Follow me as I snack around F&W! Complete 12/3: Wrap-up, thoughts on QSDP and F&W

the duo of lecherous cookies was something that was on our list but sadly we never got around to trying. They look good, though.

and the food at Poland's booth ... bleh! Just say no! :lmao:

The cookies were surprisingly good, very light & refreshing!

That is one sad looking pierogie. I contemplated Poland's booth then saw what someone was getting and kept on walking.:rolleyes1 Those little cookies are precious though. And your Meeko ratings are cracking me up, seriously. :rotfl2:

Thanks, I like seeing Meeko when I scroll through :rotfl:

That pierogie looks pale and sad. The one I had last year at F&W was tasty... maybe it was just an off day, or off year? ;)

Hilarious about your Mom working for the vendor!!

I am going to New Orleans in January (connected with my WDW trip). Woot! I will scope me out some bread pudding!!! :yay:

You'll have to report back on the bread pudding!

I totally agree with you about the pierogies...bland and boring!

So about the favorite way to eat them is to bake them. And they get much better. They're crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, very tasty. And they're easy to eat with your fingers that way (instead of trying to cut it with a fork as you're balancing the plate on your knee...) I don't understand why Disney doesn't serve them this way. Ok...I know it's not traditional but at least it would be different. And considering that the pierogies were looking a little sad this year, it would certainly fix that!!
After our tasty cookies, we were off towards Greece. While I waited for the food, my boyfriend went across the way to the NY State Wine Adventure. We saw in the Festival Center the day before that they had a White Merlot from a place on Long Island. I was intrigued, because I can't have red wines because of the tannins, they give me instant migraines. But if it's white, it never comes in contact with the skins of the grapes (which is where the tannins come from...) So I wanted to try it, and me being the smart cookie I am put two and two together and figured that the Long Island wine was probably being hosted by the NY State Wine Adventure...and I was right! :yay: We weren't going to try anything from the NY State booth originally because most of the selections were from the finger lakes, so we could easily drive there for a sampling, for a lot cheaper :rotfl:

Anyway, so this was what we munched on in Greece:

It's the Chicken Soulvaki and that's the White Merlot.
First, the White Merlot:

It was really good. Not my absolute favorite wine out there, but I'd definitely go out of my way to look for it. Interestingly enough, it didn't taste anything like a red wine, which we weren't expecting. It was very light and crisp, just like a good white!
The Chicken gets the same rating:

It was one of my favorite flavor combinations of the entire festival, but it was just so messy! It was really hard to share. However, if I saw this on a menu at a Greek place at home, I would definitely order it. So I consider it successful.

Our next stop was in New Zealand:

This is the Lamb Slider. I'll start with the rating:

I would have given it lower, but my boyfriend liked it. It was so much different than last years. And not in a good way. The lamb sliders I've gotten in previous years made me a lamb lover. (Ok, sorry, that sounds creepy! :laughing: ) If I had this first? Yeah, not so much... It was spicy, again, didn't expect it to be spicy. (Honestly...why can't they just post that something has spice to it so people like me can stay away!) And it was more like a meatball where last year it was more like slices. I much prefer the slices. The meatball effect made it more like a burger certainly, but it also made it greasier. The bun was also very buttery. I'm not one to shy away from grease...I grew up in Philly, I know the Philly lean when you eat a cheesesteak (you lean over the curb just so, as to not get grease on your clothes...) I never blot my pizza... But seriously, this was a little overkill. I just didn't like it at all. But my boyfriend did. I don't know why.

As we entered the World Showcase that morning we grabbed a fastpass for a Kim Possible mission. It was just about time to pick it up, and lucky for us, it was at the International Gateway location, and our mission was at the UK. We had a lot of fun doing it, but next time we'll do it when it's a little less crowded and we don't look like total weirdos that we're two adults doing a kid's thing! :lmao:

After we finished saving the world, it was time to hit up our last kiosk...Ireland!

