Funny And Weird Things on Resort Busses


Earning My Ears
Jan 21, 2008
Would like to start a thread on what funny or weird things people have
encountered while riding on the Disney Resort Busses.
I think one of the weirdest things is when you meet someone from another city, state or region who you have something in common with.

This past October, the bus was a little crowded and a gentleman asked if he could sit next to me. Not a problem I said and we began to chat a bit. He asked where I was from and I told him...Erie, PA blah blah, and it turns out he is a fireman in NYC and he knows the father of a guy I went to high school with in PA. They met while they were training for the Katrina Relief Emergency Team. If any other Disers are from Erie, they probably know it is small, but what a coincidence meeting this man. :laughing:
Weirdest for us was a ride from AK back to Grand Floridian. The bus stopped at Blizzard Beach on the way back and one group that got on the bus was a set of parents with two young children. They put the children in the seat behind them and then handed them a pizza in a box that they pulled out of their beach bag. These children were fairly young and they smeared pizza all over those seats. The parents just let them have at it. They got off the bus back at the resort and just left that mess. I felt like I needed to whip out some of that yellow Caution tape and rope off that seat.
I think one of the weirdest things is when you meet someone from another city, state or region who you have something in common with.

This past October, the bus was a little crowded and a gentleman asked if he could sit next to me. Not a problem I said and we began to chat a bit. He asked where I was from and I told him...Erie, PA blah blah, and it turns out he is a fireman in NYC and he knows the father of a guy I went to high school with in PA. They met while they were training for the Katrina Relief Emergency Team. If any other Disers are from Erie, they probably know it is small, but what a coincidence meeting this man. :laughing:

I'm a diser from Erie. :goodvibes And now we've met on a disboards bus thread.

OK, as for weird things on the bus, how about being with a toddler who has had a diaper explosion, and happening to be on a near empty bus sitting across from the only couple in the world who didn't seem to mind (she was a 30-year daycare worker and he was quite sympathetic). She actually gave me a great tip for taking care of the problem (fresh diaper on top of not-so-fresh diaper).

If that super-nice couple are disers--thank you for making an uncomfortable situation a little less embarrasing. :thumbsup2
This last February I was taking a late bus from Pleasure Island back to the Contemporary - there were 3 Japanese young ladies that were riding up at the front of the bus on the side facing rows - all three of them were absolutely exhausted - looked like they had been going all day - the bus starts off, light goes off - after a few minutes, two of them start to nod off - heads down toward their laps - the third was starting to also - few more minutes, all three had heads straight down and look to be totally out - as the bus turned back and forth, they were just bumping each other back and forth - the bus pulls into the Contemporary and the driver kind of hits the brake pretty firmly - one flops over on the middle, middle flops over on the first and they all fall completely over like dominos - we exit the bus past them - all three are laying sideways on top of each other. All still completely out. Funny to me.....:laughing:
This was more of a bus stop horror story, and more for the driver than anyone of us watching.

We'd just missed the bus pulling away from the Studios one night, so we got in line and prepared to wait. The line built steadily over the next 15 minutes or so. Right about the time the bus pulled in, a couple in ECVs pulled up.

So we saw it was going to be a bit longer of a wait to get on an finally sit down, but whatever. The man, who seemed to be less able-bodied, was lifted in first, no problem.

Then the trouble started.

The woman drove her ECV onto the lift, the driver got it up, and then she couldn't get it off. Don't know what the trouble was, but that thing wasn't moving off the lift. The woman was getting more and more agitated, got off the thing, started shoving on it. It's now been another 5 minutes, which seems like an eternity I'm sure when you're being watched by at least 50 people, standing in line still, wanting to get on that empty bus.

The driver reaches over and pulls it off the lift and the woman LOSES it! She starts yelling at him, waving her finger in his face. Now, she was shoving and pulling on that thing way harder than he pushed it, but whatever it was, touching her property or "rushing" her to get loaded, she snapped.

She's demanding to speak to a supervisor RIGHT NOW.

We're closing in on half an hour at the end of a really long day.

Now, during all of this, another ECV has pulled up and this guest's companion was getting more irritated than those of us who've been standing there, about the collapse, for so long.

She pushes past us standing near the front door of the bus and gets on to fuss at the driver (who's still getting screamed at by woman #1) and he turns around and stops her from getting all the way up the steps. He kind of touches her shoulder when he puts his hands up to block her forcing her way on, and SHE starts hollering at him, "Don't touch me! That's assault!"

It's now been so long ANOTHER bus for Port Orleans has arrived about the time she's screaming this, but that bus can't pull in because of Bus #1's issues.

All of in the line are cheering for its arrival, but the "assault charge" woman starts yelling at driver #2 that her friend MUST be loaded on Bus #2 before any of us who've been waiting at least half an hour now.

