From Pop to the Top - Funtastic Adventures in the Summer Sun!

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DIS Veteran
Sep 12, 2006
Welcome to another adventure with the MeMom clan! We are leaving in 4 days to enjoy another fantastic trip to Disney World. We will be arriving late on June 30th and leaving on July 10th. We have lots of Dis meets planned and we are super excited about all the new things the World has to offer this summer. We'll be hanging out at BLT with wigd and shocker on the Fourth for fireworks!

Many of you know us, but some of you may not so how about some quick introductions.

I'm Jill. MeMom's daughter & Brooklynn and Bellarie's mommy. I'm the one who planned the trip that got MeMom's disney obsession started back in the summer of '05 and we now enable each other.


John - my DH. He doesn't do well in heat or when hungry so we try to keep him cool and well fed. He really does enjoy the trips and really enjoys watching the girls experience the magic


Brooklynn - my sweet and sassy almost 4 year old. She loves Ariel. She is absolutely hilarious. She is like her father, however, and once she gets hot and tired you might as well stop until she gets a nap because there is no reasoning with her. She is so excited this year to get to ride all the big rides. At age 2 (almost 3) she was 40" and so we allowed her to ride Soarin' and Splash Mountain. In October she mastered Test Track. This summer her list is long - Kali River, Dinosaur, Big Thunder Mountain, and Tower of Terror.


Bellarie - my sweet and tiny 15 month old. She is smiling 99% of the time. Seriously she had surgery in April and came out of anesthesia grinning ear to ear! She is currently loving Mickey. She is a climber and has absolutely no fear. I will be going to the hospital with her for stitches and broken bones I just know it! She is the complete opposite of her big sister. At 15 months old she is just 17 pounds and still wearing 3-6 month clothing.


We will be joined as always by MeMom. She loves Disney, she loves the girls, and she really loves Disney with the girls! You won't see her in pictures except in reflections of windows or like this.


The last member of our traveling party really isn't traveling this year. My little (read: younger he is like double my size and could very easily bench press me) brother moved to Orlando this past spring. He has a job as a personal trainer that he really enjoys. We are hoping he will get to hang out with us a little every day after or before work.


So that's us. We are just days away from another fun family adventure! We would love for you all to join us and feel free to comment as always.
I've read your other reports and loved them.
Now that school is out, I'm going to read AND post :)
Looking forward to reading more.

Your girls are adorable!
I am almost as excited for your trip as I am for my own! :rotfl:

I can't wait to see the updates on FB and for this TR to really get going when you get back! Have a great time!
I'm here....did I make 1st page for once! :goodvibes YES I DID !!!!!!

I could never miss out on one of your TR's. They are so fun and I have grown so fond of you. You are such a sweet family!

I can't wait to hear all about the things you get into and see the marvelous pics you always take!

:cheer2: Only 4 more sleeps!!! :cheer2:
That's quite a crew. :)

My two cents on these guys:

The grown girl changed my life by making me a Mommy - the best job I have ever had. :love: She was my practice child. She was so good, she convinced me I should have more.

What a trick that was!!! :eek:

She changed my life even more when she showed me the joys of staying on Disney property. It was an entirely different experience than just driving over for the day. ::yes:: I have now deemed her the smartest girl on the planet due to that. :thumbsup2

The big little girl changed my life by making me a MeMom. What a wondrous thing it is to be a grandparent! This big girl is fun and funny and smart and a little OCD. :laughing: I love spending time with her, and I love listening to her conversations and watching her grow. She is very excited about riding the big rides. We'll see if she stays excited as we get closer to them.

The small little girl has me re-living being a mother, because she is Little Trent - looks like him and acts like him. She is a smiley bug from the time she gets up to the time she goes to sleep, and she will capture your heart as soon as you speak to her and she flashes that smile at you. She is a climber. I will be warning the check-in CM at Pop to have an All Points Bulletin ready for when she escapes and is found climbing up on the Play-Doh can.

The boy in the pink coat/hat was trying to maintain his body temperature on the porch of Crystal Palace while we were waiting for our ADR at Christmas. He thought it was okay to wear shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. Apparently, it wasn't.

Never fear.
He did not make Bella sacrifice her coat for his own well being.
She was wrapped up warmly in her Mommy's coat. :cutie:

He eats (about 99% of the time, it is healthy) and he sleeps and he works out and he loves his little rats with all of his heart.

The one trying to annihilate Zurg does not belong to me personally. Jill went away to college and brought him back with her. He's a good guy when he wants to be. I refer you to that hot/tired/hungry reference Jill made. We will try to keep him cool, rested, and well-fed. If we do that, he'll be fine. ;) He has promised Jill that he will retire to the room for a while if she throws up a yellow card at any point during the trip. :cool2: He is looking forward to eating at Boma on this trip, as am I, as it will be a first for our group.

The one who is not pictured and not coming is not so Disney-crazy. He can take it or leave it, but he does like it when he is there. There is the slightest of possibilities that he and a friend may drive down at some point in time and stay a few days. He would rather be at a dog show or fishing or boating or bike riding or traveling.

That little shadow person will be bringing up the rear and trying to bring you guys as close as you can get to being in Disney World with us as is possible.

Hope you guys enjoy this trip with us. You have five days to pack and meet us at the airport. :goodvibes
Trust me if I could pack and meet you at the airport I would! :laughing:

It will be much better than what I will be doing....Inventory...:headache:

Oh Mickey waffles are calling....I'm going to enjoy a nice brakfast before heading off to work for the rest of the day/night.

You didn't think I had the day off did you? :lmao:
Hi MeMom & Jill! I've read all of your trip reports, but never really commented.
I just wanted to say, have a great trip and I can't wait to read all about it afterwards. :wizard:
Hey guys :wave2:

Signing in......popcorn::

Hope you have a WONDERFUL trip!!

I know you will, but take TONS of pics and video of Electric Light Parade :upsidedow

Hope you guys enjoy this trip with us. You have five days to pack and meet us at the airport. :goodvibes

Don't tempt me!! I CAN DO IT!! :banana:
Don't have to be back at work until July 19th :laughing:
Just made it home from the hair salon and page 1! Yay! :cutie:
Is Brooklynn better today?
IN!! This is gonna be a good one :)

and might I say what a beautiful family you have!
You started, You started!!:cool1::cool1:
I hope Brooklynn enjoys all those big girl rides.
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