I was really excited since everyone was raving about it. On the right is the Fisherman's pie. Since I want to end on a good note, I'll start here. And I think I'm about to be tarred and feathered:

Yeah, we don't get the love. The chunks of lobster & scallops? We didn't get any! And the potatoes on top were totally dried out. The entire thing was so hot we had to break it open and wait for a while before we could even think about eating it. The sauce lacked any semblance of flavor what so ever. So yeah, I would not recommend this or get it again if it were offered next year. (There were people around us raving about it. We just didn't get it I guess.)
Next the Meade:

We tried this because it was different. So we didn't really like it, but I think it was more personal preference than they chose a bad brand to serve or anything like that. Very sweet, very rich.
Finally, the redeeming option in Ireland, the Lava Cake with Bailey's Ganache:

YUM! Very rich. Glad it wasn't larger than it was because we wouldn't have been able to finish it! :laughing: For a chocolate & sweet lover like myself, this was heaven.
I'm glad you mentioned something about doing the Kim Possible mission. Not having little ones going with me either, I was concerned it might be a bit funny to have a bunch of adults running around trying to solve the mission.

BTW, did you say you grabbed a FP for this??

The Chicken Soulvaki does look pretty tasty. I'm sorry that the Fisherman's Pie wasn't anything to write home about. That would have been someting I might've liked to try.:confused3
I'm still kicking myself for not trying that Lava cake.
I was just too full at that point.

It was really, really rich. But really if you've had any kind of lava cake, you've had it.

I'm glad you mentioned something about doing the Kim Possible mission. Not having little ones going with me either, I was concerned it might be a bit funny to have a bunch of adults running around trying to solve the mission.

BTW, did you say you grabbed a FP for this??

The Chicken Soulvaki does look pretty tasty. I'm sorry that the Fisherman's Pie wasn't anything to write home about. That would have been someting I might've liked to try.:confused3

As you're walking into the World Showcase from Future World, there's a kiosk on your left that will say "now recruiting agents" and you "sign up" there. It's a fast pass, but it's not really connecting with the fast pass system, so you can grab a pass for the mission even if you just picked up a fast pass for Soarin' 10 minutes before... Hope that helps! (If not, PM me and I'll explain more before you leave!!!)

I feel the same way. Meant to try it, was too full to get to it, and now I'm sad. :sad:

I'm glad we tried it just because I wasn't impressed with our ending selections at F&W, but as I just mentioned, it wasn't anything that was really unique.
So in case I haven't mentioned it yet (and I think I have...) it was ridiculously crowded on Saturday. I mean, I've done F&W on Saturdays before, but this was just crazy. After our last F&W booth (we were full!) we had some time to kill before our seminar, so we slowly made our way back over to the Festival Center. Figured we'd get away from the crowds, get off our feet, etc.


(think the gorgeous weather had anything to do with the crowds???)

We checked in early, caught up on some tweets, and chilled until people started lining up.


I was really excited about this seminar. It was the first one I had ever done over the course of the past 3 years I'd been going to F&W. Usually wine seminars make me nervous because of my migraines...I can't have red wine, so I'm usually tentative to book any kind of demos in case they're heavy in red wine. But with a champagne seminar? I figured I was safe! :thumbsup2 Plus champagne?! YUM! :cloud9:

We got our pours:

And the cheat sheet:

I don't remember the name of the host of the seminar. (EDIT: Hmmm, I guess his name is was on the cheat sheet :rotfl: ) He works for Moet & Chandon in the States. It was an interesting seminar. I wanted to specifically learn about the champagnes I was trying, where as he talked about champagne in general. So it was educational, just not how I expected it to be. He basically said, "well you all paid to drink, so drink." And then began to talk. Well...I'd like to know what I'm drinking. And what makes this particular champagne different from the one next to it. He got to it eventually, just more in a general sense than particular to Moet & Chandon, which I guess is a bit odd. So I mean, I liked it, but I guess my expectations were a bit off. I'd definitely do another, but I don't think I'd pay more than $8 for it.

After it was over, I wanted to find the White Merlot again so I could take a picture of the bottle and find it at home:

I haven't looked for it yet...but I'm sure I will someday :laughing:
I really enjoyed the Moet seminar ... I got to drink all of my champagne and all of my hubby's since he was still shaking off the effects of a whole lotta drinking at the Bluezoo signature dinner the previous evening. :laughing:

I wonder if Seth was getting tired by the time your seminar rolled around? We went to the one at noon and I thought he was pretty informative - he did a nice job of explaining the differences between the three champagnes and how, based on your wine preferences, you might like one version of the bubbly over another.

I liked the Nectar Imperial the best. :thumbsup2

And yes ... the crowds that day were mind boggling. We've never seen a crowd like that in October ... ever. :scared:
I really enjoyed the Moet seminar ... I got to drink all of my champagne and all of my hubby's since he was still shaking off the effects of a whole lotta drinking at the Bluezoo signature dinner the previous evening. :laughing:

I wonder if Seth was getting tired by the time your seminar rolled around? We went to the one at noon and I thought he was pretty informative - he did a nice job of explaining the differences between the three champagnes and how, based on your wine preferences, you might like one version of the bubbly over another.

