"Floor time" for 5 month old?


Earning My Ears
Aug 13, 2006
Hi all,

We'll be going to MK, AK, and MGM in September. We have a 5 month-old who will likely be just starting to crawl at that time. She often craves "floor time" in order to stretch her legs (and arms), and we know that time in the stroller or being carried all the time will cause her to fuss. We're concerned that there will be few suitable places to put down a blanket and let her work off some energy.

Does anyone have any ideas on what we could do? Are the baby care centers appropriate?

Dave M.
Oh honey... if you think the magical bounderies of a blanket will work once your baby starts crawling you have another thing coming. Once mobile the blanket will be a waste of energy

I am a pretty laid back mom with a long leash. I have a 13 month old who may be walking but prob just still crawling when we go next month. My plan is to let him crawl in safe places. waiting to go into the country bear jamboree when the hall is not too full, in the play areas and in the pre rooms to other attractions when it isnt full of people. Dont forget that mom and dad are full of wiggle possibilities we hang DS's upside down and flip them from side to side... this gets them moving and expelling inportant giggle energy without letting them loose to terrorize the universe.

Baby care centers will be appropriate. Otherwise, your hotel room. Anywhere else if you set your child down, someone else may walk on them. There aren't exactly "public lawns" at Disney you can spread a blanket on.
I am no authority, as we are headed down for our first visit in February. But didn't I read that there are little playground areas in the parks? If I recall, it said they were for little ones who may not be able to go on the rides but need to expel energy. This might be a place you could give that blanket a try. My DD would never stay on a blanket, and it killed me to let her crawl around in the wood chips at our neighborhood park. You have to be extra vigilant, making sure there isn't anything icky in there, but if you can overcome the blanket dependency, I bet your DC will love it!

Might be worth checking out - I'll have to do that myself, as my DD will only be 17 months when we go, and won't be able to go on all the rides her older brother will. And she HATES being confined in a stroller!

Good luck!
Head for Pooh's Playful Spot....I think the ground there is SOFT also Donald's Boat has that SOFT ground.
Where are you staying? We stayed at Pop last fall when DD was still only crawling and she loved the Pop Jets (it has the foam ground). I think the Contemporary also has a similar area by their pool.

I was a little grossed out by the idea of my DD crawling around on a hotel room floor, but I felt a little bit better when I saw several Pop rooms being streamed cleaned. I think they clean the carpets pretty frequently at the resort hotels.
Thanks for the thoughts so far! We are staying at the Marriott Horizons near Sea World.

We're not setting our expectations too high--we just want a reasonably clean and clear location out of the way to put a blanket down so she can "flop and twitch" for a while. She may not even be crawling at that time.

Thx again.


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