Flight of Passage + People of Size = Disappointing

Like @hiroMYhero has said this topic has been discussed and continues to be discussed on the official Pandora thread. This will be my contribution to this thread since I already posted all of this on the official thread and will continue to monitor responses to this topic there.
But for those that do not want ( for whatever reason) to read the other thread here are pictures and video of the seat






<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/vi...deos/10213278701227838/&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I'm 5'2" 190lbs by the way
Just an update. I am 6'3" 275. Big feet and big legs. I had no trouble riding. Wasnt even an issue. I just sat upright and scooted as far forward as I possibly could and it locked into place. No need for a CM to push the latches or anything. The calf restraints weren't even touching the back of my legs.
I apologise if this is a personal question but what measurements are you calves?
I'm 6'3" 340ish and I fit, but it was a bit tight in the back, I didn't even notice once the ride started. I would be highly preturbed if I waited in line twice the same day, and one CM could fit me and another couldn't. I would have found someone somewhere who would have given me a FP to something for my time

That's not always an option - so I wouldn't recommend that as your response. (BTW, it's probably a typo, but the word is perturbed. It means feeling anxious or unsettled, upset) It could end up with you being escorted out of the park. Do look at the photos of the ride vehicle posted in this thread - they are very helpful in understanding how a person fits into it.

I hope they come up with a solution for people too large to ride - but it would also be nice if they came up with an option for those who cannot transfer to the ride vehicles. Perhaps a non-moving area where you get to view the 3D movie?
Like @hiroMYhero has said this topic has been discussed and continues to be discussed on the official Pandora thread. This will be my contribution to this thread since I already posted all of this on the official thread and will continue to monitor responses to this topic there.
But for those that do not want ( for whatever reason) to read the other thread here are pictures and video of the seat....

I don't see the video you posted, but thanks for the photos. I didn't realize this was being discussed in the Official Pandora thread, and I didn't have time to go through all 300+ pages in order to find out, because we are currently in the parks. so I apologize if I did wrong somehow by posting the topic. I just thought it was an important enough issue as to deserve its own thread. If you don't think so, perhaps you can disable it. It would be a shame, though, IMO, but I understand if you gotta keep order around here.
Can i please ask (and I'm honestly not meaning this is a snarky way - I promise) but have any of you who haven't fit on the ride complained directly to disney so that they're made aware?

I'm assuming that once they have enough complaints and feedback that they'll change it soon to a larger restraint or something equivalent to what it is now but adjustable.
Can i please ask (and I'm honestly not meaning this is a snarky way - I promise) but have any of you who haven't fit on the ride complained directly to disney so that they're made aware?

I'm assuming that once they have enough complaints and feedback that they'll change it soon to a larger restraint or something equivalent to what it is now but adjustable.

Not yet, but I do plan on writing a letter of complaint, for sure.
I don't see the video you posted, but thanks for the photos. I didn't realize this was being discussed in the Official Pandora thread, and I didn't have time to go through all 300+ pages in order to find out, because we are currently in the parks. so I apologize if I did wrong somehow by posting the topic. I just thought it was an important enough issue as to deserve its own thread. If you don't think so, perhaps you can disable it. It would be a shame, though, IMO, but I understand if you gotta keep order around here.
the link is at the bottom, just click on it.
No need to go through all the pages on the official thread just by going back a couple you would see the discussion or even asking your question there.
I don't see the video you posted, but thanks for the photos. I didn't realize this was being discussed in the Official Pandora thread, and I didn't have time to go through all 300+ pages in order to find out, because we are currently in the parks. so I apologize if I did wrong somehow by posting the topic. I just thought it was an important enough issue as to deserve its own thread. If you don't think so, perhaps you can disable it. It would be a shame, though, IMO, but I understand if you gotta keep order around here.
Punkrock ~ your thread is fine. We're not moving it to the Official Thread as this has been discussed in an ongoing manner over there.