I liked the Nectar Imperial the best. :thumbsup2

And yes ... the crowds that day were mind boggling. We've never seen a crowd like that in October ... ever. :scared:

Well that's a bummer on the seminar! He definitely went more into the region itself. Which not to sound snooty, but I kind of already know (hello, watch the Champagne episode of Three Sheets!) Then went into just general information about dryer champagnes over sweet champagnes. I don't know, maybe the crowds were making me cranky :confused3 But I still liked the seminar, I mean, I got champagne, so I was happy :goodvibes

I liked the Imperial Champagne the best. The Nectar was entirely too sweet for me (not surprising, I don't really dig sweet wines.) My boyfriend actually finished off the Nectar Imperial for me, just wasn't my kind of champagne...I probably could have polished off a bottle of the Imperial though!
Seth was at the Flying Fish dinner that Thursday, and we had all 6 of the Moet champagne products. I liked the sweeter ones with dessert. :)
Seth was at the Flying Fish dinner that Thursday, and we had all 6 of the Moet champagne products. I liked the sweeter ones with dessert. :)

Ooo, yeah I can see it going with dessert really well. I would have totally dug that dinner btw. I seriously love champagne.

We're doing a cruise in March and my wine of choice is Pinot Grigio. Apparently I can't get it by the glass according to the drink menus I've seen (we're on Carnival.) They have a Mondavi Fume Blanc for $9/glass (which I've tried and is an excellent wine) OR they have Korbel Brut Champagne for $6.50/glass. Guess who's drinking champagne all week?! :cool1:
When I left you, we were finishing our seminar at the Festival Center. The crowds at Epcot were getting to be a little overbearing, so we decided to head over to the MK for the evening. Yep, that makes 3 parks that day...hey, if we're going to buy 2 day park hoppers, we're going to make the most of them :laughing:


On the monorail

On the way over, we were trying to decide where to have dinner. There's something about snacking all day, it makes me crave a normal dinner. We pulled out my handy iTouch with the Disney Dining App (it's super helpful!) and settled on the Contempo Cafe.

By the time we got there, it was around 7. It was definitely peak dinner time. It was busy and the cashiers were slooooooow. I understand that people staying at Deluxes are less likely to eat Quick Service, so it's a smaller venue and you have fewer cashiers, but at least have your cashiers trained well. It was a mess. People were getting uppity and upset with the CMs working the registers, which only makes them more flustered...I stayed patient, but honestly, I was surprised at how much more efficiently Pop's Food Court was run than the Contemporary's. Definitely shouldn't be that way.

We eventually made our way through the line and then waited some more. They probably didn't start our meals until we paid. At Contempo Cafe, it's one of the systems where you put your order in on a touch machine, take the slip to the register...I guess in this case good because at least our food was hot when we got it!

Anyway, to the actual food...
My boyfriend had the Smoked Turkey Sandwich:

This was really good. It had brie and apples in it, and I love those flavors :love: I only had a bite, because smoked poultry makes me sick :sad2: But it was ridiculously tasty, which made the wait totally worth it. His chips were very tasty too.

I had a hot Roast Beef Sandwich:

This was delicious. A little messy, but totally worth it. I get nervous sometimes with roast beef because it can be really fatty, but this wasn't. It was hot, and smothered with sauce. The weather was turning chilly for the evening, so it hit the spot.

However...the potatoes? Were awful. I took one bite and didn't take another. They were cold and under cooked. If I were to get it again, I'd see if I could sub the potatoes for something else (like the chips!)

For dessert I had the dirt cupcake:

This looks a lot better than it was. It was really dry. I basically just picked it apart for the gummy worms :lmao:

He had the Dulche de Leche cupcake:

This was very yummy. Very sweet and it had the dulche de leche in the center that was gooey. We wound up splitting this and still had some left.

After our meal we explored the shops on that level of the Contemporary, I bought myself a sweatshirt because it was getting chilly and then we headed over for the MK. Where we were promptly met with...crowds. Ugh. Seriously??? :headache: We made our way up Main Street and did Haunted Mansion and Small World...we were on Small World as the Fireworks were going off, it was funny, "it's a world of lau-BANG-ghter..." :rotfl:

We took our time heading back up Main Street, but we had enough of fighting the crowds and we were both tired, so we called it a night. They had 2 bus stops running buses back to Pop, so we didn't have any problems catching a bus back.
I've really enjoyed your reviews so far.

