From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 4

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September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass

Welcome back Scubadiver..... might want to check out the dive excursions we are planning.
Welcome back scuba diver mom dad and tax deductions!

Love those tops!!

did a lot of people change rooms since jeff started posting FE lists? i'm so confused!!
September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass



Welcome back!

Welcome back scuba diver mom dad and tax deductions!

Love those tops!!

did a lot of people change rooms since jeff started posting FE lists? i'm so confused!!

I noticed the same thing. I was double checking my list and saw at least three room changes....hope I have them right now.
Thanks for the welcome back....phew climbing up the anchor chain was tough and those of you that hung out in the lifeboats thought you had it bad!!!:rotfl: I was mostly concerned when no rooms could be booked a few weeks ago, just be patient. Thanks for pointing out the scuba opportunity, but on cruises I try to play the family dad and only things that are family oriented. DW lets me get away 2 weeks and 3 weekends a year to feed my need to get underwater habit. Do not want to screw up a good thing.;)
I was just sent this by AT&T along with an advert for their international data plan. Anyway, I thought the information inside was worth forwarding on.

AT&T tips for I-phone users

If you want to place calls but not use data:
Turn Data Roaming "OFF". By default, the setting for international data roaming will be in the "OFF" position. Turning "OFF" data roaming blocks email, browsing, visual voicemail and downloads, but it will not block text or picture/video messages.

To turn data roaming "ON/OFF", tap on
Settings>General>Network>Data Roaming

When abroad, international roaming rates apply when you send text or picture/video messages.

To access audible voicemail when data roaming is "OFF", tap on
Phone>Voicemail (International roaming voice rates apply.)

Utilize Wi-Fi instead of 3G/GPRS/EDGE - Wi-Fi is available in many international airports, hotels and restaurants to browse the Web or check email.
If you want to use data but not receive email automatically:
Turn Fetch New Data "OFF" - Check email and sync contacts and calendars manually instead of having the data pushed to your iPhone automatically. This way you can control the flow of data coming to your iPhone.

To turn off the Auto-Check functionality tap on
Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>Fetch New Data, Change Push to "OFF" and select option Fetch Manually

Utilize Wi-Fi instead of 3G/GPRS/EDGE to download and manually check email: Wi-Fi is available in many international airports, hotels and restaurants.
If you want to use data and track your usage while abroad:
Consider Purchasing an International Data Package: Purchasing an international data package can significantly reduce the cost of using data abroad. AT&T now offers four discount international data packages. The 20 MB package is $24.99 per month, the 50 MB package is $59.99 per month, the 100 MB package is $119.99 per month, and the 200 MB package is $199.99 per month. See for details and international roaming rates. To add an international data package, call 1-800-331-0500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************1-800-331-0500******end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Reset the usage tracker to zero - When you arrive overseas, access the usage tracker in the general settings menu and select reset statistics. This will enable you to track your estimated data usage while abroad.

To reset Usage Tracker to Zero tap on
Settings>General>Usage>Reset Statistics
I love hearing about everyone's details being completed.

I have another thing to check off my list. I ordered matching shirts from zazzle to wear for our embarkation (sp?) photo. They have steamboat Mickey on them. Really happy with how they turned out. Even my almost 13 y.o. approves. I also got shirts made to wear when we run @ Castaway Cay. Can't wait!!!

Happy planning & packing!
Did a lot of people change rooms since jeff started posting FE lists? i'm so confused!!

Yes - upgrades, getting out of gty, and so forth. That's why I didn't want folks to nail down the list too early! (I'm thinking New Year's eve is about the right time - and even then, there will be on board changes for which we need to check the list outside Jeff's stateroom.)

I put the ATT phone info up on page 1 if you need to find it again.
Hi Folks,

I'm going to have to make my apologies in advance, I'm afraid. We have two weeks to the day before we leave, and I still have a shed load of things to do before then. I'll be lucky to post once every few days, and will probably not be able to keep up with posts.

I'm rather a stress ball at the moment !

Also still waiting to hear back from DU about the dining link for main dining. I hope it goes through. If I don't hear anything in the next two days, I'll contact DCL direct.

Wish I could enjoy these two weeks a little more, rather than having so much to do. I can tell you, the minute I walk into that airport hotel on the 24th, I'm having a stiff drink (or two, or three !), then parking my backside alongside the pool !

Sorry for the "me" posts of late - I so can't wait to meet you all on the cruise ! :cloud9:

Sally :)

This time of year is fraught enough without all the preparations for a major vacation on top. Try and make a little 'me' time slots within all the busyness. Take care.

September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass

Welcome back onboard.
September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass

Welcome back.

