most people. Also that early you may be able to see down town before the other ships pull in, it makes a huge difference in the view! There is good coffee down own our local shop is call Heritage.

Your plans sound great, thanks for sharing.

What great advice, thanks! We may give that a try :) and I will definitely keep Heritage in mind :thumbsup2

We did end up booking our excursions and luckily all parties involved were on board with the early itenerary. We'll be on the 7:15 train in Skagway (coffee in hand!) and the 8am glacier/whale excursion in Juneau. Hooray!

We also booked the condo for Vancouver, so things are speeding right along!

One thing I have not yet tackled: air travel. Yeah, I know. I should totally have tickets by now. But truthfully, I did the same thing in 2011 and the prices ended up dropping shortly before we left.
This year's prices had been steady until just recently, and now they are dropping a little bit. So the plan is to let them drop a little bit more, and then BAM - we will snatch them up. ::yes::

You know, it's funny - by this time in 2011 I was in complete panic mode. Things to buy, packing to plan, excursions to get cold feet about and then change at the last minute...but this time around I feel quite relaxed. Part of it has to do with having already done this itenerary, but the other part of it has to do with FINALLY (after what - 8 cruises?) understanding that this is going to be a fun vacation regardless of whether or not I forget the mangetic clips for keeping navigators on the back of the door. That, if by some chance I forget the pop-up hamper, it will be ok. And yes, if the nightlight doesn't make it into my bag, life will still go on. It really is ok.

Of course, I'm NOT going to forget any of that stuff. It's already on my list. I'm just not obsessing about it this time, which I am sure my husband and everyone around me really appreciates.

That said, one of my travelling counterparts just informed me that she took my packing list and color-coded it. I was like, HOW DID THAT NEVER OCCUR TO ME??? :scratchin
Yay! Another Geek report. Alaska is on my bucket list...maybe next year!

Jill in CO
Target, how I love thee.
I hit the after-Easter sale on Monday and got both Isabelle and Paige, her little buddy, poofy girly dresses for semi-formal night for $14.
I also got the peanut a new pair of jeans and a rainproof shell. The latter was not on sale, but I've been eyeing it for some time now and figured why not?

Started the "get a little bit here, a little bit there" shopping for my odds and ends. Which means travel laundry detergent is covered. Woohoo! I found out our condo in Vancouver has a washing machine, so guess what I am doing Sunday night before the cruise? Getting the first load out of the way! :thumbsup2

Been looking at these handwarmers as well, considering splitting them amongst the group mainly for our time in Tracy Arm and on the train. I've heard good things about them, I'm just not sure if they're really necessary or how many we would need. Thoughts?
Been looking at these handwarmers as well, considering splitting them amongst the group mainly for our time in Tracy Arm and on the train. I've heard good things about them, I'm just not sure if they're really necessary or how many we would need. Thoughts?

You know the old saying, better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Personally, my hands and feet stay cold, so these will be a must for me. I am wondering if they have a shelf life, if I could start buying stuff like this now for a cruise next May.
Handwarmers are always good...

and if you don't use them... you can give them to the crew. they will be sailing in cooler weather later in the year
We've used this type of hand warmer in the past on chilly UK days; they don't heat your hands completely but they certainly take the edge off if you know what I mean?
They're sort of comforting as well :)
I intend to wrap my hands around a hot chocolate for a similar effect ;)
I bought a case of hand warmers from Amazon. I was going to use them as part of an FE for our Alaskan cruise in September. Well now it looks like we might not be able to go. :sad1: I don't know what I will do with a case of hand warmers.
I bought a case of hand warmers from Amazon. I was going to use them as part of an FE for our Alaskan cruise in September. Well now it looks like we might not be able to go. :sad1: I don't know what I will do with a case of hand warmers.

Return them? Amazon's return policy is usually pretty generous.
I bought a case of hand warmers from Amazon. I was going to use them as part of an FE for our Alaskan cruise in September. Well now it looks like we might not be able to go. :sad1: I don't know what I will do with a case of hand warmers.

doesn't it get cold in Wyoming?

I saw an article not long ago where someone suggested you give them to someone who is having a baby shower... it's a good way to warm up a baby's bottle when you're not near anything that will help.
I bought a case of hand warmers from Amazon. I was going to use them as part of an FE for our Alaskan cruise in September. Well now it looks like we might not be able to go. :sad1: I don't know what I will do with a case of hand warmers.

Oh no! I hope you will be able to go :(

But if not, maybe I can take them off your hands :thumbsup2


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