Funny about the problem with the Tannin in the Red Wine - I have the same issue (instant severe Migraine generally followed by a tightening of my throat). People look at me like I have two heads when I say I'm allergic to red wine (but not white).

That turkey sandwich your boyfriend had is truly amazing. I wonder if they have "non smoked" turkey there so you could enjoy it too?

And too bad about your fishermen's pie - ours had two large chunks of lobster and a load of little scallops in the bottom. I guess whomever was making the pies was inconsistent.
Oh geez, I couldn't imagine red wine tightening my throat too! I still cook with it because then I can have it just fine, but I would think you probably can't. Stupid tannins!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday :) On with the reviews!
For our last day, my parents came up to join us (and then shuttle us to the airport!) My boyfriend is in love with Kona Cafe and since it was his birthday, we booked breakfast for that morning.

My Mom & boyfriend split the Pressed Pot:

I don't drink coffee, but I think it's well known among coffee drinkers that French Press coffee is heaven sent.

On with the food! My Mom got the pineapple & macadamia nut pancakes:

I didn't get my Mom or Dad's opinions for breakfast. I know they enjoyed everything, no complaints and we had great service :thumbsup2

My Dad had a ham and cheese omlette:

My boyfriend had Tonga Toast with sausage:

My friend got back from eating at Kona and had taken a picture of her Tonga Toast with ham. My boyfriend looked at me all concerned and said, "I don't have to get ham do I?" :rotfl2:
No honey, you can get sausage. He had his heart set on Tonga Toast, he knew what he was getting back in February!!

I decided to try something new and went with the fruit plate:

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Tonga Toast, but I always feel like I have a brick sitting in my stomach for the rest of the day after eating it! So I had a bite of my boyfriend's and went with something a little better for me. The fruit was excellent, very fresh. I loved the banana nut bread too. I could go without the red grapes...they're okay, but I much prefer white/green grapes and you never get them anywhere besides a grocery store :guilty: What you can't tell from the picture though is how much cantelope and honey dew melon is under all the other assortment of fruit in the pineapple. I mean, melon is okay, but again, not my favorite. Luckily I had plenty of food on that plate, so it didn't really bother me much.

After breakfast we took the monorail around to the MK where we caught a boat over to the Wilderness Lodge. We did a little exploring and then reversed our steps 'til we got to the was time for shopping at DTD!
How did I miss you coming over to this TR???!!! :confused3

I am all caught up. Food looks delish! I am especially interested in Mara and Kona. We are trying both in January. I am so excited to try Tonga Toast..BUT...I am going to eat a little (probably share with the family) and eat slowly. DOES looks like it would sit in your stomach!

Also, we are only doing CS dining this time. So, I am going to take the fam to the AKL after our AK day to eat at Mara for a change of scenery. We are doing the same at Captain Cooks in the Poly. I thought it would help us feel like we are dining in different restaurants...even if it is the same ole standard food. Do you have any info about dinner at those two CS?

I also dislike coffee....but I am interested to try it at Kona now. GREAT job!! Subbing for SURE! :thumbsup2
wow ! that tong toast look lush, im impressed you had the fruit...i wouldn't :rotfl2:

I still had a bite of the Tonga Toast :goodvibes

How did I miss you coming over to this TR???!!! :confused3

I am all caught up. Food looks delish! I am especially interested in Mara and Kona. We are trying both in January. I am so excited to try Tonga Toast..BUT...I am going to eat a little (probably share with the family) and eat slowly. DOES looks like it would sit in your stomach!

Also, we are only doing CS dining this time. So, I am going to take the fam to the AKL after our AK day to eat at Mara for a change of scenery. We are doing the same at Captain Cooks in the Poly. I thought it would help us feel like we are dining in different restaurants...even if it is the same ole standard food. Do you have any info about dinner at those two CS?

I also dislike coffee....but I am interested to try it at Kona now. GREAT job!! Subbing for SURE! :thumbsup2

The only sit down we did this trip was Kona for breakfast since we were on the QSDP. We didn't do Mara or Captain Cooks for dinner, but I've heard at Captain Cooks the grown-up grilled cheese is really good. MickeyNikki just did a report on Captain Cooks for either lunch or dinner. I liked the Mara, but the seating was limited. Probably better at dinner than at breakfast. Get some Zebra Domes!

You're just in time too! I have one more review and then a wrap up!


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