Well at this time the world cancelation when it cones to this trip is no longer going going to be used. On another note. I saw The Tourist tonight. I enjoyed this a lot. Well next on the list, the 28 year wait will be over. I will be at the 12:01 A.M. showing of Tron: Legacey.
September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass

:welcome: back! You certainly have had a workout getting on the ship but the result is awesome ;)!

Well at this time the world cancelation when it cones to this trip is no longer going going to be used. On another note. I saw The Tourist tonight. I enjoyed this a lot. Well next on the list, the 28 year wait will be over. I will be at the 12:01 A.M. showing of Tron: Legacey.

PHEW! Glad to hear that!

Baby is it yucky outside. We have snow and then freezing rain predicted for today. I do NOT have the time nor patience to deal with ice today. But, I guess Mother Nature does rule so I will have to adjust.

Take care, safe journeys, and have a great Friday.
Friday finally arrived:cool1::cool1: 26 days of responsibility left:rolleyes1...of course they will be the busiest ones but the pay-off :cool2: will definitely be worth it!!

Welcome back ScubaDiver & family!!!

Alan, glad you removed 'that' word from your vocabulary :goodvibes!!

Have a WONDERful day...

CHAMPAGNE GIRLS UPDATE – Calling all Champagne Girls and Wanna-bes (all are welcome)
How it Works: Ladies wear pink boas and tiaras and enjoy conversation and beverages, especially champagne. The meeting is held on a sea day in the afternoon. Some sessions have been privately hosted in a member's suite with concierge-provided glasses. On some cruises DCL provided an organized champagne tasting; on one cruise this was provided by the Sommelier from Palo. We have had our own photographer, while other times a photographer from Shutters was in attendance.

Panama Canal Champagne Girls Celebration - The PC cruise ladies have voted for an organized tasting but, if this is not possible, will meet on our own. Of course the event will be captured for posterity, by a photographer from Shutters and/or our own. DCL Request Department representative, Dorothy Ednie, has advised that our reputation precedes us and that she has scheduled Champagne Girls events before. She anticipates the cost per person will be about $15. I have sent her a count of 51 as the number of ladies who have indicated they will attend.

Update: No word from DCl yet. We have asked Dorothy to reserve the room for a little more time then just the tasting. I explained we will want to do some mingling and picture taking.

The following ladies are packing their pink boas and tiaras in anticipation of confabulation and libations, especially champagne, and of course amazing merrymaking. While I will not be sending any participant specific information to DCL until I get the final confirmation and post the info, giving you a opportunity to change or rescind your request. I do need to collect the information DCL is requested, your reservation name INCLUDING LAST NAME and cabin numbers. Please review the list, and PM me with your information if you have not already done so (green indicates info received). Please forgive me if I have made any typos or if you sent me the info but it is not reflected and PM the corrections.