Anyone interested in Searching the Official Pandora thread can run a search for seat, restraint, calves, or even fluffy to bring up the ride restraint posts for that specific thread.
Like @hiroMYhero has said this topic has been discussed and continues to be discussed on the official Pandora thread. This will be my contribution to this thread since I already posted all of this on the official thread and will continue to monitor responses to this topic there.
But for those that do not want ( for whatever reason) to read the other thread here are pictures and video of the seat






<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/yulady.rodriguezguerrero/videos/10213278701227838/&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I'm 5'2" 190lbs by the way

Very useful post, resolves many of the questions I had. I see why they designed it that way and I'm not expecting them to get rid of this leg restraints. They'd have to redesign the whole system so folks couldn't wriggle out.
Not yet, but I do plan on writing a letter of complaint, for sure.
Even though i haven't ridden this yet and won't for another 4 months, I've just emailed them to express my disappointment and frustration due to no adjustment being available for all sized guests.

I realise that they may still need some sort of restraint in place but they must be surely able to make them larger and fit accordingly
I apologise if this is a personal question but what measurements are you calves?

I don't think it matters. Because of my calf shape (my calves go further "down" than most people)- something that fits someone of the same "calf measurement" would not fit me based on where it hit. That's why height is an issue people are talking about. Bar hits people differently.
Thanks for the reassurance on this thread. Son is 6ft 3 and 300 lbs, and would be really disappointed if unable to ride. We will try the demo seat before going to the ride though.
Also for reference. 2 guys well known in the disney blog area, Banks Lee and John Panda have been able to ride
Universal handles this pretty well. There is a way. Will people know to look for it? that's where the challenge is but a small "test seat" with an arrow sign will help that.

JMHO HP rides are far less forgiving

I truly cannot believe there are people who don't understand that for many, to have to try something - ANYTHING - on for size in front of others can cause a lot of anxiety and embarrassment. Thankfully most here seem compassionate enough to understand that, but those other few....

Aw, makes me sad to hear. Majority of my family are big people, as in built like the defensive linemen they were. We own it, are a confident, secure lot :) If somebody has an issue, that's there problem IMO!

I will say one of my boys was more frustrated than anything else when he didn't fit on the HP rides. Even for women, if large busted, you can run into issues.

They did not do the preview with me, can't report sorry

JMHO, i had absolutely no issue on the pandora ride at all. I have always felt my calves were large, but no problem. Would think if you do position your foot all the way forward it should help things in that regard.

I understand and empathize but I think others have to also realize the restraints are for safety and at some point they are no longer safe (someone in another thread mentioned that the bigger mass the more force and the easier it is to break the restraints) and that these companies are in a rock and a hard place. If they hide the test seats no one is going to use them and stand in long lines just to do the walk of shame but if they put them by the front of the queue they are insensitive monsters.

Yes, you have to own it if you don't fit, as an unrestrained body is a danger to others too.

However, why they don't offer stationary/modified seats in one theater to be more inclusive is beyond me.
I'm 6'3" 340ish and I fit, but it was a bit tight in the back, I didn't even notice once the ride started. I would be highly preturbed if I waited in line twice the same day, and one CM could fit me and another couldn't. I would have found someone somewhere who would have given me a FP to something for my time

Thanks for this. I'm 6'7" and a similar weight, starting to really believe I'll be able to ride it.
Not yet, but I do plan on writing a letter of complaint, for sure.

I think the issue is more the discrepancy between experiences. Yes, swelling could have occurred, but I doubt to that extent. I would let them know about that.

With that being said, Disney is keeping track of the number of people being turned away due to fit. The chair was designed to fit a certain (very, very high) percentage of guests and it has been meeting that goal so far. I would be surprised if changes are made to the seats anytime in the near future. If there are, then perhaps during a refurbishment based on their results after collecting lots and lots of data as it's still very early.

One thing to keep in mind is that the ride vehicles have to be designed to fit children as well. More space for adults = more space for children and ultimately may not make it safe for them to ride.

I really believe the issue still lies in figuring out the best way to "coach" riders into a proper posture. Based on my experience, it has already significantly improved. Only time will tell.


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