The driver tries to explain to her he can't load an ECV from anywhere but at the ramp. Her head looks like its about to explode.

I mean, really, she's come up to the line in the last 5 minutes, shoved her way onto bus #1 because of her "wait", accused the driver of assault, and is now getting told by another driver she's out of luck with him, too.

We are allowed to load from outside the area, around Bus #1 (whose driver I just wanted to somehow rescue from these insane women) and were whisked away from the madness after that.

But, yeah, that's my contribution to Weird Bus Stories.
Our alst trip to WDW a few weeks ago, I was on a bus from DtD to BCV. A teenaged boy decided to take off his shoes and socks on the bus and massage his feet. The whole bus REEKED of foot odor!!! I literally was gagging. I had to pull my sweatshirt up over my nose!!!! It was foul.:scared1:
I'm a former Erie-ite, now living in VA cause I developed an allergy to snow (ha!). Still have family in Erie so come back often.
We were at WDW during Christmas week, and stayed at AKL. One morning we got on the bus to MK. An elderly Asian woman, by herself, got on and asked the driver where she should go to get the bus to Universal. The driver tried to explain that Universal is not in WDW and Disney transportation does not go there. She kept asking him and getting a different version of the same answer - he was trying to make her understand as there was a language difficulty, and several other passengers chimed in to assist him. She finally stormed off the bus, yelling that he was a stupid man. Wonder where she ended up? :confused: Hope she had family at the lodge who were able to help her out. She looked too sweet to be yelling at people; hope she wasn't really alone.
It wasn't funny at the time, because we were all extremely tired. It seems funny now though. We were leaving Magic Kingdom at closing one night heading back to Port Orleans French Quarter. Of course, the bus was extremely crowded and everyone was tired after a long day. Well, our driver (I use that term loosely) took us to Saratogo Springs. A bus full of Port Orleans guests had to convince her that we were not suppose to be there. On a positive note, we got a really good tour of Saratogo Springs because we drove all through it.
Well, as we were heading to Port Orleans (or so we thought) she completely misses the drive. So we had to go and turn around again. On what became the third attempt to enter the drive to Port Orleans, the entire bus yelled "Stop here". Our happy driver giggled and laughed the whole trip. It ended up taking forever to get home that night.
We were riding the bus one day and the driver made everyone put up there hands everytime we went over a speed bump. He told us it was the wildest ride in WDW.

On another trip there was awoman who looked just like my mom. I was taking pictures of her from the back of the bus to show my mom when I got home. Good thing she didn't see me, she might have had me sent to Disney jail for stalking her.
I get the most enjoyment when riding the resort bus to the MK
watching the youngsters actions when they spot the castle. How
they point and yell makes your day doesn't it
Hi all,

MAybe not so weird, but funny to us. Sometime, maybe 2 years ago, the Magic Kingdom was open to 2 am for Emh. Well we ended up getting stuck for 15 minutes or so on the pirates ride, by the time we got off it was around 2:20am. So we headed out, ds had to use the bathroom and we found one on main street. By then it was like 2:40ish. We exitied and found our Resort bus waitng for us, as we got on, there we 2 cast members on it. One was the bus driver the other wore a disney transportation jacket.

The cast member with the jacket on said, " we've been waiting for you guys" I thought at first it was a joke, but it was explained to us that we were " offically the last family to leave the Mk that night. As i thought about it, there were no other familys on main street or waiting for buses that we saw other than cast members.

So there it is, while everyone tries to be the first family in, mine was the last family out.:banana:
MAybe not so funny to everyone else, but we sure got a kick out of it.
Sorry, this turned out longer than I intended

The weirdest thing we have ever seen happened to us last Sept. We were staying at The Contemporary so we had been using the monorail from Epcot and MK. Well, one
night there was a storm while we were at Epcot and the lightening had knocked out the monorail. Now it is storming, Epcot is closing and everyone at the monorail resorts has to ride the buses. My cousin has an Ecv, but we stayed in line until we got to an opening near the front. We had to wait for 2 or 3 more buses which was about 30 minutes. After they put us on, they started loading people. Everyone had to take their kids out of the strollers and fold them up. Probably every one knows this even if you don't have kids. It's for their own safety. Well, this couple refused to take their sleeping kids out of the stroller. The bus driver kept telling them to get off the bus and take the kids out of the stroller. They continued to refuse and started yelling at the bus driver, then every one started yelling them because they had had to wake up their kids and fold up their strollers. The dad tried to hit one of the dads that was yelling at him. The mom was so mad that the jerked the stroller back and hurt another woman that was standing behind her. They called security and took the couple and kids away. Every one on the bus was cheering. What a crazy night.


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