1Yepod - 6084 - Carolyn Westlund – 1

A Litle Pixie Dust – 7528 - Desiree Beyea – 1

ACDSNY – 7620 - Angela Chalmers – 1

Bookwood - 7614 – Pam Meyer - 1

bwcb4 - 2081 - Barb Warner - 1

cardidog - 7098 - Susan Francis Haughton – 1

ChipperMerlin - 5510 - Shirley Pearson – 1

DCL_FAN_TAC - 5133 - Tahara Cater – 1

DCLtravler - 6321 – Melissa Smith - 1

DCLtravler - (need room #) - Cindy Amistoso - 1

DisneyCruiser83 - 7046 -Tess Armel - 1

DisneyPata - 6566 – Joyce Thomason – 1

DisneyPita – 6564 - Carole Blumetti – 1

Dolphingirl47 - 6002 – Corinna Ball - 1

DreamsComeTrue22 - 7510 -Sarah Lombardi & Mary Jane Lombardi - 2

glindamood - 6511 – Gail Lindamood - 1

Happy Goofy – 6044 – Charlotte Gagne - 1

izma - 7012 – Leslie Lewis & Jackie Haack- 2

JenKatt - 8516 – Jen Carter - 1

jsails - 2530 – Judy Stouffer - 1

jsails - 2524 - Linda Skaggs - 1

KayR - 8088 – Kay Robinson 1

Lindababe - 7063 – Eilean Swanson 1, Linda Briel 1

Lindababe - 2645 - Iola Beckley 1, Phyllis Gerhard 1

Love_to_Travel - 6568 – Beth Ciemiewicz - 1

Love_to_Travel - 6570 - Annabelle Ciemiewicz - 1

Luvin All Disney - 8064 – Marie Greenwood - 1

MickeyMagic - 6303 – Susan Whitney & Alysha Whitney - 2

Pixie Dust II - 2560 – Harole Ann Harper -1

Rose Quartz -2028 – Connie Young - 1

Sharon Seattle - 6540 – Sharon Smith - 1

SoothyMom - 6528 –Mavis Bailow - 1

Stephsong - 5639 – Stephanie Seburn & Marie Taylor - 2

Tami0220 - 7618 – Tami Simpson - 1

Tinkerbell29 - 7116 - Lori Holzapfel - 1

Tinkryansmom - 6040 – Johnna McDougald - 1

tinkryansmom - 7002 - Tammy McDougald - 1

tinksmom - 6074 – Tenya Tallon - 1

tracyvp - 2502 - Tracy Schiller - 1

txcnm - 6037 - Mary Brucker - 1

txcnm - 6034 - Nancy Reedy – 1 - Linda Cady - 1

txmermaid1 - 1048 - Jill Hart – 1

ValBob89 - 6572 - Valerie Vanderheiden – 1

Warbluzki - 7576 - Barb Jury – 1

WDW Princess 71 - 7522 - Nicole Fazzio – 1

Count 52
Scubadiver ~ welcome back!

Looking for a little info~

1. DH & I have never used the fitness center and was thinking about trying it out this time. Is there a fee to use equipment, treadmill, cycle, weights, etc?

2. The last time we were in Puerto Vallarta, we did the zip line tour (it was a BLAST!), this time I booked the city tour (might cancel it). All we really want to do is taxi down to center and walk our way back to ship. There are a lot of statues, shops & bars along the water to see. How safe do you think this would be or should we stick with the city tour?

Mixology and Hawaiian Shirt Contest Update
How It Works: Are you interested in a private DCL mixology tasting? Learn all about how those colorful drinks of the day are made and just who gets to name them. For some additional fun, we’ll have a Hawaiian Shirt Contest, seems to go with all those little paper umbrellas and tropical fruit.

Update: DCL has been advised that the number interested in a private mixology, drink of the day, tasting is now at 71. We have also advised them that in addition to the tasting, time will be needed for mingling and the shirt contest.

While I will not be sending any participant specific information to DCL until I get the final confirmation and post the info, giving you an opportunity to change or rescind your request. I do need to collect the information DCL is requested, your reservation name, Including LAST NAME and cabin numbers. Please review the following list and count of the number of people who have indicated they are interested in attending. If you have not already done so (your info will be in green if I have heard from you) PM me with the complete name of those who should be ticketed. Also let me know if you wish to be added or if corrections to this list are needed . Mahalo

#1 Yepod - 6084 - Carolyn & Thomas Westlund – 2

A Litle Pixie Dust - 7528 - Desiree Beyea – 1

ACDSNY – 7620 - Angela & David Chalmers – 2

bwcb4 - 2081 - Barb Warner – 1

carmie3377 - 6039 - Jarrod & Carmen Knudson- 2

clharmon - 5131 - Wallace & Cathy Harmon - 2

DAKfever - 6587 - Derek & Kelly Pollard - 2

DCL_FAN_TAC - 5133 - Tahara & Clarence Cater – 2

DCLtravler - 6321 – Melissa Smith - 1

DCLtravler - ? - Cindy & Jim Amistoso - 2

DisneyPata - 6566 - Joyce & Rich Thomason - 2

Dolphingirl47 - 6002 – Corinna Ball - 1

DreamsComeTrue22 - 7510 – Sarah & Stephen Lombardi & Mary Jane Lombardi - 3

emum - 5140 - Paul R*******n - 1

emum - 5138 - Sally R*******n 1

frozenmickey - 7037 – Jennifer & Andrew Brewster - 2

frozenmickey - 7036 - Janice & Bill Dunlop - 2

glindamood - 6511 – Gail & David Lindamood - 2

jsails - 2530 – Judy & Michael Stouffer - 2

Jsails - 2524 - Linda & Gary Skaggs - 2

Love_to_travel - 6568 – Beth & David Ciemiewicz - 2

Matty204 - 6592 – Matt & Karol ? - 2

MickeyMagic - 6303 – Susan Whitney, Alysha Whitney 2

Mom4mad - 7040 – Mylinda & Marc ? - 2

Orlandothebeagle - 5009 – Lynne & Leonard Zabek - 2

Orlandothe beagle - 6587 - Derek & Kelyy Pollard - 2

Pixie Dust II - 2560 – Harole Ann Harper & Ryan Harper - 2

Poohbug - 2583 – Deanna Deets - 1

Poohbug - 5505 - Roger Deets - 1

Poohs4me – 8034 – Sherry & Andy B*********y - 2

Rose Quartz -2028 – Connie & George Young - 2

Sharon Seattle – 6540 – Sharon & Craig Smith - 2

SoothyMom - 6528 – Mavis & Stephen Bailow - 2

Tami0220 - 7618 - Tami J & Mike V Simpson – 2

Tigfanjeff - 8516 – Jeff Carter - 1

Tigfanjeff - 6610 – John Tudek - 1

Tinksmom - 6074 – Tenya & Joe Tallon - 2

Tracyvp - 2502 - Tracy & David Schiller - 2

TxMermaid1 - 1048 - Jill Hart - Danny Bousha – 2

Valbob89 - 6572 - Val & Bob Vanderheiden – 2

COUNT - 71
Scubadiver ~ welcome back!

