*Feed Your Family $10 A Day Challenge*(AT HOME)

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Frankly it doesn't matter, if it was under $1 per person, there's no way that it was quality "party food" in any quantity.

When I go to a party I don't expect to be fed $.12 hot dogs and $.05 of macaroni salad with $.03 in potato chips and $.02 of Kool-Aid. I expect to be fed real food in real quantities, and there's no way that happened unless she fed them beans and rice or chili or baked ziti (no meat) or cheap hotdogs or something along those lines, and in restricted amounts--which IMHO is not what you feed party guests. The cake alone for 150 people--even made with BOGO mixes or from scratch--would have run $25 to make and frost. That's almost 20% of her budget!


I actually agree.

I don't expect gourmet food, but I do hope for food that's of decent quality.

I guess I could always go to a party and not eat (I've certainly done that before). Or - make it not a meal and just serve chips, dip and cake - saves money and you can have higher quality food.
Besides, that whole quality vs. price argument can be irrelavant. I've gotten soda for free before with a rebate. It was all Coke products, and that is the biggest name-brand in soda. I've also gotten Tostitos chips for cheap, just over $1 a bag, and I've gotten salsa for 50 cents a jar. I've also have gotten BBQ sauce for free.

I could easily have done a party with soda, chips and salsa, and bbq whatever, and paid cheap prices, payining minimal amounts for the chips and salsa, as well as whatever meat was being barbecued. Or if it's a party, I could also serve hot dogs, which I've gotten for as low as 66 cents a pack for Ball Park, which is name-brand. That's less then ten cents a dog.

I don't understand why some people can't manage to see that sales and coupons can be great money savers. People just don't bother to look for savings, and then complain about prices.

This is slightly OT, but yesterday I was at work, and people would buy items that were BOGO, and I'd tell them and they'd shrug it off saying they didn't care. :confused3 Why would anyone not want a free item? Also, in some of our sales, they make it so it's cheaper to buy four of an item instead of three, and people will buy three, even after I tell them it's cheaper to buy a fourth, and offer to have my bagger get the item for them. People make no sense sometimes.
What's wrong with turkey bbq?

I think it's rude to not offer party guests a choice of foods. I don't eat BBQ, so I would have gone hungry. We always make sure we've got a variety of things so there's something for almost everyone, instead of just one item. Also three turkeys is NOT going to feed 150 people. (I'm pretty sure it was mentioned she used three turkeys at $5 each.)

I think that especially if you're hosting a party where people will be bringing gifts, you should at least make sure that there's plenty of food of different varieties and in quantities so no one goes hungry.

I think it's rude to not offer party guests a choice of foods. I don't eat BBQ, so I would have gone hungry. We always make sure we've got a variety of things so there's something for almost everyone, instead of just one item.

I think that especially if you're hosting a party where people will be bringing gifts, you should at least make sure that there's plenty of food of different varieties and in quantities so no one goes hungry.


to tell you the truth if we went to the party I would feal bad for eating there food.:eek: Because they hardly have any money. I would offer to bring something to the party like lasagna or something. I would want to help them out. Also beacuse we are a family of 6 I always offer to bring something. The only person who declines is grandma:confused:
Alrighty, here we go..........

Breakfast: daughter (6)- 1 package grits- .25
1/2 banana - .10
cup of milk - .25
hubby- 2 bowls of cereal - .50
me- 1 toaster strudel, glass of cranberry juice - .14, .25

Snack: daughter- none. she's at school and they don't do morning snack - 0
hubby- granola bar - .08
apple - .25
me- handful of cashews - .05

Lunch: daughter- PB&J sandwhich - .50
grapes - .15
strawberries - .40
Hi C juice box - .22
hubby- leftover spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad from last night- 0
me-leftovers from last night - 0

Snack: daughter (at school)- granola bar - .08
juice box - .22

Dinner: Breakfast supper- cheese eggs - 1.50
Mickey waffles- .50
peach slices - .75
milk (daughter)- .25
Hubby- coke - .20
me-Flavored water- .09

Total: $6.73
I wouldn't feed my party guests a meal like that. I'd be mortified.

ETA, I don't even consider that a meal.

There are plenty of ways to pull of a party on a budget without looking cheap--and IMHO that looks CHEAP. The last "budget" party we had was a pasta party for 25 people. We made HUGE pots of pasta, two or three different types. We had a pot of meatballs and sausages, plus Alfredo and red sauce. We served it with green salad with several dressing choices, and bread. Dessert was a choice of cake, brownies or cookies (it was buffet style.) For drinks we offered iced tea, Sangria, Chardonay, or soda. Total cost per person was probably around $3. Nobody left hungry and it was plenty of choice for everyone.


