"Friends of Bill W." is it on every ship?


DIS Veteran
Feb 15, 2010
I noticed in some navigators that the friends of Bill W meet in the Animators Palate. I'm wondering if they do this on all the ships?
I keep meaning to ask this same question :lmao:

If anyone knows for sure and doesn't want to respond on here, could you PM me?

I'm looking forward to checking one out at sea.
Every cruise I've been on, I've seen it at animators and at a REALLY early time like 7:30 am. The only reason I know this is because every time I cruise, I always quiz my sail mates about the name of the meeting. Hope this helps!
All I know is it's been empty every time someone I know has tried to go. :(
I am recovering and have never gone. That is sad. I guess I have not been much support to those that may have needed a meeting. There have been meetings on each of the cruises I have been on. It is very early in the morning. Sorry I cannot be much more help than that.
On every cruise, and EVERY cruiseline I have been on, they have at least one daily meeting!

HTH :goodvibes
hurray, DH is even more excited for the cruise now :) He loves meeting new "friends". You should have seen us at the International Convention last month, he was in HEAVEN!
These meetings are on every cruise. I have seen them on every cruiseline I have been on and even at some resorts I have been to.

Many people don't realize what the meeting is so for those that do not it is a support meeting for AA (alcoholics anonymous).

That's a bummer that it's generally empty. I would love to go to one to check in with others, but 7:30am on a vacation is a bit early.


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