Looking for a little info~

1. DH & I have never used the fitness center and was thinking about trying it out this time. Is there a fee to use equipment, treadmill, cycle, weights, etc?

2. The last time we were in Puerto Vallarta, we did the zip line tour (it was a BLAST!), this time I booked the city tour (might cancel it). All we really want to do is taxi down to center and walk our way back to ship. There are a lot of statues, shops & bars along the water to see. How safe do you think this would be or should we stick with the city tour?

I can't help with the Puerto Vallerta question.

As to the fitness centre, the use of all equipment and all classes are free of charge. We spent a fair amount of time there.

Ok I am with Emum today - so I am going to whine - thanks for listening.

Stressed out and anxious.
DDs bday is the 24th - no plans yet for a birthday party.
New house is finished but we cannot move in because inspector doesn't understand new fire regs with regards to new required roofing designs so he is conferencing with other parties and won't sign off.:mad:
haven't decorated for xmas in this apartment - don't want to decorate twice and move a tree - so haven''t started as we want to move into our new home. haven't wrapped anything.
cruise pile is taking up valuable square footage in already cramped 1000 sq ft.
new furniture is being delivered and piled into MILs shop building.
not packed for cruise

And to top it off - cruise docs are missing. DCL says they were mailed 11/24. To our new house. where nobody lives. I had verified with TA they were being sent to PO Box. But they sent to new house address. $50 to reissue. and they won't guarantee they will get here in time. Getting the docs is part of the fun. I know I don't actually need them since everything is online - but I wanted my docs!! I want to cry right now. Can one thing just go smoothly??

I cannot wait to sit on my verandah with a cold adult beverage in my hand and watch the ocean slide by.

Hope I survive until then!!

OK thanks for letting me vent. Off I go to pay my property taxes.:lmao:
Ok I am with Emum today - so I am going to whine - thanks for listening.

Stressed out and anxious.
DDs bday is the 24th - no plans yet for a birthday party.
New house is finished but we cannot move in because inspector doesn't understand new fire regs with regards to new required roofing designs so he is conferencing with other parties and won't sign off.:mad:
haven't decorated for xmas in this apartment - don't want to decorate twice and move a tree - so haven''t started as we want to move into our new home. haven't wrapped anything.
cruise pile is taking up valuable square footage in already cramped 1000 sq ft.
new furniture is being delivered and piled into MILs shop building.
not packed for cruise

And to top it off - cruise docs are missing. DCL says they were mailed 11/24. To our new house. where nobody lives. I had verified with TA they were being sent to PO Box. But they sent to new house address. $50 to reissue. and they won't guarantee they will get here in time. Getting the docs is part of the fun. I know I don't actually need them since everything is online - but I wanted my docs!! I want to cry right now. Can one thing just go smoothly??

I cannot wait to sit on my verandah with a cold adult beverage in my hand and watch the ocean slide by.

Hope I survive until then!!

OK thanks for letting me vent. Off I go to pay my property taxes.:lmao:
No, never does, dont get me started
September 7 my family had to pull the plug on this cruise, but I kept an outside hope of getting on the boat:wizard:, so I kept reading this thread. Well my little row boat caught a few openings and I am hoisting myself and the family back on this boat. Someone throw us a towel!! So we have 28 days to do Christmas, celebrate the DD 11th birthday, pack and get on the Wonder. Plenty of time:hourglass

welcome back
Ok I am with Emum today - so I am going to whine - thanks for listening.

Stressed out and anxious.
DDs bday is the 24th - no plans yet for a birthday party.
New house is finished but we cannot move in because inspector doesn't understand new fire regs with regards to new required roofing designs so he is conferencing with other parties and won't sign off.:mad:
haven't decorated for xmas in this apartment - don't want to decorate twice and move a tree - so haven''t started as we want to move into our new home. haven't wrapped anything.
cruise pile is taking up valuable square footage in already cramped 1000 sq ft.
new furniture is being delivered and piled into MILs shop building.
not packed for cruise

And to top it off - cruise docs are missing. DCL says they were mailed 11/24. To our new house. where nobody lives. I had verified with TA they were being sent to PO Box. But they sent to new house address. $50 to reissue. and they won't guarantee they will get here in time. Getting the docs is part of the fun. I know I don't actually need them since everything is online - but I wanted my docs!! I want to cry right now. Can one thing just go smoothly??

I cannot wait to sit on my verandah with a cold adult beverage in my hand and watch the ocean slide by.

Hope I survive until then!!

OK thanks for letting me vent. Off I go to pay my property taxes.:lmao:

:grouphug: I hope that everything works out for you.

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