First off we do not drink in the house so I WILL NOT serve it to my guest . I DO NOT want my children to ask grandma or papa or my friends or there friends parents for a sip and be told no you can't have what I am drinking . If they can not have it we do not have it PERIOD ! Yes this is my household but none the less that would bring down your budget party amount a ton !

As far as birthday party's we usually do hamburgers and hot dogs , Chips , pasta or regular salad depending what we want to have , baked beans usually BBQ , then I usually have a veggie tray out for everyone including a tray with items to put on the hamburgers (lettuce , tomato's, pickles , onions , and then your normal mustard , ketchup , mayo and spicy mustard ) and yes we offer cheese if they want that as well , Then we do a cake homemade unless Dh goes and buys it then it is a Publix cake witch blows my budget . We usually don't have 100 people at a kids birthday party but none the less this is a cheap meal for us if you find the items on sale and use coupons and stock up for the month be for hand .
to tell you the truth if we went to the party I would feal bad for eating there food.:eek: Because they hardly have any money. I would offer to bring something to the party like lasagna or something. I would want to help them out. Also beacuse we are a family of 6 I always offer to bring something. The only person who declines is grandma:confused:

I hear you, we're a family of five, boys at that.. so, when we're invited to eat somewhere, I always bring something, even if it is only cookies (sometimes that is all I can talk my guests into letting me bring). My MIL is the only one that turns me down, and she does let me bring something to thanksgiving... so, we're making strides there.
Besides, that whole quality vs. price argument can be irrelavant. I've gotten soda for free before with a rebate. It was all Coke products, and that is the biggest name-brand in soda. I've also gotten Tostitos chips for cheap, just over $1 a bag, and I've gotten salsa for 50 cents a jar. I've also have gotten BBQ sauce for free.

I could easily have done a party with soda, chips and salsa, and bbq whatever, and paid cheap prices, payining minimal amounts for the chips and salsa, as well as whatever meat was being barbecued. Or if it's a party, I could also serve hot dogs, which I've gotten for as low as 66 cents a pack for Ball Park, which is name-brand. That's less then ten cents a dog.

I don't understand why some people can't manage to see that sales and coupons can be great money savers. People just don't bother to look for savings, and then complain about prices.

This is slightly OT, but yesterday I was at work, and people would buy items that were BOGO, and I'd tell them and they'd shrug it off saying they didn't care. :confused3 Why would anyone not want a free item? Also, in some of our sales, they make it so it's cheaper to buy four of an item instead of three, and people will buy three, even after I tell them it's cheaper to buy a fourth, and offer to have my bagger get the item for them. People make no sense sometimes.

I agree...but I see it a lot. In the summer our area has 12 packs of soda on sale in "3 for..." or "5 for..." prices. This year we had a lot of 5 12 packs for $11 sales (I stocked up). Anyway, I can't tell you how many people we saw buying only 2 or 3 of that brand for a higher price than the 5 for would have cost..usually when it's on sale indivisual units cost $4 to $5. So, you spend $12-15 for 3 12 packs whe you could have gotten 5 12 packs for $11. makes no sense.

Even if you are vacationing here, take it home or give it to someone...it saves YOU money to buy more either way.
to tell you the truth if we went to the party I would feal bad for eating there food.:eek: Because they hardly have any money. I would offer to bring something to the party like lasagna or something. I would want to help them out. Also beacuse we are a family of 6 I always offer to bring something. The only person who declines is grandma:confused:

For a party that I was bringing a gift (birthday or shower for example), I would generally not offer to bring anything. For an open house I bring a bottle of wine. For a BBQ I'll ask if I can bring a salad or dessert, if I'm told no I"ll bring a bottle of wine.

to tell you the truth if we went to the party I would feal bad for eating there food.:eek: Because they hardly have any money. I would offer to bring something to the party like lasagna or something. I would want to help them out. Also beacuse we are a family of 6 I always offer to bring something. The only person who declines is grandma:confused:

Then they have no business hosting a party for 150 guests (less maybe, but not 150)unless they are just grubbing for gifts. If you can't afford it then you shouldn't be doing it!
Although I know that this decision will be disappointing to a number of people, it is our opinion that this thread has run its course and will be closed.

Hopefully this thread has done what it was intended to do, to make people aware of what they spent on groceries and to see if there were ways to cut grocery costs.

Thank you.

The Budget Board Mods
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